Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,246: The process of overcoming the tribulation

"The most important thing is to close the transmission channel of the killer. I don't know which Golden Immortal did this. This is the biggest sinner in our Wuji Immortal Realm." Chen Feng sneered.

"It is said that the person who made the move came from the Immortal Realm, most likely the Immortal Court. I wonder if Fellow Daoist Chihuo has any news?" Someone looked at the Golden Immortal wearing a golden crown, and a mocking look appeared on his face.

"The person who made the move came from the Immortal Court." The Golden Immortal Chihuo nodded, expressionless.

"But I don't know who it is specifically, I only know that it is an old Golden Immortal."

"Old Golden Immortal, hum, caused such a disaster, even if the other party has a hundred lives, it is not enough to compensate."

"That's right, find the other party, this kind of person must be burned with divine fire, and life is worse than death."

When the reason for the opening of the space channel was mentioned, everyone became angry, and the Golden Immortal Chihuo from the Immortal Court was speechless.

"What if the other party is Taiyi Golden Immortal." Someone suddenly said this, and then everyone fell silent.

"Then naturally there will be other Taiyi Golden Immortals who will take action."

"The Immortal Golden Immortals can travel across the starry sky and go to other fairyland for adventures. Taiyi Golden Immortals are all legendary figures."

After talking for a while, the crowd dispersed on their own. Some stayed here to heal their wounds, while others left and entered the starry sky.

This time, the Wuyou Golden Immortal fell, which made Chen Feng and the other two somewhat depressed. The next step was to heal their wounds. The three were seriously injured. Although Chen Feng's Changsheng Wings had advanced, the powerful energy that erupted when he was escaping still destroyed part of his vitality.

The one who was least injured should be the Lonely Souler, and the most miserable was the Tianhui Golden Immortal. If Chen Feng was one breath later, the Tianhui Golden Immortal would have been killed by the Space-Time Killer.

After practicing for a while, Chen Feng left the transit station after his condition stabilized, because Chen Feng was a little worried about the Eternal World.

After returning to the Eternal World and taking a turn, he found that although the number of killers had increased, he could completely deal with it with the power of the Eternal World.

Chen Feng thought about it, and then left the Eternal World again. Chen Feng planned to find a place to overcome the tribulation.

In fact, after the fusion of the two clones, Chen Feng's power reached a peak, but he had been suppressing it. However, through the previous battle with the killer, Chen Feng felt uneasy about his own strength. In addition, he swallowed a part of the killing will, so Chen Feng could not suppress it. Now that the Eternal World has not been surrounded by the killer, it is just right to overcome the tribulation.

After leaving the Eternal World, Chen Feng has been flying quickly in the universe and starry sky. He also passed some killers in the middle, but Chen Feng did not entangle with them, but kept heading towards the depths of the desolate universe.

I don't know how long he has been moving forward, but Chen Feng finally stopped. The space here is even more empty and desolate, silent, and it seems that you can hear the heartbeat of the universe. You can't even see a few stars, and even meteorites rarely appear.

"It's here, the environment here is very good." Chen Feng stretched out his hand and a large meteorite from thousands of miles away flew over and stopped lightly at Chen Feng's feet.

Chen Feng's eyes flickered, with some excitement and some expectation. The last time he crossed the tribulation, he encountered the Chaos-level Destruction Light and the Immortal Glare, which almost wiped him out. It was also the most serious crisis since Chen Feng crossed the tribulation.

However, Chen Feng finally achieved the status of a celestial being. In Chen Feng's view, that was a hurdle. The next promotion to a mid-level celestial being and a high-level celestial being was just an accumulation of realm and strength, and there shouldn't be too strong a tribulation.

But thinking about his own situation, Chen Feng was unsure about what kind of tribulation would come next. Maybe he would pass it easily, or maybe it would be more powerful than the last time.

Of course, no matter how strong the tribulation was, Chen Feng would go on and would not retreat. Once he had the intention to retreat, his confidence in crossing the tribulation would be weakened by one point. At the most critical moment, one point represented life and death.

Clearing away the chaotic thoughts, Chen Feng released the aura that had been suppressed.

The tribulation cloud soon appeared.


A beam of light that was not thick fell on Chen Feng, but the power contained in it made Chen Feng narrow his eyes.

The beam fell on Chen Feng, and immediately became black and white, black destruction, white vitality, but they merged with each other, bursting out with even more powerful lethality.

"It is the light of Yin and Yang destruction, which is also something that only the Golden Immortal will encounter." Chen Feng smiled and put away all the protective armor on his body, relying entirely on his body to resolve the impact of the beam.

Eighteen beams in a row, these beams were not wasted for Chen Feng, all of them were swallowed and absorbed by Chen Feng, and Chen Feng's body had no other effects except for some blood marks.

And these blood marks disappeared quickly after the beams disappeared.

In Chen Feng's view, these beams are the same energy as the immortal glare. With a chaotic body, Chen Feng needs more of this energy.

