Eternal Existence

Chapter 1478: Critical Situation

"Could it be possible that our Changsheng Heaven will also change its owner?" Suddenly someone said this, and then the whole scene became quiet, and some people even showed horror in their eyes.

"This is impossible, our Changsheng clan is stronger than the Moro clan." Someone said loudly.

"But don't forget that the enemy we are facing now is even bigger than the Moro clan."

"Dear seniors, in fact, our Changsheng clan is very powerful." At this time, Chen Feng also spoke, and everyone looked over.

"So far, some large legions such as the Wuya Legion, the Wuji Legion, and the Changsheng Legion have been the main force, and as far as I know, these legions have not yet shown their full strength, not to mention other forces in our Changsheng Heaven. If the power of the entire Changsheng Heaven can be mobilized, I think these enemies in front of us are nothing." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You said it lightly, can't we think of these things?" Taichong God said unceremoniously.

"Since the seniors can think of this, why don't you make some arrangements for this situation?" Chen Feng asked again with a smile.

"Okay, Changtian, what do you want to say? Just say it directly. Don't beat around the bush here." Another god said.

"It's actually very simple, and we have done this before." Chen Feng showed a strange smile on his face.

"You mean to let some enemies enter the heaven to inspire the fighting spirit of the cultivators in the heaven." Taichong God's eyes lit up, but then dimmed.

"This method is good, but I'm afraid it's hard to control. When the enemy's army occupies the hinterland, it will end up like the Moro clan."

"How can we assert without trying it? Besides, this is not a solution. Over time, the war alone can drag us down. When other heavens take action, our Changsheng clan may have to move." Chen Feng laughed.

Everyone was silent.

"So, I suggest that we open a hole and let 50%, no, 60% of the enemies in. What do you think?" Chen Feng said with a smile.


There was an uproar, and several gods stood up and slammed the table.

"No, absolutely not."

"Are you crazy?"

"I absolutely don't agree."

"Isn't this kid dressed up as an enemy?"

Chen Feng looked at all this with a smile. Chen Feng knew that this reaction would occur, but Chen Feng was helpless. There was a way that Chen Feng didn't want to do. In fact, everyone was not a fool. If the situation in the war continued, the Changsheng clan might change places like the Moro clan.

In this war, Taiyi Jinxian would not intervene, even if his nest was occupied, he would not take action, otherwise it would trigger the Taiyi War, and then all the heavens might be destroyed.

"Changtian, your idea is a bit too risky." Taichong Shenjun said slowly.

"Yes, if one can't control it, the entire Changsheng Heaven will be in chaos." Someone agreed immediately.

"I have put forward the suggestion. It's up to you whether you agree or not. Our Wuya Legion will tear open this hole. If someone wants to plug it, then please go ahead." Chen Feng said these and stopped talking.

"Changchen and Changren, don't you two have anything to say?" A God Lord was a little annoyed.

"Haha, Chang can completely represent the Wuya Legion." Changchen and Changren laughed. Seeing these high-ranking seniors being defeated in front of Changtian, the two of them were already very happy.

"Seniors, think about it carefully. Although it is a bit risky, we have to take it in our current situation." Chen Feng added at the end.

"Brother, do you really want to do this?" After everyone left, only the three brothers were left. As for the God Lords and God Kings of the Wuya Family, they had no objections. As long as the young masters decided, it would be fine.

"Not bad." Chen Feng nodded, his face a little solemn, no longer as relaxed as before.

"It looks risky." Changchen said.

"It is very risky, and very risky, but in order not to follow the fate of the Moro clan, we must do this." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

"It's too risky. The Moro clan was forced to leave in this way. What if the army enters the heaven and is out of control?" Changren asked with some concern.

"Then there is no choice. We can only give Changshengtian to others. This is an adventure. Either we will fail miserably or we will successfully survive this disaster." Chen Feng showed a smile on his face.

"Well, since you have decided, we have no objection. Besides, it is a bit unfair that our Wuya Army has always been at the forefront." Chang Ren said with a smile.

"I wonder what those old guys will do?" Chang Chen also said with a smile.

"We will know when the time comes." Chen Feng said lightly. In Chen Feng's mind, it is not too important whether others agree or not, because this is Wuya Army, his own territory. Besides, the fact that Taiyi Jinxian, who is sitting here, did not react also explains some problems.

A month later, the other party really launched another attack. The three powerful forces of the Blood Eye Clan, the Iron Blood Clan, and the Eight Desolations rushed over. In addition to these three families, Chen Feng also saw neatly arrayed warships in the more distant starry sky.

"The Taiyuan Clan is here too. Could it be that something happened to the Eight Parts of Heaven and the Great Emperor Heaven?" Chen Feng said in confusion. He was secretly anxious in his heart, praying that this would not be the case.

