Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,218 Lingbao Fairy Palace

After hearing what the young man said, Chen Feng was a little surprised. He looked at the other person a few more times, activated his divine eye, and saw something unusual.

"This guy is really not simple." Chen Feng nodded, secretly thinking that if he took action, he might not be able to defeat the opponent in a short time.

"Your purpose?" Chen Feng asked.

"I want to catch some good things." The young man said with a smile.

"That's enough, you will lead the way." Chen Feng said lightly. After thinking quickly, Chen Feng decided to take a risk.

The young man led Chen Feng around and around, and as expected, no restrictions were triggered. Even when he met some other soldiers on the way, they were dismissed by the young man.

Chen Feng has been watching with a cold eye, and has some understanding of this young man. This young man is very familiar with Dongji Immortal Palace, and secondly, he has some status. Chen Feng clearly sees the respectful look of some half-step golden immortals.

Chen Feng remained silent, because the place the young man wanted to go was exactly in the direction of Dark Qilin.

"Is it the Immortal Spiritual Spring or the Immortal Palace of Spiritual Treasures?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"Where do you want to go, fellow Taoist?" the young man said with a smile.

"I want to go to both places." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Well, there is no problem at all. As long as fellow Taoist and I join forces, we can go to both places, but we may encounter some obstacles. Of course, this requires fellow Taoist to take action." The young man said with a smile.

An inconspicuous hall just because of the four characters "Lingbao Immortal Palace" on it made Chen Feng's eyes brighten. At the same time, Chen Feng also clearly felt the aura of the dark unicorn. However, in addition to the dark unicorn, there were several powerful auras. These The aura is clearly that of Golden Immortal.

"Lingbao Immortal Palace! I don't know what I will gain this time, but with the Golden Immortal guarding here, I'm afraid it won't be that easy." Chen Feng said.

"Fellow Taoist, don't worry. The golden immortal here will leave soon. Let's find a place to wait." A strange look flashed in the young man's eyes.

"There will be such a thing." Chen Feng looked at the other party thoughtfully.

"Of course." The young man nodded affirmatively.

Chen Feng's spiritual consciousness came out and he saw Dark Qilin fighting with two golden immortals. These two golden immortals were very powerful. Even if Dark Qilin used Dark Realm Phantom, he was only on par with the opponent and had no time at all. Free up your hands to find other treasures.

"Boy, what are you doing standing still? Why don't you come out to help? There are a lot of good things here." An Qilin was a little anxious.

"Senior, don't worry, you should leave here now, or find a place to hide." Chen Feng did not show up, so he could only choose to believe the young man at this time.

"Hide, what are you talking about?" An Qilin was surprised.

However, Dark Qilin still chose to believe Chen Feng, put away his magic weapon and magical power, turned into a ball of black light and flew out into the distance, and soon disappeared.

"Hmph! Stop chasing me. Staying here is the most important thing."

The two golden immortals just hesitated for a moment and then stopped. The entire Lingbao Immortal Palace became quiet again, and the damaged areas were automatically repaired.

"Are you sure what you said?" Chen Feng asked with some doubt.

"It should be accurate." The young man also hesitated.

"Should!" Chen Feng was noncommittal, thinking secretly in his heart that if this kid dared to deceive him, he would immediately kill him.

Just when Chen Feng was getting a little impatient, the entire Dongji Immortal Palace shook. Chen Feng was secretly shocked. Although the Golden Immortal he had fought with before was very destructive, it could not reach this level.

After the vibration, a wave of energy swept across, and Chen Feng immediately determined that this was the will of a master.

"What an evil will. Just this will, I can be sure that this being is ten times more powerful than the clone of the Black Tooth Immortal Emperor. I just don't know what state the Black Tooth Immortal Emperor's true form has reached." Chen Feng looked at the young man. One glance revealed that the young man was indeed a little excited.

"It's coming, it's coming, get ready," the young man whispered.


The entire Dongji Immortal Palace was shaken again, and Chen Feng felt his eyes flash, and a huge arm with open palms appeared in front of him. Chen Feng, who was struck with domineering power, felt suffocated.

"It's an illusion of will." Chen Feng's soul fire burned in the sea of ​​consciousness, expelling this abnormality, and everything in front of him returned to normal.

"Could it be that there is an existence beyond the Immortal Golden Immortal, but I don't feel the breath of Taiyi Law? Maybe my realm is not enough to feel it." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Hey! Why did these golden immortal guards leave?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Fellow Taoist, can't you guess why?" the young man said with a smile.

"Something happened in the sealed land?" Chen Feng's eyes flashed.

"Yes, it seems that fellow Taoist knows our Dongji Immortal Palace very well." The young man said and directly revealed his figure and walked forward in a grand manner.

"There have been changes in the sealed land. Now there are no more golden immortals in the entire Lingbao Immortal Palace. Of course, if there are golden immortals, they have to go in and try."

