Eternal Existence

Chapter 1458 The Law of Death

"That's good. With the power of time and mental shock, we should be able to find the person in the dark. I'm afraid that the person in the dark has other means." The Queen Mother said that she had begun to condense her mental power.

The Law of Time in Chen Feng's hand floated in the air, emitting strands of time power and condensing with the mental power emitted by the Queen Mother.


With a whistle, the shock wave spread out in all directions, just like a boulder thrown into a calm lake, but circles of ripples spread out in all directions at a speed hundreds of times faster.

After using this move, Chen Feng concentrated his mind and finally his eyes lit up: "Found it."

Then Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Great Desolate Cauldron flew out, and all the forbidden barriers in front of him were smashed. Chen Feng and the Queen Mother quickly followed.

This time he didn't get lost. Chen Feng found the Great Desolate Cauldron. At this time, the Great Desolate Cauldron was upside down, and there was a constant sound of collision.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Great Desolate Cauldron fell into his hand. Looking inside, a fiery red nine-tailed demon fox was struggling and colliding, trying to escape.

As if sensing someone spying on it, the demon fox's pupils were dim and blue, and Chen Feng immediately felt his eyes blurred.

But soon Chen Feng regained his composure and said with a smile: "It turned out to be the Confused Fox, but it is not simple to be confused like this with only the God King realm."

"I'm afraid this is not a simple Confused Fox." The Queen Mother extended a sharp thorn and took a drop of blood from the Confused Fox.

"It turned out to be a royal family, but even the royal family is not so powerful. It should have relied on other things." The Queen Mother guessed.

"You will know if you ask." Chen Feng was too lazy to guess.

The next process was somewhat simple. Chen Feng set a ban on the fox, and set a soul mark in the other party's sea of ​​consciousness like he subdued the Starlight Tyrant Beast. The other party's life and death were in Chen Feng's control.

"So it was with the help of the power of the Charming Pearl." Chen Feng said with a smile. Originally, Chen Feng was not rare for a God King-level demon beast, but this Bewildered Fox was a rare species. Since he did not kill the other party at the beginning, Chen Feng did not take action and kept this demon fox by his side. After all, it was a God King and could be used as a mountain guardian beast in the future.

After capturing the Bewildered Fox behind the scenes, the maze was automatically unlocked, and Chen Feng found three treasures.

A rusty iron spear, a long sword sealed in the stone, and a black and inconspicuous seal.

"My role is to protect these three treasures, but it's a pity that there are seals on them, so I can't use them." The Bewildered Fox said hurriedly.

"It's just a mid-grade artifact." Chen Feng said lightly, not too interested in it, and Chen Feng also wondered who left it. He stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and snapped! After a series of explosions, the iron spear fell into Chen Feng's hands.

As the seal disappeared, a golden light emanated from the iron spear, and the rust on it quickly disappeared, revealing a brand new iron spear.

The power of the law gushed out, circling around the iron spear, and then the iron spear continued to shrink, and then turned into a stream of light and drilled into Chen Feng's palm.

Of course, this is what you see on the surface, in fact, it has melted into the Longevity Spear.

"Is this the sword in the stone?" Chen Feng grabbed it again, the stone exploded, and a simple but sword-like long sword fell into Chen Feng's hand.

"It's the top sword among the middle-grade artifacts, not bad." Chen Feng nodded.


Then this long sword also melted into the Longevity Sword.

There was only one seal magic weapon left, and the smile on Chen Feng's face disappeared. He stretched out his finger and knocked on the Great Wilderness Cauldron, and the Great Wilderness Cauldron emitted a gray light that enveloped the seal.

Then the palm-sized seal began to melt layer by layer. During the melting process, some runes kept flying out. In addition to the runes, some other substances were constantly dissolving.

Finally, only a pool of liquid remained, which flowed and melted into the Great Desolate Cauldron, filling another gap.

"It's the work of the Half-Step Taiyi Golden Immortal." Chen Feng and the Queen Mother looked at each other and said.

"No matter what, it's fine as long as there is a harvest." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

But just when Chen Feng and the Queen Mother wanted to leave, the vast psychedelic power rose around them, and a larger maze appeared again.

"Young Master, we are being targeted." The Queen Mother said.

"It's that Half-Step Taiyi Golden Immortal." Chen Feng said, looking at the Confused Fox, and then the Great Desolate Cauldron in his hand continued to grow larger, turning into a million feet in one breath, and then fell heavily, rolling strong power to collide with the surroundings, the huge maze began to shake, and then broke inch by inch, and collapsed piece by piece.

"I want to see what the other party is. It's interesting that it can hide until now." Chen Feng said with a smile, urging the Great Desolate Cauldron to come again, watching the entire maze completely collapse.

Then a golden torrent suddenly appeared, constantly impacting the Great Desolate Cauldron, and soon submerged the Great Desolate Cauldron. Chen Feng's mind moved, and the Great Desolate Cauldron quickly rotated, and countless golden sands and dusts swirled around.

"Sir, it is the Chiyao Psychedelic Divine Sand, and it has the power of Taiyi Dao. The Great Desolate Cauldron may be entangled." The Queen Mother said, and the huge knife foot started to rotate. The knife force rotated and rushed out, and soon a passage was broken in the sand and dust.

"Aren't you coming out yet?" Chen Feng's eyes flickered, and he performed the Swallowing Heaven Absorption Technique, and then the Great Desolate Cauldron sent out a huge vortex, and the rolling golden sand and gravel were swallowed in.

