Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,290 Two Great Divine Kings

At first, when they saw Chen Feng's attack, these monks were a little confused. They didn't understand what Chen Feng was doing with a talisman. Besides, what talisman could block the attacks of five golden immortals. Even the two golden immortals in the dark couldn't help but take action.

But when these people recognized what it was, they all became frightened.

"How can this kid come up with something like this? It can't be fake, right?" The monk with a flaming temperament asked doubtfully.

"It's true, this is the pure breath of heaven." The ice-tempered monk said in a deep voice.

"In this case, things will become interesting. I don't think we need to take action."


Even if they face an attack that can seriously injure or kill them, these golden immortals will not run away, but will stay and fight. However, this heavenly seal is indeed too scary, and they will not die after being attacked. , but the path of practice is blocked, which is indeed more uncomfortable than death for some monks.

Not only were these five people fleeing, but other people sitting in the formation also felt fear. The battle was about to end. How could such a change happen?

The other party's escape gave Chen Feng a chance, or it could be said that this was a situation deliberately created by Chen Feng.


The Sutra of Immortality flew out, emitting a light cyan light, and there was actually a shadow of the Immortality Heaven Realm in it.


Chen Feng whispered, and then two monks paused, and their fleeing speed slowed down. Chen Feng quickly stepped forward with the Eternal Sword in hand. Two sword lights passed by, and the two monks were chopped into two. Half, and then the Heaven Swallowing Absorption Technique was activated, swallowing up all the life in the two people's bodies.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the heavenly seal suddenly grew in size, and rushed around like mountain peaks. Wherever it passed, whether it was a killing restriction or a wonderful illusion, they exploded and turned into nothingness. Soon, a path was opened. aisle.

"Hey! Chen Feng was a little surprised. Originally, Chen Feng just used the Heavenly Dao Seal to scare the other party, but he didn't expect it to have such a good effect.

So Chen Feng used the Heavenly Dao Seal to open the way and followed behind. He was simply invincible and did not encounter any decent obstruction at all. He finally found an opening of the formation, and the Jinxian who was suppressing the stabbing attack fled away.

The seal of heaven is really too scary. If it were an ordinary disciple from the earth realm, he might not be afraid. However, whoever can cultivate to the level of Golden Immortal is not a genius selected from millions. Who doesn't want to go further. Therefore, in the minds of these people, the Heavenly Dao Seal is as terrifying as Taiyi Golden Immortal, or even more terrifying than Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Chen Feng was very happy at first, but soon he felt helpless. If the other party didn't confront him head-on, there was nothing he could do. With the seal of heaven opening the way, Chen Feng quickly rushed out of the Twelve Divine Heavens Formation. After Chen Feng came out, the formation turned into a stream of light and quickly disappeared.


At this time, Chen Feng also saw the three people with Black Water Demon Eyes, and he was certain in his heart. It seemed that he had thought wrong before. The three people did not die, but were just rescued by others.

"I've seen two god kings!" Chen Feng came to the two monks and bowed respectfully.

"Haha, let me just say that Changtian knows us." The fiery monk said with a smile.

"How could I not recognize the famous Heavenly Fire God King and Ice Ning God King from the Changsheng Clan?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Hahahahaha." After hearing Chen Feng's words, the two laughed again. As Chen Feng, I have met these seniors when I was very young. Of course, at that time, Chen Feng didn't know what the Golden Immortal symbolized, but it is different now. Although Chen Feng thinks that he is ranked among the immortal Golden Immortals. He is a master, especially after overcoming the tribulation, he has the ambition to sweep all directions, but at this time, he still feels a little pressure in front of the two god kings.

Chen Feng was shocked in his heart. Only then did he realize that he had thought things a little too simply before, or that he was a little arrogant. The difference between the levels of Immortal Golden Immortal was really too big. Maybe his power would not be even ten times stronger. Top-notch, it was only then that Chen Feng understood why there were so many Golden Immortals, but there were so few Taiyi Golden Immortals.

"The Immortal Golden Immortal is simply immortal. Some people have practiced for 100 million years, while others have practiced for 500 million years, a billion years, or billions of years. The difference in time is indeed huge." Thinking of this Chen A thought suddenly flashed through Feng's mind.

"If you calculate it this way, wouldn't the number of Golden Immortals reach a terrifying level?" As soon as this thought emerged, it became uncontrollably boiling. It is indeed difficult to fall into the realm of Golden Immortals. After tens of billions of years, thousands of How many golden immortals will there be if accumulated over billions or trillions of years?

"Huh! If you think about it this way, the power shown by any higher world is just superficial." Thinking of this, Chen Feng was suddenly shocked. If he said this, some of the power he had accumulated was nothing at all.

"I don't know if I am a little reckless this time." Various thoughts flashed rapidly in Chen Feng's mind.

Just like the two monks in front of me, they have the title of God King. In the Immortal Realm, there are many people who have obtained the title of God King, and those who can obtain the title of God King are the best among the Immortal Golden Immortals. Even the billion-year-old Golden Immortals can’t obtain it.

Because this is a recognition of strength.

At this time, the three people of Black Water Demon Eyes also woke up, and naturally they have to thank the two god kings.

"Boy Changtian, the timing you chose this time is a bit wrong." Skyfire God King said.

"Senior, please speak." Chen Feng nodded.

The Skyfire God King and the Ice God King circled around Chen Feng, their eyes dim, making Chen Feng feel uncomfortable. After a long time, the Skyfire God King spoke up and said, "Tsk tsk, amazing, you are only at the Heavenly Immortal Realm, but you can kill the Golden Immortal, you are worthy of being a Chaos Body."

"Thank you for the compliment, senior." Chen Feng smiled faintly.

