Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,248: Godfall Star Region

"Sure enough, no wonder these killers come here, it turns out there is life here." Chen Feng floated in the starry sky, his eyes had already seen the situation billions of miles away.

This is a small star field full of vitality, composed of dozens of life planets. In addition, there are also monks in the meteorite belt where the outer periphery of the planet and the starry sky meet.

Chen Feng just glanced at the rich spiritual energy, the soaring monks, and the running birds of prey, and some words such as paradise on earth and fairyland emerged in his mind.

"The universe and the starry sky are indeed vast and boundless. There is actually such a place of life in this desolate area." Chen Feng said in surprise.

"But the appearance of the killer is a disaster for this land of life." Chen Feng sighed. The appearance of the killer can destroy the planet, the world of life, the star field, and even the fairyland. The land of life in front of him can block a wave, so what's next.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng thought of the eternal world again. Yes, the killers are endless. Can the eternal world escape this disaster?

"There is another way, that is to collect the eternal world into the inner world, but this kind of life world is different from the acquired one, I am afraid that few golden immortals can do this." Chen Feng shook his head again.

Yes, the inner world opened by the immortal golden immortal is even better than these life worlds. The inner world of the more powerful golden immortals has even reached the level of a small universe, but it is a bit difficult to collect the eternal world at this time.

The operation of the supreme law of heaven is also a disaster in the operation and development of the eternal world. It is the inevitable law of the development of the universe and the operation of heaven.

"Maybe the Longevity Tower can do it, but this guy has been unable to contact, and I don't know where he has gone." Chen Feng then retracted his gaze. At this time, the killer had already started to attack.

The strongest cultivator in this land of life is a half-step golden immortal, which surprised Chen Feng. In his opinion, the history of this star field is far less than that of the land of life like the eternal world, but the grade of spiritual energy is even higher. Although the scale is not too large, the resources here are very rich.

It is because it is not a life world that the cultivators here are not suppressed and bound by the heavenly way. They can ascend to the fairyland or stay here to cultivate.

Another point is that almost everyone here cultivates, and there may be some reinforcements.

In Chen Feng's opinion, if there are only these number of killers, they really can't attack this life land, but when the time-space killer takes action, things will change.

The cultivators in the life land have discovered the danger, and then a large number of cultivators rushed out, and then the killer army covered them, and then the two sides started a brutal fight.

Chen Feng approached again, but did not join the battlefield, but looked further away. What surprised Chen Feng was that there were still other life planets not far from this life land.

This place was attacked by the killer, and then the cultivators of other life planets began to come to rescue in groups of three or five.

"This Taoist friend, can you go together?" Several cultivators passed by Chen Feng and invited him.

Chen Feng looked at the other party. These people were all immortals. Perhaps they were traveling in other places. At this time, their homes were invaded by the killers, so they rushed back to fight against the killers.

"Okay." Chen Feng nodded and did not refuse.

"Thank you for your help." Everyone was overjoyed. Chen Feng was at least a mid-level immortal. Being able to win him over was also a contribution.

"I wonder where this place is?" Chen Feng asked.

"It seems that you came from other places. This is the God Meteorite Star Domain. I wonder where you are from."

"God Meteorite Star Domain, I really want to hear about this place." Chen Feng's mind moved, and a star map unfolded in his sea of ​​consciousness. Sure enough, Chen Feng quickly found the location of the God Meteorite Star Domain on the star map.

"It's so far away from the Eternal World." Chen Feng frowned. Even Chen Feng felt far away, which meant that there were at least several star domains between them.

"It is said that this is the place where the Golden Immortal fell. I don't know if it is true, but I think few other people come here." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's just a rumor, but some people have found some artifact fragments, and some outsiders have come to search for treasures. Generally speaking, our Shenyu Star Region is relatively quiet, with rich spiritual energy, suitable for cultivators to practice." Someone said with a smile.

"Because the location here is relatively remote."

"I came from the Eternal World. Because I fought with the killers, I was chased all the way here." Chen Feng said, swinging the long sword in his hand, the sword energy flashed, and several killers who rushed up were killed.

"So Daoyou has fought with these killers, I wonder what weaknesses these killers have?" Everyone has entered the range of the killers, each took out their weapons and started fighting.

"There are no weaknesses. These killers have a pure killing will, a very special fighting style, and strong fighting power. In addition to killing, it is killing. This time, the Shenyu Star Region may not be able to withstand it." Chen Feng said.

