Eternal Existence

Chapter 1245: Immortal Wings Advancement

Chen Feng knew he was trapped, his eyes were bright, and he saw through the layers of space. When Chen Feng saw the situation outside, his heart was shocked.

The four people joined forces, but they were no match for this space-time killer. One-on-one, they would definitely die, without any luck.

Chen Feng was anxious, and the longevity wings behind him spread out overwhelmingly, instantly expanding a hundred times. At the same time, various runes flashed on them, and then Chen Feng began to fly, constantly shuttling through layers of space, trying to escape the opponent's space-time restriction.

Soon, the space-time killer entered the space where Tianhui Jinxian was. Chen Feng saw this scene, and his heart jumped, knowing that Wuyou Jinxian had fallen.

There was no point in Chen Feng being anxious. Although the longevity wings were against the sky, it was impossible to rush out in a short time. Maybe before Chen Feng escaped, the other three partners died, and maybe the next target would be himself.

As a result, Chen Feng's body exploded as if on fire, and his heart almost exploded. The energy in the star core was released at a speed a hundred times faster than usual. Not only that, Chen Feng burned dozens of drops of the blood of the Golden Immortal.

The last time he did this was in the Dongji Immortal Palace. That time, Chen Feng almost exploded. Although his body was stronger at this time, the side effects of using this trick would still be great, and it would cause an unmanageable situation if he was not careful.

But Chen Feng had no other choice. Under the threat of life, it was worth it even if he burned his entire life.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

At this time, the immortal wings behind Chen Feng seemed unable to withstand the powerful force, and then exploded inch by inch, but soon new immortal wings appeared, and the new immortal wings continued to explode, and then new immortal wings condensed.

After three times, the Immortal Wing finally stabilized, and became somewhat different from the past. In the past, the Immortal Wing was powerful, and the flapping of the Immortal Wing was overwhelming. This time, the Immortal Wing condensed was a little light and even transparent, as if it had changed from an eagle's wings to a butterfly's wings.

However, Chen Feng's eyes showed excitement. The seemingly weak Immortal Wing vibrated slightly, and it cut through the layers of space. The power was more than ten times higher than before.

Under pressure, Chen Feng's Immortal Wing was advanced again, which made Chen Feng feel sublimated.


Chen Feng's speed increased several times, and he quickly broke through the opponent's space restraints and broke free.


At this time, the Spacetime Killer was still fighting with the Radiant Golden Immortal. Seeing that he was about to kill the opponent, the Killer saw Chen Feng rushing out, and was secretly surprised in his heart. How powerful his move was. He knew very well that it was difficult for ordinary Golden Immortals to rush out in a short time.

After Chen Feng rushed out, he did not use other magic weapons, but took out the Blood Gathering Pearl. This magic weapon of his had been used by his clones for many years. He did not know how many cultivators' blood and qi power he had devoured in the outer space. Its power had long surpassed that of ordinary mid-grade artifacts. At this time, the Blood Gathering Pearl immediately burst into dazzling blood light. The blood and qi power, blood evil power, and even some spirits that had not completely dissipated within a radius of hundreds of millions of miles were quickly pulled and overworked, and dissolved in the blood light. Under the powerful plundering energy of the Blood Gathering Pearl, even the pure killing intent emitted by these killers could not be escaped.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and all the energy he devoured was melted into the Changsheng Wing. Chen Feng rushed forward quickly, and in less than a breath, he rushed into the space where the Tianhui Jinxian was. He reached out and grabbed the Tianhui Jinxian, and his body swayed, avoiding the attack of the space-time killer, and rushed out of the independent space again.

Then Chen Feng entered the space where the lonely soul was, and rescued him as well.

Lonely Soul was fine, but Radiant Golden Immortal only had half his life left. This was the result of burning his essence and fighting desperately. He needed to find a place to heal and rest. It was not known whether he could recover his original strength.


The Spacetime Killer caught up with him, and the huge golden palm slapped him again. Of course, Chen Feng would not fight hard. He relied on the Wings of Immortality to dodge the opponent's attack, and then quickly fled far away.

The Radiant Golden Immortal and Lonely Soul who were caught by Chen Feng only felt that there were broken space-time fragments and space turbulence all around them. They were extremely surprised. They did not expect Chen Feng to be able to burst out such power.

"We should be able to escape." These two Golden Immortals who have been traversing the starry sky for who knows how many years and have experienced who knows how many dangers, at this moment, placed their hopes on Chen Feng.

Buzz! Buzz!

There was a strong wave in the eyes of the Spacetime Killer, and Chen Feng immediately felt that the space around him became sticky, but the Wings of Immortality vibrated violently, and then rushed out again.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Dozens of round long lines were ejected from the Spacetime Killer. Some of these lines were short and some were long, but they could change the speed of time when extended.


