Eternal Existence

Chapter 138: Forming a Formation

"What a powerful force! If I hadn't dodged it just now, I'm afraid I would have been injured. Even the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword would have been damaged. Although the opponent's magic weapon is extremely powerful, it seems to be a little inflexible. Although I'm not the opponent's opponent, I can't show weakness in this situation." Thinking of this, the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword in Chen Feng's hand quickly shrank, becoming not much bigger than a steel needle, constantly drawing cracks in the air, and attacked the master of the Xieyue Cave again.

"Hehe, junior, since you are looking for death, don't blame me." The master of the Xieyue Cave sneered, exhaled in one breath, forming a series of mysterious spiral tracks in the air. Chen Feng suddenly felt that the flying sword connected to his mind became slow. This was not a simple fluctuation of power, but seemed to be some changes in the laws between heaven and earth.

"What kind of attack method is this?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

At this time, the master of the Xieyue Cave stretched out his hand and pointed at Chen Feng, and the surrounding airflow suddenly became violent, just like the undercurrent surging in the deep sea. Chen Feng immediately felt unstable in the middle.

Rumble! Boom!

The Heaven-Flipping Seal was like a small mountain, rushing straight towards Chen Feng. Wherever it passed, strong winds filled the air. Ye Ziming and Luta were knocked away just as they were about to step forward to help.

Feeling the power of the Heaven-Flipping Seal in front of him, Chen Feng was finally moved. This time, he was probably unable to take it. The consequences of not taking it were very serious. At the least, his bones would be broken, and at the worst, he would die on the spot. Chen Feng did not think that he could block the attack of the treasure with his bare hands.

"Do I have to sacrifice the Longevity Tower?" Chen Feng thought to himself. The Longevity Tower was Chen Feng's trump card now. Although it might not be able to take in the opponent's Heaven-Flipping Seal, it was still no problem to resolve the crisis in front of him. What's more, there was a big monster in it. At worst, he could release the opponent and kill him.

The reason why it was called a trump card was that it would not be used unless it was absolutely necessary, and Chen Feng did not know if there would be any trouble once the Longevity Tower was used.

But the situation in front of him was indeed dangerous enough. Haoran Zhengang Sword was blocked, and it was difficult for him to dodge under the opponent's restraint. The collision of a treasure was no joke, and it was a powerful and heavy treasure of the level of Fantian Yin.

"I didn't want to kill you so quickly. Since you are in a hurry to do it, don't blame me for being rude. This Fantian Yin incorporates a large amount of rare metals. The weight alone exceeds one million jin, which is equivalent to the weight of a small mountain. Even a cultivator in the Heavenly Realm would not be easy to be hit." The master of Xieyue Cave sneered in his heart. Under the encouragement of mana, Fantian Yin became more powerful, and it really rushed towards Chen Feng like a small mountain.

"Fight." Chen Feng decided to sacrifice the Changsheng Tower. Although he might not be able to collect the opponent's treasure, it should be no problem to block it. Besides, facing the crisis of the enemy, Chen Feng did not believe that the tower would continue to sleep.

At this moment, a ray of snow suddenly rushed down from the sky. It was the dark red spear thrown by the Demon Princess, blocking the two people directly, or in front of the Heaven-Flipping Seal.

Seeing this bloodthirsty magic weapon, the master of the Evil Moon Cave was also a little afraid. With a wave of his hand, the Heaven-Flipping Seal became smaller again and fell into his palm.

Chen Feng calmed down and quickly put away the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword. Although the fight just now was short, the power caused was not small, and it was obvious that Chen Feng was at a disadvantage. In the eyes of everyone, if it weren't for the Demon Princess's move, Chen Feng would probably have been crushed by the Heaven-Flipping Seal.

"Both of you should stop for now. Now is the time when you need everyone to work together. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to get out. I'm afraid we will be trapped here in the end." The Demon Princess said lightly, and took back the blood-colored spear with a wave of her hand.

"This magic weapon is so powerful that it seems to be able to tear the sky and split the earth. No wonder that old guy would estimate it?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Boy, you are lucky." The master of the Evil Moon Cave smiled faintly.

Fengliu Langjun also sneered at Chen Feng, but he was also very regretful that he did not kill Chen Feng just now.

"It may not be my luck, maybe it is yours." Chen Feng said lightly. Although he knew that he was not the opponent, he could not give in on the surface.

With the intervention of the Demon Princess, the two could no longer fight, and Chen Feng was relieved.

"The strength is still not enough, and the magic weapon is not as good as the other party. There may be some trouble next time?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

"But there are probably more than four of us who have treasures here. Some of them are hiding very deeply. Moreover, it is impossible that the Demon Princess has only this one treasure. The guardians around the Demon Princess are not simple either. After all, they all come from the immortal sects. Maybe they have some tricks. The Demon Princess has her own power but does not use it. Instead, she wants to consume the strength of us. Tsk tsk, it will probably be more lively next time, but there will also be great danger." Chen Feng was a little worried. At least he still had a treasure to protect himself. Ye Ziming and Ruta were relatively weak.

