Eternal Existence

Chapter 137: Heaven-shaking Seal

"Three treasures, one more to go." someone shouted.

"I can also make up the number." At this time, an old monk with gray hair said.

Chen Feng's long sword, Mo Ji's spear, and the evil moon cave master took out a small seal, which was square and dark with a frightening luster.

"Heaven-shaking seal." Mo Ji's voice was a little surprised.

"Miss Mo Ji has good eyesight." The cave master of Xie Yue Cave said with a smile.

"I didn't expect the cave master to be able to refine this magic weapon. It's quite surprising." Mo Ji said calmly, regaining her initial calmness.

"I got it by chance. Although it is a little damaged, it can still exert the power of the treasure." The cave master of Xie Yue Cave said with a smile.

As for the old man with a gray beard, he took out a steel needle about a foot long. It was silvery white and emitted a sharp light. Especially at the tip of the needle, there was a constant flow of air. This was beyond the limit. The degree of sharpness.

Looking at this steel needle, the Cave Master of Xie Yue Cave shrank, obviously recognizing the origin of this steel needle.

"It turned out to be the Fierce Sun Needle. I didn't expect such a master to exist. I was careless." The cave master of Xie Yue Cave said solemnly.

"Both each other." The old monk said with a faint smile, his eyes full of smiles, and it seemed that he did not take the Lord of the Evil Moon Cave into his eyes.

The four treasures came together, and the powerful pressure generated caused everyone around them to retreat continuously, and their expressions changed. Unexpectedly, there were so many treasures hidden among the crowd.

"Hehe, boy, your cultivation is too weak, I'm afraid you can't bring out the full power of this treasure." At this time, the romantic man said with a sinister smile, seeming to have forgotten what happened just now.

"Oh, what do you want to say?" Chen Feng said with a faint smile.

"Now that there are many crises, it is time for everyone to work together. I think it is better for you to take out the treasure and let the Taoist friends with advanced cultivation to control it. Only in this way can the strongest power be exerted. After we get out of trouble, we will naturally use it The treasure is returned to you," the romantic man sneered.

"Fart, why don't you give the magic weapon to someone else?" Ruta couldn't help but curse.

"Don't I have no treasure? The only magical weapon I can take out has been destroyed. Of course, if I had a treasure, I would have taken it out selflessly." Feng Liu Lang Jun smiled lightly.

"Yes, what the romantic man said makes sense. Now that we are all in trouble, it is time to work together. The strongest monk should be allowed to use this treasure."

"I also agree with this suggestion."

"The fine steel must be used on the blade, and it's not like I won't return it to you." Some people in the crowd actually started to agree.

The world of cultivation is the cruelest place. When these monks saw that little monk Chen Feng actually possessed a treasure, they had long been greedy in their hearts. If they hadn't been scrupulous, someone might have snatched it away.

Jealousy and greed, these natures will not disappear as long as there are humans. Seeing the romantic man stirring up trouble, some people will naturally add fuel to the fire.

"Merry Man, you are looking for death." Ye Ziming shouted coldly. The Five Heroes of Taoshan did not speak, but they stepped forward to express their support with actions. In addition, some monks who had just received Chen Feng's protection also showed their faces. They showed expressions of contempt, but it is estimated that the romantic man and the evil moon cave master did not express their words.

As for Mo Ji, her face was dull and she didn't express anything, while the flower protectors around her looked like they were watching the fun.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand to stop the angry Luta and Ye Ziming, then smiled lightly and said: "Oh, really, what you said makes sense, but I don't know who can control this sharp sword of mine."

After Chen Feng finished speaking, Haoran Zhengang Sword flew away from his hand. It flew into the air and kept circling. Traces of sword energy continued to shoot out, making a hissing sound in the air, seeming to cut the space. .

No one expected Chen Feng to use this move. The monks who had just been booing all stopped. No one dared to say anything. After all, this is a treasure. If it were to be chopped on oneself, it would not be a joke. of.

"Why, no one comes forward?" Chen Feng sneered, scanning the crowd. The power of the Haoran Zhengang Sword became stronger on the ground. Under the excitement of the sword, the hard ground actually exploded, and at the same time, a powerful force burst out. The thoughts were revealed from it, and some of the monks who were close had horrified expressions on their faces and kept retreating.

"The thoughts of the cultivator in the heavenly realm, it seems that this boy is not simple. This must be a treasure refined by the elders of the master to protect him." The old man hidden behind Mo Ji said slowly.

"Really? I also see that this young man is not simple. There are probably not many geniuses in the world who can condense the soul fire on the first level of the secret realm. And in just a few days, he has broken through to the second level of the secret realm. , and can completely refine the treasure and integrate it into the body. If there is no master behind it, I will not believe it for the first time," Mo Ji said lightly.

"This kid has a background." Not only Mo Ji felt the powerful thoughts in the Haoran Zhengang Sword, but also the cave master of Xieyue Cave, the old monks, and the advanced people present all deeply felt this powerful aura. , the eyes looking at Chen Feng changed again.


