Eternal Existence

Chapter 1219 A rich harvest

These two Golden Immortal puppets are the bodies of dead Golden Immortals, but they have been refined on the basis of the bodies. Some tough energy spirit stones and magic weapon ores have been mixed into the immortal bodies, which have improved the defense and attack of the bodies.

The immortal law in the body still exists, and the combat experience is extremely rich. In the way of fearlessness, it is even more than the living Golden Immortal.

But the combat puppet is just a puppet without life after all. Even if it has an immortal will, it is still not comparable to life.

It can't think, can't adapt, doesn't care about gains and losses, and has no emotions. All of these can be used in battle.

This is not the first time that Chen Feng has fought with a Golden Immortal, nor has he killed a Golden Immortal. It can be said that from the mentality, Chen Feng has put himself and the Golden Immortal on the same level, and Chen Feng can kill the other party under the same level.

After several rounds of fighting, Chen Feng finally found some weaknesses of the other party, that is, the speed of this Golden Immortal puppet is not fast enough, and it can't destroy the treasures in this palace.

Just these two points are enough to give Chen Feng the upper hand.

After a hard fight with the opponent, Chen Feng broke into the bright stars. With a wave of his hand, several stars were collected with a bang.

Next, the Golden Immortal Puppet caught up with Chen Feng again. Although the attack was still fierce, it deliberately avoided the stars around it.

Chen Feng smiled secretly, and soon got rid of the opponent again. He quickly took action and collected some more stars.

In this way, Chen Feng collected treasures around him while fighting. Although the speed was a bit slow, Chen Feng was already very satisfied.

"The more precious the treasure, the stronger the seal. It seems that if I don't get rid of this Golden Immortal Puppet, I can't spare my hands to find more precious things." Thinking of this, Chen Feng went to find the young man.

This look scared Chen Feng.

For some reason, the other Golden Immortal Puppet that attacked the young man was restrained and stood on the ground motionless, while the young man rushed into the stars and continued to collect various treasures.

"I underestimated the opponent." Chen Feng was a little surprised, so his eyes flashed, and two streams of light flew out, quickly tying up the Golden Immortal Puppet.

A drop of the immortal blood of the Golden Immortal flew out, burning and twisting, and finally stretched into a sharp arrow. At the same time, Chen Feng opened his mouth and spit out a stream of his own essence on it.

Taking out the Soul Sorrow Bow, with just one arrow, the Golden Immortal Puppet was pierced, and then Chen Feng rushed forward, the sword curtain kept washing, and finally destroyed the core restriction in the body of the Golden Immortal Puppet.

Although he dealt with the Golden Immortal Puppet, Chen Feng was not too happy. This time Chen Feng wasted another drop of Golden Immortal blood, which was a price for Chen Feng, and he also knew his true strength.

After dealing with the opponent, Chen Feng directly used the Cave Heaven Divine Eye, and the seals on the stars were constantly broken wherever he looked.

In the time of an incense stick, hundreds of treasures fell into Chen Feng's hands.

However, Chen Feng was not satisfied, but began to move towards the depths of the starry sky. The Cave Heaven God Eye also began to aim at the stars with strong restrictions and seals. Such treasures are more precious.

Five Elements Gold, One Yuan Heavy Water, Infinite Hengsha, Nine Heavens God Jade, Xuanhuang Nose Blood Crystal, Ten Thousand Water Soft Crystal, and other rare and unusual divine objects continued to appear, giving people a dazzling feeling. If not, each of them had a powerful seal restriction, or they were as numerous as the stars, but they were plundered by Chen Feng.

"It's a pity that the Longevity Tower is not here, otherwise the collection speed would be faster." Chen Feng said, and suddenly hundreds of silk threads spewed out of his eyes, each of which targeted a target, and then Chen Feng roared, and powerful power spewed out along the silk thread, and then hundreds of stars burst out with dazzling eyes. After everything was restored, a large space was suddenly vacated around, and hundreds of divine objects were collected by Chen Feng at the same time.

"The power of the law is really good." Chen Feng nodded, and continued to urge the law of heaven to radiate with the power of pupil technique. In this way, Chen Feng's speed of collecting treasures became faster and faster, but the speed of consuming energy also began to accelerate.

Suddenly, a warning flashed in Chen Feng's mind, and then the law of heaven quickly intertwined into a shield, and then a sword energy penetrated the starry sky, like a comet, slashing towards Chen Feng.

The shield of the law shrank and bounced, changing the direction of the sword energy, and several stars turned into fragments in the sword energy.

"Daoyou, be careful, there are still some traps and restrictions here." At this time, the young man came out from nowhere, and it seemed that he had gained a lot.

"You should know where the core position is?" Chen Feng asked.

"I know some, but it's a bit troublesome. We really don't need that. You see, we have gained a lot now. Next, I can take it to other palaces, such as where magic weapons are stored, and where elixirs are stored. If Daoyou is interested in some immortal magic secrets, I can also find a way." The young man said.

