Eternal Existence

Chapter 133: The Sword of Immortality

"The huge rocket just now was launched by ten Vulcan Crows." Chen Feng and the other two had just stood firm when they saw two more huge rockets in front of them.

"I'll do it." Chen Feng said as he stomped his feet. The magnetic pole points on the bottom of his feet began to surge, and the thick earth energy was mobilized. A light yellow light shield appeared in front of the three people.

Boom! Boom!

The huge rocket was blocked by the power of the earth and exploded violently. Chen Feng and the other two quickly dodged the shock waves around them.

After many life-and-death battles, the three of them had a tacit understanding of each other. Ruta quickly waved the Hun Tian Wu Ji stick to block the invasion of the surrounding demonic energy and hot air waves, while Ye Ziming continued to build up his strength secretly so that he could use the Void Escape at any time when danger came. As for Chen Feng, his hands changed for a while, and two Changsheng swords were condensed. The blades exuded a hint of coldness, and he attacked the rockets again.

Continuous explosions sounded in the crowd, and pillars of fire kept exploding. The chaotic flames sprayed in all directions, and the temperature around instantly rose by hundreds of degrees. There were also screams, fighting sounds, and shouts from the crowd. Soon, there were hot air waves and strong bloody smells drilling into Chen Feng's nostrils.

"A lot of people will die." Chen Feng sighed. Now he finally understood why Mo Ji spent so much money to recruit so many cultivators. Even if there were twice as many forces, entering the Demon Soul Valley would be dangerous. After all, everyone was not a master of the Heavenly Realm. Not to mention encountering a demon beast of the Great Demon level, even the thick demonic energy in the Demon Soul Valley would make everyone waste a lot of strength to resist, and they could not exert all their strength when fighting against the enemy.

Puff! Puff!

The two cultivators in the third level of the secret realm did not block the fierce attack of the rocket, and were directly pierced through the chest, and a transparent large hole was burned in the chest by the hot flames.

"The long wind cuts off the flowing water with a sword."

"The iron spear breaks the sky and kills the dragon."

At this time, Mo Xigui and another young monk rushed towards the rockets in the sky. The sword energy in the sky was constantly waving, and the shadow of the spear was like a dragon, as if facing the wind and covering the waves, breaking the rockets in front of them and killing directly into the group of fire god crows. The spear and the sword kept strangling, and the fire god crows fell one after another, and the flames on their bodies began to dissipate.

These fire god crows burning with blazing flames are strange. When they were alive, their bodies were extremely hot and the flames danced. After death, the flames disappeared, just like ordinary crows.

With the impact of Mo Xigui and the two, the group of fire god crows began to become chaotic, and then other monks rushed up and started a big melee. The large group of fire god crows finally became chaotic.

Including those young masters who were like flower protectors, all the cultivators were fighting desperately with the Fire God Crow. Except for the Demon Princess and the four guards, the five of them were constantly killing the Fire God Crows that pounced on them, but it was obvious that they were not doing their best. Moreover, as long as the Fire God Crow did not fly over their heads, the five of them would not care. Even if there were cultivators around them who were torn to pieces by the Fire God Crow, the five of them would not react at all and would not lend a hand at all.

Swish, swish, swish!

Once a Fire God Crow approached the Demon Princess, the four guards behind them would take action. With a simple flash of sword energy, one Fire God Crow after another was chopped in half.

"These four guards are powerful, but they have never tried their best, especially the Demon Princess, who is even more unfathomable. They let these people go to die and kept their strength. They are either cold-blooded or have a reason." Chen Feng said in his heart.

With the addition of the flower protectors, everyone finally collided with the Fire God Crow and started a close fight. Fire crows like fireballs rushed towards the monks like meteors from outer space.

While Chen Feng was doing it, he was observing the short middle-aged monk who was with Feng Liu Langjun, wanting to see how he would do it, but soon Chen Feng was disappointed. The strength shown by this man was only at the fifth level of the secret realm, and he was neither hurried nor slow in his moves, with a faint expression. He followed Feng Liu Langjun and would only attack when the Fire Crows rushed up, and most of them were solved by Feng Liu Langjun.

And Feng Liu Langjun was indeed good at it. Just relying on the folding fan in his hand, the various strong winds emitted by it prevented the surrounding Fire Crows from getting close.

In addition to the two of them, Chen Feng also found some masters, but Chen Feng finally concluded an argument, that is, these people almost fought on their own, and everyone just protected their own safety, and no one wanted to care about other people's affairs.

Not only other people, but Chen Feng and the other two also did the same. The three of them huddled together. Chen Feng did not use the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword, but only used the condensed Changsheng Sword to fight the enemy. If the pressure was too great, Ye Ziming would use the Void Escape to avoid it. In short, he would not fight desperately, not show off, and retain his strength.

After Chen Feng upgraded, the power of the condensed Changsheng Sword increased several times. Chen Feng felt that the Changsheng Sword in his hand was comparable to a second-grade magic weapon.

