Eternal Existence

Chapter 136: Can’t Get Out

"It's dangerous ahead, why don't you stay?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Although it's dangerous ahead, there are so many people, and they are all masters. I always feel uneasy staying here. Besides, if we want to leave the Demon Soul Valley intact, we will definitely suffer heavy casualties." Tao Lao Da laughed.

"Besides, we can rest assured to follow you three, Brother Chen." Tao Lao Da added again.

"Since you are willing to stay here, let's leave. It's time for us to set off." Mo Ji said lightly, as if there was nothing abnormal about the things in front of her.

"This woman is not simple. No matter how dangerous the situation is, she is always calm. Either she is mentally strong or she has strong strength as a backing." Chen Feng guessed. It can be said that Chen Feng has a sense of curiosity about the mysterious woman Mo Ji, and wants to tear off her mask to see what kind of person she is. However, Chen Feng also knows that not to mention this unfathomable woman, even the four sword-carrying guards around her are not his opponents.

In the end, only fifty monks were willing to continue to move forward with Mo Ji, of course, not counting her four guards and a group of flower-protecting messengers.

Chen Feng, who was still excitedly cutting trees, couldn't help but sigh.

"Are these people too stupid?" Ye Ziming asked with a smile.

"Although it is extremely dangerous to continue moving forward, it is definitely a life-threatening situation to stay. It is difficult for these people to return safely." Chen Feng sighed.

"Don't talk about them. I am afraid we are also in danger. Brother Chen, we must make plans as soon as possible." Ye Ziming said with some concern.

"After leaving this jungle, if we can't find the destination, we will return." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

At this time, the five heroes of Taoshan followed Chen Feng and the other two closely. First, everyone gathered together and could resist danger together. Second, everyone knew that Chen Feng had a treasure on him, and they could get some protection by following Chen Feng.

After an hour, everyone's face became solemn, and finally a few people's faces began to turn pale.

Because they had walked for so long, according to the speed of everyone, they had advanced at least a hundred miles, but they still hadn't walked out of the jungle.

Before entering the jungle, everyone observed that the size of this jungle was only a dozen miles in radius, but now everyone has walked hundreds of miles and still has not seen the place outside the jungle. There are still towering wild tung trees, all kinds of strange flowers and plants, and the spiritual energy is still rich, but everyone feels a chill in their hearts.

"What's going on?" A cultivator shouted.

"Why can't I get out? This jungle is only a dozen miles long. Why can't I get out after entering?"

The cultivators who continued to move forward were all powerful and profound, but now several people began to panic.

"Have we been in an illusion all along?" Someone speculated.

"I'm afraid it's not an illusion. Maybe we have entered a mysterious barrier. I said this place is not simple."

"Have you noticed that there are many cultivators who have entered the Demon Soul Valley. Why are there no other cultivators who come here except us?" At this time, someone raised a question.

"That makes sense. Although the Demon Soul Valley is huge, there are countless cultivators in the world. Even if only one is chosen, there will be many cultivators coming. Since there are so many cultivators coming, it should be normal for them to have entered this jungle, right?"

"Yes, this jungle is not small, why are there no other monsters, not even birds and beasts?"

"It's bad, I have a hunch that we are in a huge crisis now."

"Return the original way."

"It's useless. Even if we go back a hundred miles, I'm afraid we can't get out."

After all, these cultivators are powerful. After a panic at first, they quickly regained their composure. In the end, they all looked at Mo Ji. After all, this woman is the employer, and her own strength is unfathomable.

Mo Ji also fell into deep thought at this time, frowning slightly, as if thinking about how to solve the situation in front of her.

"Little girl, it's still time to turn back now. If we return the original way, I am 50% sure to take you out. If we continue to move forward, I can't be sure." The old voice sounded in Mo Ji's ears again.

"I finally came here. I won't turn back. I will get that thing no matter what." Mo Ji said in a deep voice.

"Even if it costs my life?" the pale voice asked.

"Yes, even if it costs my life, I will fight once. If I can't get that thing this time, I would rather die here." Mo Ji said firmly.


The old voice sighed and stopped talking.

"In this case, I will do my best to help you." After a long time, the old voice sounded again, and at the same time, an invisible and powerful wave spread in the air. The space of hundreds of meters in radius shook violently. The huge wild paulownia trees seemed to be cut off by the invisible force and fell to the ground one after another, making a violent sound.

"What's going on?" The group of cultivators were surprised.

"Okay, don't ask too much, just follow me." Mo Ji said at this time.

"It seems to be a little wrong?" Chen Feng whispered.

"I also noticed it. I practice the art of the void and am somewhat sensitive to the power of space. The strong wave just now was not emitted by Mo Ji. I think there should be someone lurking in the dark around her." Ye Ziming said.