"Why, you're planning to leave now? There are so many treasures here that you can't count them all, so why don't you take a few more?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Don't be too greedy, just enough is enough." The young man said with a smile.

"That makes sense, in that case, let's go." Chen Feng's straightforwardness surprised the other party. In fact, Chen Feng himself had some ideas in his mind. He was able to come in this time, and when he was stronger in the future, he would find a way to come again, and then he would have the strength to sweep it.

"Well, let's leave." The young man also nodded.

But at this time, Chen Feng suddenly froze for a moment.

"It seems that it will take some time." Chen Feng said, and the wings of immortality flashed behind him, passing over the planets and quickly disappeared.

"This guy found something again." The young man's face changed, but he still followed.

"I didn't expect to encounter the fragments of the Great Desolate Cauldron here. I almost missed it." Chen Feng muttered, and the armor on his body continued to emit invisible power, constantly guiding Chen Feng in the direction.


Another sword light appeared, and Chen Feng slashed with the long sword in his hand, cutting off the sword light, and then continued to move forward.

Finally, Chen Feng stopped, and there was a piece of magic weapon fragment the size of a planet in front of him. Chen Feng's eyes almost burned with flames.

That's right, it was the fragment of the Great Desolate Cauldron.

Back then, the Great Desolate Cauldron exploded into 108 pieces. The huge fragment in front of him was not one piece, but a fusion of dozens of pieces.

Sensing the presence of Chen Feng, the huge fragment immediately sent out a surprise will, and rushed towards Chen Feng without summoning. In the process, it kept shrinking, and finally drilled into Chen Feng's armor like water.

Then Chen Feng's armor kept squirming and changing. In order to prevent accidents, Chen Feng still peeled off the protective armor and threw it into the longevity cave, slowly tempering it with his spirit.


Another lightning bolt split towards Chen Feng, much faster than the sword light just now. It was smashed by Chen Feng's punch when it arrived in front of Chen Feng, but it also made a mistake.

"The restrictions here are really powerful. It's time to leave now that the things are in hand." Chen Feng was somewhat satisfied. Although he got a lot of spiritual objects this time, the biggest gain was the fragments of the Great Wilderness Cauldron.

"It seems that Daoyou has got a treasure." The young man has caught up.

"It's time to leave now. I feel the danger is coming."

"It's time to leave." Chen Feng nodded.

Sword beams, lightning, fire of destruction, and various attack methods flashed continuously, making Chen Feng and the young man spend some time to return to the entrance.

Pah pah pah! Pah pah pah!

At this time, the formation set up by the young man had exploded, and several figures broke in.

"Dong Wang, it's you!" One of them shouted, but did not take action, but was stunned by the scene in front of him.

"Everyone is a little slow." The young man said with a smile, without any worry of being discovered.

"If it weren't for the restrictions you set up, we would have come in a long time ago." Another person said murderously.

"Dong Wang, you actually colluded with outsiders."

Chen Feng looked at all this indifferently. There were a total of four cultivators in front of him, all of whom were half-step golden immortals, and they were not in the same group. They should have been temporarily combined.

Cultivation, not bad, but not as good as the young people around him.

"Everyone, stop talking nonsense. We all have the same goal. There are so many treasures here that even if there are another 10,000 people, they can't take them all. I'm leaving now. If you want to fight, I don't mind fighting with you." The young man said and walked forward.


The few people hesitated for a while, but finally didn't fight. However, when the two were about to leave the palace, one of them waved his hand and attacked Chen Feng with a flying sword.

"Looking for death!" Chen Feng's eyes flashed with a cold light, and he reached out to grab the opponent's flying sword. The powerful force poured into the flying sword, and the imprint of will in it was immediately cleared.

"Not good!"

The guy who took action immediately knew that it was not good, and was about to drill into the stars, but Chen Feng waved his hand, and the flying sword in his hand flashed and pierced the body of the cultivator. The immortal glare carried on the flying sword quickly wiped out the man's vitality.

"Hehe!" The young man smiled and didn't say anything. Chen Feng stopped fighting, and the two quickly left the palace.

The remaining three people breathed a sigh of relief, and then they felt that their bodies were covered with cold sweat.

"Who was that just now?"

"Why are you talking so much? We didn't see anything. I only know there are countless treasures here."

So the three half-step golden immortals rushed into the stars with shining eyes.

"Your name is Dong Wang. This name is quite domineering." Chen Feng suddenly asked after he got outside.

"My master gave it to me." The young man named Dong Wang said with a smile.

"Where did those people come from just now?" Chen Feng asked again with a flash of his eyes.

"The envoys of the Immortal Palace are selfish guys like me, but I'm afraid these guys can't get out." Dong Wang said, taking out a water bead, and with a wave of his hand, the water bead turned into a water curtain that sealed the palace gate.

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