The Changsheng Sutra was extremely profound. It can be said that Chen Feng had just started practicing, and his understanding of the Changsheng Sword was only superficial, and he could not really bring out the true meaning of this art of condensing soldiers.

Chen Feng also knew this, so he did not use the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword, but only used the Changsheng Sword to fight the enemy. This was also a way to hone himself and make him understand the art of condensing the Changsheng Sword more deeply.

"Now let's try the method of condensing the Longevity Sword." Chen Feng's mind moved, and the Longevity Sword in his hand exploded into pieces with a bang. The scattered energy quickly condensed and soon condensed into a broad and thick long sword.

Then the aura of the Changsheng Sword disappeared, becoming upright, domineering, sharp, plain, and neutral. This is the aura of the Changsheng Sword. The energy structure in it has also changed again. Countless tiny magic arrays are constantly generated and destroyed in the sword body. As soon as Chen Feng held the long sword, he felt that his spiritual temperament changed suddenly, becoming tall and profound. He could break everything with one sword, dominate killing, rectify the world, and seek transcendence.

"The Changsheng Sword and the Changsheng Sword are completely different. Although they are both condensed by my power, their essences are completely different. It is really strange, but the powerful power is unquestionable. It seems to be stronger than the Changsheng Sword." Thinking of this, the long sword in Chen Feng's hand quickly drew a circle in the air, and the sword edge cut out mysterious and weird lines in the air. A ferocious Vulcan Crow was drawn into the Changsheng Sword by Chen Feng.

The strong long sword actually exerted a soft and vital sword energy. Even Chen Feng was a little strange about this. He seemed to have grasped something in the battle.

"Right the heaven and earth, seek transcendence, break the void, seek immortality. It turns out that this is both a sword of killing and a sword of immortality." Chen Feng's mind was clear, and he realized a little of the true meaning of the sword of immortality. Then the long sword in his hand bounced, and then a suction force came out from his eyebrows, directly absorbing the fire god crow into the immortal tower and suppressing it.

Swish, swish, swish!

Then Chen Feng kept attacking, and the fire god crows were bound by the lingering sword of immortality as soon as they touched Chen Feng's sword of immortality, and then they were absorbed into the immortal tower one after another.

Chen Feng became more and more excited, and gradually immersed in a magical realm. He only felt that his mind had sublimated at this moment, and his feelings about the world around him became more profound. The power in his body began to boil, and it was still constantly improving. This is a realm, a realm that cannot be explained clearly, and can only be understood but not expressed in words.

The power of the sword of immortality became stronger and stronger, and the scope of coverage became larger and larger. Soon, dozens of fire god crows around were captured and suppressed by Chen Feng.

"Sudden enlightenment, enlightenment, this kid actually entered this state in the fight, not simple, very simple." At this time, the short monk standing next to Fengliu God seemed to sense something, and when he looked up, he saw Chen Feng fell into a strange state, and a trace of emotion finally appeared on his calm face.

"Sudden enlightenment? Hehe, I'll make him enlightened." Fengliu God on the side sneered, and shook the folding fan in his hand violently, and the rolling gale wrapped up the two fire crows. The fire took advantage of the wind and turned into a thick pillar of fire that rushed towards Chen Feng. When approaching Chen Feng, the two fire crows suddenly exploded, and strong flames wrapped around Chen Feng.

"The sword of longevity ignites vitality." Chen Feng chanted softly, and soft and upright sword energy emanated from the sword of longevity, quickly condensing around Chen Feng into fast-rotating circles, just like a huge whirlpool in the sea, absorbing all the flames produced by the explosion of the fire crows, leaving nothing behind, and the raging waves suddenly became calm.

However, Chen Feng's state of enlightenment was also destroyed. Chen Feng's face suddenly showed a trace of anger, and then quickly returned to normal.

"Brother Chen, the other party did it on purpose." Ruta couldn't help shouting.

"I know it's intentional. Do you really think we are easy to bully?" Chen Feng sneered, and his mind moved. The Haoran Zhengang Sword escaped from the Tianyuan acupoint, and then rapidly grew larger, instantly becoming ten feet long and two feet wide. Under the strong sword energy, the surrounding Vulcan Crows were cut into pieces.


The huge sword body burst into dazzling sword energy and slashed at Fengliu Shenjun. The long sword passed by, and the surrounding air exploded. Whether it was the cultivators or the Vulcan Crows in the middle, they were all blown away, and the hard ground was constantly exploding. The power of this sword shocked the power of all the cultivators present.

Chen Feng finally got angry. At this moment, he only wanted to kill. Since the other party had provoked him first, he would use the strongest force to kill the other party. He was open-minded. A cultivator should be fearless. He could fight or kill anyone he wanted. This was the killing way of a cultivator who practiced against the will of heaven.

"No, this is a treasure. It is so powerful." Feng Liu Langjun interrupted Chen Feng's sudden enlightenment and was gloating. However, when he felt the powerful attack from Haoran Zhengang Sword, his face immediately turned pale. Feng Liu Shenjun did not take Chen Feng seriously, but the power of this treasure was not something he could easily resist.

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