Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,459 Thunder Ancient City

"Ancient Star!"

Sure enough, Chen Feng was attracted at this moment. What ancient stars have, the easiest to have is the star core condensed by the power of chaos, and this kind of thing is exactly what Chen Feng needs the most.

For the chaotic body, the power of chaos is above everything.

"In this case, you go to determine the location of the ancient star, and wait until I get this fragment." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

"Yes, young master." The mother queen agreed quickly.

"It seems that I can't not go to the ancient ruins. The last fragment is actually in the ancient city in front." Chen Feng suddenly laughed.

It's said in front, but in fact it is still more than ten billion miles away from Chen Feng. Even though Chen Feng's pupil technique is amazing, he can only see a vague outline under the influence of the divine sand. This is what Chen Feng observed after he determined the position of the fragment.

"Young master, someone is coming." At this time, the mother queen suddenly said.

"It's the Golden Immortal." Chen Feng also sensed it, and the aura on his body was completely restrained. Even the God King couldn't tell whether Chen Feng was real or fake, and the mother queen also adjusted the aura to the level of the Immortal Golden Immortal.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh! Swoosh, swoosh!

Six cultivators appeared in Chen Feng's sight one after another. All of them were holding long swords and flying in the air. There was a faint stream of light around them, which could block the wind and sand around them.

"Immortal Golden Immortal, sword cultivator, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Hey! This female cultivator is interesting." Chen Feng just took a casual look and got a thorough understanding of the other party's strength.

Six sword cultivators, four men and two women, one of whom was a white-clothed female cultivator who should have a slightly higher status. The other five were practicing the sword of the five elements. These five people had good talents and cultivation, and the female cultivator was interesting. She was actually a five-element sword body. In terms of talent, she was even better than the other five. However, Chen Feng knew that it was important to have a heaven-defying physique, but it also required opportunities and perseverance in cultivation. Anyway, in Chen Feng's opinion, alone, this white-clothed female cultivator had the highest cultivation, but she had no chance of winning against five.

"Daoyou, wait."

At this time, the gold-attributed male cultivator among the six took the initiative to speak.

Chen Feng slowed down, not understanding what the other party was going to do, but it seemed that they had no ill intentions.

"Excuse me, everyone. What do you want?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I wonder if this fellow Daoist is going to the Thunder Ancient City ahead?" asked the gold attribute sword cultivator.

"Yes." Chen Feng nodded, and at the same time he also knew the name of the ancient city ahead, but he was also a little surprised that these people knew the name of the ancient city, so they must know more things.

"To be honest with you, the six of us are from the Five Elements Sect. This time we came to the Flowing Sand Star Region for adventure, and the Thunder Ancient City is one of our goals. It just so happens that we met you, and it is also a fate to meet you. I wonder if you are interested in joining us." The gold attribute sword cultivator said with a smile.

"Meeting is fate, this sentence is good, but I met many cultivators along the way, aren't they all fate?" Chen Feng laughed.

"Brother, since the other party is unwilling, forget it, let's go quickly." The fire attribute sword cultivator seemed to be a little irritable, and immediately spoke unhappily when he heard that Chen Feng meant to refuse.

"Haha, Daoyou, don't be so hasty to refuse. In fact, it is good for Daoyou to be with us." The gold sword cultivator said with a smile, not at all dissatisfied with Chen Feng's attitude.

"Oh! Tell me about it." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I think Daoyou should not know much about this star field, right?" The gold sword cultivator asked.

"I am an outsider cultivator, and I really don't know much about the things here." Chen Feng nodded.

"That's right, our Five Elements Sect is a local force, and we know a lot about the Fangyuan Star Field. For example, the ancient ruins in the Liusha Star Field, our Five Elements Sect also has many cultivators who have obtained some treasures from them, and our Five Elements Sect is quite strong. Daoyou can reduce some troubles by being with us." The gold sword cultivator said with a smile.

"Do you think you will care about some troubles at my level?" Chen Feng asked back.

"This guy is really arrogant."

It can be said that the six sword cultivators did not have a good impression of Chen Feng.

"Well, simply put, what benefits can you get from being together, and what benefits can I get?" Chen Feng showed a hint of impatience on his face.

"Win-win, we need the power of fellow Daoist, and fellow Daoist can also get the treasures in Thunder Ancient City because of us." The gold attribute sword cultivator was also a little impatient. If Chen Feng didn't agree, he would leave.

"Okay, I agree, let's go. If we delay for a while, several cultivators have already entered Thunder Ancient City." Chen Feng said and left quickly with the Queen Mother.

The faces of these sword cultivators changed. They didn't know whether what Chen Feng said was true or false. Anyway, these people couldn't see the specific situation of the ancient city.

"Big Brother, why do you have to find this person? Seeing the other party's attitude, I really wanted to take action just now." The fire attribute sword cultivator asked secretly.

"This person has extraordinary cultivation, just used as a shield. In fact, I am a little hesitant because I can't see through this person, but the strange beast next to this person is an immortal golden fairy." The gold attribute sword cultivator said.

