Eternal Existence

Chapter 154: Poisonous Scorpion

As soon as he entered the crack, Chen Feng couldn't help but shiver. The cold breath kept drilling into his soul, trying to freeze his consciousness, and even slowed down the blood circulation in his body. Chen Feng's heart moved, and then he secretly operated the soul fire, and the cold breath was burned cleanly, and his whole body became warm again.

"I can even absorb and refine the demonic energy, but I can't resist this spiritual chill." Chen Feng was shocked, knowing that this breath was most likely emitted by the demon king below.

"Brother Chen is really not simple. He can condense the soul fire with only the second level of the secret realm. This is the first time I have seen a genius of this level." Xiao Yin smiled at Chen Feng, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"Oh, haha, it was cultivated by chance, but it's not as good as the young master who is young and promising. He is younger than me but has a much higher cultivation than me." Chen Feng smiled, and at the same time he was secretly surprised. He didn't expect that the other party could see his true and false, which showed that Xiao Yin's cultivation was far superior to his own.

"Brother Chen, are you interested in joining our Demon Sound Sect?" Xiao Yin suddenly asked.

"Join the Demon Sound Sect?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"I sincerely invite you." Xiao Yin said seriously.

"Haha, now is not the time to talk about this. Let's deal with the situation in front of us first. I have already felt a strong crisis." Chen Feng said with a smile.

After the two entered the crack, they found that there was an underground palace below, with countless large and small passages, countless piles of rocks, and fifty stone pillars of varying thickness and length. The two turned around and couldn't find a clue.

"Strange, this place seems to be artificial?" Chen Feng was a little confused.

"It is indeed a trace of artificiality, but I didn't sense the breath of Mo Ji and others." Xiao Yin said.

"Tower, how is it?" Chen Feng asked secretly.

"Did you feel it? Just 10,000 meters underground, there is a strong breath. It must be the demon king. I felt a strong breath of fire attribute." Tower said.

"Fire attribute demon king." Chen Feng was surprised.

"It can't be wrong, but unfortunately I don't have enough power now, and I can't sense what the other party is." Tower said slowly.

"Where are the breaths of Mo Ji and the others?" Chen Feng asked again.

"Hehehe." At this time, Ta suddenly laughed.

"You are really lucky this time. Aren't you missing two treasures? This time, you may be able to realize this wish."

"You said there are treasures here?" Chen Feng said in surprise.

"More than one, in addition to the treasures, there are also tightly sealed holy weapons. Tsk tsk, it's really curious. What kind of place is this? There are actually holy weapons. Boy, you have to be careful?" Ta said with a tsk tsk.

"Is there really a holy weapon?" Chen Feng was even more surprised.

"If there is a treasure, I can help you collect and suppress it. Even if it is a seventh-grade treasure or an eighth-grade treasure, I can suppress it with the power of my body. But if it is a holy weapon, I am not sure. If it is not good, I will get myself involved." Ta said.

"Get yourself involved, what do you mean?" Chen Feng was a little curious.

"It means that I will be devoured and refined by the other party, and my last bit of Yuan Ling will be scattered. You must know that high-level magic weapons can devour each other." Ta said slowly.

"This is a bit troublesome. Let's do this. Take me to find Moji and the others first." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

"That's good. There is a treasure in the direction where Moji and the others are going." Ta smiled.

"Follow me." Chen Feng said to Xiao Yin.

"Brother Chen, did you get anything?" Xiao Yin said in surprise. You know, in terms of spiritual perception, Xiao Yin thought that few people could compare with him, but he didn't expect that this guy who was not as strong as him would find the traces of Moji and the others before him.

"There are some vague sensations." Chen Feng said, and he stepped forward and punched hard. The huge fist print flashed by and hit a stone pillar heavily.

There was a crisp sound of "pa pa pa pa", and the stone pillar in front of him disappeared. On the side of the scene in front of him, a cave appeared in front of Chen Feng.

"Hey, illusion array, I didn't see it." Xiao Yin was a little surprised.

When Chen Feng and the others walked into the cave, Moji and the others came to a huge cave, a cave that was built extremely gorgeously.

Magnificent, dazzling, dazzling, and glittering, the walls are inlaid with all kinds of dazzling gems, even giving people a sense of worldliness.

This is not the style of a cultivator.

However, Mo Ji and others were dumbfounded by these situations, and they looked at the various decorations in the whole cave in a daze.

"This is the Heavenly Fantasy Stone." A young cultivator suddenly pointed at a crystal stone inlaid on the wall that looked like an ordinary gem and shouted.

"These pieces are red blood crystals, and there is also Daluo Jingjin here. This is a seven-color stone. Wow, so many good things."

"Finally, it's not a wasted trip." After these guardian envoys recognized these precious minerals, they immediately started to rob them. After a chaos, the huge cave became dim, and all the gems inlaid on the wall were looted.

Only Mo Ji and the four guards did not move. Mo Ji was walking forward step by step at this time, and the guards behind her followed closely, and they stopped when they walked to the depths of the cave.

"It's here." Mo Ji whispered.

"Yes, it's right here. It's a second-grade treasure." The mysterious old man spoke again.

Snap Snap Snap!

Take out the blood-colored spear and thrust it fiercely, breaking the restrictions in front of you. A small stone axe lies in the corner inconspicuously, even covered with dust.

