Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,225: Rescue the Five-Colored Kirin

Chen Feng seemed to be in a trance, but he was still on guard secretly, so that he could react as quickly as possible when someone attacked him. However, after seeing the actions of the East King, Chen Feng was relieved.

Chen Feng acted completely on his heart for the trust of the East King, relying on the most original intuition.

"Don't worry, wait for me to deal with these puppets first." Although the dark unicorn said this, he also knew that he had taken out all his means, and he couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Hahahaha, little unicorn, as long as you agree to become my mount, I will help you rescue this five-colored unicorn, what do you think." The fighting puppet was fighting with the dark unicorn while still speaking to disturb the dark unicorn's mind.


At this time, a sword light flashed and rushed towards the five-colored unicorn. At first, the dark unicorn was startled, but the next moment he was relieved and focused on dealing with the fighting puppet.

Pah pah pah pah!

The sword light changed its direction and pierced through, and soon the seals on the five-colored unicorn were broken.

"This is it!" The Five-Colored Kirin was a little surprised.

"It's my friend." The Dark Kirin shouted, and stabbed out the Battle Slayer in his hand, piercing a big hole in the battle puppet in front of him, and then a series of fierce attacks finally tore the opponent into pieces.

The Undead Sky Sword kept flying around, bursting out groups of sword light or sword curtains from time to time. Although Chen Feng was remotely controlling it, every strike of the Undead Sky Sword could burst out with powerful destructive power, which was no different from Chen Feng doing it himself.

"It will take too long to go on like this." Chen Feng's mind moved, and he took out the Soul Bow at the same time.

Three arrows in a row, through layers of space restrictions, pierced a battle puppet fighting with the Dark Kirin.


After a short attack, Chen Feng put away the Soul Bow. It was still too difficult for Chen Feng to activate two medium-grade artifacts at the same time, but being able to help the Dark Kirin solve an opponent also shortened the time.

Sure enough, with Chen Feng's help, the Dark Kirin quickly killed the other two combat puppets, and then turned around and tried his best to break the seal around the Five-Colored Kirin.

What made Chen Feng relieved was that the Qianji Patriarch in the dark did not continue to attack, but then Chen Feng became worried again. The other party lost four combat puppets and would definitely not give up.

Maybe the next attack would be more fierce, so Chen Feng prayed in his heart that the Five-Colored Kirin could be rescued as soon as possible.

"Hey! Daoist friend, are you done?" At this time, the King of the East had already noticed that someone was coming, and he couldn't help but get a little anxious.

Chen Feng did not answer, and at the same time he was secretly complaining in his heart. This time the Black Fang Prison was attacked, and a large number of cultivators rushed out from it, but why was there still so many seals on this Five-Colored Kirin.

However, the Dark Kirin was fighting hard inside, and Chen Feng could not retreat. After accumulating some strength, he took out the Soul Sorrow Bow again and shot three arrows in a row. This time, a large area of ​​the seal was broken.

Hula La!

The huge body of the five-colored unicorn stood up suddenly, and its fierce power swept around.

This was a sign of regaining freedom, so the dark unicorn attacked more fiercely.

"What's going on in front?" At this time, a team of soldiers rushed over, and the leaders were all half-step golden immortals. They asked and prepared to charge.

"It's me. There is something important here. You leave quickly." The East King waved the flag in his hand, and a passage appeared in front of him, revealing his figure.

"It turned out to be Lord East King! I don't know what happened here, do you need our service." The leader said respectfully.

"This is none of your business. The scene is chaotic now. I don't know how many masters will appear. You should find a safe place to hide." The East King waved his hand and said.

"Yes, thank you Lord East King." The half-step golden immortals in the lead were happy. With the words of the East King, everyone could escape without worry.

Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief, but he did not put away the Soul Sorrow Bow in his hand. If the other party had forced his way in just now, he might have to kill him.

"Ah!" Dong Wang shook his head and sighed, regretting again why he came here.

This was only the first wave of cultivators, and two more groups came next. Because they were all patrolmen of low status, Dong Wang easily sent them away.

However, the three Immortal Palace messengers who appeared soon made Dong Wang secretly entangled.

"Dong Wang, this is the Yinsha formation you set up, right?" One of the half-step golden immortals asked outside the formation.

"Hurry up and open the formation and let us in."

"Three junior brothers, please leave here. You don't need to interfere with the things here." Dong Wang said with a smile.

"Dong Wang, you are not doing anything here, are you?" One of them sneered.

Dong Wang had no choice but to open a passage, and then three half-step golden immortals walked in one after another.

"What's going on?" The three saw Chen Feng as soon as they came in.


Chen Feng pulled the Soul Sorrow Bow in his hand, and the arrow flashed, killing one person first.

"Why bother? You are courting death." The East King waved the flag in his hand, and then the passage was closed. The evil spirit condensed into a sword and slashed at the remaining two people.

