Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,227: Space-Time Beast Advancement

Once you enter the state of cultivation, you will ignore the passage of time. The more powerful the cultivator is, the longer it takes to comprehend the laws of the great way. This is also the reason why some cultivators retreat for thousands or tens of thousands of years.

There are many things that Chen Feng needs to do in this cultivation. First, he needs to recover from his injuries, and then refine the remaining power of the Golden Immortal's blood. These two points alone require a lot of time, not to mention that Chen Feng has integrated the immortal laws in his body into the laws of heaven.

Ever since he saw the big hand containing the Taiyi Law, Chen Feng has had a sense of crisis. This level of master is too strong, and Chen Feng can't compete with him at all.

At that time, the opponent almost killed Chen Feng and others without showing up. If it weren't for the dark unicorn desperately stopping him, Chen Feng wouldn't even be able to escape.

Maybe it was because of the change in Dongji Xian Palace, maybe it was because Chen Feng killed a large number of the opponent's half-step golden immortals at that time, or maybe there were other reasons. In short, this time Dongji Xian Palace has not attacked the Six Paths Alliance since it withdrew its troops.

These soldiers did not withdraw to Dongji Immortal Palace, but stationed in Xingyuan Sect, which can be regarded as a deterrent to the Six Paths Alliance.

At the beginning, the Six Paths Alliance had been on strict guard, but gradually became relieved over time, but the small friction between the two sides has never stopped.

Without the Golden Immortal, Dongji Immortal Palace did not dare to launch an attack rashly.

Time flew, and a hundred years passed quickly.

On this day, in a forbidden area in the Hunyuan Mountains, a strong breath rose to the sky, followed by the gathering of calamity clouds, lightning and thunder, water and fire, and someone was going through the calamity.

The calamity was swift and powerful, and it was soon finally seen that it was the Golden Immortal's calamity.

"Someone is actually advancing to the Golden Immortal stage, who is it?"

"What a powerful celestial being, a hundred times, no, a thousand times more powerful than when I advanced to the Half-Step Golden Immortal stage."

"I think it's ten thousand times more powerful."

"Who is that senior? I wonder if he can succeed in advancing. If he succeeds, our Six Paths Alliance will have another Golden Immortal."

Everyone was talking about it, and of course most of those who were alarmed were Half-Step Golden Immortals and Golden Immortals.

Chen Feng was practicing, and although he also felt this abnormality and knew who was going through the tribulation, he ignored it, and instead changed his mind and went to practice again.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

At this time, the alarmed Golden Immortals appeared one after another, and three Golden Immortals appeared on the Six Paths Alliance side, namely the mutant dragon, the dark unicorn, and the five-colored unicorn. These three Golden Immortals are all cosmic beasts, with innate magical powers, and are more powerful than ordinary Golden Immortals.

The five-colored unicorn rescued this time is also very powerful, and its realm and cultivation are even higher than the dark unicorn. In this way, the Six Paths Alliance will be more confident, and it can be regarded as a deterrent to others.

In addition to the three, there are several other Golden Immortals, who come from the Demon Realm, the Underworld, and Zizai Tian. Of course, these three families have lost Golden Immortals in the previous wars. The worst hit was the Blood Realm, which was almost completely wiped out. One Golden Immortal and three Golden Immortal clones were killed.

Of course, there was also a Golden Immortal from the Black Water Tribe of Morotian with a group of cultivators. This was a supporter of the Black Water Demon Eye, but this Golden Immortal was very low-key. Apart from practicing, he hardly made any moves. This time, the movement of the Golden Immortal's heavenly tribulation was just to make this person release a uniform divine thought.

"Who is going through the tribulation?"

"Which force is it from, Duntian Divine Emperor, is it someone from your Zizai Tian going through the tribulation? I feel the breath of the power of time and space."

"It seems not. I feel the blood of a powerful beast. Could it be a beast from the Demon Realm?"

"It's not from our Demon Realm."

While everyone was discussing, the heavenly tribulation had already begun. A huge beast appeared in the heavenly tribulation, and the powerful aura it exuded moved all the Golden Immortals present.

"It turned out to be this little guy. His cultivation speed is quite fast." Dark Kirin shook his head and left with the colorful Kirin.

"It is a powerful beast under the seat of the leader. It is said to be a time and space beast in the universe. It is gifted with the power of time and space, which is very powerful."

At this time, someone recognized the beast that was undergoing the tribulation.

"In this case, the Six Paths Alliance will have another Golden Immortal."

"The Six Paths Alliance will have four Golden Immortals, and the combat power of Young Master Changtian is also at the same level as that of Golden Immortals. I heard that more than one Golden Immortal was killed by Young Master Changtian."

"It is not that easy to be promoted to Golden Immortal. Don't fail."

"Humph, what are you talking about? Are you cursing the other party to fail in the tribulation?"

"That's not what I mean."

"You clearly said that."

The crowd was noisy, and several Golden Immortals had already left, but their divine thoughts were still sweeping across, especially the mutant dragon, which was guarding not far away to prevent anyone from having bad intentions.

"This guy." Speaking of it, the mutant dragon and the space-time beast can be regarded as companions in the same adventure, especially being subdued by Chen Feng together, which makes the two of them closer. The mutant dragon knows that the other party's bloodline is not inferior to its own, and there should be no problem in advancing to the Golden Immortal.

