Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,289: In the Formation

The people in the dark were a little surprised that Chen Feng could be caught so easily, but the next moment the golden light exploded, Chen Feng broke free, and then disappeared directly.

"Not good, the other party came in on purpose." One of the divine thoughts sounded.

"It's just right that he came in, then don't even think about getting out."

"Hmph, no matter how powerful the immortal golden immortal is, he will only die in our Twelve Gods Formation."

"No, Changtian's breath disappeared."

"Hey! It really disappeared, what's going on, did he use the art of concealment?"

"What a joke, no matter how superb the art of concealment the other party uses, don't think about escaping the Gods Formation."

"The art of searching through the sky and the earth!"

Then everyone activated the formation to search for Chen Feng's traces. The powerful secret energy swept across again and again. Not to mention Chen Feng, even the breath of the three people of Black Water Demon Eye was not captured.

"Why do I feel something is not good."

"Changtian has the Changsheng Zhenjing, he must have a way to break it, let's be careful."

"So what, our strength is here, according to my idea, there is no need to use any big formation, just capture the opponent directly."

"Stupid, if Changtian is easy to capture, he wouldn't have walked all the way here."

"No, I'm attacked."

Everyone was communicating, and then one of them screamed, the scream was very short, after a strong fluctuation, it returned to calm.

"What's going on?"

"Tianchi Immortal Lord was killed."

"What, how is it possible."

"If I guess correctly, Changtian should have the formation diagram of the Twelve Gods and Heavens Formation in his hand, it is easy to find the center of the formation."

"Change the formation quickly."


At this time, another Golden Immortal was attacked.

"It seems that Heishui Motong and the others have also succeeded." After killing a Golden Immortal, Chen Feng injected a new energy into the suppression. The purpose of Chen Feng's doing this was to plant a nail in the formation.

Being pulled into the Godly Heaven Formation was planned by Chen Feng and his companions. Chen Feng acted alone, and the three Black Water Demon Pupils acted together. Chen Feng thought that the three Black Water Demon Pupils had the formation diagram with them, and they were proficient in the art of time and space, so they should be able to deal with the next situation.

However, Chen Feng still thought things were a bit simple. Then the Twelve Godly Heaven Formation instantly changed its trajectory and changed the operation of the formation, and soon captured the breath of the three Black Water Demon Pupils.

And although two Golden Immortals were killed, the power of the formation did not weaken at all.


With just one blow, the Black Water Demon Pupil was knocked away, and it was unknown where he fell. After the next few attacks, the mutant dragon and the time and space beast were also separated by the formation. Although they could vaguely sense each other's breath, it was indeed difficult to reunite.

Chen Feng noticed this situation and was a little anxious, so he was in a state of anxiety, and the other party noticed a little abnormality, and there were dozens of swords attacking Chen Feng.


The sword of immortality flew out and shredded the sword auras into pieces, but Chen Feng was exposed, and then there was an overwhelming attack.

Chen Feng held the sword of immortality, and all kinds of attacks would be chopped into pieces, but Chen Feng knew that this was not a solution. Unless he could break the formation with one blow, these attacks would continue to attack, and they would become stronger and stronger.


A golden immortal hidden in the formation launched a fierce attack on Chen Feng. Chen Feng swung his sword and dissolved the opponent's attack, but his body involuntarily stepped back a few steps, and then fell into another small formation. The dense binding force wrapped around Chen Feng's legs like a thread, and that was not all. There were also powerful devouring forces that wanted to devour Chen Feng's vitality.

"It's the Heaven Devouring Formation, and it's used against me." Chen Feng sneered, and the Heaven Devouring Absorption Technique was activated, and all the forces attacking him around him dissipated.


Two Golden Immortals attacked Chen Feng one after the other. These two Golden Immortals were not simply armed with the power of two people, but mobilized the power of the formation, so each attack of these two people could burst out the power of several people.

One held the Immortal Sword, and the other held the Immortal Spear. During the attack, they also blocked the way around Chen Feng.

Bang! Bang!

Chen Feng could only take the opponent's attack, and then was knocked out again. During the backward flight, a piece of divine thunder fell on Chen Feng.

"It's the Hun Tian Divine Thunder!"

This thought flashed through Chen Feng's mind, and the Immortal Sword flew out of his hand, turning into a sword curtain all over the sky, smashing the divine thunder and other restrictions around him.

Chen Feng was a little worried, not for himself, but for the three people of Black Water Demon Eye. If they also encountered such an attack, they would probably be in danger.

"I was careless!" Chen Feng said lightly.

At this time, there was another attack, and it was three Golden Immortals. This time Chen Feng would face a more powerful attack than before.

Chen Feng took a deep breath and stamped his feet. Powerful energy swept around. Everywhere he passed was Chen Feng's world. Then Chen Feng's body shook, and two phantoms emerged from his back.

