Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,217: Breaking out of Prison

The Zhoutian Divine Thunder that Chen Feng took out worked, blasting a gap in the black hole, causing all the prisoners imprisoned in it to get excited.

However, after the spider-web-like golden light appeared, it could interweave and cut, and soon the hands rushing out were shredded into pieces.

The killing ban around the black hole still worked.

Bang! Bang!

Chen Feng was hit one after another, and these golden immortals attacked Chen Feng like crazy, not worrying that the prisoners inside would rush out.

"Fellow Taoists, help me." Chen Feng shouted.

No matter how powerful Chen Feng was, he could not stop the attacks of several golden immortals, but Chen Feng attracted so much firepower, and the others were too happy to help, so how could they help? Even the red-robed Taoist pretended not to see it.

"These guys!"

Chen Feng sneered in his heart, but he also had a strong sense of crisis. The situation in front of him was not good for him. He could not fight head-on. Chen Feng could only pour all his strength into the Changsheng Wings to make this magic move play the most powerful effect. At the same time, he operated the Heaven Swallowing Absorption Technique and the Heaven Swallowing Magic Art to swallow as much power as possible into his body.

But Chen Feng also knew that he would be blown up at any time under this situation.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this time, the sudden change pulled Chen Feng back from the brink of death. I don't know where the cultivator actually used the energy cannon. I saw the space cracked, and a series of destructive lights roared out and bombarded the black hole.

This time the effect was better. There were continuous cracks on the black hole. Each crack represented a large number of restrictions being torn open.

As a result, the several golden immortals who attacked Chen Feng hesitated for a while and changed their direction. They no longer paid attention to Chen Feng, but rushed towards the energy cannon.

"It's not that easy to leave!" Chen Feng's pressure was relieved, and the power that had been accumulated for a long time finally burst out. Hundreds of laws of heaven intertwined from the Immortal Heaven Sword and drilled into the body of a Golden Immortal in a spiral.


A blood hole as big as a bowl appeared on the body of the Golden Immortal. Originally, for the Golden Immortal, it would only take a blink of an eye to recover even if the body was broken, but as the power of the law was drawn out, the Golden Immortal felt the power in his body rushing out crazily, and even the immortal law began to shake.

So the Golden Immortal was frightened, and immediately performed a secret technique, consuming some of the origin, breaking free from Chen Feng's swallowing. When Chen Feng's wounds recovered, he felt that the power in his body had decreased by 30%.

"It's the Heaven Swallowing Absorption Technique. I remember that this secret technique should not have such a domineering power." After stabilizing his mind, the Immortal Golden Immortal looked at Chen Feng deeply, then shook his body and stood guard on the side of the black hole, and did not attack Chen Feng anymore.


Chen Feng took a long breath, and the wounds on his body disappeared quickly. He shook his body and hid in an inconspicuous place. At this time, he was no longer the protagonist.


A huge palm, crystal white like jade, and a hideous strange hand, covered with bone spurs. Two palms with different auras stretched out from the black hole. They grabbed fiercely, and there was a series of explosions. At this time, Chen Feng could already see countless talismans flashing and bursting in the void, and he knew that the black hole in front of him was about to collapse.


A huge bull head suddenly poked out from the black hole, and the killing formation kept falling on the bull head, bursting with blood. However, although the bull head was roaring, it was not killed, but its huge body kept squeezing out.

The two golden immortals guarding in front of the black hole immediately took action, and two sword lights shot out, and they were about to cut off the bull head.

But at this time, there was also a sword light flying from a distance, blocking one of the sword lights. The bull head opened his mouth, roared, and a ball of light flew out, knocking the golden immortal who attacked him away.

Snap! Snap! Snap! Snap!

Under the struggle of the bull head, the black hole sometimes expanded and sometimes shrank, but no matter how hard the bull head tried, it could not rush out.

At this time, the golden immortal who came to make trouble also became irritable, and Chen Feng also felt a little crisis, but he could not grasp the specific source.

"Little brother, hurry up, the other party is going to use energy cannons." The red-robed Taoist shouted anxiously to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was shocked, and then he sneered. Instead of moving forward, he retreated a distance.

In Chen Feng's perception, a total of six golden immortals gave up their opponents and desperately attacked the black hole. The pressure of the crisis became stronger and stronger. At this point, they could not afford to fail.

"Little brother, hurry up."

Someone else invited Chen Feng. At this time, every bit of strength is important.

Chen Feng ignored the other party, but his figure flashed and disappeared in the space. Chen Feng had a strong premonition that he would definitely encounter great danger if he stayed here with his own strength.


At this time, someone finally broke through the defense line, and a sword light slashed on the black hole. The black hole cracked, and the bull head roared again, finally squeezing out half of its body.

