Eternal Existence

Chapter 1244: Critical Situation

Faced with this level of attack, the immortal wings behind Chen Feng quickly wrapped themselves up, forming an oval shape. All the laws in the body emerged, wrapping Chen Feng into a cocoon, and then Chen Feng quickly turned.

All the attacks fell on Chen Feng, and then were bounced away. The cocoon broke, and the immortal wings vibrated again. Then Chen Feng flashed a residual image and fell on the space-time killer. The strong impact force caused the vortex that just appeared below to explode. The immortal wings quickly extended and turned into a light blade to cut across. A series of collisions came, and the immortal wings were broken one after another, but the long whip attacking the lonely soul was also bounced away.

"Thank you!" The lonely soul said as a drop of blood dripped from his fingertips and fell on the long sword. The long sword hummed, and a blood-red thread emerged.

Among the few people, the lonely soul was the most fighting Golden Immortal. Tianhui Golden Immortal and Wuyou would think of leaving as soon as they saw danger.

"We are no match for this killer." Chen Feng said calmly. The golden armor on his body was extremely ferocious, which gave Chen Feng a strong fighting power. With his own strength and some artifacts, Chen Feng was not afraid of any immortal golden immortal, but he felt the pressure that made him powerless.

"Once you have the intention to retreat, you will die faster. Maybe there will be a glimmer of hope if you fight." The lonely soul said.

"Then let's fight." Chen Feng's stone spear kept stabbing out, and whirlpools kept exploding. The soul-soothing spell that Chen Feng had prepared long ago entered the body of the space-time killer and rushed towards the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness.

As long as the opponent is a life, Chen Feng's soul-soothing spell will be effective.

Sure enough, the Spacetime Killer was slow for a moment, but this moment could be infinitely magnified for the Golden Immortal. So the long sword in the hand of the Lonely Souler pierced into the Spacetime Killer again. The attack of the Golden Immortal was not easy to resolve. The Immortal Sword Qi exploded in the opponent's body, so the Spacetime Killer roared, and a strong airflow rushed out of the body, just like a sword energy frenzy. Chen Feng and the Lonely Souler rolled out immediately, and even the other killers around were affected.

"How can such a good opportunity be missed." The stone spear in Chen Feng's hand flew out and pierced deeply into the opponent's body. This time, in addition to the power of the stone spear itself, the attack was also mixed with other powers, such as the power of chaos and annihilation, the immortal glare, and the power of evil curse.

Even if the opponent is powerful, it will be affected.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Dozens of long whips whipped at Chen Feng and the Lonely Souler, mixed with several light blades, and that's not all. There was also a huge golden palm grabbing at the two.

"Not good!"

"Can't stop it."

Even ordinary people know that injured beasts are the most threatening. The attacks of Chen Feng and the Lonely Soul made the Spacetime Killer furious, and the attacks were unprecedentedly fierce.


Chen Feng and the Lonely Soul were blown away, and a light blade slashed Chen Feng, causing a deep dent on the Golden Armor, but it was still blocked.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Longevity Chain flew out, entangled the Lonely Soul, allowing the Lonely Soul to avoid the fatal attack, but at this time the golden palm had reached the top of the two people's heads.



The two launched the strongest attack on the golden palm, but the golden palm was indestructible and invincible. The shattering of the two attacks only caused the palm to shake.

Puff! Puff!

Under the pressure of the huge palm, Chen Feng and the Lonely Soul opened their mouths and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Chen Feng roared, and all the laws of heaven gushed out of his body, densely wrapped around the huge palm. The lonely soul stretched out his finger and flicked it. A five-element divine thunder flew out and then exploded. The two of them joined forces to stop the golden palm.

At this time, a bright light fell from the sky and enveloped the palm. At the same time, the sword of Tianhui Jinxian merged into an arrow and pierced the palm. Chen Feng felt the pressure relieved, and the dense laws quickly cut. Although it did not break the opponent's palm into pieces, it also caused blood to spill from the golden palm. The lonely soul took the opportunity to cut a sword.

The golden hand disappeared, and the space-time killer turned around, roared, and the terrifying shock wave knocked the four people out at the same time.

Tianhui Jinxian and Wuyou had just finally rushed out of the killer's encirclement. Seeing the crisis of Chen Feng and the lonely soul, they immediately rushed up, but they were still knocked away in one fell swoop.

"This guy is so powerful." Chen Feng said, and the wings of immortality flapped behind him, and the chaotic airflow around him immediately calmed down.

