Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,250: Searching for Fragments

This investigation was not a big deal. Chen Feng's eyes immediately showed a look of surprise. His consciousness scanned the planet again and again, and finally found a magic weapon fragment inside the planet.

This magic weapon fragment exuded a very magical power, which almost deceived Chen Feng. Chen Feng could easily find the cores of other planets before, but he did not find this fragment immediately, not to mention that this was originally a desolate planet.

Chen Feng thought that if he almost didn't find it, then others would not find it.

Chen Feng was a little looking forward to seeing what this magic weapon fragment looked like and whether it would work for him.

Since he found something good, Chen Feng would certainly not let it go. Chen Feng easily entered the interior of the planet. Although the fragment gave off a resisting force, Chen Feng still took it in his hand.

Then Chen Feng quickly came to the surface of the planet again. Looking at the thing in his hand, Chen Feng showed a look of surprise in his eyes.

It was indeed a simple fragment, only the size of a fist in Chen Feng's hand, but Chen Feng pointed a finger, and a gray shadow spread out, and the power and might emitted instantly swept across the entire Shenyun Star Domain.

"A fragment of a top-grade divine weapon." Chen Feng's consciousness invaded the fragment of the magic weapon, just like the Great Wilderness Cauldron. Through the memory of the fragment, Chen Feng saw the origin of the other party, the past existence and the end of the fragment.

"It turned out to be just a fragment, but the divinity is still there, and the power and law are also retained to a certain extent. It can be decomposed and integrated into other magic weapons. After all, it is also a fragment of a top-grade divine weapon. Any divine material you have is much better, but it is not so easy to decompose and melt." Chen Feng put away the fragment, and the Great Wilderness Cauldron and several other magic weapons continued to emit true fire and began to burn and melt the fragment.

This can also be regarded as Chen Feng's harvest from coming to the God Meteorite Star Domain. Chen Feng is very satisfied. If he can find this artifact fragment, he may be able to find the second and third pieces, or perhaps there will be other things, so that the name of this star domain can be worthy of its name.

"God Meteorite Star Domain, it seems that this name is not given casually. I just hope that those who leave this thing are some real masters." After putting away the artifact fragment, Chen Feng left the planet.

Some cultivators who were training on this planet immediately felt the pressure relieved, and they didn't understand what had happened before.

After Chen Feng left, some other cultivators came here. The power of the artifact fragments before made these cultivators guess something.

But these people were destined to make a wasted trip.

In the following period of time, the killer did not appear, and Chen Feng was happy to have some time to search in this star field, but Chen Feng also knew that if the killer appeared again, it would not be just the previous number, maybe twice, three times, or more. If the space-time killer appeared, it would be possible to have more killers.

Chen Feng felt sad for this star field, because Chen Feng knew that the next time the killer appeared, this star field might be conquered, and such a place of cultivation treasure would be swept away. The killer could destroy a fairyland, and this small Shenyun star field was really nothing, and compared with the entire fairyland, it was a small place that could be dispensable.

Chen Feng didn't even need to calculate, and he knew how fierce the killer's next attack would be.

"Find a way to leave, we can't defend this place anymore." Chen Feng's divine thoughts spread throughout the entire Shenyun Star Domain.

Then the entire star domain began to become chaotic, but then slowly returned to calm.

Only a few people chose to leave, or almost all the cultivators did not leave, but chose to stay, fight against the killers, and protect their homes.

A power called cohesion grew.

A will called fearlessness began to be born.

Chen Feng knew the choices of these people. At this moment, the cultivators in the Shenyun Star Domain became stronger than ever.

But Chen Feng sighed, even if the power of this star domain was a hundred times stronger, it would be useless.

Chen Feng knew that he was powerless to change these, and could only do something to the best of his ability.

"Is there no Golden Immortal?" Of course, Chen Feng would also expect some Golden Immortals to appear and help the star domain here, but Chen Feng also knew that even if the Golden Immortals appeared, it would not change the fate of this star domain.

Before the killer came again, Chen Feng had a great harvest. In this star domain, Chen Feng found some fragments of artifacts and even the bodies of Golden Immortals. This situation did the name of the Shenyun Star Domain.

Chen Feng was not too happy. Apart from cultivation, Chen Feng thought most about what kind of impact the killer would have this time.

Chen Feng thought that the major life worlds could not stop the killer's attack. It was possible that the fairy world would intervene, but he didn't know when the fairy world would officially intervene.

There was also the question of when the killer's channel would be closed and how many killers there would be.

You must know that up to now, apart from the space-time killer, no other golden immortal killers have appeared. Killers are things that exist for killing. In a one-on-one battle, the cultivators of the Wuji Immortal Realm don't seem to have an advantage.