If another heaven is breached, the pressure on the Eternal Heaven will be even greater.

"Changtian, you can't attack now, otherwise the opponent's Taiyi Jinxian will attack again." Seeing Chen Feng's eager look, Changchen hurriedly stopped him.

Chen Feng sighed. The three clones were considered to be quite powerful, but they couldn't help much at this time. They could only watch others fight.

From the previous scene, as long as Chen Feng attacked, the opponent's Taiyi Jinxian would also attack, which would be meaningless.

Fortunately, Chen Feng brought 100 million fighters, which gave some encouragement to the Wuya Legion.

Although he couldn't participate in the battle, Chen Feng released his mind to sweep the battlefield. Soon Chen Feng saw the water demon. Chen Feng was stunned at first, and then a sneer appeared on his face.

Next, Chen Feng's mind swept again and looked directly at the other extraterritorial stars of the Changsheng Heaven Realm. Sure enough, some powerful legions such as the Wuji Legion, the Changsheng Legion, and the Dianzi Legion were guarding each side, and the assassination scene was not much less than his side.

"This level is still not enough." Chen Feng showed a trace of worry on his face. The war came too quickly, and his strength has not yet developed. However, if he cultivates to the Taiyi realm, he will not be able to participate in this war.

"What are these big guys thinking about not intervening and not releasing the power they have cultivated in secret?" Chen Feng was a little confused.

"Changtian, do you think we didn't intervene?" Sanyang Zhenjun and Chaos Zhenjun appeared in front of Chen Feng at the same time.

"What do you two seniors mean?" Chen Feng's eyes lit up.

"The cultivators under our command participated in the war at the beginning, but now it seems that there are heavy casualties." Sanyang Zhenjun said.

"Changtian, I think you may be wrong. Although we can open up the world in our body when we are True Immortals, we can also evolve creatures and develop practitioners, but it is not so easy to cultivate to a very high level. Take us Taiyi Jinxian for example. Some of us have opened up the world in our body for a billion years. Let alone Jinxian, how many people can cultivate to the level of Tianxian? It takes time and effort to cultivate. It also requires a cultivation environment and resources. Without resources, it is useless even if you are a genius." Sanyang Zhenjun said with a smile.

"What the senior said makes sense. I was wrong. I wonder what the two seniors think of this war?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"It's not optimistic." The two Taiyi Jinxian shook their heads, and Chen Feng's heart sank.

"Are you not optimistic about it, seniors?"

"Not optimistic."

"Wouldn't that be troublesome? It's hard to imagine what will happen after the change of the owner of Changsheng Tianjie, so my plan must succeed this time." Chen Feng said coldly.

At this time, the war had already begun. The Blood Eye Clan was as mighty as a sea of ​​blood, the Iron Blood Clan was a neat chariot, and the Eight Desolate Clan had a slightly smaller number of cultivators, but they were physically strong, wearing thick armor and rushing over with various weapons and magic treasures.

In addition to these three families, the Taiyuan Clan was in the rear, but Chen Feng could see that the other party was continuing to build up strength, and it might suddenly explode at any time.

Chen Feng suddenly felt a headache. He had seen too many wars of this scale over the years and was a little numb. Chen Feng always felt that the power of the Changsheng Heaven Realm was more than that, but looking at the increasingly powerful offensive of the other party, Chen Feng clearly understood that the Changsheng Heaven Realm was indeed at a disadvantage.

"Could it be possible to transfer all the forces of the Changsheng Alliance?" This thought came to Chen Feng's mind, but he quickly dismissed it. The Changsheng Alliance, which had just experienced a war, was not suitable to participate in this environment. Chen Feng could imagine that if he really helped the Changsheng Alliance, it would probably be completely dispersed and defeated in just a few attacks, and only the 1 billion prison soldiers had combat effectiveness.

"Why not transfer some of the prison soldiers." Chen Feng thought and shook his head. The situation in the fairy world was not stable now. Maybe the fairy court would take action again. If there were no prison soldiers to protect it, the Changsheng Alliance would still end in a worrying situation.

"It would be better if there were more prison soldiers and fighters." Chen Feng thought.

"I really hope that my body can find vast energy, and then the Queen Mother will advance and create a 10 billion army. This way the situation will be different." Thinking of this, even Chen Feng couldn't help laughing, but it was a self-deprecating laugh.

It's not easy for the Queen Mother to advance.

"Brother, is it time to take action?" Chang Ren came to Chen Feng with murderous intent. It was obvious that Chang Ren had just come down from the battlefield. The longevity armor on his body was tattered, and flesh was still hanging on some of the spikes.

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