Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,247: Advancement


The shadow of the Heavenly Dao fell down simply, without any changes, but in Chen Feng's view, this shadow of the Heavenly Dao was not that simple, but extremely powerful.

The sword aura was only in the process of falling, and Chen Feng felt that his whole body was firmly locked. The middle-grade artifact-level protective armor on his body began to show a series of knife marks, and his soul had the tendency to be cut in half.

Then Chen Feng's hair began to be cut off one by one, and the skin on his face began to crack.

Chen Feng's heart tightened, and his heartbeat stopped, but the power in his body gushed out with a bang. Not only did he put on the golden armor, but Chen Feng also took out the Undead Heavenly Sword.

A sword was slashed out, and it was also a long sword aura, and the sword aura and the sword aura collided with each other.

Then Chen Feng flew backwards again, the sword aura was broken, and the sword aura was broken, but all the fragments rushed towards Chen Feng like meteors, and soon Chen Feng was submerged.

Snap Snap Snap! Snap Snap Snap Snap!

Powerful airflow emanated from the fragments, and finally all the fragments were shattered again, and then dissipated. Chen Feng reappeared, with chaotic airflow all around him. The protective armor he wore showed dense marks, and several places were pierced, affecting Chen Feng's skin and flesh.

"It's really dangerous. If I don't use weapons, I can't resist it with my flesh." Chen Feng was also in shock.

Then the calamity cloud disappeared, and the law of heaven descended, covering Chen Feng's body. The aura on Chen Feng's body changed again and again, and it took a long time to stabilize. Chen Feng finally advanced to become a mid-level celestial being.

With a flicker of his body, Chen Feng arrived thousands of miles away. There was also a large meteorite here. After arranging some formations, Chen Feng began to practice.

The period after successfully crossing the calamity is the most important. Chen Feng must comprehend the way of heaven, condense the law, and stabilize the realm. He cannot afford to be careless.

Practicing in the starry sky has no great concept of the passage of time. After Chen Feng finished practicing, Chen Feng calculated in his mind and realized that he had practiced for half a year.

Chen Feng stretched out his palm, and then a trace of light golden light emerged. Each trace of light golden light was a law of heaven. Chen Feng's laws of heaven had been compressed to 108 again, and the immortal laws integrated into it reached eight.

After the advancement, Chen Feng's strength has increased several times. With the passage of time and the complete stability of the realm, Chen Feng's strength will continue to increase steadily. Of course, all this takes time.

Genius also needs time. Anyone needs time to accumulate on the road of cultivation. Chen Feng's chaotic body is no exception. Although the chaotic body can absorb and melt all energy, there must be a degree. It must be controlled within the scope of its own ability. Otherwise, if too much energy is absorbed, the chaotic body will also be burst.

After Chen Feng finished practicing, the magic array arranged around was also broken, and countless killers rushed in. First, a mantis-like killer waved a sharp blade to kill Chen Feng.

This is a half-step golden immortal.

However, Chen Feng just blew a breath, and a stream of red-gold air surged out, and the killer was immediately shattered. Then the airflow killed several more killers before disappearing.

Chen Feng stood up, and the long sword in his hand slashed, the sword light flashed, and the sword energy surged, sweeping around. When the sword energy disappeared, the area within a hundred miles was empty.

"How could the killer appear here?" This was what Chen Feng was surprised about.

In Chen Feng's opinion, there was no life in this star field at all. As a killer who specialized in destroying life for a living, he would not come here.

"Is there life here?" Chen Feng was puzzled.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

At this time, another killer attacked, and it seemed that they knew Chen Feng was powerful. The killers at the level of the immortals began to retreat and formed a formation, and the killers at the level of the half-step golden immortals rushed to the front.

"It's just right to find someone to practice with. You came at a good time." Chen Feng reflected without surprise. He had just passed the tribulation and it was time to hone his strength.

Chen Feng held a long sword, stepped on the immortal step, and rushed into the army of killers.

The sword flashed, and two killers were killed. Several killers attacked immediately, but only shattered the afterimage left by Chen Feng. The next moment, Chen Feng arrived at another place, swung the long sword, and another killer was killed.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

This was an attack from the killer battle formation, but Chen Feng's speed was too fast. Chen Feng's shadow was everywhere, and these attacks could not touch Chen Feng at all.

Chen Feng's long sword slashed, and an arc of light appeared, which actually rolled up two attacks and bounced the opponent back. The power that bounced back was more powerful after being blessed by Chen Feng. After the explosion, hundreds of killers were killed.