Flames burned on the Immortal Wings. Chen Feng's speed increased again. The Immortal Wings became more transparent and rushed out of the opponent's attack again.

However, Chen Feng did not dare to relax, because the Spacetime Killer caught up with him again. There was golden light spreading from the back of the Spacetime Killer. The speed was so fast that Chen Feng's eyelids jumped.

If it weren't for the huge difference in strength with the opponent, Chen Feng really wanted to stop and fight with the opponent, but now he could only use all his strength to escape, and he would be caught up by the opponent if he was not careful.

The spreading golden light turned into two huge palms. The palms tore violently, and the space was torn apart. The Spacetime Killer rushed in and appeared again, shortening the distance between him and Chen Feng.

"Daoyou, if you can't, just run away by yourself." The lonely soul said.

"Okay, no problem." Chen Feng said with a smile, and a flag floated out of his body, and then shook and turned into a huge illusion array.

The space-time killer rushed over at this time, and with just one claw, he tore the illusion array set by Chen Feng into pieces.

Chen Feng felt a little distressed. The grade of this flag was close to the middle-grade artifact, but he didn't expect it to be broken so easily.

Escape! Escape! Escape!

Chen Feng relied on the most powerful magic movement in the Changsheng Sutra to keep traveling. He didn't know how far he flew, but he still couldn't get rid of the pursuit of the space-time killer.

The space-time killer was provoked by several people and interrupted the transmission process. He had made up his mind to kill these humans.

The golden armor on Chen Feng's body was burning with flames, and the power of the artifact was constantly injected into the Changsheng Wings to replenish Chen Feng with some strength.

"Is this guy crazy? I've already rushed out, why is it still not over? After I advance, I will definitely come back to fight you again." Chen Feng cursed in his heart, and even regretted that he had rushed out rashly. Fortunately, he only encountered a space-time killer. If another such powerful guy appeared in the killer army, would he and others still be alive.

"Don't panic, fellow Daoist!"

At this time, a divine thought came over, and then thousands of sword qi fell from the distant starry sky and killed the space-time killer.

Chen Feng was happy in his heart, knowing that he would be out of trouble this time.

Before the sword qi dissipated, another sun rose up, and behind the sun was a sky sword that spanned the universe, and behind the sky sword was another halberd.

A total of four golden immortals appeared. Chen Feng's figure shook, and he turned around suddenly. The blood light emitted by the blood beads condensed into a long sword aura to kill.

"And me." The lonely soul also struggled to launch an attack.

After a fight, the Spacetime Killer retreated, and its huge body disappeared into the army of killers.

"Thank you for your help, fellow Taoist." Chen Feng said loudly.

"Let's go to a safe place first." One of the Golden Immortals wearing a golden crown said.

An hour later, Chen Feng and others entered a relatively special transfer station. The reason why it is special is that the scale of this transfer station is relatively large.

This refuge was built on a metal planet. It was blessed by the magic power of many Golden Immortals to block the attack of the killer army. When Chen Feng entered this place, he found that there were already a large number of cultivators here. These were also refugees who survived the chaos.

What surprised Chen Feng was that in addition to the four Golden Immortals who rescued him, there were three other Golden Immortals on this planet.

After greeting each other, everyone started to talk, and Tianhui Golden Immortal completely entered the state of healing.

"So you are a Taoist from the Immortal Clan. You were able to escape from the Space-Time Killer, which shows that you have a high level of cultivation. It seems that your Immortal Wings have reached a very high level." The Golden Immortal with a golden crown said.

This person came from the Immortal Court. After learning about Chen Feng's identity, he was only surprised for a moment and then returned to normal.

Some of the other people came from other star fields, some were space wanderers with no specific origins, and one was from the Demon Realm. Of course, no matter where these people came from or what their origins were, everyone's goal at this time was the same, that is, to resist the killer or survive.

"How many of you know the Space-Time Killer?" Chen Feng asked with some surprise.

"Of course I have seen it. Hehe, at that time, ten of us Golden Immortals besieged a Space-Time Killer. Although we killed the opponent in the end, we lost four companions. That's why I said that you have a high level of cultivation." The Golden Immortal with a golden crown said.

"You are too kind, if you hadn't helped me, I wouldn't have been able to escape. The other party is too powerful. If there were more space-time killers, it would be a disaster." Chen Feng sighed.

"It's already a disaster. According to the information I received, space-time killers have been found in six places, and this is only temporary. Who knows what other perverted things there are among the killers? Up to now, the Golden Immortals among the killers have not really been dispatched." The Starry Sky Wanderer said.

"It's only been a short time, and some star fields have already fallen. Hey, these killers are nothing but killing. Wherever they pass, all life will disappear." The voice of an old man was a little heavy.

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