Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,477: Tough Measures

"Hello, senior." Seeing the appearance of Sanyang Zhenjun, Changren and Changchen hurriedly saluted.

"No need to be polite, it seems that the injuries on both of you have almost healed." Sanyang Zhenjun smiled.

"Yes, I was planning to join the battle. Just now, the senior said that it was Changtian's clone." Changren asked immediately.

When seeing Sanyang Zhenjun nod, Changren and Changchen took a breath of cold air.

"My younger brother is only a half-step golden immortal now, how can he control the Taiyi Golden Immortal-level clone?"

"Nothing is impossible. Others can't do it, but it doesn't mean that Changtian can't do it."

While the few people were talking, Chen Feng had stopped fighting with the other party. The combat power of both sides was almost the same, and there was no point in fighting like this.

When they saw the three strange beasts transformed into Chen Feng's appearance and appeared in front of them, Changren and Changchen really believed it.

"Second brother, third brother."

"Little brother."

Changchen excitedly stepped forward and gave a hug directly, making Chen Feng feel the warmth from home and the ease between brothers.

"Second brother, long time no see." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's been a long time. The last time we met, you were still a child. Now you are so big." Chang Chen sighed.

"A million years have passed. It would be strange if you didn't grow up."

As the two brothers talked, Chang Ren also joined in. He didn't feel strange. Moreover, this kind of emotion was something Chen Feng couldn't experience from other people in other places. The three of them came from the same bloodline. Only the closest people could feel that feeling.

While the three of them were talking, both sides of the war began to retreat in large numbers. Only a small group of troops were still fighting, but soon, this battlefield was vacant.

"This is only temporary. The other side will attack again. Fortunately, the killer retreated, otherwise we would be under greater pressure. Little brother, why are you here?" Chang Ren asked.

"My forces in the fairy world are considered victorious." Chen Feng simply told the fairy world about the matter. Because of Chen Feng's appearance, the high-level officials of the Wu Ya Legion showed up one after another, which made Chang Chen secretly surprised at the popularity of this kid. However, thinking about his little brother, even his clone is at the Taiyi realm, it is normal for this situation to occur.

"There are a lot more people, but I think there must be a lot less people." Chen Feng said as soon as he came up.

"This war has lasted for hundreds of years. It would be strange if some people didn't die. Changtian, tell me about the fairy world." The speaker was Lianxu Divine Lord, who was from the royal family, had qualifications and strength, and was much older than Chen Feng.

"The fairy world is actually very simple." Chen Feng shook his head and had to tell the situation in the fairy world again.

"This is not right. Logically speaking, even if your power is several times stronger, the fairy court can handle it. Is it really because the battle line is too long and you are powerless?" Lianxu Divine Lord said in confusion.

"Maybe the fairy world is not as powerful as we imagined." Another Divine Lord spoke.

Speaking of which, most of the people who can come here are Divine Lords and Divine Kings. Although there are a few Immortal Golden Immortals, they can't get a word in.

"Daoyou, you have been practicing outside the Changsheng Heaven for more than 1 billion years. The development of the fairy world has been very fast in the past 1 billion years, and it has recently annexed some life worlds, which has made the origin of the fairy world more vigorous. Not to mention one-on-one, even if several of our heavens join forces, I am afraid they are not the opponent of the entire fairy world. After all, the scale of the fairy world is there." Taichong God said.

"Dear seniors, let's not talk about the fairy world first, let's think about how to solve the situation in front of us. I don't want our Changsheng clan to end up in the same situation as the Moro clan." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Boy, there are so many seniors here, it's not your turn to give orders." A strong man said coldly.

This is also a god, and he is the best among the gods.

"You said I am not qualified to give orders." Chen Feng's face changed, and he strode forward, his eyes swept towards the god like lightning.

Pah pah pah! Pah pah pah!

The god's face was also moved, and there were constant explosions around him.

"Yes, in terms of seniority, you are just a junior, and in terms of cultivation, you are only a half-step golden immortal. You are just relying on a body." The God said sternly.

"Try to say it again." Chen Feng shouted coldly. The majestic God wanted to open his mouth to speak but couldn't. He felt his mind was shocked and his soul was about to lose. Then he remembered that Chen Feng in front of him was not a half-step golden immortal, but a Taiyi Golden Immortal who easily killed the God.


Chen Feng's eyes became more and more intense, and the Taiyi law began to fluctuate around him.

"Changtian, wait a minute."

Seeing this scene, some people shouted anxiously, some wanted to step forward to stop, some tried to intercept the people who stopped, and some just stood there watching the excitement. The scene suddenly became chaotic.