Chen Feng secretly transmitted a message to An Qilin, looking around calmly on the surface.

"Brother, please stay."

Walking to a small palace, two half-step golden immortals blocked the young man's way, one on the left and one on the right.

"I was just taking a look." The young man said with a smile.

"The Immortal Palace is an important place, senior brother, please stay." The two half-step golden immortals refused to give an inch.

The young man smiled and then strode forward. When the two guards tried to stop him, they found that their whole bodies were stiff and unable to move, and they couldn't help but be frightened.

Bang! Bang!

The young man pushed back with even numbers, and two half-step golden immortal guards flew out and fell to the ground, and their life force was quickly cut off.

"This time the Immortal Palace is in chaos, I don't know how many people will take advantage of the situation, why are the two junior brothers so stubborn." A trace of coldness flashed in the young man's eyes.

"What a powerful Yinsha poison." Chen Feng sighed.

"Haha, a little trick, not worth mentioning." The young man laughed.

Then the young man took out a token, and the golden light on the token was intertwined and merged into the gate of the palace in front of him.

"There is a golden immortal-level combat puppet guarding the hall, and I will need you to take action later." The young man said while staring at the gate in front of him.

"Golden Immortal Puppet!" Chen Feng's eyes flashed.

"This is also the reason why I am looking for you to cooperate." The young man continued.

"Really? I could have killed you at that time." Chen Feng's voice turned cold.

"I am sure I can escape." The young man said calmly.

The door slowly opened, and a strong fairy spirit erupted from it. Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and he could analyze a lot of things from this fairy spirit.

"It seems that there are indeed some good things in this palace, but it is not so easy to get them." Chen Feng also strode into the palace.

As soon as he entered the palace, Chen Feng felt some other powers, the power of space, the power of immortality, and the surging fighting will in the hall.

But what attracted Chen Feng the most was everything he saw.

Stars were floating in the vast space, and each star represented a treasure. Chen Feng looked around and saw an endless galaxy.

"Tsk tsk, there is a treasure house of this scale in the Dongji Fairy Palace. I wonder what will happen in the Fairy Court." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I have wanted to come to this treasure house for a long time, but I didn't expect to find an opportunity this time." The young man waved his hand, and a flag flew out and floated in the air, and then the same flags kept flying out, reaching eighteen, and finally disappeared.

"What are you doing?" Chen Feng asked in a deep voice. Chen Feng had seen that the young man had taken out a set of high-grade formations, which even a Golden Immortal could not break at once.

"I am not the only one who wants to fish in troubled waters. I am doing this to prevent others from breaking in." The young man waved his hand, and the token in his hand once again emitted light and landed on the nearest star.

Each star is a treasure, but it is blessed with restrictions and suppressed by talismans.

Pah pah pah! Pah pah pah!

A series of explosions, the restrictions and talismans on the stars exploded one after another, and then the young man stretched out his hand and grabbed the star in his hand.

It is called a star, but it is only the size of a fist. When it falls into the palm of the hand, the light converges and presents a red gold color.

"It is star copper essence, a good material for refining weapons." Chen Feng recognized it at a glance. It is an excellent material for refining magic weapons and weapons, which is useful for himself.

The young man was somewhat dissatisfied. After collecting the copper essence of the stars, he grabbed the second star again. However, this time, the token in the young man's hand exploded, and a huge palm appeared out of thin air, slapping the young man.


The young man was extremely fast, leaving a residual image on the spot, and the huge palm slammed heavily on the ground.

A humanoid monk appeared in front of the young man with an expressionless face.

"Golden Immortal Puppet." Chen Feng's eyes flickered, his pupil technique was running, and his mind was calculating, constantly calculating the reality and flaws of the Golden Immortal Puppet in front of him.

"If there is only one, it will be simple." Chen Feng said lightly.

"I'm afraid it's impossible." The young man shook his head, and then another Golden Immortal Puppet came out.

"It's just one of the many palaces, and there are two Golden Immortal puppets guarding it. Dongji Immortal Palace is so generous." Chen Feng shook his head.

"If there are only two, we can deal with it, but it's just a little troublesome." Chen Feng said as his figure flashed and soared into the sky. He stretched out his hand and grabbed it from a distance, and two stars fell into his hand.

Pah Pah Pah Pah!

After getting them, the restrictions on the stars were broken one after another, one turned into a crystal-like water ball, and the other turned into a blazing fireball.

"Taiyin water essence, Taiyang fire essence, not bad, not bad." Chen Feng moved his palm, and the two balls of energy directly entered his body, and then the longevity true energy surged, and after a few washes, the two balls of energy were melted clean.

At this time, one of the golden immortal puppets rushed in front of Chen Feng, waving a halberd and slashing at Chen Feng.

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