Eternal Existence

Chapter 135 Oasis

"We finally came here, and now we retreat and get nothing, isn't it a big loss?" Ye Ziming said with a smile.

"Yes, we have to find the soul-protecting flower first." Ruta also smiled.

"In that case, we will leave here after finding the soul-protecting flower. I think we should wait until we reach the heavenly realm before coming back next time." Chen Feng shook his head and said.

Rumble! Rumble!

A dull sound came from a distance, and a huge flying warship flew over everyone's heads, and the airflow it brought made everyone on the ground shake.

"What a big spaceship." Everyone exclaimed.

This spaceship is more than a thousand meters long, with golden light all over its body, and countless airflows formed a formation flowing on the surface of the hull. There is a huge dragon head on the bow, which looks very majestic.

"This is probably a high-level treasure, and the cultivators inside must be masters."

"Everyone should be careful, not only are there various monsters here, but sometimes some human cultivators are even more dangerous."

"Murder and robbery happen frequently here."

After advancing more than 50 miles, the surrounding environment became worse again, and a strong pressure fell from the sky. Some weaker cultivators could not even fly.

Chen Feng's mind moved, and a strong force of the earth wrapped around his legs. Chen Feng suddenly felt his whole body light, and the flow of true energy in his body returned to normal.

"Good guy, the environment here is really strange, and it has become ten times more difficult to absorb the earth's energy. Not only that, the demonic energy here is also several times thicker. Tsk tsk, Ruta should be unable to bear it now, right?" Chen Feng said in his heart.

"Brother Lu, how do you feel now?" Chen Feng turned his head and asked.

"The pressure is huge, like a mountain floating above my head. I can't fly with my sword now, and I have to use half of my strength to resist the surrounding demonic energy. If I encounter an enemy, I can't even use half of my strength." Ruta said with a wry smile.

"This is just the edge of the Demon Soul Valley, and there is such a strong pressure. I don't know what the central area will be like. No wonder the cultivators in the Heavenly Realm dare not enter easily." Chen Feng sighed.

"I smell some grass and trees, and the fragrance of flowers." At this time, a cultivator said.

Chen Feng was stunned, then looked up and looked far away. It was like finding an oasis in the desert. A place with vitality suddenly bloomed in the gray world.

"Everyone, be careful, don't be like those strange vines you encountered before. The plants that can grow here must be extraordinary. Even an ordinary tree may kill people." At this time, the unfathomable old man suddenly said.

"I practiced the Changsheng Zhenjing and didn't sense the existence of grass and trees. The other party actually sensed it. It seems that the old man is really extraordinary, or he practiced the top wood-based skills?" Chen Feng guessed secretly.

As everyone approached, a cool breeze came over, which contained a strong smell of grass and trees, and everyone felt shocked.

"It looks similar to the forest outside." Someone said strangely.

The oasis in front of them was more than ten miles in radius, and its size was beyond everyone's expectations. There were some towering green trees, some exotic flowers and plants, and various hanging shrubs. In short, at a glance, this was an ordinary jungle.

Chen Feng's consciousness kept rolling and sensing carefully. In addition to the strong smell of grass and trees, there was no other breath of monsters, and he did not feel any other strange fluctuations.

"It can't be a simple forest, this is the Demon Soul Valley, is there a super master practicing in it?" Someone guessed.

This time was different from the vines encountered last time. Although everyone was a little confused, they still slowly walked into the jungle.

Fresh air, rich spiritual energy, and a trace of water and moisture floating in the air, the surrounding flowers and plants are full of vitality. This environment is a good place to practice even outside.

"This is Yunlin Flower, a very rare herb." At this time, a cultivator shouted in surprise, and quickly stepped forward to collect several strange-shaped herbs on the ground.

"These big trees seem to be wild paulownia wood." One of the cultivators stretched out his hand and grabbed a big tree, leaving only a shallow mark on it.

"Such a hard tree." Other cultivators exclaimed, and one cultivator even sacrificed a flying sword and chopped at a big tree that two people hugged.


The big tree was only cut into one-third of the extent. Although the flying sword was sharp, it could no longer penetrate.

"What a hard wood, my flying sword is a fourth-grade magic weapon, even such a thick fine steel can be cut directly." The cultivator was surprised.

"These trees are all treasures, containing rich wood power, which is of great benefit to cultivators who practice wood-based exercises." Ye Ziming said.

While Ye Ziming was talking, two monks had already inserted their five fingers into the tree and started to practice. As the two people continuously absorbed the wood power, the thick wild tung tree in front of them began to slowly dry up and shrink. This was the reason why the life force of the tree was gradually lost.

"Wild tung wood, in fact, was originally called copper wood, which means that the toughness of the tree itself is comparable to that of refined copper. It is a very rare tree species. I didn't expect to encounter it here. However, it is a bit strange that this kind of tree is not invaded by the surrounding demonic energy." The old monk said strangely.

