Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,226 Return to the Six Paths Alliance

"This opportunity is rare in a billion years, and I am already very satisfied with these gains." Dong Wang said with a smile.

"That's not necessarily the case. When I am promoted to Golden Immortal, it will be no problem to sweep across Dongji Immortal Palace." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Dong Wang sneered and wanted to refute, but then stopped. He was a little shocked in his heart. You know, Chen Feng is only at the level of Heavenly Immortal, and he can already compete with Golden Immortal. What if he is promoted to Golden Immortal?

What kind of strength will it be? Dong Wang felt thrilling when he thought about it.

How could there be such a perverted person in the world.

"Then congratulations in advance, fellow Taoist, I'm going back." Dong Wang said with a smile.

"You still want to go back." Chen Feng was a little surprised. Chen Feng thought that this time Dongji Immortal Palace was in chaos, and Dong Wang took advantage of the fire to rob. After getting the benefits, he should have fled far away from here, but now the other party wants to go back again, which can't help but surprise Chen Feng.

"I am at least a messenger of the Immortal Palace. I am not the only one who fishes in troubled waters this time. Besides, it is not that easy to find out about me. Daoyou don't have to worry about me. If I really have nowhere to go, I will go to Daoyou, but I am afraid that Daoyou will not take me in." Dong Wang said with a smile.

"Well, if you have something to do, you can go to the Six Paths Alliance to find me. I think you can find out my origins quickly with your ability." Chen Feng nodded.

Then Dong Wang turned around and returned to Dongji Immortal Palace. Dark Qilin and Five Colors Qilin were communicating in secret.

"You two, let's go back first." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Chen Feng, the kid called Dong Wang just now is a little bit unusual. I always feel something is wrong, but I can't see anything?" Dark Qilin suddenly said.

"Of course it's not simple, I can't see it either. Maybe it's the reincarnation of a powerful person." Chen Feng didn't care. There are many cultivators with secrets. As long as it doesn't endanger himself, there is no need for him to make random guesses.

Then Chen Feng and the other two returned to the Six Paths Alliance.

Things were somewhat different from what Chen Feng had imagined. Although the Dongji Immortal Palace was in chaos, the army besieging the Six Paths Alliance had not retreated, and their numbers were increasing.

Chen Feng's divine sense quickly swept across the battlefield, only to find that the opponent's Golden Immortal clones sitting in the dark had all left, but the Half-Step Golden Immortal was still there, commanding the Celestial Immortal and True Immortal armies to attack the Six Paths Alliance again and again.

At this time, the situation of the Six Paths Alliance was extremely bad, with heavy casualties, and the last Six Paths Hunyuan Formation was almost unable to support it.

"It turned out that the Demon Realm and Zizai Tian had fled here, so this can be regarded as leading their respective opponents to our Six Paths Alliance." Chen Feng nodded and said.

"It seems that although the Dongji Immortal Palace was in chaos, it only tied down some Golden Immortals, and the large number of soldiers below were not affected."

"Without Golden Immortals, the three of us can break up the opponent with one attack." Dark Kirin said murderously.

"It is beneath my status to attack these ordinary soldiers. Of course, I am a Celestial Immortal, and I have no scruples about attacking." Chen Feng said and took out the Soul Sorrow Bow.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh! Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Arrows of various colors flew out, all targeting the Half-Step Golden Immortal. On the one hand, Chen Feng was killing his opponent and resolving the crisis on his side. On the other hand, Chen Feng was also using the Soul Sorrow Bow in various ways, which was also a kind of bullying practice.

Seeing Chen Feng take action, the Dark Kirin shook his head and entered the formation with the Five-Colored Kirin first. Chen Feng was right. Both of them were Golden Immortals. It was really too bullying to attack these small cultivators and soldiers. Not to mention the current situation, even in the war in the entire fairy world, there were very few Golden Immortals who took the initiative to attack cultivators below the Golden Immortal realm.

However, there was no problem for the two to sit in the formation.

The Dark Kirin and the Five-Colored Kirin fell into the formation, and a stream of immortal power emanated from their bodies. Then the Six Paths Hunyuan Formation, which was about to fall apart, immediately burst into a heavy light, was re-injected with vitality, and continued to operate.

With two Golden Immortals sitting in the formation, the cultivators of all forces in the formation felt the pressure relieved, and some even shouted excitedly.

Then everyone was surprised to find that the enemy camp began to be in chaos. At first, it was just a corner, and then it bloomed everywhere. Then it was like countless meteorites fell into the lake, affecting the entire surface of the water.

"Look, the enemy's leader was killed."

"It was the leader who took action, and all the people killed were half-step golden immortals."

Although they were in the big formation, everyone could clearly see the situation outside. Chen Feng stood steadily in the sky, holding the Soul Sorrow Bow, and constantly shooting sharp arrows.

Each sharp arrow would take the life of a half-step golden immortal.

Two or three people were killed, which might not be a big deal in such a large-scale battlefield, but ten, twenty, and thirty half-step golden immortals were killed.