"There is someone guarding the dark place, and it is not difficult to see from the fluctuations just now that the opponent is most likely a monk in the heavenly realm. There is a monk in the heavenly realm guarding her secretly. This magic girl is not simple, she has a lot of background." Chen Feng guessed.

"A well-established monk from a well-known family will not take risks here easily unless he has sufficient cultivation and is protected by a powerful monk secretly. It seems that this woman named Mo Ji did have something going on when she entered the Demon Soul Valley. Maybe she was talking about that The ancient ruins are real," Ye Ziming said.

"You can take out the treasure as a reward. What this woman is looking for when she comes in is definitely not simple. It is at least a high-level treasure, and more likely a sacred weapon. Moreover, this woman must have clues, or full clues. In this way, everything will happen You can understand it." Chen Feng's mind is running very fast now, and he is analyzing things more carefully and quickly than usual. This is the role of opening up the second sea of ​​consciousness.

"If this is the case, it is true that this woman said there are treasures there." Ye Ziming's eyes brightened.

"However, the relative risk will also increase."

"Risks and benefits are connected. If you really can get a treasure, it's not impossible to take the risk and give it a try."

"Hahaha, it seems that we are also attracted by the benefits like everyone else."

"We are different from others. When danger comes, we have the ability to save our lives."

Chen Feng and Ye Ziming communicated quickly and quickly decided on the next policy.

As everyone continued to move forward with Mo Ji, there were constant invisible fluctuations in the air. With the generation of these fluctuations, the surrounding environment also continued to undergo some changes.

"This is not an illusion formation or a barrier. This is a strange formation that contains the power of space. Everything we see is real, but it is staggered by the strange power of space. There is an illusion that it is difficult for monks in the heavenly realm to get out again." Mo Ji's faint voice sounded.

"Does that mean we can't get out?" A monk asked immediately.

"No, you can go out, but you have to rely on everyone's strength." Mo Ji said and slowly glanced at everyone.

"Miss Mo Ji, what do you say? We just need to work together." Someone said.

"To solve the current situation, we need four treasures. Now I know a method that combines the power of four treasures to break the current dilemma." Mo Ji said that the bloody spear suddenly Appearing in the palm of your hand, exuding a bloodthirsty and evil aura.

"I can use one, but the remaining three are up to everyone." Mo Ji said lightly, and the dark red spear in her hand began to vibrate, as if the violent force brewing in it was about to conflict.

"Although this spear is a magic weapon, its aura is extremely powerful, and its attack power is most likely to exceed that of my Haoran Zhengang Sword. If you can get it, refine it and suppress it in the Magnetic Pole Cave, it would be a good choice." Looking at the dark red spear in Mo Ji's hand, Chen Feng was also very excited.

"We are just monks in the secret realm. There will be treasures there. Isn't this forcing others to do something difficult?" Some monks shouted dissatisfied.

However, some monks also looked at Chen Feng. Obviously, everyone knew that Chen Feng had a treasure.

"Haha, I'm willing to help." Chen Feng stepped forward and smiled.

"In this case, there are still two treasures missing?" Ruta shouted.

"Now is a time of crisis, so everyone should stop hiding it. Friends who have treasures on their bodies should stop hiding them. It will not be good for everyone if this continues." Mo Ji said lightly.

"Haha, I am also willing to help." The short middle-aged monk standing next to the romantic man stepped forward and smiled lightly.

"I am somewhat flattered that the cave master of Xie Yue Cave can take on this task." Mo Ji said with a faint smile.

"What, this man is the cave master of Xie Yue Cave. There are eight major thieves in Xie Yue Cave. The boss is the cave master of Xie Yue Cave. I heard that this man has extremely high cultivation level and is a murderous demon who is about to break through to the sky. I didn't expect him to be such an inconspicuous little monk in the human realm." Someone exclaimed.

"Xie Yue Cave actually has a treasure to suppress the mountain gate. No wonder it has been surrounded and suppressed many times by the Immortal Sect without success. Even the six caves are not in the eyes. This time this big devil actually accepted the mission with us. I'm afraid there is something else. Purpose?" someone speculated.

"This man actually has a treasure weapon on his body. Just now, I faced the enemy with bare hands, which gave people an unfathomable feeling. If I had used the treasure weapon at that time, I'm afraid I would have been in a lot of trouble?" Chen Feng's heart was also turned upside down, and he was a romantic man. Chen Feng didn't take it seriously, but this inconspicuous little middle-aged monk always gave me a strange feeling. Now that I have a treasure in my hand and we start fighting again, I will be the unlucky one.

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