Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,249 Mysterious Star Region

This space-time killer was lying in the starry sky. There was a dark space channel on its broad back, and dense killers came out of it. In a short period of time, this army added millions of killers.

Chen Feng was secretly surprised. The existence of space-time killers could be said to be the source of disaster. As long as such things existed, killers would continue to appear.

Seeing Chen Feng appear, this space-time killer was also surprised. With a flash of his eyes, two light blades came to kill him. In the eyes of the space-time killer, Chen Feng, a human, was also very difficult to deal with. Since he came in front of him, he would interrupt his transmission process. Now, every other breath, a large number of killers would appear.

You know, it is not that easy to open the transmission channel, so the space-time killer wanted to delay as much time as possible.

Facing the attack, Chen Feng just took a simple step and dodged. He waved the long sword in his hand, and the sword energy was impacted with a mighty force. The space was disrupted and the transmission channel was cut off.

The first time he encountered the Spacetime Killer, one-on-one, Chen Feng felt an almost unbearable pressure. The chances of the four people joining forces were annihilated, but although there was still some pressure after the tribulation, Chen Feng did not have the slightest fear, and only had the will to fight.

In Chen Feng's view, even if he was not the opponent's opponent, this killer could not do anything to him, and only by fighting with a stronger opponent could he make continuous progress, which was why Chen Feng went straight to the opponent.

"Human, you are looking for death!"

Being teleported, this Spacetime Killer was extremely angry, and the pure killing intent began to boil and burn. His eyes swept across, and a beam of golden light rushed out, and then turned into an overwhelming golden light.

"Tsk tsk, it's the immortal light." Chen Feng smiled and also emitted a sword light.

The two light curtains of different energies collided with each other, and only a short stalemate, Chen Feng's sword light was shattered, but Chen Feng rushed into the army of killers with his speed, and a large number of killers were killed with the flash of sword light.

In addition to fighting with the opponent, Chen Feng also had the purpose of interrupting the opponent's transmission. Knowing that he could not fight with the opponent head-on, Chen Feng began to move around relying on his speed.

However, the speed of the Spacetime Killer was not less than Chen Feng, and he quickly caught up with him and whipped Chen Feng with several long whips.

Not long after the two sides fought, they were trapped in an independent space again by the opponent, and this time the opponent used three layers of superimposed space. Chen Feng was blocked by the Spacetime Killer as soon as he broke through one layer of space.

So the two sides started a fierce fight.

Relying on the Changsheng Wings, Chen Feng wore combat armor, held the Changsheng Sword, and burst out some other magical skills from time to time.

The Spacetime Killer was also fast, with strange long whip attacks, powerful light blades, and soul attacks that were difficult to resist.

Overall, Chen Feng was at a disadvantage and was even injured occasionally, but it was also difficult for this killer to deal with Chen Feng.


Chen Feng still broke out of the opponent's space blockade and killed into the killer army again.

In Chen Feng's opinion, the home field was in his favor. He could just kill casually. Anyway, there were killers everywhere, and killers below the Golden Immortal level were not a big threat to him.


The golden thread penetrated Chen Feng. Although the fight just now was short, Chen Feng gained a lot. The opponent was stronger than him, and he needed such pressure. However, the Spacetime Killer also gradually locked Chen Feng, making it more and more difficult for Chen Feng to escape.

There were also threads flying out of Chen Feng's eyes, one black and one white entangled with the opponent's golden thread.

The huge body of the Spacetime Killer instantly arrived in front of Chen Feng, and a claw slapped out, the universe shook, the space-time reversed, and a powerful hurricane swept towards Chen Feng.

"Sword Qi Storm!"

Chen Feng felt that his Changsheng Sword needed more than just energy to advance, and more training was needed. This was also the reason why Chen Feng insisted on using the Changsheng Sword even though he knew he was not the opponent.

The Changsheng Sword has integrated too many sharp swords and sword wills. After the appearance of the Killer, it has integrated the pure killing intent of the opponent. In Chen Feng's opinion, the energy is enough, and it still needs a period of tempering.

The Cave Heaven God Eye captures the opponent's real and fake loopholes, the Changsheng Wing makes his speed unparalleled, and with the Changsheng Sword Technique, Chen Feng feels that these three things are enough to compete with the opponent. If he can't stop it, it means that his practice is not good enough.

During the fight between Chen Feng and the Spacetime Killer, some half-step Golden Immortals wanted to sneak attack Chen Feng, but the attack was easily resolved by Chen Feng, and several of them were killed by Chen Feng.

So the Spacetime Killer issued an order, and the other killers no longer paid attention to Chen Feng, but concentrated all their strength to attack the Shenyun Star Domain.

At this time, several celestial beings who came with Chen Feng saw Chen Feng fighting with a Golden Immortal-level killer. These people were all dumbfounded. After recovering, they felt fortunate that Chen Feng's high strength blocked the opponent's boss.