"There should be some unknown mysterious power here, or it may have been blessed with great magic power, or there may be restrictions around this jungle. In short, there must be a reason why a vibrant jungle suddenly appeared here." Standing there. The short middle-aged monk next to the romantic man said.

"Anyway, no danger has been found for the time being, and the place is full of vitality. Let's quickly recover our strength. We will continue to move forward later." Mo Ji said lightly.

Although there was no expression on Mo Ji's face, she was secretly on guard, and at the same time she was communicating with the old man who was secretly protecting her.

"What is going on here? Why do I feel a little weird, but I can't see anything?" Mo Ji sent out a wave of consciousness into the void in front of her.

"I didn't see it either, but I have a bad feeling. You'd better get out quickly." An old voice passed into Mo Ji's ears.

"Even you can't see it, which is a bit troublesome." Mo Ji whispered, and was thinking about leading everyone away from here. When she turned around, she saw everyone scattered throughout the jungle in twos and threes, and some of them were walking While cutting down wild paulownia trees, some people were absorbing the spiritual energy around them to recuperate, and some even inserted their hands into the tree to absorb the essence of the wood.

Seeing this scene, Mo Ji swallowed back the words that came to her lips. Everyone's vitality was greatly depleted and they should take time to recover. Otherwise, if he gave the order now, some people might not pay attention to him.

"These wild paulownia trees are good things, let's cut some, don't let them snatch them all." Ye Ziming said with a smile, waved his hand, and walked towards a thick wild paulownia tree with a sharp long sword in his hand. .

"I'll go too." Ruta smiled.

Chen Feng did not take it lightly. He first opened his consciousness and searched the surroundings carefully. After feeling that there was nothing unusual, he slowly walked to a wild paulownia tree and directly stretched out his palm to press on it.

The Sutra of Immortality was activated, the true energy in the body was flowing, and a suction force came from Chen Feng's palm.

Hurrah! Wow!

Chen Feng felt that the wild paulownia tree in front of him was suddenly connected with his true energy, and he became the bottomless sea. This tree was the stream that merged into the sea.

The essence of wood full of vitality is continuously transported into Chen Feng's body, and Chen Feng's palm is the channel.

In less than a moment of burning the incense, the leaves of the hundred-meter-tall ancient tree in front of me withered first, then the branches withered, and then only the bare trunk remained.

Chen Feng took his palm away, and the thick tree trunk in front of him exploded violently, turning into rotten wood flying all over the sky, and a drop of it was scattered.

Feeling the powerful Qi in his body, Chen Feng suddenly smiled: "The Manual of Immortality is not a wood-type technique, but it is more domineering than the highest-level wood-type techniques. I also know who compiled it. "

After absorbing three huge wild paulownia trees in a row, Chen Feng felt that the meridians in his body were full. Even the three major acupoints were filled with billowing wood essence. After opening the three major acupoints, Chen Feng also discovered a method. , that is, the spiritual energy that cannot be refined can be stored in these acupoints, and can be slowly refined and absorbed by yourself later. More importantly, these acupoints are unfathomable and will continue to grow as your strength grows. , more magical than the best storage magic weapon.

Then Chen Feng activated the Haoran Zhengang Sword and chopped down hundreds of wild paulownia trees in one go, all of which were put into the Eternal Life Tower. Only then did Chen Feng stop, and then began to use his physical skills to search around the entire jungle.

Chen Feng's goal was naturally the soul-protecting flower. After finally finding a place with luxuriant plants, Chen Feng would rather believe that the soul-protecting flower also grew here.

However, in the next half day, Chen Feng found many other precious medicinal materials, such as Yunlin flower, Nine-tailed nightshade flower, magic grass, ghost mushroom and other medicinal materials that are popular with the outside world, but he did not find the Soul Protector. Flower, this made Chen Feng's calm heart a little impatient.

Everyone stayed here for a whole day, and Mo Ji finally couldn't bear it anymore and began to gather everyone to go on the road again.

Sure enough, a group of monks ignored Mo Ji's recruitment order and were still mining the spiritual trees and herbs around them.

"We won't go on the road again. It's too dangerous ahead. We don't want the remaining pills. We will naturally return the same way in a few days." A young monk shouted.

"Hahahaha, there are many rare medicinal herbs here, as well as a large number of wild paulownia trees, which are worth far more than your 100,000 Yuan Yang Pill. We will not continue to die with you."

"Not bad, not bad. There are so many wild paulownia trees here. After we mine them, we will definitely be able to sell them for a big price."

Some monks began to make noises and ignored Mo Ji at all. Instead of continuing to take risks with this woman, it was better to stay here, make a fortune, and then return the same way.

Of course, not all the monks had this idea, and more than half of the monks gathered together when they heard Mo Ji's greeting, including Chen Feng and the five Tao Shan heroes.

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