"Big Brother's actions just now were a bit reckless. If this person is really hidden and is a great master, will there be any changes in our actions this time?" The female sword cultivator of water attribute said a little impolitely.

"I asked Senior Brother to do this." At this time, the female cultivator in white suddenly spoke.


As soon as the female cultivator in white spoke, the people fell silent.

"The true cultivation level of the young cultivator just now is half-step golden immortal." The white-clothed female cultivator said again.

"Half-step golden immortal!"

The five sword cultivators almost cried out in surprise, but they still held back. Their expressions did not change. They just looked at Chen Feng unnaturally.

"It is indeed the half-step golden immortal who did not mean to do anything, but I did not see the strange beast beside him." The white-clothed female cultivator said lightly.

"Maybe my previous choice was wrong."

"I can't see it."

The five sword cultivators were surprised again. They knew the ability of their young lady. Generally, even cultivators who were one level higher could not hide from the young lady's prying.

"Could it be that the strange beast is a god king, and even the god king lady can see it?"

"The secret technique I practiced is not omnipotent. Perhaps the concealment technique practiced by the other party is more powerful, but I did not feel threatened by the other party, which made the eldest brother speak to win over the other party. This time our task is a bit arduous. It is a bit difficult for the six of us alone. It is also good to have more strength." The white-clothed female cultivator said slowly.

"What the young lady said is right." The few people nodded repeatedly.

"Everyone, isn't the speed a bit slow?" Chen Feng still held the Great Desolate Cauldron in his hand, but the Great Desolate Cauldron was covered by Chen Feng's secret technique. In the eyes of others, it was just a medium-grade artifact, and even the white-clothed female cultivator with secret techniques could not see it.

At this time, the Great Desolate Cauldron was still slowly turning, and some quicksand was swallowed in from time to time.

"Hehe, it's not that we are slow, but that the Taoist is too fast." The Golden Sword Immortal came to Chen Feng and said with a smile.

Chen Feng smiled and was a little surprised. These were all pure sword cultivators, and this person was practicing the Golden Sword Intent. It should be a decisive person to kill, but he didn't expect to have such a kind character. Of course, Chen Feng thought that it might be that the other party pretended to be deliberately.

"My name is Jin Wuming, I don't know what to call you." The Golden Sword Cultivator asked with a smile.

"Chen Feng." Chen Feng nodded.

"I don't know where the Taoist is from." Jin Wuming asked again.

"I am from the Dark Realm." Chen Feng said that the law of darkness emerged, but it disappeared soon.

"Such a pure power of the dark night, and there is also the breath of the origin of the dark world." Jin Wuming was a little surprised.

"Hey! Daoist friend has a good eye." Chen Feng was really surprised.

"Haha, I have been to the dark world." Jin Wuming said with a smile.

Then the two chatted casually. Chen Feng didn't care. It was a real casual chat, while Jin Wuming tested Chen Feng from time to time, and finally confirmed that Chen Feng was indeed from the dark world.

A billion miles of distance was nothing to these golden immortals. They soon passed through layers of quicksand and arrived in front of the Thunder Ancient City.

However, because Chen Feng used the Great Wilderness Cauldron, the quicksand in front of these people had almost been collected by the Great Wilderness Cauldron, and these people were relieved.

"This is the Thunder Ancient City, but I can't see anything?" Chen Feng shook his head and said, looking at the huge and magnificent ancient city in front of him.

It is called an ancient city, but in fact, this city looks very neat and not much damaged, but the sense of vicissitudes of time that it exudes cannot be covered up.

Jin Wuming smiled, waved his hand, and a ray of sword energy shot out, piercing the wall of the ancient city across thousands of miles. However, when the sword energy approached the ancient city wall, a thunderbolt fell and shattered the sword energy.

"Tsk tsk, what a powerful force." Chen Feng was surprised. Jin Wuming was an immortal golden fairy after all, so the attack he launched was naturally extraordinary, but he did not expect that he would be easily defeated by the defensive lightning of the city wall.

"I don't know how those people got in before?" The wood attribute sword cultivator stepped forward and said with a smile.

"They must have forced their way in." The fire attribute sword cultivator said on the side.

"Maybe the other party has other methods. I wonder if you have seen it?" Jin Wuming asked Chen Feng.

"I didn't notice it." Chen Feng shook his head and waved his hand. A huge handprint exuded immortal power and grabbed the city wall.

Chen Feng used the dark handprint recorded in the Dark Sutra, and the immortal power in it was genuine.

Papapapapa! Papapapapa!

As soon as the handprint approached the city wall, a thick thunderbolt immediately descended, but Chen Feng's dark handprint crushed the thunderbolt with a sudden squeeze, and then slammed heavily on the city wall with a fist.


The tall city wall shook, followed by dazzling lightning that kept interweaving, and then Chen Feng's punch disappeared without a trace, but the lightning on the city wall still did not disappear, the arc flickered, and then a lightningbolt as thick as a finger shot towards Chen Feng.

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