Eternal Existence

Chapter 1476 Return to the Eternal Heaven

There were eight people in total, all of them Immortal Golden Immortals. What Chen Feng cared about was not the strength of these people, but wanting to understand why they had been chasing the fragments of the Great Wild Cauldron.

At first, these eight immortal golden immortals were still angry and murderous, but when they came to Chen Feng, they all became honest. They looked at the Great Desolate Cauldron in Chen Feng's hand, with complicated expressions in their eyes.

Being able to cultivate to this level shows that these people are people with excellent minds, and they can easily understand the things in front of them.

"I've met senior!"

One of them spoke bravely, and several others also saluted together.

"Tell me what's going on?" Chen Feng said lightly.

"Senior, we come from the Taiyin Star Territory, and what we were chasing just now was our mountain-holding treasure."

By getting to know Chen Feng, he quickly learned the outline of what happened. It turned out that these people came from the Divine Weapon Pavilion in the Taiyin Star Territory. The fragments of the Great Wilderness Cauldron have always existed as the sacred mountain of the Divine Weapon Pavilion. After all, the Great Wilderness Cauldron is a top-grade artifact, even if it is just a piece. The fragments also have great power. The Shenbing Pavilion relied on the power of the fragments of the Great Wilderness Cauldron to gradually become stronger, sweeping across all directions and occupying a large area. But now the Shenshan suddenly flew away, causing the entire Shenbing Pavilion to panic. These eight immortal golden immortals were the upper echelons of Shenbing Pavilion. They chased the fragments all the way to Chen Feng. At the same time, they also saw the mountains of their sect melted into a magic weapon. These people knew that this should be the return of the object to its original owner. .

Although this is the case, if the sacred mountain disappears, the status of the Shenbing Pavilion may be unstable, and there will be some chaos and disputes.

Of course, no one dared to think about the idea of ​​taking back the sacred mountain, for fear that the idea would be known to the seniors in front of them and cause a big disaster.

"It's okay now, you can go." Chen Feng waved his hand, still immersed in joy and too lazy to argue with the other party.


These Immortal Golden Immortals hesitated for a moment, secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then bowed and turned to leave.

"There is still one last fragment left, I don't know where it is." Chen Feng said lightly as he looked at the Great Wild Cauldron and felt the power within it.

"The last piece may be the hardest to find." Chen Feng continued.

"Let's go."

Next, Chen Feng and the Queen Mother continued on their way. With Chen Feng's strength, unless they were in some dangerous places, the vast universe would only give Chen Feng a feeling of emptiness.

If he hadn't encountered some new things occasionally, Chen Feng might have become bored after practicing.

But thinking about his experiences along the way, Chen Feng couldn't help but laugh. When he was weak and deep, he could only stay in seclusion for a few days at most. Later, as the monks improved, he would stay in seclusion for dozens of days or months, but nothing happened. Hundreds of years have passed since I thought about wandering around in the stars.

If Chen Feng hadn't calculated carefully, he wouldn't have been able to feel the passage of time in the endless starry sky.

The last fragment is still missing, but Chen Feng is not in a hurry anymore, but is constantly cultivating the Great Desolate Cauldron with his mind. The weapon spirit of the Great Desolate Cauldron had disappeared when it self-destructed, and what Chen Feng did was to use Reshape a weapon spirit from your own mind, which is much more reliable than the weapon spirit spawned by the Great Wild Cauldron.

You must know that some of the fragments of the Great Wilderness Cauldron that Chen Feng collected before had already spawned weapon spirits, but they were destroyed by Chen Feng. Otherwise, if they were allowed to grow, they would be a great threat to his control of the Great Wilderness Cauldron.

"Sir, the front is the Taiyin Star Territory." Mother Queen reminded.

"Taiyin Star Territory." Chen Feng's eyes lit up.

"Since it's such a coincidence, let's go and take a look."

In the fairy world, the Immortal Alliance gradually stabilized after the war. Chen Feng's initial worries did not come true. The five races that emerged in the following year also occupied a place to recuperate and regain strength.

During this process, Chen Feng had several interactions with the Demon Clan and the Hellfire Knights, but had no contact with the other families.

In fact, in Chen Feng's view, it is enough for the Eternal Life Alliance and those companies to occupy the Eastern Territory, and there is no need to continue to expand outwards.

The most important thing at hand is not the war, but improving one's own strength.

Although he occupies the eastern continent, Chen Feng still believes that the Immortal World is very light and there are many methods that have not been used. In addition to the Immortal Court, there are also the Sifang Immortal Palace below. In addition to the Immortal Palace, there are also some very powerful people in the Immortal Realm itself. Powerful sects are already under pressure when facing the Immortal Court. If several hidden sects pop up, it will not be good for them.

Therefore, Chen Feng was a little worried when he saw the expanding allies, but he couldn't say anything to avoid angering these powerful companies.

But fortunately, these guys are not insatiable, or they know how to advance and retreat. During the expansion process, they found resistance from several large sects. Although they successfully dispersed the opponents, these heaven-defying races also stopped the pace of expansion. .