"But although you have a good cultivation now, you can only deal with some ordinary immortal Golden Immortals. You can travel the starry sky, but you can't run rampant in the heavens. If you can advance to the Golden Immortal, it will be almost the same." The Skyfire God King thought for a while and said.

"What the senior said makes sense, but I don't think all the Golden Immortals in the Changsheng Heaven Realm can come to deal with me." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You are right. With your identity and status, you will definitely have a group of supporters, but you have been outside after all. If you come back suddenly, you may be plotted against by some masters." The Skyfire God King said.

"I am in danger now." Chen Feng's face turned cold.

"This is not dangerous, just some inferior Golden Immortals. If a few God Kings come out to attack you, you will know the consequences if you think about it." said the God King of Condensing Soldiers.

"Will the God King attack you?" Chen Feng asked.


"Haha!" Chen Feng laughed.

"I am at least a royal disciple of the Changsheng clan, and I am also a person that the Lord of the Realm takes special care of. I will not be lawless like these people." Although Chen Feng was laughing, there was murderous intent in his eyes.

"Although I said that, the things on you are really too attractive. If someone hadn't deceived you before, I'm afraid you would have been found when you were in the Eternal World, and you wouldn't have been able to cultivate to this level. Now that you have taken the initiative to appear, things are different." said the God King of Heavenly Fire.

Chen Feng nodded. He had already guessed this. If no one deceived you, not to mention the Golden Immortals, even some Heavenly Immortals could easily find him.

As for who had concealed the secrets of heaven, Chen Feng first guessed that it was his father Wu Ya, but then he thought it was wrong. Wu Ya's cultivation was not the strongest among all the heavens, and he had the Changsheng Zhenjing and Changsheng Tower, and was a top figure in the Changsheng clan. Even some powerful golden immortals would calculate his whereabouts, but no one had found him in the past million years, which meant that the person who concealed the secrets of heaven was very powerful.

Without making complicated guesses, Chen Feng had a name in his mind.

The Lord of the Changsheng Heaven.

Only a figure like the Lord of the Heavenly Realm could completely hide his fate and leave no trace.

"The two seniors are talking about the Changsheng Tower and the Changsheng Zhenjing." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, this is something that makes all the heavens crazy, but since you are here now, you should find a safe place immediately." The Skyfire God King suggested.

"A safe place?" Chen Feng laughed.

"Yes, Changsheng Tianmai or Wuya Corps, but we both still suggest that you go to Wuya Corps, after all, Changsheng Tianmai has too many forces, especially Master Wuya doesn't know when to come out of retreat, I'm afraid some old guys will attack you regardless of face." Tianhuo God King said.

After hearing this, some of Chen Feng's vigilance in his heart gradually weakened. From these words, it can be seen that these two people have no ill will towards him. Besides, with the strength of these two God Kings, they can definitely attack him.

"Thank you for your guidance, two seniors." Chen Feng thanked.

"I think you should know what the obstacles along the way are." Tianhuo God King suddenly asked.

"It was the Tower King who was behind it." Chen Feng said bluntly.

"Tower King, as the leader of the Tower Corps, he is also a leader among the God Kings. If this old thing takes action, you may be in trouble."

"Tower King, hehe, I will find him to settle accounts." Chen Feng nodded.

"I wonder if Master Changsheng Tower is here?" Ningbing God King suddenly said respectfully.

"The Immortality Tower is not with me." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Okay, I don't know if you have made a decision. The two of us will escort you." The Skyfire God King asked.

"Let's go to the Immortality Heavenly Vein first. That's my home. Of course I have to go there first." Chen Feng didn't think too much about it.

"Are you sure?" The two God Kings were a little surprised. In their opinion, Chen Feng must go to the Wuya Legion, because that is the original intention of Chen Feng's family.

"Sure." Chen Feng nodded.

"Okay, no matter what, the two of us have placed our trust in you. We must do something in the early stage." The Skyfire God King shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Let's go."

The Ice God King was even more straightforward. He waved his hand and a frozen road appeared. This frozen road directly merged into time and space. Even with Chen Feng's cultivation, he couldn't see the end.

Chen Feng and others walked on the frozen road. Even with Chen Feng's cultivation, he couldn't see the speed of advancement. It was obviously a very profound divine walking technique.

However, the process of advancing was not peaceful. The crowd was intercepted by the Pagoda King, but was repelled by the two God Kings of Heaven and Fire.

Moreover, Chen Feng also saw that the Pagoda King did not show his true strength, but was just testing it. He immediately retreated when he saw the two God Kings of Heaven and Fire intervened.

Only this time of interception, the rest of the journey was peaceful, and it didn't take long to reach the Longevity Heaven Vein.

Chen Feng sighed secretly. He had thought too simply before. If these two God Kings hadn't appeared, it would not be so easy for him to reach the Longevity Heaven Vein.

After arriving at the Changsheng Heavenly Vein, the Frozen Avenue naturally disappeared. Feeling the familiar breath, fragments of images from the depths of memory kept emerging, and the factors deep in the blood began to throb.

"This is where I was born." Chen Feng said lightly, and then the whole person returned to calm.

Although some cultivators have been wandering in the starry sky for tens of millions of years, or even billions of years without returning, Chen Feng is different from that situation. You must know that Chen Feng was just a child when he left the Changsheng Heavenly Realm. Even when he came to the Eternal World, he wandered for a while and suffered some hardships.

Everyone did not disturb Chen Feng, because everyone could understand Chen Feng's state of mind at this time.

"Let's go." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Boy, you have to think it through. The future is dangerous and unpredictable." The Sky Fire God King said again.

This time Chen Feng did not answer, but walked out directly.

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