"I can't believe it. I thought he was a celestial being, but he turned out to be a senior Golden Immortal. Luckily, we didn't act rudely before."

"But I don't think you're a match for that killer."

"Stop talking nonsense. Follow me and join the Taoist friends. If you're late, you won't be able to get out."


"Kill all these invaders."

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The energy cannons were still bombarding. Although they had never been used, they stored a lot of energy. The few energy cannons caused a lot of casualties to the killers, which made the cultivators of the Shenyun Star Domain regretful. Some even went to ask for help and wanted to borrow some energy cannons from other places.

"Don't panic, fellow Daoist. We are coming to rescue from the Hague Star."

"And our Tianwang Star."

"Hahahaha, our Houtu Star is not slow either."

A total of three warships appeared. When the gate opened, a steady stream of cultivators flew out, and then there was a more intense battle.

During the battle, Chen Feng also took the opportunity to investigate the situation in the Shenyun Star Domain and found that the opponent's overall combat effectiveness was gradually improving. Although the increase was small, it was an improvement.

"How can you improve your strength without experiencing blood and rain?" Chen Feng said secretly.

At this time, the situation on the battlefield had been glued together. Even with the increase in reinforcements from the Shenyun Star Domain, the casualty rate of the killers increased.

Of course, the killers didn't care about death, and these cultivators of the Shenyun Star Domain couldn't afford it.

Without warning, the army of killers began to retreat suddenly, and the cultivators of the God Meteoric Star Domain began to shout wildly, and then they were chased madly behind them.

The space-time killers also retreated, and they quickly blended into the army of killers and evacuated to the farther reaches of the starry sky. On the contrary, Chen Feng was injured.

The pressure disappeared, and Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief. He actually felt a little tired. Chen Feng smiled bitterly, and then flew towards the God Meteoric Star Domain.

"Thank you for your help, senior." At this time, hundreds of half-step golden immortals saluted from a distance and thanked respectfully.

"You're welcome, everyone." Chen Feng said lightly. These half-step golden immortals are the highest combat power in the God Meteoric Star Domain, and they also contributed the most in the previous war. Chen Feng saw the situation very clearly. If there were no half-step golden immortals, the situation just now would have allowed the killers to capture this star domain with just one charge.

"Hello, senior. I'm sorry for offending you before. Please forgive me." Several immortals who had talked to Chen Feng before spoke in a distance with some trepidation.

"Hehe." Chen Feng just smiled. Since the other party thought he was a Golden Immortal master, he would not explain anything.

Chen Feng landed on a planet called Tianchen Star. This star was indeed worthy of its name. From a distance, it looked like a huge gem. When he landed on it, Chen Feng felt the rich spiritual energy. The grade was so high that it could be compared with the immortal energy.

Chen Feng's heart sect was even more curious. This star field was so strange that there must be some mystery. After talking with the other party, Chen Feng came to a quiet place. His spiritual consciousness spread out like a tide and soon enveloped the entire Tianchen Star. Then his spiritual consciousness began to penetrate into the interior of the planet. Soon, a strange color flashed in Chen Feng's eyes.

"Sure enough." Chen Feng nodded. There was an original star core inside this planet. In terms of quality and energy, it was almost the same as the one in his heart.

Chen Feng's heart beat vigorously. Chen Feng was very excited, but he knew that if he took out this original star core, the spiritual energy of Tianchen Star would gradually disappear, and then it would be exhausted. Finally, this planet would become incapable of cultivation and become the most ordinary planet.

Chen Feng hesitated for a moment and did not make a move. Chen Feng felt that his heart was not so cold and his mind was not so decisive. A star core made his heart a little impetuous.

However, Chen Feng finally made the decision not to make a move. He sighed and left Tianchen Star. Soon Chen Feng appeared on another planet.

Very easily, Chen Feng found another star core inside this planet. At this time, Chen Feng had calmed down. Whether he would make a move or not, Chen Feng would not show any abnormality.

Next, Chen Feng wandered around the various planets, constantly discovering the existence of star cores. The cultivators of the Shenyun Star Region would not stop Chen Feng. After seeing Chen Feng, the cultivators of this star region saluted respectfully from a distance. Everyone knew that if Chen Feng had not taken action before and delayed the Golden Immortal among the killers, then this war would still have an unknown outcome.


Chen Feng landed on another planet. This was a desolate and lonely planet with scarce spiritual energy and a harsh environment. Only a few cultivators who practiced special techniques practiced on it.

Originally, Chen Feng had set his sights on another life planet, but Chen Feng passed by this planet by some strange coincidence and finally landed on it. At first, his spiritual sense did not find anything abnormal, but the other artifacts on Chen Feng's body strangely emitted some fluctuations, so Chen Feng stopped and investigated carefully.

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