Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,460: Moving Forward

"Fellow Taoist, be careful."

Although Jin Wuming said this, he had no intention of taking action. Instead, he and several others wanted to see how Chen Feng would deal with it.

Facing the thunder and lightning attack, Chen Feng took a step back. The Queen Mother swung her sword and easily chopped the thunder and lightning into pieces.

"As expected of Thunder Ancient City, the defense is so amazing." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Chen Feng's previous attack did not cause any damage to the city wall. Of course, that was because Chen Feng did not use all his strength, but the thunder and lightning attack that just erupted from the city wall could already pose a threat to some immortal golden immortals.

Jin Wuming and others looked at the Queen Mother in shock. Everyone could clearly see the power of the thunder and lightning just now. Although these people could deal with it, they would not be as easy as the Queen Mother.

"It's the God King."

Jin Wuming and others have already determined that the Queen Mother is the God King.

"Do you have any way to enter the city wall? I don't think it's possible to go through the gate." Chen Feng said with a smile. The restrictions on the city wall are indeed very strong, but there are more restrictions on the city gate. You can see the lightning flashing on it without attacking. With.

"Sir, this ancient city is not simple." The Queen Mother said secretly.

"Of course it's not simple. The restrictions on the city wall were all placed by the God King. It's just that the time was too long and the power weakened." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Just open a hole." Jian Wuming said with a smile. It seemed that he also needed to force his way through.

"I'll be the one to do it. Everyone can just follow us in later." Chen Feng said.

"Come here." These sword cultivators looked at Chen Feng in surprise, but everyone understood the next moment, because the Queen Mother rushed towards the city wall.

Bang bang bang bang bang! Bang bang bang bang bang!

As the Queen Mother approached, the power of thunder and lightning on the city wall flickered again, and then more thunder and lightning intertwined and attacked the Queen Mother.


The Queen Mother waved her sword foot, and with just one blow, the thunder and lightning in front of her was broken, and a big hole appeared in the thick city wall.


Chen Feng followed the Queen Mother and rushed over quickly. Jin Wuming and several sword cultivators were also very fast and entered the ancient city before the entrance of the cave had healed.

Before a few people landed, the big hole opened by the Mother Queen had healed as before, and no one was attacked again.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist." Jin Wuming thanked Chen Feng.

"We are now a team, and everyone contributes equally." Chen Feng said lightly, and then used the Great Desolate Cauldron in his hand to summon the power and began to search.

Soon Chen Feng found the news about the fragments of the Great Wilderness Cauldron, but before he could take action, thunder and lightning broke out all around, flags fluttered, and murderous aura attacked everyone.

"No, there's an ambush."

Jin Wuming's six sword cultivators quickly gathered together and formed the Five Elements Sword Formation. The sword light continued to expand, and soon a thick sword energy escape was formed, blocking the power of thunder and lightning.

"We are trapped in a killing formation." Jin Wuming said and waved his hand, and a thick red sword energy was emitted from the sword formation. Along the way, a large amount of thunder and lightning power was reduced to nothing.

"It was arranged by the monks who entered before." Chen Feng said, his eyes flashed, and a tornado was sprayed out. This was the pupil power of the void storm. The tornado swept across, and the thunder around Chen Feng was quickly wiped out.

At this time, the sword formations of Jian Wuming and others continued to erupt with powerful attack power. Swords fell down one after another. Soon, flags were being chopped into pieces. However, in the blink of an eye, the formation was broken. .

"Damn it!" The fire attribute sword cultivator became a little irritable. If it were the original magic circle in the ancient city, it would be fine, but it would be a bit despicable for other adventurers to use this method.


The Queen Mother waved her sword foot, and a sword flashed past. A hundred-foot-tall building in the distance was cut off at the waist, and then everyone saw a ball of golden light fleeing into the distance.

"Where to run!"

The long sword in Jin Wuming's hand turned into a flying sword and he chased after him, but in the end he returned without success.

"Hey, where are you going, fellow Taoist?" At this time, everyone saw that Chen Feng and his mother turned around and left.

"I found something that interests me." Chen Feng said with a smile, while the Great Wild Cauldron was still turning slowly in his hand.

Jin Wuming and several sword cultivators looked at each other, and finally looked at the female cultivator in white. The female cultivator nodded, and then the others followed.

"Fellow Daoist, I wonder what you discovered?" Jian Wuming asked with a smile.

Chen Feng pointed to the Great Wilderness Cauldron in his hand: "To be honest with you, this magic weapon of mine is broken. I can sense the breath of the fragments of the magic weapon here. Don't blame me."

"So that's it." Jin Wuming nodded.


At this time, two balls of divine thunder exploded in the air, turning into two lightning wire meshes covering Chen Feng. The Queen Mother waved her blade and cut open the two wire meshes.

"It seems that this ancient city is not safe." Chen Feng reached out and grabbed it, and the lightning wire mesh came into Chen Feng's hands and turned into a thunder ball, which flashed a few times and disappeared.