"Aren't you coming out yet?" Chen Feng sneered, and used the Heaven Swallowing Absorption Technique to the extreme. The refining array that had been carved in the Great Desolate Cauldron also started to work, and the divine sand that entered the Great Desolate Cauldron was immediately melted and condensed, and merged into the Great Desolate Cauldron.


At this time, a strong soul wave came, and Chen Feng saw a huge word "death" rushing over and quickly drilled into his body.

Then Chen Feng found that the vitality in his body was rapidly melting and disintegrating, and he couldn't hold on for long with his own immortality.

"Will attack, and it's the way of death that has been cultivated." Chen Feng immediately understood, and the immortality and life force immediately surged, trying to dissolve the opponent's death force, but despite Chen Feng's impact, his vitality was still being consumed, but the speed was a little slow, and the word "death" floating in his body was still floating and rotating.

"Power of Time!"

At this time, the Law of Time shone brightly, and the word "death" immediately melted away like ice and snow in the sun. Then the power of immortality and life force rushed forward, and the law of death quickly devoured the energy emitted by the word "death".

In this way, Chen Feng quickly returned to normal, and the power of the law of death was strengthened.

Looking ahead, the Queen Mother was fighting with a human cultivator. The opponent was full of death, and the Queen Mother was already at a disadvantage.

"Half-step Taiyi Jinxian." Chen Feng said and waved his hand. Two combat puppets rushed up from the left and right. Chen Feng was planning to capture the opponent.


Chen Feng's body shook, and the Chaos Golden Body began to swell. He stretched out his hand and grabbed it. The divine sand that trapped the Great Desolate Cauldron immediately exploded. The Great Desolate Cauldron rushed out and fell into Chen Feng's hands. The huge vortex was already spinning rapidly in the Great Desolate Cauldron, and a steady stream of divine sand was pulled over and devoured.

Chen Feng ignored the half-step Golden Immortal and focused on activating the Great Desolate Cauldron. Chen Feng thought that the Queen Mother and the battle puppets were enough to capture the other party.

Chen Feng clearly felt that the gap in the Great Desolate Cauldron was recovering, although it was very slow, but it was enough to surprise Chen Feng. It seems that even if the fragments cannot be put together, other material energies can be used to replace them.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng felt a little relieved.

The development of the matter was the same as Chen Feng thought. The Great Desolate Cauldron was still absorbing the divine sand, and the half-step Taiyi Golden Immortal on the other side had been injured and captured, and the battle puppets set up restrictions on the other party, so that the other party could not exert all his strength.

"I thought it was a human cultivator. It turned out to be a new life born from the will of the Taiyi Golden Immortal after his death. However, it is still very powerful. He can actually cultivate to the level of a half-step Taiyi Golden Immortal. I think he has overcome many difficulties. It's a pity that you set your sights on me." Chen Feng said lightly, and used the pupil technique to check the other party's situation several times.

"Sir, how to deal with it?" The mother queen asked with some interest.

"The power of death is good." Chen Feng said, stretching out his hand and grabbing it fiercely. A law of death was pulled out by Chen Feng. This law of death was black, like a long whip wrapped in black smoke, but Chen Feng clearly saw countless death words on it.

As this law of death was pulled out, the humanoid cultivator screamed and immediately collapsed, and was extremely depressed.

"There is only one law of death, pure and one, no wonder it is so powerful. If there is no combat puppet, the two of us really can't deal with it." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"What you said makes sense, young master. The other party is at least a half-step Taiyi Jinxian." The Queen Mother said with a smile.

In the end, this law of death was collected by Chen Feng and integrated into his own law of death. Then the swallowing and absorption technique was activated, and the other party was completely swallowed. This time, Chen Feng had a deeper understanding of the way of death.

Seeing this scene, the confused fox that was collected before was almost out of breath. Only then did he know how powerful and domineering his master was. He thought it was not bad to follow such a master.

"Let's go. There is still a fragment. Leave when you find it. I don't have much interest in the ruins here." Chen Feng said, and the Great Desolate Cauldron in his hand slowly turned, and the summoning power spread out in waves, and soon locked another fragment.

"Let's go!"

Chen Feng did not speed up this time, but walked step by step with the Great Desolate Cauldron in his hand. Wherever he passed, a large amount of divine sand was collected into the Great Desolate Cauldron.

You should know that the Great Desolate Cauldron is the best among the top-grade artifacts. As Chen Feng walked by, the chaotic Quicksand Star Region had large tracts of clean starry sky, and even some planets that were submerged and covered revealed their appearance.

"There are so many cultivators in this environment. It seems that the ancient ruins here are not simple." The Queen Mother said beside Chen Feng.

"Maybe." Chen Feng nodded and didn't say much. In fact, according to Chen Feng's plan, the first thing is of course to find the fragments of the Great Desolate Cauldron. As for those ancient relics, if you can meet them, you will meet them. If you can't meet them, you won't force it. Over the years, Chen Feng has been in contact with Taiyi Jinxian, collected star cores and chaos hearts, and obtained Taiyi Jinxian's corpse, as well as top-grade artifacts and top-grade artifacts. He has become somewhat immune to some magic weapons and relics. If the ancient ruins here have divine artifacts and artifacts, they will not attract Chen Feng. If some top-grade artifacts or top-grade artifacts among the middle-grade artifacts can appear, Chen Feng may take the initiative to take a look.

"Young Master." Seeing Chen Feng's flat reaction, the Queen Mother spoke again.

"Why, did you find something?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"According to the news sent back by the worm, there are some good ancient stars in this Liusha star field." The Queen Mother said slowly.

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