Eternal Existence

Chapter 1288: Twelve Gods Formation

The name Wuya was a name that shocked the heavens. Someone suddenly mentioned it and immediately suppressed all thoughts.

After a long time, a new divine thought sounded.

"There has been no news about Master Wuya for a million years. Who knows if he is still in the Immortal Heaven Realm? Don't forget that our Immortal Heaven Realm is not just a master of Master Wu Ya."

After this thought appeared, the thought that had disappeared before appeared again.

"Yes, yes, no matter what Changtian's background is, it is wrong to kill people randomly like this. As the saying goes, princes break the law and the common people are equally guilty. I think the elders will definitely come forward."

"Every Golden Immortal is a great asset in the heaven. Besides, our Changshengtian has been fighting with other heavens these years. It is when we need strength. Changtian killed so many people when he came. We must accept punishment."

"Punishment, must be punished, even those of royal bloodline must accept punishment."

"It's ridiculous. I thought you guys were having a seizure, but you're actually punishing us, the royal family."

This thought was very powerful, and there was also a hint of disdain and arrogance. As this thought swept over, the noisy voice became a little quieter.

"There are scum among the royal family. Just because you are a member of the royal family, you cannot go unpunished if you make mistakes." But at this time, another tyrannical divine thought appeared.

"Tower King, what do you mean!"

"I didn't mean anything, I just told the truth."

"Really? Then I hope you won't have any bad thoughts. Don't forget that Changtian is with the Eternal Life Tower."

"You don't have to worry about this."

These golden immortals from the Immortal Realm were constantly communicating with their spiritual thoughts, and Chen Feng easily participated in them. Hearing these people's conversations, he couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

"Tower King, I know you are the mastermind behind the scenes. A small army commander dares to interfere in the affairs of our royal family. I think you came here out of boredom." Chen Feng's spiritual thoughts swept over.

"Junior, be brave." The Tower King was silent for a moment and then suddenly exploded. His tyrannical soul power followed a special trajectory and attacked Chen Feng.

However, this soul attack was suppressed into pieces by the Immortal Scripture.

"I don't care who your seniors are, what background you have, or how powerful you are, but if you mess with me, you will only die." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Arrogant, do you think you are Wuya?" The Tower King was a little angry.

"Are you arrogant? You will know soon. By the way, I have something to tell you in advance. The Eternal Life Tower has restored its original power and will soon appear in the Eternal Life Heaven Realm."

"What, the Eternal Life Tower has been restored, how is that possible?"

As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, it immediately caused a stir. Everyone knew that the Longsheng Tower was almost destroyed when it was beaten. It was only a million years ago, so it shouldn't be so fast.

Everyone knows what level of existence the Eternal Life Tower is. If the Eternal Life Tower really regains its former power, then I and others will just be regarded as clowns.

"Don't forget, your Tower Legion is under the command of the Eternal Life Tower. Tsk, Tower King, you are also a veteran Golden Immortal who has practiced for more than a billion years. I didn't expect that you would die in my hands this time." Chen Feng said coldly. .

"I'm afraid you don't have that ability." The Tower King sneered.

"Then we'll see."

Next, Chen Feng stopped talking and accelerated his progress. From the previous exchange of spiritual thoughts, Chen Feng had an intuitive understanding of the golden immortal in the immortal world. Although he was slightly disappointed, he still had some powerful ideas. The master hid and did not speak.

"You have seen how arrogant this kid is. He doesn't take us seriously at all. I got the news that this kid's Chaos Body has recovered. In the future, he will advance to Golden Immortal and he can easily sweep away monks of the same realm. ." The tower king's spiritual thoughts appeared again.

"Chaos body!"

"The Chaos Body is the first cultivation physique, and it comes from the Immortal Realm. If cultivated properly, it will be a major trump card for our Immortal clan."

"What do you mean?"

"Changtian is a member of our royal family. If anyone interferes randomly, don't blame me for being rude."

"King of Heavenly Fire God, are you the one who counts?"

"Tower King, don't think that others are afraid of you. I haven't paid attention to you yet."

The golden immortals in the Immortal Realm were still discussing, but Chen Feng slowed down because a large formation appeared in front of him.

The large formation moved slowly, various streams of light kept flashing, and the killing energy in it kept erupting. Especially after Chen Feng and others arrived, the large formation in front of them started to move, sweeping towards Chen Feng and others. past.

"It's the Twelve Divine Heavens Formation!" Gale exclaimed.

"The Twelve Divine Heavens Formation." Chen Feng also shrank his eyes.

"By the way, this is the boundary of Huodu Mountain, how could I forget." Chen Feng said and waved his hand, and Tunri and other disciples of the Changsheng clan were immediately moved to a safe place.

Chen Feng, on the other hand, made a false push with both hands, and used two huge longevity hand seals to attack the approaching formation.

In Chen Feng's eyes, the formation in front of him is like a star field. His big hand seal can destroy a living world, but he has no guarantee of blocking the formation in front of him.

