Eternal Existence

Chapter 134: Five Elements Capturing Light

"Fight!" The romantic man's face changed, and he actually regretted provoking the other party. What was even more shocking was that the other party wanted to kill him with a powerful murderous intention and an unstoppable sword to kill him.

"Flowing Fire Gangfeng Escape!"

Fengliu Langjun gritted his teeth and let out a low roar in his throat. He opened the folding fan in his hand fiercely, and a billowing fire burst out. The wind and fire clashed, and a billowing existence like a fire dragon rushed towards the oncoming Haoran Zhengang Sword. .

When the romantic man took action, the short middle-aged monk also started to take action. The short middle-aged monk stretched out his five fingers and shook it towards the sky. A huge black vortex formed violently, and the vortex rotated violently. , the surrounding vitality, demonic energy, and the Vulcan Crow were all drawn into it, turning into billowing energy, making the vortex become more violent.

"The light of the Five Elements Capture turns out to be this secret technique." Mo Ji couldn't help but exclaimed, her indifferent expression showing emotion again.

Naturally, this woman saw the fight on Chen Feng's side clearly, but she did not intervene. First of all, she had no time to intervene. The most important thing was to see the strength of both Chen Feng and Chen Feng.

Mo Ji did not react when Chen Feng released the Haoran Zhengang Sword. It seemed that the power that Chen Feng unleashed was within Mo Ji's expectation, but as soon as this short middle-aged monk made his move, Mo Ji was stunned. Because this man was performing a long-lost technique, even Mo Ji had only heard of it but had never seen it.

The scorching fire dragon and the huge whirlpool collided with the Haoran Zhengang Sword in mid-air. The scorching fire dragon was directly scattered. The folding fan in Feng Liulangjun's hand was burned and turned into ashes. What surprised Chen Feng was that the short The huge whirlpool emitted by the middle-aged monk was not broken up by him. Instead, it continued to consume the power of the Haoran Zhengang Sword.

Finally, the downward trend of the Haoran Zhengang Sword slowly stopped, and the huge whirlpool also dissipated without a trace. Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Haoran Zhengang Sword circled and flew in front of him. Under the crisscrossing, several Vulcan crows were surrounding it. Beheaded again.

"What kind of technique was that just now? It's so miraculous that it can block the attack of my treasure weapon." Chen Feng was a little shocked. The performance of the short monk exceeded his expectations. Seeing that the other party neutralized his attack easily, Chen Feng knew that if he continued to fight, he might not be able to gain any advantage.

Chen Feng didn't take action, and neither did Feng Liujun or the short monk. Especially Feng Liujun. A high-end magic weapon in his hand had been damaged by the blow just now. He couldn't help but feel sad in his heart, but he didn't dare to do it again. The treasure weapon Its power cannot be resisted by oneself.

As for the little monk, his eyes glowed with light and then calmed down again. He seemed to have his own plan.

When the short middle-aged monk hit the huge whirlpool, Ye Ziming's eyes also flashed with a hint of surprise, and he seemed to recognize this technique.

Both parties had concerns, stopped fighting, and continued to hunt the surrounding Vulcan crows.

"Merry Man, I count you lucky this time. I wonder if you can stop me next time." Chen Feng sneered, and after a while, a tenacious sword energy formed a circle and once again knocked out a Vulcan crow. It was wrapped up, but it didn't have the roundness and randomness just now, and it didn't have the wonderful artistic conception just now.


At this time, a loud noise came. The small five-element battle formation arranged by Tao Shan's five heroes was unexpectedly rushed away by a group of powerful Vulcan crows. Tao Lao Si and Tao Lao Wu were seriously injured, with burnt wounds on their bodies. trace.

"These Vulcan Crows are indeed powerful. Except for Tao, the five of them are on the fifth level of the secret realm. The other four are on the fourth level of the secret realm. Especially after forming a battle formation, they can compete with the sixth level of the secret realm. Monk, I didn't expect to be injured by these Vulcan Crows in such a short period of time," Chen Feng thought to himself.

At this time, Ruta was also shaking for a while, and finally managed to fight off a Vulcan crow with the help of Ye Ziming.

"Huh, the demonic energy here is too strong. Just resisting the demonic energy consumes 30% of my energy." Ruta said with a pale face, and there was a flash of black energy on his face.

"By the way, why have I forgotten these things about demonic energy?" Chen Feng was shocked, and then he realized that everyone was inherently disadvantaged.

"However, the longevity energy I have cultivated seems to be able to effectively eliminate the influence of the demonic energy. I wonder if the demonic energy here can be absorbed and refined?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

Thinking of this, the Haoran Zhengang Sword in front of him flew out quickly and circled around the five heroes of Taoshan. All the dozen or so Vulcan crows around him were killed.

"It's a pity, these are all good materials for refining elixirs." Chen Feng said with emotion.

"Everyone, come close to me, don't leave." Chen Feng shouted. He had already taken action anyway, and simply used his treasure weapon to kill. As the sword light flew, Vulcan crows were being killed one after another. For a moment, the flames With flying energy and energy, a large safe area was vacated where Chen Feng was.

When the surrounding monks saw this situation, they crowded towards the direction where Chen Feng and others were, hoping to get Chen Feng's protection.

For an entire hour, more than a thousand Vulcan crows were killed, and most of them were killed. The remaining ones knew how powerful they were and fled one after another, leaving only the injured monks screaming and cursing.