And it was Chen Feng who calmly plundered these people's lives.

As the highest combat power of the army, the fall of these half-step golden immortals has brought about earth-shaking changes in the entire situation.

First there was chaos, and then some people began to flee, and of course some people organized forces to attack Chen Feng.

But the effect was not so good.

Hundreds of immortals joined forces to attack Chen Feng under the obstruction of the two half-step golden immortals, but Chen Feng disappeared in a flash. When he reappeared, the Soul Sorrow Bow in his hand had already emitted a sword beam, which directly pierced through the team of a hundred immortals. A dozen immortals were killed on the spot, and dozens of others were injured.


Two more, the two half-step golden immortals were also killed.

"This kid is good at bullying people." Dark Kirin shook his head.

The mutant dragon that had been guarding this place snorted coldly, and was extremely dissatisfied with Chen Feng's increase in strength.


Although Tunri was injured, he still rushed out.


The cultivators of the Changsheng clan responded and followed.


The sword cultivators of the Six Paths Sword Sect followed closely.

At this time, the opponent had already lost, and it was time to pursue the victory. As long as the cultivators who could still move and fight rushed up with a rumble.

As a result, the scene became more chaotic. Chen Feng couldn't continue to attack. He killed two half-step golden immortals casually and then walked into the formation.

"Hey! This time the alliance suffered heavy losses, and it really takes some time to recover." Chen Feng sighed, and his powerful consciousness spread out like a tide, investigating the situation of the Six Paths Alliance.

"After experiencing the war, those who survived are the elites. Don't worry, I will transfer more cultivators from the dark world." Dark Kirin said with a smile.

Since rescuing the Five-Colored Kirin, the cold expression of the Dark Kirin has just melted away. He smiled as soon as he spoke, which surprised some people. Of course, the Dark Kirin is a high-ranking Golden Immortal boss, and these people can only think about it in their hearts. No one dares to joke with the Dark Kirin.

"The Dark Realm is indeed a very powerful world, and it has a long history of war with the Immortal Realm. In fact, there are many masters in your Dark Realm, but it seems that you can't mobilize them." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

"Humph, although the Immortal Court is the master of the Immortal Realm, don't forget that there are many places and forces in the Immortal Realm that are not controlled by the Immortal Court. Of course, as my power increases, sooner or later I will truly take charge of the Dark Realm and make every creature in the Dark Realm fight for me." When the Dark Kirin said this, the domineering aura emanating from him made Chen Feng feel a little frightened.

"No wonder this guy's cultivation level has improved so quickly, it turns out that he has such a strong will." Chen Feng thought.

The war was over, and the entire Six Paths Alliance began to get busy again. The previous war almost destroyed the entire Hunyuan Mountains, and many spiritual roots and veins were destroyed. Although there were many people with profound magic power, it would take some time to fully recover and re-establish the Six Paths Alliance.

Chen Feng didn't even have time to rest. He was busy for three whole months. Finally, the arrival of batches of reinforcements made Chen Feng completely relaxed.

The first batch of reinforcements was of course the dark world cultivators transferred by Dark Kirin from the dark world. Among them, there were still many strange beasts, but this time there were not too many celestial beings sent over, but mostly true immortals.

In addition to the power of the dark world, some cultivators from the Changsheng clan also came down. These were the forces loyal to Chen Feng cultivated by the God of Killing and others over the years, but the number was not too large.

Of course, because they had to resist the attack of the Dongji Immortal Palace together, the Demon Realm, the Underworld, the Blood Realm and the Free Heaven did not leave the Hunyuan Mountains. In this way, the reinforcements of these parties were temporarily stationed in the Six Paths Alliance.

Chen Feng, on the other hand, was a hands-off boss, leaving all matters to Tiandao Daojun and others. After all, these people still had some management experience. It was a pity that these people were also injured and were lazy to practice from time to time.

In fact, the hidden injuries left by Chen Feng when he was desperate in Dongji Xian Palace had not been completely removed. After all, a group of dozens of drops of golden immortal's blood power was not so easy to absorb. Chen Feng had been suppressing it these days.

After making up his mind to retreat, the injuries in his body were finally released. The violent power boiled in Chen Feng's body, and the chaotic destructive power continued to impact, almost disintegrating Chen Feng.

Then Chen Feng cast the immovable true self spell, and with the help of the power of the magic weapon, he finally suppressed his body, and then began to repair his injuries bit by bit.

Although he suffered an unprecedented serious injury this time, the various potentials in Chen Feng's body were once again stimulated. It can be said that after Chen Feng repaired his injuries, he could make further progress in his cultivation.

Of course, the training process this time will be very long. Chen Feng took out a drop of blood essence and simply refined a clone. Although this clone does not have much combat power, it is still no problem to use it to deal with some things in the alliance.

As for the Dark Kirin and the Five-Colored Kirin, they hid in the cave to practice while Chen Feng was busy, which made Chen Feng secretly complain in his heart.

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