"I hope the second wave can bring me some surprises?" Chen Feng even thought so in his heart.


Lightning flashed, and a strong pressure was projected from the calamity cloud. Chen Feng felt the strong power of lightning and the power of destruction. Chen Feng was a little curious. Could it be that the next attack was a calamity thunder attack? If so, this time the heavenly calamity was really not very interesting.

A black lightning bolt of more than ten feet in size appeared. Chen Feng did not move his fighting power and was ready to let the lightning fall on him.

In Chen Feng's view, the power of this thunder and lightning is far inferior to the Yin and Yang light of destruction just now, even if it is ten times thicker, it is useless.

But what makes Chen Feng strange is that this thunder and lightning did not fall, it was just floating in the sky. Chen Feng even wanted to smash this thunder and lightning, but Chen Feng also wanted to see what happened next. Something happened.

Then the second thunder and lightning appeared. The first thunder and lightning was black and full of the power of sudden destruction. The second thunder and lightning was golden. Chen Feng recognized it at a glance. It was the Vajra Mysterious Thunder.

"Could it be that two lightning bolts merged together?" Chen Feng began to guess in his mind.

Sure enough, the two thunder and lightning merged together to form a new lightning, black with gold, gold with black, the two sides merged together, but the size did not increase.

After the fusion, the new thunder and lightning is still floating in the sky.

Chen Feng frowned, and then he saw the third lightning appear. This lightning was green and blended into the previous thunder and lightning.

"This is Green Gang Lei."

Thunder and lightning continued to appear next. After these thunder and lightning appeared, they merged one after another and turned into a thunder and lightning. The powerful pressure impacted down, and Chen Feng's eyelids twitched even more fiercely.

"Void Mysterious Gold Thunder!"

"Dark Night Divine Thunder!"

"Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunder!"

"Netherworld Cold Thunder!"

"Yin Yang Divine Thunder!"

"Five Elements Divine Thunder!"

A total of nine thunder and lightning with different attributes appeared, perfectly fused into a colorful thunder and lightning, and then slashed towards Chen Feng.

"What kind of catastrophe is this, mixed with thunder and lightning?" Although Chen Feng recognized all the attributes of thunder and lightning, he had not heard of anyone encountering this kind of situation when going through the tribulation.

Chen Feng would not pay attention to the thunder and lightning that fell alone or in a swarm before, but the fusion of nine thunder and lightning was different.

This is not as simple as one plus one, nor is it as simple as increasing nine times. From the aura emanating from this thunder and lightning, Chen Feng can deduce that this lightning has been enhanced dozens of times individually.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

His heart beat violently, and powerful power gathered on his fist. Then Chen Feng punched out, and then flashing lightning illuminated the space for millions of miles.

Chen Feng shattered the thunder and lightning, but the huge meteorite under his feet had dense cracks and would shatter into pieces at any time.

Then Chen Feng stretched out his hand to grab it, and the chaotic power of thunder and lightning gathered in one after another and was swallowed up by Chen Feng. Then, air flow spurted out from the pores of his body, mixed with the power of thunder and lightning.

"It's very powerful, but it's useless to me." Chen Feng shook his head, straightened his body, the air flow surged, and his whole body erupted with a roaring sound.

"I wonder what else you can do next?"

The calamity clouds rolled, the power of water and fire began to spurt out, the power of wind and thunder began to gather, the power of mountains and rivers began to merge, and the power of heaven and earth began to circulate. These eight powers have been constantly evolving and changing since they appeared, and finally merged into one disc.

Chen Feng did not dare to be careless, because this disk represented one world, the power of the surrounding heaven, and the evolving world. The pressure this time is even stronger than the previous nine thunder superpositions. More importantly, this disc has a trace of the original power of the universe injected into it, making the world around it more stable.


Faced with this kind of suppression, Chen Feng still simply punched out and hit the disk. Then the huge meteorite under Chen Feng's feet exploded with a bang and turned into countless fragments.

Chen Feng also began to fall rapidly. He flew tens of thousands of miles before gradually stopping. There were cracks on his fist, and traces of fresh leaves flowed out. However, with a flash of energy, he returned to normal.

"Why is the catastrophe encountered this time so evil?" Chen Feng whispered, his body shook, and he let out a series of explosions again.

"But it's just to this extent, there really isn't much pressure."

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The space fluctuated strongly, and a small amount of light began to expand, finally forming a long sword. The sharp aura exuded made Chen Feng feel like he could not open his eyes.

"The phantom of the Heavenly Sword, this is the shadow of a high-grade artifact." Chen Feng thought for a while, and with a thought, he wore the Radiant Armor on his body.

Now is not the time to show off, even if it is just the shadow of a high-grade artifact, it is not so easy to resist. If Chen Feng is not sure, he still plans to make some preparations. If he is still physically connected, if he is cut in half, then Chen Feng should cry. .

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