The army of killers covered them in black, and the length of the battle line almost surrounded most of the Shenyun Star Domain.

Without a pause, the killers rushed over in a mighty manner. This time, the number of killers reached 300 million, covering the sky and covering the entire starry sky.

"300 million killers!" Chen Feng sighed, and countless threads emanated from his eyes, and the thousands of killers in front of him were tied up.

Chen Feng strode forward, threads flying out of his eyes in an endless stream that seemed to never stop. Wherever he passed, a large number of killers were trapped.

Although these killers will eventually break away, it is enough to delay for some time. Chen Feng's target is still the time and space killer deep in the army.

Seeing Chen Feng erupting with such powerful power, the monks in the Fallen Star Region became excited and followed Chen Feng, quickly opening a path.

After Chen Feng found the time and space killers, hundreds of thousands of them were tied up by the threads coming from Chen Feng's eyes, and more than a hundred thousand of them were killed by the monks who followed behind.

"Hello, we meet again." Chen Feng said as he gathered all his strength into a punch and struck at the Time and Space Killer.

The star core in his heart has been almost refined, and Chen Feng's physical body has made great progress. The tightness of the physical body makes Chen Feng himself secretly satisfied.

The power and potential of the Chaos Body has begun to unfold.

Facing Chen Feng's attack, the huge body of the Time and Space Slayer collided, and a thick force of energy came out of the body and collided with Chen Feng's fist force.

Not long after, Chen Feng fought against the opponent again. The other killers instinctively hid far away, which made Chen Feng a little unhappy.

All Chen Feng can do on this battlefield is to hold back this huge killer. Chen Feng cannot interfere with the fate of other monks in the Fallen Star Region.

Although preparations were made, the Fallen Star Realm still could not stop the Slayer's attack, and it retreated from the initial defeat to collapse.

Finally, a planet was logged in by the killers, and then the creatures were slaughtered and life disappeared. Not long after, a vibrant planet turned into a gray ruin.

Then came the second planet, the third planet, and soon almost all living planets were invaded.

Although the monks in the Fallen Star Region were trying their best to resist, the gap between them and the killers was really too big.

As the Slayer's offensive became more and more fierce, the cohesion that the monks in the Godfall Star Region had finally gathered dissipated again.

Chen Feng sighed, and with a thought, the teleportation array that had been arranged long ago began to operate on several planets.

"Everyone, it's your choice whether to stay and wait for death or to leave here." Chen Feng's voice spread throughout the entire Godfall Star Territory.

Next, Chen Feng no longer paid attention to these things, but concentrated on fighting the killer.

Chen Feng quickly figured out the fighting method of the Time and Space Slayer. However, due to the strength of both sides, Chen Feng could only avoid being killed by the opponent, and various minor injuries would continue to appear.

Under the threat of death, most monks would choose to escape. The space teleportation array left by Chen Feng brought hope to these monks. After just a moment of hesitation, some monks entered the teleportation channel.

Someone took the lead, and more people followed. Soon the space passage was surrounded by monks, but there were also some killers who rushed into the space passage. Chen Feng was not worried about this. With the power of the eternal world, it was here that You can block all the killers by killing them.

In terms of the overall strength of the monks, the Eternal Great World is not as good as the Divine Meteor Star Domain, but there are some high-end combat forces in the Eternal Great World at this time. This is why Chen Feng can rest assured to go out to overcome the tribulation.

Although Chen Feng left some teleportation arrays behind, there are too many monks in this star field, and it is simply unrealistic to completely transfer them away. In Chen Feng's opinion, being able to transfer one ten thousandth is already considered good. .

Dozens of long whips surrounded Chen Feng. Chen Feng relied on his speed to dodge. He quickly slashed out the long sword in his hand and cut off two long whips, revealing a loophole. Chen Feng felt a strong crisis just as he was about to rush out. .

In fact, these killers are not good at sneak attacks, because no matter what type of killer they are, they are full of pure killing intent, and monks who have reached a certain level of cultivation can easily detect the existence of the other party.

Although he sensed the crisis in advance, Chen Feng became solemn, because this killing aura was not only pure, but more powerful, powerful enough to be comparable to the time and space killer in front of him.

"It's Jinxian!"

This thought flashed through Chen Feng's mind, and he quickly hid to the side, but it was still a little late. The opponent's attack was too fast, cutting off Chen Feng's longevity wing, and then it was severed but there was still one arm.

However, the severed arm was pulled over by force and quickly connected to the shoulder. The immortal energy circulated, and Chen Feng shook for a moment before returning to his original state.

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