Chen Feng held the Immortal Sword, while the two phantoms held the Immortal Knife and the Immortal Spear, both of which were mid-grade artifacts.


The three-fold combat power burst out, and the violent collision caused the operation of the formation to pause. The area where Chen Feng was located became a blank.

This time, there were constant explosions around Chen Feng, and crisscross cracks appeared on the Changsheng armor, but this time Chen Feng did not retreat, but instead repelled the three Golden Immortals who attacked him.

Chen Feng quickly stepped forward and slashed at one of them with the Changsheng Sword.


Half of the Golden Immortal's body was cut off, but when Chen Feng wanted to step forward, the other party escaped.

Chen Feng frowned, and he burst out all his combat power, but still did not kill anyone. Thinking of this, Chen Feng's figure shook and then disappeared.

"Three times the combat power, this guy actually condensed three times the combat power."

"This time, no matter what, we can't let the other party go. The threat to us is too great."

"Find Changtian!"

Just as Chen Feng and others were fighting in the Shentian formation, two golden lights flew over from two different directions and finally stopped above the Twelve Shentian formation.

"These people are too much."

The golden light dissipated, and two middle-aged monks came out. One of them was like a ball of fire, and the other was like ice that had not melted for billions of years. The two different temperaments caused the surrounding space to have cracks.

You should know that the solidity of the space barrier of the Changsheng Heaven Realm is even greater than that of the Immortal Realm. The invisible temperament of these two people can collapse the space, which shows that they are masters among masters.

"Changtian is a member of our royal family, and he has a chaotic physique. He has a bright future in the future. Nothing can go wrong." The monk with the flame temperament said.

"Are you going to take action?"

"Wait a minute, let's see the situation first."

"Then let's see again, I also want to see how powerful the chaotic body is."

Chen Feng relied on the art of concealment to shuttle through the formation, but before he could find the Black Water Demon Eyes, he was discovered by the other party again, and then continued to be attacked fiercely, which made Chen Feng helpless and the murderous intent in his heart became stronger and stronger.

The two shadows became more and more solid, and three times the fighting power burst out continuously. Chen Feng finally severely injured another person, but in Chen Feng's opinion, it was useless if he didn't kill the other party.

Chen Feng also tried to condense the third shadow, but unfortunately he failed. He was willing but not strong enough, and Chen Feng knew that his strength was not enough.

"Tsk tsk, it's amazing that a Golden Immortal can have such a powerful fighting force, much stronger than us back then. If he advances to the Golden Immortal level, he will be able to sweep across the four directions and be invincible."

"That must be the case. There has never been such a powerful person in the history of our Changsheng Heaven."

"I'm afraid there is no such person in any heaven."

"Nothing can fall like this, this is the hope of our Changsheng Heaven."

"But some idiots are not like this, they only know how to fight internally and fight for power."

"Hey, aren't we also in this circle? If things were as good as we thought, Changtian wouldn't have gotten into trouble back then."

"It's just that someone is jealous."

"I think this kid can't hold on any longer, let's take action."

"Don't worry, don't worry, let's take a look, but we should rescue the other three first."

The two men said as they took action at the same time, and they didn't see any special means, they just stretched out their hands and grabbed, and then the three people with Black Water Demon Eyes flew out of the formation.

However, the three were in a bad situation. Not only were they covered with wounds, but they were also tied up with ropes. Moreover, these ropes were constantly devouring the energy of the three Black Water Demon Pupils. If they had not been rescued from the formation by the two men, their lives would have been devoured.

"It's the kid from the Black Water Tribe."

"I've heard a little bit about him. Is he born with Demon Pupils?"

"These two Chaos Beasts are not bad. It seems that they were subdued by Chang Tian."

"Hey! This kid exploded."

After the three Black Water Demon Pupils were rescued from the formation, Chen Feng's face suddenly changed. In Chen Feng's perception, the aura of the three Black Water Demon Pupils disappeared. Chen Feng naturally thought that the three had fallen. Chen Feng didn't think that the Black Water Demon Pupils could get out.

So Chen Feng was really furious, and the strong murderous aura emanated from his body like a volcanic eruption.

The two phantoms behind him condensed a little more, and there was a flash of blood in his eyes. Chen Feng's aura became a little frantic, but it was undeniable that Chen Feng's aura was growing.

"Boy, prepare to die."

This time, five Golden Immortals rushed towards Chen Feng with the power of the formation. The powerful attack force made the two monks watching the battle solemn.

"Should we take action? The situation is not good."

"Well, wait a little longer. No, be ready to take action at any time."

The two monks became nervous from solemnity, and focused all their attention on the formation.

Facing the attack of the five Golden Immortals, Chen Feng smiled coldly, pointed his finger, and a talisman flew out and rushed towards the five Golden Immortals.

"What is this?"

"Not good, it's the Heavenly Dao Seal, get out of the way quickly."

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