"Dark Night, this space-time beast should be able to successfully pass the tribulation, right?" Caiyi asked.

"Of course it will succeed. This space-time beast is not simple. Its bloodline is more noble than that of the mutant dragon. After advancing to the Golden Immortal, the potential in its bloodline will be stimulated again. At that time, it will not be a problem to surpass the mutant dragon."

"But it mutated that kid Chen Feng."

"Why do you say that?" Caiyi asked in confusion.

"These two powerful beasts are Chen Feng's soul slaves. The last time the mutant dragon advanced to the Golden Immortal, Chen Feng gained some benefits, and this time there are benefits again." Dark Qilin showed envy in his eyes.

"What is the origin of this Chen Feng? How can he be so powerful? I think he is just a celestial immortal, how can he be so powerful?" Five-Colored Qilin asked with interest.

"You don't know about the immortal heaven, do you?" Dark Qilin looked at the other party with some surprise.

"Of course I know this, even the major heavens don't have such a genius, I haven't even heard of such a person in my long cultivation career. If he doesn't die young, your friend will definitely achieve great success in the future." Five-Colored Qilin said.

"This is natural, this kid is really powerful." Although Dark Qilin and Five-Colored Qilin have been talking, they are not careless. Their divine thoughts spread out to guard against some emergencies.

In the following long and short time, the calamity cloud finally disappeared, and a strong golden light directly penetrated the void, stirring up the wind and clouds in all directions. The huge beast exuded an extremely domineering aura, which shocked the Golden Immortal who was secretly observing.

"As soon as he advanced to the Golden Immortal, he has such a powerful strength. The Six Paths Alliance has gained another master. It seems that joining forces with the Six Paths Alliance is still a good choice."

"I really envy Changtian this kid." Black Water Demon Eye also said so.

Chen Feng, who was practicing, suddenly had his eyes lit up, his sea of ​​consciousness was churning, and he was full of vitality. The injection of mysterious power made Chen Feng's soul power a little stronger.

"I succeeded in overcoming the calamity. My soul power has increased by nearly 10%, which is the same as the last time the mutant dragon overcame the calamity. It seems that my decision back then was still correct. In this case, I should find an opportunity to subdue some powerful guys in the future." Chen Feng opened his eyes, and the golden light in his eyes kept flowing, but it did not radiate, implicitly without leaking, Chen Feng's cultivation has improved a little. ,

"In this way, our Six Paths Alliance will have four Golden Immortals in charge. It seems that our position in the fairy world will become more and more stable in the future, and we will sooner or later take over the Dongji Fairy Palace." Chen Feng said in his heart.

It can be said that the advancement of the space-time beast has given Chen Feng greater ambition and tyranny.

"In the fairy world, the Golden Immortal is the symbol of power and status. Although those sects with half-step Golden Immortals in charge seem powerful, they are not taken seriously by those real forces. Take the Dongji Fairy Palace for example. It can easily sweep away first-class sects such as the Six Paths Sword Sect with one move, not to mention that the fairy world also has the more powerful force of the Fairy Court.

"Time, time." Chen Feng said in his heart.

Then Chen Feng waved his hand, and a ball of golden light flew out of the cave, cutting through the space and arriving in front of the wind.

Then the golden light dispersed, and a pile of weapons and magic treasures scattered and floated up.

"So many magic treasures, so many artifacts. "Da Feng was a little shocked. Although he was born in the Immortal Clan, this kind of scene was still rare.

"Two hundred top-grade immortal artifacts and one hundred divine artifacts, I will give them to you now, you can dispose of them at will." Chen Feng's voice sounded beside Da Feng's ears.

"Yes, sir." Da Feng immediately said respectfully.

In the cave, Chen Feng waved his hand again, and another ball of golden light flew out, quickly arriving in front of Tunri. This time it was a large amount of cultivation resources, mostly various spiritual objects.

"With these things, the strength of a group of cultivators should be improved. It's a pity that the Immortal Spirit Spring was not obtained this time, otherwise more cultivators could be cultivated. "

When he thought of the Immortal Spirit Spring, Chen Feng's eyes first lit up, and then showed a worried look.

The Dongji Immortal Palace has so many magic weapons and so many treasures, and there is also the Immortal Spirit Spring, so his Six Paths Alliance can't keep up with the other party's development speed.

If he can train a master, then the Dongji Immortal Palace can use more resources to train two, three or even more masters. If this continues, it will be terrible.

"No wonder the Immortal Court is in full bloom. The Dongji Immortal Palace launched attacks on so many forces at the same time and dispatched so many cultivators. The other party has resources and confidence. "

Thinking of this, Chen Feng's mind was confused, and he felt that several cracks appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness out of thin air, which actually tore and cut off part of Chen Feng's soul power. Chen Feng was shocked and immediately gathered his mind. This made his soul stable.

"It's useless to think too much. It's better to improve your strength as soon as possible. There are reinforcements coming from all the heavens. I want to see how much power the Immortal Court can burst out. "

Then Chen Feng continued to practice. After another hundred years, Chen Feng finally completely removed the hidden injuries in his body, and at the same time refined and absorbed the golden immortal blood stored in his body.

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