"East King, you actually colluded with outsiders." The two people were shocked and immediately tried to fight out.

"The word collusion is too ugly. There are so many people like me in the entire Dongji Immortal Palace. You can only blame your bad luck for meeting me." The East King said lightly.



The Eastern King controlled the formation to entangle the two people, and Chen Feng took the lead in killing them. He pulled the Soul-Sorrow Bow twice and killed the two people.

"Fortunately, it was a half-step golden immortal who came. If it was a golden immortal, it would be unlucky." The Eastern King smiled bitterly.

Chen Feng did not say anything, because at this time the Five-Colored Kirin was at a critical moment, and there were only a few seals left to escape.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

A dense roar suddenly sounded, and a group of one-meter-long poisonous bees suddenly appeared. These poisonous bees were extremely fast, and they actually contained the power of the Immortal Law.

The Dark Kirin held the War Butcher and swung and stabbed, and several poisonous bees were killed. Chen Feng also controlled the Undead Sky Sword to kill some of them.

"It's a puppet, a puppet that contains immortal power, and it also contains deadly poison. Each one has the strength of a half-step golden immortal. It seems that it is the work of the Qianji Ancestor again." Chen Feng said coldly, and the Immortal Sky Sword turned into a series of sky curtains, blocking the rushing poisonous bee puppets.

But the number of these poisonous bee puppets is too large, and each one has a strong attack power. After a series of collisions, the Immortal Sky Sword was knocked away, and some poisonous bee puppets fell on the dark unicorn and the five-colored unicorn. The sharp spikes suddenly stretched and pierced into the bodies of both.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The poisonous stings exploded immediately after entering the body. In an instant, blood holes of various sizes appeared on the bodies of the dark unicorn and the five-colored unicorn, and fierce toxins invaded the body, destroying the vitality in the body.

The dark unicorn roared, and the dark scripture in his hand emitted a mighty black river, sweeping and washing, submerging dozens of poisonous bee puppets.


This was the last explosion. The Five-Colored Kirin finally regained its freedom. Its huge body quickly shrank and transformed into a slender female human cultivator. She was wearing a colorful dress and looked extremely beautiful. Her beautiful eyes were full of excitement. With a wave of her hand, a five-colored compass flew out and kept moving forward. Then, with a circle, dozens of poisonous bee puppets were broken into pieces.

"What a strong strength, even more than the Dark Kirin. Hehe, I wonder if the Dark Kirin can be subdued in the future." Chen Feng thought to himself, and at the same time, he was relieved. Since the Five-Colored Kirin was out of trouble, it would be no problem to rush out with the Dark Kirin.

So Chen Feng took back the Undead Sky Sword, and the Soul Sorrow Bow in his hand was pulled open again, sending out ten arrows in one breath. Chen Feng's attack fell on another space in the Black Fang Prison. A strange beast tied up by chains kept roaring, opened its restraints, and quickly rushed out.

"Hahahaha, I finally got out of trouble. Thank you for your help, fellow Taoist." This strange beast, which didn't look too big, exuded a true immortal aura.

"You're welcome. It's just a small favor. If you want to thank me, you can leave here and just help me get rid of some trouble." Chen Feng pointed to where a Golden Immortal was approaching.

"No problem." The strange beast was also very straightforward and left the formation directly. Soon, the sound of fighting was heard.

Chen Feng pulled the Soul Sorrow Bow again. With the help of Chen Feng, three more Golden Immortals escaped one after another. At the same time, the Dark Kirin and the Five-Colored Kirin also rushed out. However, from the aura emitted by the two, it can be seen that those poisonous bee puppets brought some trouble.

"Daoyou, you are too troublesome. Why did you let out so many evil people?" Dong Wang frowned.

"Leave now."

Then Chen Feng, the Dark Kirin and the Five-Colored Kirin did not stop at all. They moved quickly. The process of leaving was smoother than expected, and they soon left Dongji Immortal Palace.

From a distance, Dongji Immortal Palace was shrouded in chaotic airflow, but Chen Feng, who had experienced some chaos, knew that it was already chaotic to the extreme. From time to time, cultivators flew in and out, and those who dared to do so were almost all Golden Immortals.

"Anyway, the Dongji Palace is in quite a mess this time. We should be overwhelmed in the days ahead. I hope we can have some time to catch our breath." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"There should be some time to buffer, but this time the power below the Golden Immortal in the Dongji Palace does not seem to have done much damage." Dark Kirin said.

"The most important thing is that this trip has yielded a lot of harvests. It's a pity that we didn't find the Immortal Spirit Spring. Let's find time to come again in the future." This time, Chen Feng's harvest was beyond his imagination. There were a large number of spiritual objects and a large number of artifacts. He was surprised and shocked by the foundation of the Dongji Palace, which led to speculation about the power of the fairy court.

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