Next, everyone walked through the ancient city of Thunder, and various thunder and lightning suddenly appeared and bombarded everyone. In addition to these thunder and lightning, there were some original restrictions in the ancient city, and other dangers had not been encountered yet.

Of course, everyone also gained some gains, but Chen Feng really didn't like these gains, such as some elementary divine objects, magic weapons, etc. Jin Wuming and others showed some interest.

Chen Feng found that compared to the five Jin Wuming, the female cultivator in white had always been very calm, so Chen Feng looked at the other party one more time. In response to Chen Feng's gaze, the female cultivator in white smiled.

"Daoyou, I think we should go here." Jin Wuming came to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng looked at the hill-like building blocking the way, then looked at the road on one side, and then looked at Jin Wuming, Chen Feng shook his head.

"What I need is in front." Chen Feng said.

"But what we need is in that direction." The fire attribute sword cultivator said immediately.

"Hehe, then we have to go separately." Chen Feng said lightly, and the Great Wilderness Cauldron in his hand flew out. With just a collision, the hill-like building in front of him was shattered. Chen Feng waved his hand and the smoke and dust disappeared completely, and then Chen Feng strode forward.


The mother queen laughed strangely and followed.

"What should we do." Several sword cultivators looked at the white-clothed female cultivator.

"Follow up." The white-clothed female cultivator thought for a while and said.

"Miss, I feel that this person is not simple, or should we give up on each other?" Jin Wuming suddenly said.

"Let's go." The white-clothed female cultivator said lightly.


The few people stopped talking and followed the passage opened by Chen Feng.

"Young Master, do you think they will catch up?" the Queen Mother asked with a smile.

"Yes." Chen Feng said without hesitation.

"Young Master, why are you so sure?" the Queen Mother was surprised.

"It's very simple. The other party has a purpose to find me. Besides, my intuition is also very accurate." Chen Feng said.

"Young Master is right. The other party has caught up." The Queen Mother laughed.

"Haha, I wonder if you have found anything?" Jin Wuming stepped forward and asked with a smile.

"It's just in front, but it takes some twists and turns." Chen Feng pointed with his finger, and everyone saw a blood-red lake behind the building that was blasted open by Chen Feng.


"Why is it red? Could it be blood?"

Several Golden Immortals discussed.

Jin Wuming stepped forward and waved his hand, and a ball of lake water fell into his hand. Then Jin Wuming exclaimed, and the lake water in his hand actually burned with flames. Jin Wuming was panicked at first, but soon calmed down. A group of sword energy appeared in his palm, cutting the flames cleanly, but Jin Wuming's palm was still burned by the flames.

"Big Brother."

The other people gathered around him with some worry.

"I'm fine."

Jian Wuming's charred palm shook, and the immortal power flowed, and his palm quickly returned to normal.

"This lake contains the power of the God, it's not so easy to collect." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"In this case, let's go around it." The fire attribute sword cultivator said.

"The thing I'm looking for is under the lake, how can we go around it." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Then we can't help you." The fire attribute sword cultivator looked at Chen Feng unhappily.

"No need for your help, I can do it myself." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Great Desolate Cauldron flew out, floating on the lake, and then turned upside down, and then the surging lake water poured back and rushed into the Great Desolate Cauldron.


Jin Wuming and others looked at this scene with some surprise. Even the lake transformed by the power of the God can be collected, so what level of magic weapon is this cauldron? Everyone looked at Chen Feng with a change of eyes again.

The blood lake in front of them was a hundred thousand miles in size, but it was not like an ordinary lake. Instead, it was like a river in the sky that stretched across the crowd. In fact, what Jin Wuming and others said was right. If they couldn't rush through, they could just go around it.

Of course, if the fragments of the Great Desolate Cauldron were not here, Chen Feng might really adopt this suggestion.

"Look, there are still monsters in it." The fire attribute sword cultivator shouted.

"It's a blood demon born from the power of blood. It's very difficult to deal with." Jin Wuming said in a deep voice.

There are many blood demons in this lake, but their levels are not high. In the absence of Golden Immortals, they don't pose much threat to these sword cultivators.

However, no matter whether it is the lake water or the blood demon, none of them can escape the fate of being collected by the Great Desolate Cauldron. After a few breaths, the huge lake disappeared, leaving a large blank area.


At this time, two blood lights suddenly rushed out from the dry lake bottom at a very fast speed, rushing towards Chen Feng and Jin Wuming on the left and right respectively.


Chen Feng was a little surprised. The two blood lights were actually two blood demons. Chen Feng was surprised that the other party could break through the power blockade of the Great Wilderness Cauldron.

"Brother, be careful."

Several sword cultivators from the Five Elements Sect reacted quickly and stepped forward quickly. The Five Elements Sword Formation unfolded, and a thick sword curtain blocked Jin Wuming.

And Chen Feng moved his feet twice to avoid the attack of the blood demon, and then the Queen Mother's knife flashed, and the blood demon was split in half.

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