Changren and Changchen looked at each other, smiled bitterly, and then stepped back a few steps. There were too many big guys here. Although they were nominally leaders, their strength was there. They couldn't intervene. In order to avoid getting hurt, they should leave a little. I believe Changtian can handle it.

"Hehehe." Chen Feng showed a cold smile on his face and walked forward step by step, while the majestic God Lord retreated step by step, and the fear in his eyes became more and more intense.

"Changtian is almost done. Now is a war time, and it is not suitable for internal strife." Another God Lord spoke.

"Yes, Changtian, we can talk it out."

"Humph, too arrogant, you simply don't take us seriously."

The majority of people spoke up to dissuade him, but there were also a few who either disliked Chen Feng, or were on good terms with the God Lord, or had other interests, and then planned to take action.

However, these people seemed to have forgotten that Chen Feng had two clones. When they saw someone was abnormal, the two clones laughed and sent out a burst of momentum from their bodies, which caused these cultivators to fall all over the place.


The majestic God Lord who was forced by Chen Feng's gaze sat down on the ground, his face flushed, and he was angry in his heart. This time he was really embarrassed.

"Changtian, aren't you going too far by doing this?" A God Lord from the royal family said.

"Hehe! Is it too much? I don't think it's too much at all. Seniors, think carefully about the situation we are in now, and don't forget that this is the Wuya Legion, the territory of our Wuya Family. If anyone doesn't like it, they can leave. I don't think anyone in our Wuya Legion will stay." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Hmph! Goodbye." The sturdy man jumped up, no longer having the face to stay, and turned to leave.

However, apart from this man, no one else left, and the eyes of the several cultivators who wanted to take action just now flickered and they became quiet.

Everyone was smart and knew that they couldn't get into a fight with Changtian now. Although Changtian's actions were a bit excessive, someone had provoked him first, and this place was indeed the territory of the Wuya family.

Besides, Changtian had just used the power of Taiyi, and there were also several Taiyi Golden Immortals sitting here. Those real big guys didn't move, so it would be too stupid for them to show up.

"It seems that those Taiyi seniors tacitly agreed to Changtian's actions. Fortunately, I didn't speak up just now."

"It's what they deserve. These new guys rely on their high realm and seniority to look down on the younger generation. Changtian has the Changsheng Sutra and Changsheng Tower, and now he has the Taiyi clone, which is an existence that can talk to Taiyi seniors on an equal footing."

"Ah! I didn't expect this little guy to be so arrogant."

Everyone had their own thoughts. Changren and Changchen smiled bitterly, and at the same time they were also a little happy, especially Changren. Since the beginning of the war, Changren has been participating in the battle. In addition to fighting, he dispatched troops and took care of the affairs of the Wuya Legion.

Since the appearance of the killer, many cultivators have come here, especially some masters, who have been coming here to participate in the war. For the soldiers of the Wuya Legion, of course, they completely obey Changren's orders, but some cultivators can't command them, just like the group of gods and kings in front of them. Changren is just an immortal golden fairy. It is not realistic to want to command these powerful seniors.

As soon as Changtian came back, he used tough measures, which shocked these people. Changren smiled bitterly on the surface, but was very excited in his heart.

"My little brother looks really not simple." Changchen thought so too.

"Okay, let's talk about it now. I don't want this situation to happen every time in the future." Chen Feng said lightly, sweeping his eyes. The group of gods and kings in front of him could not bring him any pressure at all.

"Fortunately, it was a clone. If the original body came, there would be no such effect." Chen Feng thought so in his heart.

After hearing Chen Feng's words, several people's faces were very exciting, because Chen Feng also encountered similar provocations when he first came to the Wuya Legion for a meeting, and the result was also suppressed by Chen Feng with strong means.

In fact, without the gods and kings speaking, Changren had already told Chen Feng the situation here. Chen Feng did this deliberately for a reason.

"It's really troublesome. It has come to this point, and there is still internal fighting. Hey, it seems that the situation in Changsheng Heaven is not good." Chen Feng had a warning in his heart.

"Prison soldiers! I didn't expect that Young Master Changtian also has connections with Hell. If Hell can send more prison soldiers, the situation in our Changsheng Heaven can be solved." A God said with a smile.

Chen Feng shook his head: "That's not the case. In fact, I don't know why those prison soldiers would help me. Besides, the Changsheng Alliance still needs the protection of prison soldiers. I think the situation is a bit critical. The races in the chaotic space have gathered their strength this time and will not stop until they occupy several heavens."

"The Moruo Heaven has changed its owner. I don't know who will be the next one, the Eight Divisions, the Taihuang Heaven, or our Changsheng Heaven. Hehe, if other heavens are willing to take action, this level of war will not last until now." Taichong God sneered.

"Relying on other heavens to take action, hey, don't think about it. If there is a move, it may not be reinforcements, but to attack us."

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