Seeing the stone axe, Mo Ji's eyes lit up, and she immediately stepped forward to pick up the stone axe.


A strong, heavy and sharp breath collided with the stone axe, and Mo Ji immediately felt as if there was an extra mountain in her hand. The whole person sank and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, she was able to stand firm by operating her magic power in time.

"It's so heavy."

This was Mo Ji's first feeling.

"Hey! Treasure." The fluctuations emitted by the stone axe attracted everyone else. Looking at the stone axe in Mo Ji's hand, everyone's eyes showed envy.

"This is a magic weapon." Mo Xigui said lightly.

"In such a place, the only magic weapon that can be preserved intact is the treasure weapon." A young man sighed while holding a broken and unrecognizable long sword.

"Hahaha, this is a top-grade magic weapon, you are so lucky." Someone next to him laughed.

"What a pity, the spirituality on it has disappeared, and even the body has been corroded beyond recognition, not even as good as scrap iron." The monk threw the long sword on the ground with a wave of his hand.

Mo Ji took the stone axe and swung it lightly, and a heavy energy passed through, and a crack of more than ten meters long appeared on the hard stone wall in front of her.

"Everyone, I am right, right? There are many treasures in this site. Next, everyone should be more careful, and don't let me take away all the treasures in the end." Mo Ji smiled faintly, which was completely opposite to the attitude of Chen Feng and other mercenaries.

"How do we go next?" someone asked.

"Don't worry, everyone will not suffer any loss if you follow me. I guarantee that everyone will gain something." Mo Ji smiled, then put away the stone axe, and stabbed the blood-colored spear in her hand into the void.

With the sound of the ban breaking, the scene in front of them changed again, and a dark cave appeared in front of everyone.

"Let's go!"

When Chen Feng and Xiao Yin arrived at the cave, Mo Ji and others had disappeared, leaving only a huge empty cave, and even the dark cave entrance that had been opened had disappeared.

"We are a step late." Chen Feng shook his head.

Xiao Yin walked straight to the crack on the wall, waved his hand, and a thick breath was pulled out from the crack.

"It is the breath of a treasure, preferably a second-grade treasure. We are indeed late." Xiao Yin also felt a little regretful.

"There is nothing to regret. If we really face the opponent, we will definitely not be their opponent with our strength." Chen Feng smiled.

"The treasure is enough to make people risk their lives." Xiao Yin smiled lightly.

Chen Feng said nothing, took out the Haoran Zhengang Sword and stabbed it fiercely at the void in front of him, and the dark cave entrance that had just disappeared appeared again.

"Fortunately, it didn't disappear. Let's catch up." Chen Feng said and began to restrain the breath on his body, while suppressing the life fluctuations on his body.

"Strange, where are we?" A group of young flower protectors looked at the extremely desolate environment in front of them and said.

"A cultivator in the Heaven Realm can already comprehend the power of space, not to mention the demon king sealed underground." Mo Ji said.

"Are you saying that the space here was opened up by the demon king below?" someone asked.

"Not necessarily, maybe it's a space barrier set up by the existence of the demon king imprisoned." Mo Ji said lightly.

The demon energy was rising, the gravel was flying, and the endless desolation was like a mixture of desert and Gobi. There was no vitality, only the crazy roaring violent demon energy and chaotic atmosphere.

"There can't be a treasure here?"

"According to the information I got, there should be a magic weapon here. Everyone look for it. Whoever gets it will get it." Mo Ji said and began to close her eyes slightly, performing a magical secret technique of cultivation to sense everything around her.


At this time, one of the young cultivators who walked away alone suddenly screamed, the voice was extremely miserable, as if he had encountered the most terrifying thing in the world.

"What's going on?" Everyone was shocked, and then they realized that the cultivator was attacked silently.

A dark and shining spike pierced directly from the monk's chest. The monk, who was about to condense the soul fire, was shaking all over his body, as if he was bound by an invisible force and could not break free. His face was distorted and black air kept appearing on his face.

"What poison?" The young man who was closest to him jumped quickly and slashed with a sword. The sword energy slashed at the back of the injured person.


A black line broke through the sword energy and pierced directly into the young man's arm. The young man felt that his arm had lost consciousness in an instant. Looking down, he saw that most of his arm had turned black, and the poison hidden in it was like a venomous snake running along his arm to his internal organs.


The young man was also ruthless. He made a quick decision and a sword energy passed by. His arm was cut off. The blood flowing from the cut arm had turned black.

"What a big scorpion."

At this time, everyone had seen clearly what the instigator was. A three-foot-long scorpion was hiding behind the young monk. A sharp and thin poisonous needle pierced the monk's chest firmly. The strong poison in it made it impossible for the young monk to break free.

The whole thing was dark and shiny, as if it was made of black iron. Its blood-red eyes projected a bloodthirsty light. Its hard iron pincers firmly grasped the ground. Drops of venom dripped from its mouth onto the ground, corroding the hard ground into holes.

"This is a demon scorpion, a poisonous creature from the demon world. Its body is extremely hard and can block the attack of flying swords. Its poison needles and venom can kill cultivators in the secret realm, but it is afraid of fire." The demon princess said quickly, while the blood-red spear in her hand had already emitted a bloodthirsty flame.

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