"No way, although these killers look powerful, there are not many of them after all. With the power of our Shenyu Star Region, we should be able to deal with it." Someone said doubtfully.

"Take another look." Chen Feng pointed, then stopped talking and charged into the army of killers.

These celestial beings didn't understand what Chen Feng meant at first, but their expressions soon changed.

"The number of killers is increasing, what's going on?"

"The other side has a teleportation array, which can continuously teleport killers."

"Isn't this troublesome?"

"Look, someone is taking action." Someone shouted.

Sure enough, a faint golden light passed through the army of killers. This was the half-step golden immortals of the Shenyun Star Domain taking action, and their target was the time-space killer in the killer army.

"Hey!" Chen Feng sighed, but did not say anything to stop him. The sword energy continued to shoot out, and the killers in front of him were killed one after another.

Chen Feng's target was also the time-space killer, and what Chen Feng had to do was to kill him step by step.

After a fight, several half-step golden immortals of the Shenyun Star Domain finally rushed to the time-space killer. The next thing was even simpler. The three highest combat powers of the Shenyun Star Domain were easily killed in seconds.

"Golden Immortal!"

"There are Golden Immortals in the army of killers."

The cultivators of the Godly Meteoric Star Domain immediately understood what was going on, and then there was an uproar. The other side had a Golden Immortal master, and the strongest on their side was only a half-step Golden Immortal. How could they fight? If there were no other killers, it would not be impossible to gather all the half-step Golden Immortals to surround and kill the Golden Immortals, but the hundreds of millions of killers in front of them were not for show.

"Use the energy cannon!"

Huge and ancient energy cannons emerged from various planets. In the Godly Meteoric Star Domain, these energy cannons have not been used yet. At this time, facing the invasion of the killers, all the strength and all the trump cards must be mobilized.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Powerful energy and destructive light waves blasted into the army of killers, and soon cleared out a piece of open space, but soon more killers rushed in.

At the same time, some killers who were proficient in concealment and speed rushed towards the energy cannons, trying to destroy the destructive weapon n, and there were thousands of killers who joined forces to launch attacks.

In Chen Feng's opinion, the killers he encountered this time seemed to be stronger than the ones he encountered before, because these killers would cooperate with each other, just like a trained army, which was much stronger than a pile of loose sand.

Chen Feng had been moving forward in the army of killers, thinking about something in his mind. What Chen Feng was most curious about was why this army of killers came to this star field.

From the star map, it can be seen that the Shenyun Star Field is in a relatively remote area, and the killers came out of the transmission channel and pushed and spread step by step around, but this army of killers obviously came alone, or in other words, it was the vanguard.

In any case, Chen Feng was curious about the purpose of these killers coming, and secondly, he was curious about whether this star field was special.

Of course, there is another thing that can be imagined. If the Shenyun Star Field really has something special, then how did these killers know it.

Chen Feng's speed of advancement is getting faster and faster, and more and more killers died in Chen Feng's hands. Even the half-step golden immortal who stood in front of Chen Feng could only be killed instantly.


The energy cannon brought out by the Godly Meteoric Star Domain finally began to break, and a master among the killers had already sneaked into the Godly Meteoric Star Domain.

This star domain is different from other great worlds. When the realm is reached, there is no suppression, so you can choose not to ascend, but there are also disadvantages, that is, when encountering foreign lands, you don’t want to release your original power to defend against the enemy like other great worlds.

This also led to the killers easily killing into the Godly Meteoric Star Domain. Killers continued to enter the planet, and then the cultivators here began to be in chaos.

Although Chen Feng was submerged in the army of killers, he had been paying attention to the situation of the entire battlefield. Seeing that the Godly Meteoric Star Domain was a little chaotic, he was a little surprised.

The overall quality of the cultivators here is still good. If the area is not too small, it can even be compared with the Demon Realm and the Ghost Realm. The overall realm is far beyond the Eternal World, but facing the killers, the combat effectiveness shown by these people is not consistent with their own strength.

"This kind of thing won't happen in other big worlds. The cultivators here are a little too weak. Maybe it's because of the peaceful life." Chen Feng shook his head, and the air flow around him surged. Ten thousand swords were fired at the same time, and hundreds of killers in the surrounding area were killed.

Chen Feng finally killed the space-time killer. Looking at the powerful opponent in front of him, Chen Feng smiled and said, "We meet again."

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