"This time there were more than a dozen casualties, but the monks who survived were all elites, each one more powerful than the other." Chen Feng said with emotion.

"Almost all the cultivators in the third level of the secret realm have died. However, although the fight just now was fierce, some people did not try their best, but concealed their strength." Ye Ziming sneered.

Mo Ji and others looked normal, but some cultivators looked at Ye Ziming fiercely. However, looking at the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword in front of Chen Feng, they showed a look of caution in their eyes, in addition to the caution, there was also some greed.

"It will definitely cause trouble if the treasure is exposed like this." Ye Ziming shook his head.

"There is nothing we can do about it, but as long as it is not a cultivator in the Tianren realm, don't think about snatching my treasure." Chen Feng smiled, and the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword turned into a stream of light and drilled into the Tianyuan acupoint.

"The sharp nail of the Thunder Eagle is not bad. It should be able to refine a flying sword of the treasure level. There is a method of refining in the Changsheng Zhenjing. It seems that I have to take time to study it. Now the two major magnetic poles are still missing two treasures to suppress the acupoints." Chen Feng said in his heart.

Next, Chen Feng tried to absorb some of the surrounding demonic energy. To Chen Feng's surprise, under the operation of the Changsheng Zhenjing, the demonic energy inhaled into the body turned into pure spiritual energy and merged into the Changsheng Zhenqi that Chen Feng practiced.

At first, Chen Feng was still a little worried, but after the next attempt, Chen Feng gradually felt relieved. He didn't expect that these demonic energy that could turn cultivators into human demons would be a great tonic for him like other spiritual energy.

"In this way, I won't be afraid of consumption. I can absorb the demonic energy here to restore my vitality." Chen Feng said in his heart.

"Miss Mo Ji, we are seriously consumed and need pills to replenish our vitality." At this time, a cultivator said coldly.

"No problem, 20,000 Yang Dan per person." Mo Ji said lightly, and with a wave of her hand, a large number of pills piled up on the ground again.

With these Yuanyang Pills, the morale of the crowd was boosted again, and some cultivators began to take Yuanyang Pills to restore their strength. Chen Feng and the other two had a lot of magic crystals on them, so they naturally didn't care about these pills. Moreover, Chen Feng's purpose of coming this time was not for the reward of the 100,000 yuan Yuanyang Pill, but for the Soul-Protecting Flower.

Since he got off the flying warship, Chen Feng began to secretly search for everything around him. It was a pity that there were not many plants in the Demon Soul Valley, and even very few, which could almost be compared with the Gobi Desert or even the desert.

"Didn't they say there were Soul-Protecting Flowers here, but I have been observing for so long, and there is almost no grass?" Chen Feng couldn't help but whispered.

"The plants that can grow here are not ordinary things. Brother Chen, don't worry. Since we are here, there is plenty of time to find them." Ye Ziming smiled.

"I don't know what Miss Moji is looking for?" At this time, a cultivator came forward and asked.

"You don't need to know this, you just need to listen to my arrangements, and you are all mercenaries who have taken on many tasks. You can't ask about your employer's affairs casually. Don't you know?" Moji said lightly.

"Hehe, we just don't want to die in vain." The monk who spoke laughed.

"The place we are going to is an ancient site, where there are a lot of treasure fragments, and maybe there are some other things. My goal is to get a magic weapon lost there. As long as I can get that thing, you will definitely benefit from it, and you can also try your luck, maybe you can get a treasure." Moji said after a silence.

"Ancient ruins, treasures, hehe, I think that place must be very dangerous, right?" Another monk sneered.

"The danger of the Demon Soul Valley, I think everyone in the world knows it. Since you have accepted the task, don't regret it now. I still say that if any of you regret it, you can leave at any time." Moji's voice became cold again.

"Okay, since everyone has come here, we must work together and take money from others to help them eliminate disasters. Since we have accepted this task, don't complain anymore." At this time, an old man with white hair said in a hoarse voice.

This old man was also one of the cultivators that Chen Feng could not see through. Chen Feng guessed that he should be at the same level as the short middle-aged cultivator.

The harsh environment, the monsters that could appear at any time, and other unknown dangers, this is what Chen Feng and others felt when they entered the Demon Soul Valley.

In the next day, everyone encountered attacks from poisonous insects and monsters again, such as the overwhelming swarm of poisonous snakes and the strange poisonous insects flying all over the sky. In particular, everyone encountered attacks from some thorny vines in a valley. They finally found some plants, but they turned out to be deadly ropes.

At the end of the day, another twenty people died. At this time, only more than eighty people were left out of the more than one hundred people who came. If the five heroes of Taoshan had not relied on Chen Feng's protection, they would not have been able to hold on. Even so, Tao Lao Si was also seriously injured. He was carried by his brothers while recovering secretly.

"The danger is getting higher and higher. If I didn't have the treasure on me, I'm afraid we would have been seriously injured. I'm starting to plan to return now." Chen Feng and Ye Ziming communicated secretly.

"It's more dangerous to go back now." Ye Ziming said.

"No, with fewer people, we won't attract monsters, and we have treasures to protect us, so it's no problem to retreat safely now, but it's a pity that we didn't find the soul-protecting flower." Chen Feng said, the Demon Soul Valley is too dangerous, and Chen Feng doesn't want Ye Ziming and Ruta to accompany him to die.

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