"These killers are just targets in front of me." Chen Feng only felt proud. Before the tribulation, the immortal wings were advanced. After the tribulation, the immortal god movement technique as a whole rose to a higher level.

Chen Feng walked around casually, and every step was mysterious and unpredictable, making it impossible for the opponent to figure it out. Even the Golden Immortal couldn't lock Chen Feng's aura.

Chen Feng even wanted to find the time-space killer at this time and compete with him.

Chen Feng just had this thought, and then he felt that the space around him had changed. Maybe there was no time change, and Chen Feng was isolated in a closed space.

"What are you talking about? It turns out that there are really time and space killers. No wonder there are killers who came to this star field so quickly." Chen Feng laughed, the longevity wings condensed out, flickered slightly, and the whole person began to Traveling through time and space, getting rid of this branch of space in the blink of an eye.

The huge body of the Time and Space Slayer appeared in front of Chen Feng, but Chen Feng soon knew that this was not the Time and Space Slayer he had seen before. Although he had the same body shape, the same appearance, and even the same aura, Chen Feng was still fast. It can be distinguished that this is another time and space killer.

"These time and space killers will teleport a large number of killers wherever they go, and these guys are still golden immortals. They are really troublesome." Chen Feng felt a headache when he thought of this, so he slashed his sword at the time and space killers. Rushed over.


The time and space killer's eyes flashed, and two light blades attacked Chen Feng from the left and right.

Chen Feng suddenly laughed: "Another attack like this."

Without any hard fight, Chen Feng swayed and dodged the attack of the light blade, and then a hundred-foot-long sword beam was fired at the time and space killer.


The long whip was drawn out, shattering the sword gang, and then several more long whips attacked Chen Feng. Although there was some confusion, they blocked the blind spots around Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's steps swayed, and he kept swinging the long sword in his hand. The long whip that had caused him trouble before was suddenly cut off by Chen Feng's roots. Then Chen Feng rushed forward and fell towards the body of the time and space killer.


But at this time, golden light bloomed from the Time and Space Killer, condensing mysterious runes and flying towards Chen Feng.


Chen Feng exclaimed in surprise. He had never encountered such an attack before. He waved the long sword in his hand, and the sword energy cut and swept across. Runes were constantly being chopped into pieces, but some runes were still quickly linked together to form a disk. Surrounding Chen Feng in the middle, Chen Feng's eyes flashed and he entered a separate space again.

"It's this move again!" Chen Feng shook his head, and when he was about to rush out, he felt chaotic pressure from all around him, and at the same time, threads formed by the power of space emerged.

"Sure enough, there are some differences." Chen Feng's eyes were bright, and his divine eyes were constantly catching the virtual and real loopholes around him.

"Human, you are not simple."

At this time, the Time and Space Slayer also entered this space, and the power of time and space locked Chen Feng firmly. However, Chen Feng's body shook a bit, and he asked the opponent's rope to lock him. At the same time, Chen Feng also took the lead in launching an attack, with the long sword in his hand. After waving, there were immediately layers of sword shadows, and then the sword energy storm flooded the time and space killer.


The Time and Space Slayer just roared, and the powerful shock wave dispersed the sword energy storm sent by Chen Feng, and then the huge body of the Time and Space Slayer rushed towards Chen Feng.

After a chaotic fight, this independent space was still shattered by the two. Chen Feng dodged and rushed out, but at this time, golden light shot out from the back of the Time and Space Killer again. The speed of these golden lights exceeded Chen Feng's. His imagination quickly trapped Chen Feng in a space.

"It's over." Chen Feng was a little angry. This time and space killer was indeed powerful. It was on par with those he had encountered before, but he had become stronger, several times stronger, so the other party wanted to stay. It’s also a difficult thing for me to do.

After another fight, Chen Feng rushed out again. This time, Chen Feng was well prepared. He was extremely fast and disappeared into the starry sky very quickly.

The Time and Space Slayer hesitated for a moment, but in the end he did not chase. Instead, after giving the order, the Slayer army began to move in the starry sky.

Chen Feng waited for the other party to disappear before he emerged from the void and followed him from a distance.

The number of this wave of killers exceeds 100 million, which is nothing to Chen Feng. Chen Feng can kill seven in and seven out, but it is different if there are time and space killers in the opponent's army. If you fight hard, you will definitely suffer a loss, not to mention that these time and space killers also have the ability to teleport. If not, wait for a while, and the 100 million killers will become 200 to 300 million, or more.

Chen Feng followed the army of killers for a month and did not know how far they advanced in the starry sky. Finally, Chen Feng's eyes lit up and he felt the strong breath of life in the distant starry sky.

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