Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,220: Searching for Treasures

Seeing the actions of the Eastern King, Chen Feng couldn't help laughing: "You are so insidious."

"Just a little trick." The Eastern King said lightly.

Chen Feng secretly used the detection technique again, but still didn't see anything unusual about the other party, and he was a little defensive against this young man in his heart.

Although Chen Feng could already fight with the Golden Immortal, he didn't look down on other cultivators. After all, he was only at the level of a Heavenly Immortal, and the one in front of him was a half-step Golden Immortal, who might also have some powerful means.

"Daoyou, time is running out, let's act quickly next." The Eastern King said with a smile.

Soon the two entered another palace. As soon as they entered the gate, they were filled with the power of magic weapons, most of which carried the will to attack.

Chen Feng's eyes lit up immediately. The magic weapons that could be stored here were at the lowest level of the top-grade immortal weapons, and the artifacts accounted for most of them, but most of them were low-grade artifacts.

For Chen Feng, he didn't need them, but there were still many subordinates below. If he searched for them himself, he should be able to arm the Six Paths Alliance.

Of course, the magic weapons here are not so easy to get. Not only are there combat puppets guarding them, but these magic weapons themselves can also emit attacking power.

It is similar to the previous palace, but the difference is that there are all kinds of magic weapons and weapons floating in the endless space.

"The seal here is of higher grade, and how many you can get depends on your ability."

What surprised Chen Feng was that the combat puppets here were actually condensed by the power of magic weapons. In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen of them came out and attacked Chen Feng and King Dong at the same time.

"It's not that easy, but we are not the first to come." Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and a beam of black light exploded from his eyes. The silk threads scattered and immediately tied up the combat puppets that rushed over.

But there are more combat puppets. These puppets are condensed by the energy of weapons and magic weapons. They are unparalleled in combat and can show their strengths as perfectly as possible, but for Chen Feng, they are still cold and inanimate.

"Sure enough, someone arrived before us, fellow Taoist, let's join forces." King Dong suddenly said.

"Aren't we joining forces now?" Chen Feng said lightly. In the place where the end could not be seen, Chen Feng felt several powerful auras, one of which was the Dark Kirin. In addition to the Dark Kirin, there were other Golden Immortals.

"Daoyou, I know you are from the Immortal Clan. I think you have some secret methods. As long as Daoyou can temporarily make these combat puppets inactive, even for only a moment, I can solve all these troubles." Dong Wang thought for a while and said.

"If you have this ability, then I can try." Chen Feng nodded and agreed. Chen Feng cast the Soul Calming Spell. Although these combat puppets are not living creatures, they have their own intelligence and will. In the process of formation, they also rely on external forces. For Chen Feng, as long as there is a trace of will in it, it is enough.

The soul fire burned fiercely, and the Soul Calming Spell swept out in the form of light. As long as the combat puppets affected by the Soul Calming Spell paused for a moment.

"It's my turn."

A golden hemp rope appeared in the hand of the King of the East, and then the shadows of the ropes flew out from the ropes and quickly drilled into the bodies of these combat puppets. After the effect of the soul-soothing spell wore off, these combat puppets all fell to the ground in a row, unable to move, and even without struggling.

"Immortal binding rope, no, it's an immortal locking rope, and it's also a mid-grade artifact." A gleam of light flashed in Chen Feng's eyes, and he became more alert to the young man called the King of the East.

"Fellow Daoist, you have good eyesight. We will definitely have a huge harvest if we join forces next." The King of the East said with a smile.

The two quickly approached a long sword. The long sword stood upright in the space, wrapped in thick sword energy, and the whole was light blue. As soon as the two approached, the long sword emitted a dazzling sword energy and slashed at the two.

Chen Feng did not dodge. The sword energy fell on Chen Feng and immediately shattered the Qi. Then Chen Feng reached deep into his palm, ignoring the sharpness of the long sword and the counterattack of the seal, and directly grabbed the long sword in his hand. Then there was a series of explosions and the wailing of the sword spirit. Then the luster disappeared, and the long sword returned to its normal state in Chen Feng's hand.

"Low-grade divine sword, lightning attribute, attack power is not bad." Chen Feng waved his hand and put away the long sword. This level of long sword should either be used by subordinates or broken into the Changsheng Sword.

Dong Wang just smiled and didn't say much.

Then the two of them acted at the same time, either individually or jointly, and soon seven or eight magic weapons fell into their hands.

With the vision of the two, they naturally would not take the top-grade immortal artifacts seriously. All the targets of their attacks were low-grade artifacts. As for the middle-grade artifacts, although it is said that there are some here, the two have not encountered them yet.

Although there are many magic weapons here and the two are quite strong, the process of collecting them is very slow. Not only do they have to deal with the attacks of these magic weapons, but there are also restrictions and seals attached to the magic weapons. Some extremely precious magic weapons have multiple seals. If they want to collect them, they have to break them layer by layer.