Sure enough, Chen Feng's big handprint was blocked in front of him, and then thousands of light blades rushed out from the formation, instantly twisting the two big handprints into pieces. Not to mention, there was even a suction force coming out of it, Swallow all the fragments cleanly.

"Hey! There is actually a sky-swallowing formation in the formation." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

The Heaven-Swallowing Formation is a formation derived from the Heaven-Swallowing Absorption Technique. Although it is also recorded in the Changsheng Zhenjing, Chen Feng has never set it up. This time, the other party inserted the Heaven-Swallowing Formation into the Twelve Gods Formation, which is obviously determined to deal with him.

The Black Water Demon Pupil, the Mutated Dragon, and the Space-Time Beast also attacked at the same time. After Chen Feng, the three also chose powerful attack tactics.

However, in front of the Twelve Gods Formation, the attacks of the three were quickly destroyed.

The silk net formed by thousands of light blades quickly surrounded the few people. Once successful, Chen Feng and the other four would be strangled to pieces.

The Space-Time Beast roared, the space shook, and Chen Feng and the other four disappeared instantly.

This is a space-time ability similar to the pupil technique performed by the Black Water Demon Pupil. As a space-time cosmic beast, its understanding and application of the way of space-time is even better than that of the Black Water Demon Pupil.

The attack of the formation failed, but then twelve golden lights were emitted from the formation. These twelve golden lights blocked the heaven and earth, and Chen Feng and others felt the strong space binding ability.

Looking at the space-time beast again, it was almost unable to hold on under the pressure.

"The Twelve Gods and Heavens formation has at least twelve golden immortals as the center of the formation. It seems that we have met an opponent this time." Chen Feng said with a smile, and then waved his hand, and the Longevity Sword flew out, and the sword light kept cutting, so the pressure around immediately began to weaken.

Black Water Demon Eye took the opportunity to move several people to an independent space.

"There should be no problem now." The mutant dragon said.

However, the space-time beast and the black water demon pupil changed their faces again, because the space around them began to fluctuate again, and the space-time power condensed into ropes, and in the blink of an eye, a cage was formed, trapping several people in it.

The space-time beast and the black water demon pupil hurriedly performed the secret technique, but failed.

"It contains the power of the space barrier, I'm afraid it will be difficult to rush out." Black Water Demon Eye said.

"The Twelve Gods' Great Array is a pretty good one in our Changsheng Heaven Realm. There are twelve Golden Immortals acting as the center of the array, and it contains some secret techniques from the Changsheng Sutra. Once a Golden Immortal is trapped in it, it is as difficult as ascending to heaven to rush out." Chen Feng said lightly.

"But I think you should have a way." Black Water Demon Eye calmed down, because Chen Feng seemed to be confident, which meant that there should be a way to deal with it, and he was worrying in vain.

"Don't forget that I have the Changsheng Sutra in my hand." Chen Feng took out the Changsheng Sutra and pointed his finger. Three streams of light entered the sea of ​​consciousness of the three people of Black Water Demon Eye.

"This is it!" Black Water Demon Eye was stunned at first, and then surprised.

"This is the formation diagram of the Twelve Gods' Great Array." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"In this way, we don't have to think of a way to escape, and we have a chance to kill our way in and break this formation." Black Water Demon Eye said in surprise.

However, Black Water Demon Eye was also somewhat surprised that Chen Feng opened the formation diagram of the Twelve Gods and Heavens Formation to him. This is an unparalleled formation. If it is obtained by others, it will definitely pose a threat to the Changsheng Heaven Realm.

"Don't think too much. The Gods and Heavens Formation is unpredictable. The formation diagram I gave you is just a running route reflected in a time period. Besides, there are at least twelve golden immortals in the formation, and it is not so easy to deal with them." Chen Feng seemed to see Black Water Demon Eye's thoughts.

"Then what do you say?" Black Water Demon Eye asked.

"Enter the formation and clear the formation eye." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Hey, it's the same as I said." Black Water Demon Eye shook his head and laughed directly.


A golden light entered the cage, circled and locked Chen Feng, and then the golden light wrapped around Chen Feng like a ribbon.

"Okay, let's start." Chen Feng did not resist, and actually let the golden ribbon tie him up, and then a strong suction pulled Chen Feng into the formation.

The people in the dark were a little surprised that Chen Feng could be caught so easily, but the next moment the golden light exploded, Chen Feng broke free, and then disappeared.

"Not good, the other party came in on purpose." One of the divine thoughts sounded.

"It's just right that he came in, then don't even think about getting out."

"Humph, no matter how powerful the immortal golden immortal is, there is only one way to die when he comes to our Twelve Gods and Heavens formation."

"No, Changtian's breath disappeared."

"Hey! It really disappeared, what's going on, did he perform the art of concealment?"

"What a joke, no matter how superb the concealment technique is, he can't escape from the Gods and Heavens formation."

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