This space-time killer was not in a hurry to attack, but sent out a wave of waves around. Then, something happened that frightened Chen Feng and the other four. Countless killers began to move in an orderly manner. The chaotic scene immediately disappeared and turned into neat teams. The four people only took a glance and knew that if there was no space-time killer, the neat and continuous army of killers in front of them would be able to trap the four people.

The army of killers was in chaos before, without unified dispatch, so these golden immortals could kill alone, but once these killers became a neat army, their combat effectiveness would increase tenfold or a hundredfold.

"It's troublesome. This time we really can't escape." The four looked at each other and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"That's not necessarily the case. This big guy was injured by us." The lonely soul laughed.

"And the message I sent has been responded to. Other Golden Immortals will arrive soon." Wuyou also laughed.

"In that case, let's find a way to kill this big guy." Chen Feng said while waving his stone spear. Chen Feng has not been injured in the battle between the two sides. On the contrary, under the pressure of the opponent, all the potential of his body has been stimulated, and his fighting spirit is high. It is time to fight.


The Space-Time Killer sent out an attack signal, and then the surrounding Killer teams immediately burst out with the purest killing intent. The killing intent alone almost made the four people lose their minds, not to mention the overwhelming attack that followed.

At this moment, the four people wanted to curse, but they didn't expect that this Space-Time Killer would let these little brothers take the lead, which made the critical situation more serious.

"Go!" Chen Feng ignored these chaotic attacks, but rushed to the Space-Time Killer.

Didn't you let other killers attack? Now let's fight and see who will be attacked. If we are unlucky, we will be unlucky together.

This was Chen Feng's idea. The other three people reacted quickly. They ignored other attacks and locked onto the Spacetime Killer.

This Spacetime Killer looked a bit like a black tortoise, with amazing defense. Although Chen Feng and the Lonely Soul's attacks entered the opponent's body, they did not have the expected effect.

The opponent's huge body can continuously extend long whips like tentacles, and his eyes can also emit light blades with amazing lethality when they sweep across.

Just these few points show super strong defense and attack, which is enough for Chen Feng and his friends, and who knows what other means the opponent will have.

The next is a melee, and Chen Feng and his four people are really desperate, because only by fighting hard can they get a glimmer of hope.

The Spacetime Killer is most proficient in the way of space and time. Although his body is huge, his speed of movement is even faster than Chen Feng's longevity wings.

The secret history of the longevity wings is said to be able to transcend space and time, but Chen Feng is only at the level of a celestial being after all, and the talent of the Spacetime Killer in front of him is the Great Way of Space and Time.

Therefore, the siege of four people did not pose much pressure or threat to the killer. On the contrary, Wuyou and Tianhui Jinxian were seriously injured not long after the fight, and Chen Feng and Lonely Soul were also attacked by the killer in the distance.

All four were injured, and this space-time killer had just shown its power.

Bitter, desperate, some of the previous ideas fell through.

"Everyone, run away, as many as you can." The Lonely Soul, who had always advocated fighting, suddenly spoke.

And after speaking, he performed a secret technique, and the whole person turned into a flashing light, and quickly rushed into the killer's battle formation.

"This guy!"

Chen Feng and the other two shook their heads and fled. Of course, the three of them also used some means before escaping. Chen Feng threw out some illusion arrays, Tianhui Jinxian threw out some divine thunder, and the Wuji Fa disk in Wuyou's hand shot out some psychedelic light, turning into a circle of rapidly circling rune disks to kill the space-time killer.

Then the three of them used their own means to escape without looking at the effect.

The whole body of Tianhui Jinxian was shining with golden light, and he burned the power of origin at the first time, and his speed was instantly doubled. Wuyou turned into a beam of light and drilled into the Wuji Dharma Plate. The Wuji Dharma Plate rotated rapidly, and actually cut a crack in the space, and then quickly drilled in.

Except for Chen Feng, these people are all golden immortals, and they still have some means of escape.

When the Space-Time Killer saw his opponent running away, a bright light began to emanate from his broad back. These lights came from various strange runes on the back of the Space-Time Killer. The energy was also very strange. It didn't seem to be acquired, but more like a kind of innate magical power. The light spread to the surrounding space. Wherever it passed, the space vibrated and the void began to burn. Then Chen Feng and the other four reappeared. Although they were still fleeing at a high speed in their respective spaces, from another space, the speed of the four was like a snail. This was a very contradictory illusion.

The light behind the Space-Time Killer was divided into four parts, each of which formed an independent space, trapping Chen Feng and the other four in it.

Then the Space-Time Killer went directly into one of the spaces, intending to defeat them one by one.

The Space-Time Killer's first target was Wuyou, because Wuyou was the fastest in the escape just now.

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