Not long after the action, the two people cooperated with each other more and more tacitly. Before Chen Feng's attack disappeared, Dong Wang immediately attacked and defeated the remaining seals in one fell swoop.

"This copper hammer is good, I'll go first." The long sword in Dong Wang's hand bloomed a series of light curtains, colliding with the attack from the copper hammer, and Chen Feng reached out and broke the restrictions on the copper hammer, and directly grabbed the copper hammer in his hand.

"This is yours." Chen Feng waved his hand and threw the copper hammer to the East King.


The East King's sword energy was like a tide, and he turned to attack another magic weapon. The last scepter fell into Chen Feng's hand.

"It contains soul attack, good, I want it." Chen Feng put the scepter away.

Maybe the speed of the two people's looting was too fast, or maybe it was because of the restrictions here, the attack power of hundreds of magic weapons merged into a torrent and rushed towards Chen Feng and the East King, and this range was still spreading to the depths of space.

Chen Feng and the East King felt the danger, and the two stopped joining forces, and rushed in different directions.

At this level, magic weapons actually have some common points with human cultivators in terms of life level, that is, spiritual intelligence, so when they feel threatened, these magic weapons have begun to join forces.

"A bunch of low-grade artifacts." Chen Feng sneered, and the Immortal Sky Sword in his hand just slashed, and the heavy and sharp sword light broke through the torrent, and then went forward again. Under the suppression of the mid-level artifacts, the aura of these magic weapons weakened.

Pah Pah Pah!

Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed, and two flying swords fell into Chen Feng's hands.


Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Immortal Sky Sword flew up, and the endless sword power swept all around.

Affected by the Immortal Sky Sword, whether it was the long sword, the short sword, or the flying sword, they all vibrated to varying degrees. As the sword power of the Immortal Sky Sword became stronger and stronger, these sharp swords began to burst out with powerful power to break free from the seal.

Chen Feng's eyes became dark, and streams of light shot out, and then finally a sharp sword flew out and flew towards the Immortal Sky Sword.

Chen Feng shouted lightly, and the soul fire flew out and landed on the Immortal Sky Sword, so the power of this mid-grade artifact was increased several times again.

As soon as the King of the East got rid of the attack of the magic weapon, he saw swords of various styles flying towards Chen Feng. He was stunned to see hundreds of swords gathered around the Immortal Sky Sword.


Chen Feng let out a long breath, and there was a strong blood in the air. The action just now made Chen Feng overdraw some of his energy.

"This guy, there is still this trick, I wonder if I can use it." The King of the East's eyes lit up, and then he waved his hand and took out a long sword of the middle-grade artifact level.

However, at this time, Chen Feng had already collected all the magic swords, including the Immortal Sky Sword.

After putting away the Immortal Sky Sword, Chen Feng waved his hand and took out the evil scepter.

However, this time the magic weapons of the scepter type were a bit rare, and only a few scepters were collected by Chen Feng. However, under the suppression of the middle-level artifact, Chen Feng also took the opportunity to collect some other things.

Soul-sorrowing bow, true spirit beads, withered bones and six-way wheels kept flying out of Chen Feng's body. When Chen Feng felt a little exhausted, he had collected thousands of magic weapons, of which nearly half were top-grade immortal weapons.

Seeing Chen Feng's harvest, King Dong was so envious that he almost vomited blood.

"Boy, come quickly, I found a mid-level artifact." At this time, Chen Feng received the voice transmission from Dark Kirin.

Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and the major worlds in his body kept providing Chen Feng with vitality. In an instant, Chen Feng replenished the consumed energy, and then held the Soul-sorrowing bow and went deeper.

"Hey! Daoist friend, it's very dangerous for you to be alone, so wait for me." King Dong shouted immediately when he saw it, but Chen Feng's magic was too powerful, and he soon lost his trace.

"This guy, he didn't know to wait for me. Anyway, I was the one who brought you here." Dong Wang said, taking out a talisman and crushing it, and then the spiritual light enveloped his body. Dong Wang's speed was unexpectedly increased several times, and he kept passing through various magic weapons. Even the attacks of magic weapons could not touch Dong Wang.

Chen Feng held the Soul Sorrow Bow. Once he encountered an obstacle, he would immediately shoot an arrow. Along the way, no magic weapon could block the attack of the Soul Sorrow Bow.


Chen Feng had seen the figure of the Dark Kirin from a distance, but before Chen Feng could get close, thousands of sword lights swept towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng sneered, pulled the Soul Sorrow Bow, and the thousands of sword lights were immediately pierced through a gap. Chen Feng rushed over quickly and pulled the Soul Sorrow Bow in his hand again. This time it was not a long arrow, but three meteors in a row.

After these three meteors were shot out, they kept circling and rotating, and finally merged into one, and then exploded with a bang.

"Who is it? You're quite capable." A tall monk rushed out from the chaotic energy and waved his hand lightly, and the space around him became calm.

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