Haoran Zhengang Sword quickly flew to the head of one of the monks, and the sword energy enveloped him, wrapping him in it.

This is a monk at the fifth level of the secret realm. He has cultivated to a very subtle level, while Chen Fengcai has only cultivated to a very subtle level.

This person was the first to respond to the provocative words of the romantic man just now, but now he was so frightened that he was sweating all over under the envelope of Chen Feng's sword energy and did not dare to move, for fear that he would be broken into pieces by touching the surrounding sword energy.

"Are you able to control this treasure?" Chen Feng asked lightly.

"No, no, I didn't mean that, please spare my life." The monk finally screamed in fright.

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't mean it. If you can cultivate to this level, you have been in the cultivation world for a long time. Why are you still so bad as a person?" Chen Feng sneered, and then flicked his fingers to cover the other party. The sword energies immediately intertwined with each other in the middle.

"Ah! Let's fight." When the monk saw Chen Feng take action, stimulated by the fear of dying, his whole body burst out with the strongest strength. A small flying sword came out of his body and collided with the surrounding sword light. , and at the same time, thick layers of Gang Qi shields quickly formed around the body, just like a copper wall and an iron wall, which could block any attack.


Chen Feng shouted in a low voice, and the sword light continued to bloom. In just half a breath, the Haoran Zhengang Sword stopped attacking. At this time, the Gang Qi shield around the monk's body was forced, and the flying swords he sacrificed also turned into a pile. There were pieces of iron, and the monk was cut into seven or eight pieces, and he could no longer die.


The Haoran Zhengang Sword once again bloomed with dazzling light. Some of the monks who had just spoken turned pale with fear and hid in a distance for fear of being attacked by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's mind moved, and the Haoran Zhengang Sword flew toward Feng Liulang Jun like lightning. It was full of fierce killing intent and aura. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance that Chen Feng was determined to kill Feng Liu Lang Jun, so they hid aside. Watch the excitement.

Facing Chen Feng's powerful attack, Feng Liulangjun's expression changed, and then he quickly hid behind the cave master of Xieyue Cave. Haoran Zhengang Sword did not pause, and circled directly towards the two of them, sweeping the sword light like a sword. The cave master of Xie Yue Cave was wrapped up inside.

"This kid is so awesome that he dares to attack the master of Xie Yue Cave. I heard that this guy is about to break through to the heavenly realm?" Some people around him were talking in low voices.

"What, he is about to break through to the realm of heaven and man. Is this true or false? If it is true, then there will be another master in the world, and even those immortal sects should pay attention to him."

"It shouldn't be wrong. I also heard that the master of Xieyue Cave entered the ninth level of the secret realm many years ago."

Facing Chen Feng's attack, the cave master of Xie Yue Cave smiled, his mind surged, and he threw the Heaven-turning Seal fiercely in his hand. The palm-sized Heaven-turning Seal quickly grew in size, and instantly became ten feet in diameter, like a small mountain. With the Haoran Zhengang Sword, he suppressed the past. With the suppression of the Heaven-turning Seal, streams of air not only surged, but also rushed around. Under the strong pressure, crisscrossing cracks began to appear on the ground, with a radius of dozens of meters. The air of ten feet was squeezed cleanly, forming a vacuum zone, and strong air waves broke the towering trees not far away.

Bang bang bang bang!

Loud noises suddenly erupted around Haoran Zhengang Sword. Chen Feng's face became very solemn. Chen Feng felt strong pressure. You must know that Chen Feng and Haoran Zhengang Sword were connected and integrated. At this time, he felt A mountain peak was suppressing him, and the powerful pressure emitted when the mountain fell locked him tightly, making it impossible for him to dodge.

"What a powerful pressure. The level of this Heaven-turning Seal must be higher than my Haoran Zhengang Sword." Thinking of this, the three major acupoints in Chen Feng's body were all gushing out, and powerful forces continued to grow out. With this, At the same time, Chen Feng's newly opened second sea of ​​consciousness also began to erupt like a tsunami. Powerful mysterious energy continued to flow into the Haoran Zhengang Sword, making the power of this treasure once again increase.

Tsk tsk tsk!

The Haoran Zhengang Sword continuously shot out sword gangs that were condensed into substance, forming a cage and quickly rotating and cutting. Small cracks suddenly appeared in the surrounding solidified space. Under the impact of a large amount of energy, Chen Feng immediately I felt my mind light up, and the Haoran Zhengang Sword turned into a stream of light, like a fish jumping out of the sea, and quickly landed in Chen Feng's palm.


There was a dull sound, and the Heaven-turning Seal hit the ground, as if a magnitude 12 earthquake had occurred. The soil continued to fly, and bottomless cracks appeared on the ground, spreading to hundreds of meters. In addition, the monks who were close to him were even more upset, and one monk was even knocked unconscious by the powerful wave.

The Heaven-turning Seal rushed out of the soil, hovering in mid-air, waiting for an opportunity to attack again, and a huge square hole appeared on the ground that was more than ten feet deep.

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