Then the crystal white jade palm appeared again, this time it was a pair, and the hands pulled violently, and a bull-headed monster rushed out, and its body grew as fast as the wind, a full hundred feet, and then a collision, and a golden immortal was knocked out.

The top of the bull-headed monster's huge head began to swell, and a single horn extended from the body, with lightning flashing on it, and a huge thunder ball was formed in a short time, and the thunder ball flew out and exploded on the black hole.

A crack flashed by, and then a tall, white-faced and handsome monk walked out leisurely, his face calm and steady as a mountain, as if he was just having fun. There was no surprise of escaping from the trap, nor was there a trace of emotion in front of him.

"I didn't expect that a small person like us would come out first." The handsome monk said with a smile, stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a long sword appeared. With a flash of sword light, the shortened parts of the bull-headed monster broke off inch by inch, and then a blazing flame burned all over the body, and steel needles were forced out of the body.

Then the aura of the bull-headed monster and the handsome monk began to rise steadily, and soon surpassed the red-robed Taoist.

"You two, have you seen my senior brother, the Black Evil Lord?" The red-robed Taoist shouted.

"You said Black Evil, he should be able to come out soon."

"But the entrance of the cave needs to be expanded a little more." The handsome monk did not rush to leave, but held a long sword and began to attack the black hole. As for the huge body of the bull-headed monster, it was responsible for blocking the Dongji Immortal Palace and others.

"Hahahaha, Junior Brother, I'm out." A Taoist in a black robe flew out with a laugh, and as soon as he came out, he exuded a strong black evil spirit.


Then two more Golden Immortals rushed out, a human cultivator, and a huge colorful butterfly. This colorful butterfly was very strange, with colorful wings waving slightly, and a fragrance spread out. The Golden Immortals present felt that the power in their bodies began to weaken.

"Five-color fairy, identify the opponent before attacking." The handsome cultivator said.

"Sorry, I was a little too happy after coming out." A charming voice sounded, and everyone felt that the power in their bodies began to drain again.

"So many Golden Immortals have come out, it seems that we can't stay here." Chen Feng stood in a building in the distance, still observing the situation here.


A long blood-red river appeared, crossing the sky. Chen Feng felt a chill in his heart, knowing that the Dongji Immortal Palace still dispatched energy cannons.

In terms of the grade and power of the energy cannon, it is still the highest level of the Immortal Court. The reason why it was not used at the beginning was because the energy cannon was too destructive and they did not want to destroy the entire Dongji Immortal Palace. But now it is different. The Black Fang Prison is about to be opened. If the energy cannon is not used, things will become out of control.

"Let's go!"

Chen Feng left quickly and no longer cared about the result here. However, Chen Feng was still a little strange. Although a group of fierce people came to make trouble this time, it should not be so easy to break the Black Fang Prison. In a word, the power displayed by the Dongji Immortal Palace is not as strong as imagined.

Let's say that the powerful Black Fang Immortal Emperor only sent out his clone. If the original body appeared, it would not be a problem to repel one or two opponents.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Strong fluctuations came from the back. Chen Feng resisted the thought of returning and began to take advantage of the chaos to make a living in the Dongji Immortal Palace.

"Boy, come quickly, I found something good." At this time, Chen Feng received the voice transmission from the dark unicorn, and he was happy and quickly changed direction.

However, when Chen Feng passed by an inconspicuous building, a sharp sword energy suddenly stabbed at Chen Feng.

This man hid very well and actually avoided Chen Feng's spiritual sense scan. He also grasped the timing very well and attacked when Chen Feng was about to pass.

Chen Feng was also shocked, but he did not dodge and let the other party's long sword pierce his body.

The powerful sword energy exploded on Chen Feng's body. Chen Feng's body swayed for a while, and then slowly fell to the ground. With a stream of light in his eyes, a young man in light blue clothes appeared and looked at Chen Feng with a shocked look.

A small hole appeared on Chen Feng's armor, but it disappeared quickly.

"It turned out to be a half-step golden immortal, with the strength to assassinate golden immortals, but he was not lucky enough to meet me." Chen Feng said that the long sword in his hand was about to fall down. For Chen Feng, the young man in front of him might not be able to block a few of his swords.

"Wait a minute!"

Who knew that the young man immediately waved his hand and put away the long sword in his hand to show his sincerity.

"Are you begging for mercy?" Chen Feng said lightly.

"Your Excellency must have a purpose for breaking into the Dongji Immortal Palace. I can cooperate with you." The young man said calmly.

"Cooperation, no need. I can find what I need myself." At this time, Dark Qilin sent another message, and Chen Feng was too lazy to say more to the other party.

"No, you need me, it will be more convenient for you. The Dongji Immortal Palace is so big, with many restrictions and countless masters guarding it. If I don't lead the way, you will be stopped by the Golden Immortal in no time." A smile appeared on the young man's face.

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