"I hope to find the soul-protecting flower as soon as possible. Then I can withdraw directly. There is no need to continue taking risks." Finally, Chen Feng thought helplessly.

"I have a set of formations here, which requires the cooperation of four treasures. If we can successfully find the existence of the surrounding space points, we can take everyone present out. Finally, I will say it again. This time, if you want to break through, you must work together." After the Demon Princess spoke, she waved her hand and three lights flew towards Chen Feng, the master of the Evil Moon Cave, and the old monk.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed the light. It turned out to be a white jade slip, only the size of a finger, emitting a tiny bit of light.

A divine sense probed into it, and a set of formations suddenly appeared inside. The principle and structure of this formation were clearly reflected in Chen Feng's mind.

After a long time, Chen Feng opened his eyes. For Chen Feng, this formation was not complicated. As long as the mind practiced according to the routine, it would exert a powerful power.

At the same time, the master of the Evil Moon Cave and the old monk also nodded, obviously understanding the formation.

"To avoid more trouble, let's act as soon as possible and rush out first." Mo Ji said, and then her figure swayed and stood in a position.

The master of the Evil Moon Cave and the old monk swayed and stood in their respective positions. Now only Chen Feng did not move.

"Brother Chen, be careful." Ye Ziming said in a voice transmission.

"Don't worry, I know what I am doing. At worst, I will release the purple lightning silver light dragon in the tower." Chen Feng sneered.

After that, Chen Feng also floated up and stood on the last position. Then the four people operated the magic circle at the same time. Suddenly, the surrounding space shook violently, and a square strange space appeared in the middle of the four people.

"Come to our center quickly, so that you can be protected from damage." Mo Ji shouted.

At the moment the formation was completed, Chen Feng felt a tremor all over his body, and his soul power began to be consumed in large quantities. In just a few breaths, Chen Feng felt that his soul power had been consumed by three layers, and a feeling of fatigue surged in his heart.

"If I hadn't condensed the soul fire, I'm afraid my soul power would have been drained out at once." Chen Feng said secretly, and then communicated with the Haoran Zhengang Sword, and the man and the sword became one. Chen Feng felt that the consumption of soul power was slowly weakened, and at the same time, the three acupoints were constantly boiling, continuously providing energy to the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Hehe, kid, if you can't hold on, you must tell me in advance, so as not to implicate everyone at that time." The owner of the Xieyue Cave sneered.

"Don't worry about it, just take care of yourself." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Go." Mo Ji shouted coldly, and the space not far in front of her shook for a while, and then Mo Ji rushed in one of the directions.

When Mo Ji moved, the whole formation changed immediately, and Chen Feng and the other two also moved immediately. At this moment, Chen Feng felt that not only the soul power was constantly consumed, but also the true qi, blood, and all the power in his body were rapidly consumed.

"This is not an easy job." Chen Feng sighed in his heart.

Chen Feng and the other four temporarily formed a square cage, wrapped everyone up, and then concentrated the power of the four treasures to break a point in the space, so that they could rush out.

"Brother Ye, it seems that the situation here is caused by the power of space. I wonder if your space array is effective?" Chen Feng asked.

"The space barrier here is very solid, and my little power can't break it at all. Even if I have a magic weapon to break the array, I don't have such a strong power to support it." Ye Ziming said.


The blood-colored spear in the hands of the demon princess continued to stab at the void, making bursts of explosions, and a trace of space power continued to overflow, and the nearby trees were shattered.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng couldn't help but sigh at the power of space. You know, the trees here are wild paulownia wood, and the flying swords of ordinary hardness can't cut it off at once.

The spear in the hands of the demon princess stabbed hundreds of times in a row, and then the spear in her hand suddenly raised to the sky, and the formation suddenly turned. The power of Chen Feng, the master of the evil moon cave, and the old monk all lost a lot, and all of them were gathered in the blood-colored spear in the hands of the demon princess.


The demon princess shouted in a low voice, and the energy in her body surged, the black clothes on her body fluttered, and the white skin on her neck was exposed.

The blood-red spear made a terrifying whistling sound, and a stream of light red flames rose up. Then the seemingly dim spear tip pierced directly into the void, as if it had really pierced a solid object. Then the spear turned rapidly, and the airflow in the surrounding space surged rapidly. Cracks spread out from the tip of the spear.

Outside the crack was not the turbulent flow of the void, but the gray world, which was the world in the Demon Soul Valley. The space barrier was full of the Demon Soul Valley. Everyone was now in the space barrier. If they broke the barrier, they could go out and return to the world in the Demon Soul Valley.

Space cracks continued to crack, spreading for dozens of meters. The power on the blood-red spear had been exhausted, and the spider-web-like space cracks closed again.

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