There was still no movement in the Immortal Court, and Chen Feng couldn't help it. He just left the clones of the Divine Lord to sit in charge, and his three strongest clones took 100 million combatants to the Immortal Realm.

When Chen Feng thought about it, the war in the Immortal Alliance was over, how long would the heavenly world last?

Only after Chen Feng arrived at the Heaven Realm did he realize that things were even worse than he had imagined. The Moro Heaven Realm had changed hands, and the Changshengtian, Taihuangtian, and Babutian families were still in the thick of war. Although there were reinforcements, They are all small forces and cannot change the situation at hand.

There are constantly rebellious races appearing in the depths of the chaotic space. After these forces dealt with the Moruo Heaven Realm, they did not attack other heavens, but concentrated their forces to take down the three families of the Changsheng Heaven Realm first. This is also the reason why other heavens did not intervene on a large scale.

"I don't know what these heavens are thinking. Do they really think that the excitement is so good? There are actually people taking advantage of the fire to rob. Hehe, the situation is not right this time. There must be something wrong in the chaotic space. After occupying our four families, they will definitely continue to attack." Chen Feng sneered. Chen Feng imagined that everyone was not stupid and could definitely think of this situation. Then there was only one possibility for not helping, that is, watching the four families of the Changsheng Heaven Realm fight each other and suffer losses. It would be good for him to consume more power.

In any case, Chen Feng chose to intervene in the war after he arrived.

The Changsheng Alliance was established by himself, and the Changsheng Heaven Realm was his hometown. The Wuya Legion was his strongest chassis and backing.

Although the Changsheng Alliance has many monks and the battle situation is amazing, it is a new force after all, and it is still incomparable with the Wuya Legion.

Chen Feng just observed the situation casually and led the fighters to kill.

As soon as Chen Feng started, the entire Changsheng Heaven was shaken, because the war had not yet been intervened by Taiyi Jinxian, and Chen Feng's behavior was considered a violation. However, these three clones were made from the bodies of Taiyi after death, not real Taiyi Jinxian.

In other words, they have the combat power of Taiyi realm, but not the thinking of Taiyi realm.

Chen Feng's behavior was considered to be a marginal ball.

Sure enough, after some shocks, the two sides continued the war. They did not send Taiyi Jinxian because of Chen Feng's actions, but chose to mobilize a large number of gods to launch a siege on Chen Feng.

"It's the Blood Eye Clan and the Iron Blood Clan again. This should be the Eight Desolate Clan. By the way, why did the killer disappear, and there is not even one." Chen Feng's mind spread out, and he quickly figured out the several forces on the battlefield.

The wild ape, the huge hawk, and the rhinoceros that kept charging brought huge casualties to the other side as soon as they appeared. Every time the long stick in the hand of the ape swept across, a large number of cultivators turned into ashes. The hawk's claws kept stretching and grabbing. Coupled with the abnormal speed, the number of people killed exceeded that of the ape.

The most exaggerated one was the rhinoceros. It only had a simple collision, but the light waves emitted by each collision were a void.

In the blink of an eye, tens of millions of cultivators disappeared.

"I don't believe that the other party didn't feel sorry."

If it was a killer, the other party might not care even if 100 million or 100 million died. After all, killers can be created as long as there is energy, but the cultivators killed by Chen Feng just now were living cultivators, and these cultivators also cultivated step by step from the beginning.

Chen Feng knew that these races that came out of the chaos were very powerful, but they would definitely not be able to bear being slaughtered by him like this.

After the three Taiyi Jinxian clones rushed in, the 100 million fighters behind them moved faster, and even swept away some of the dregs that Chen Feng missed wherever they passed.

However, a large number of gods rushed up soon, restricting the three Taiyi Jinxian clones. The violent ape roared, the rhinoceros roared, and the eagle fought, killing several more gods in one breath.

But at this time, three golden lights appeared, flashed, and drilled into the bodies of the three gods. Then the auras of the three gods immediately changed dramatically, the laws fluctuated, and the auras of the Taiyi realm spread out in waves. The other gods retreated immediately after seeing this scene.

"The opponent's Taiyi master still took action despite the blessing of the law. Yes, the opponent will not watch me kill people wantonly." The violent ape clone strode forward and swept out with a long stick.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The three blessed gods moved at the same time, so Chen Feng was equivalent to fighting with three Taiyi Jinxian clones.

It can be said that Chen Feng was already very experienced, so he did not fall behind in the fight.

"Another reinforcement is coming."

When Chen Feng led the fighters to start the attack, Chang Ren and others were alarmed. Although the continuous reinforcements during this period of time boosted their morale, the enemy also had follow-up troops arriving one after another. Now the Wu Ya Legion has felt unprecedented pressure.

"The Divine Insect Army, could it be that my younger brother is back?" Chang Ren said with some surprise.

"It is indeed the breath of our Wu Ya family. No, why don't I see my younger brother." Chang Chen frowned and kept observing.

"Why is there a Taiyi Golden Immortal joining the battle." Chang Ren's face changed drastically.

"Wouldn't this cause a Taiyi War?"

"Don't worry, that is Chang Tian's clone, not a Taiyi Golden Immortal." At this time, San Yang Zhenjun suddenly appeared in front of the two.

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