Eternal Existence

Chapter 1216 Zhou Tian Divine Thunder

"Then our goal is the same. As long as we can open the Black Fang Prison, the Dongji Immortal Palace will be in chaos." The red-robed Taoist's eyes lit up.

"It won't be that easy." Chen Feng hesitated. Just now, only a clone of the Black Fang Immortal Emperor blocked the two of them. Who knows how many powerful masters there are in the Dongji Immortal Palace.

"Of course it's not that easy. It's not the first time I've come here. What's more, there are other forces coming this time. As long as we can open a small gap in the Black Fang Prison, it will be fine."

"Hehe, you may not think of how many evil people are imprisoned in the Black Fang Prison. Just releasing one or two is enough to cause chaos in the Dongji Immortal Palace." The red-robed Taoist said with a smile.

"I'm from the heaven." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Hey, I don't care where you come from, as long as you are against the Immortal Court."

At this time, a ball of black gas was released from nowhere. Chen Feng just absorbed a little and felt the blood in his body burning. He was shocked and saw the red-robed Taoist in the same situation.

"What kind of energy is this? It's a bit strange." Chen Feng was a little surprised. Although he could refine the power just now, it was a bit strenuous, and Chen Feng did not feel the taste of the law from it, but it was purely powerful.

The red-robed Taoist changed his face, and then returned to calm.

"Maybe it's some dark energy. Come on, little brother, I'll take you to the Black Tooth Prison."

The two of them passed through layers of restrictions, and it took an incense stick of time to stop. A huge black hole floated in the space, exuding a cold breath, and no one knew where it led.

This might be the most chaotic place in the Dongji Immortal Palace. Several battlefields were cut out of the small space, and every time it was a golden immortal fighting.

Chen Feng's eyes kept sweeping, and soon found that the Dongji Immortal Palace still had the upper hand, but what surprised Chen Feng was that he still didn't find any trace of the dark unicorn.

"This guy, I don't know where he went." Chen Feng set his eyes on the black hole. This is the entrance to the Black Tooth Prison. Although it looks a bit simple, it is not so easy to enter, because this prison has been blessed by countless powerful forces. Of course, it is even more difficult for people inside to get out.


At this time, the huge black hole shook, and there were waves transmitted from it, and the chaotic divine thoughts exploded like fireworks.

"Hahaha, someone is coming again."

"Thank you all for your help, as long as I can hit this damn hole a few times, I will rush out."

"Kill, I will destroy Dongji Immortal Palace as long as I can get out."

"Hahaha, I'm about to get out."

"Wuwuwuwu, I have been imprisoned for billions of years, I can't hold on."


A strong wave was transmitted from the hole, and it actually caused a crack in the hole, and then a huge palm stretched out from it, trying to tear open the black hole.

"Hahaha, someone actually blew himself up, that's great."


But soon, this palm was neatly cut off, and then a ball of fire appeared, and this palm was burned cleanly.

"It is the Nine Flames Divine Fire born from chaos." Someone exclaimed.

Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and his sight was quickly blocked by the layers of restrictions at the entrance of the cave. Chen Feng shouted softly, and flames jumped in his eyes. Finally, Chen Feng's sight drilled into the entrance of the cave, and he vaguely saw a tall cultivator standing upright, emitting a fierce flame, but his whole body was pierced by several chains, and he kept roaring but couldn't rush out.

"Hey! There's someone, Taoist friend, hurry up and rescue me, I will definitely reward you." The man immediately shouted when he felt Chen Feng's breath.

Chen Feng's mind moved, and his eyes swept over this person. He shuttled through layers of space and saw a demon-like creature roaring, still tied up by chains.

Then Chen Feng found several more people. These people were all extremely powerful cultivators without exception. Although they were tied up and suppressed for who knows how many years, they were still fierce and powerful.


Chen Feng's eyes flashed at this time, and his consciousness was cut off, but Chen Feng's eyes were shining. Just before his consciousness was cut off, Chen Feng saw an interesting picture.

So Chen Feng's consciousness went into the Black Fang Prison again, and soon he saw a huge beast being suppressed. In fact, there were many suppressed beasts. What attracted Chen Feng was a colorful unicorn.

"The number of unicorns is even rarer than that of dragons. This time, Dark Night has found a fellow tribe." Chen Feng said in his heart.

Feeling Chen Feng's gaze, the colorful unicorn, whose body was as huge as a star, opened its eyes and looked at Chen Feng. Chen Feng felt that his consciousness almost collapsed.

Then Chen Feng's consciousness continued to wander, and finally disturbed a sleeping monster. The monster just snorted coldly, and Chen Feng's consciousness collapsed.

"So powerful!"

After the consciousness collapsed three times in a row, Chen Feng retracted his gaze. The previous investigation was only a small part of the Black Fang Prison. From this, we can imagine how much trouble would occur if something happened in the Black Fang Prison.

What happened next was out of Chen Feng's control, because someone attacked Chen Feng. A Golden Immortal just pointed his finger from a distance, and the formations around him started to work. Eight dragons emerged from the void and attacked Chen Feng.


Chen Feng shook his body, trying to avoid the dragon's attack, but a sword light turned into a long river of sword energy and rushed towards Chen Feng.


As soon as the opponent made a move, Chen Feng knew that he might not be his opponent, so he tried to dodge, but the opponent's long river of sword energy had already locked onto Chen Feng, and no matter how Chen Feng changed his position, it was of no avail.


Chen Feng simply stopped, and a long river of sword energy was also emitted. The two rivers of sword energy collided together. It only lasted for a while before Chen Feng's long river of sword energy was submerged.


A warning sign rose in Chen Feng's heart, and he saw a thin layer of golden light sweeping toward him. The destructive power contained in it was greater than the sword energy river.

"It's the Immortal Light! This guy is powerful." Chen Feng had long known that he would encounter this situation, so with a thought, the dense laws of heaven extended from his body and quickly intertwined into a thick shield.

Then this layer of immortal light swept across the shield, and Chen Feng hid behind it. The impact beam spread out in all directions, forming a huge concave surface with Chen Feng as the center.

Bang bang bang bang!

This is the breaking of the Law of Heaven, but as the Law of Heaven vibrates violently, the immortal light is gradually dissolved by Chen Feng.

After blocking the blow, Chen Feng gained confidence and retracted the two hundred laws of heaven. The broken part quickly returned to its original state.


Chen Feng relied on his longevity wings to avoid the dragon's attack, and then slashed at the black hole with a sword light.

Although the black hole shook for a while and stabilized, the Golden Immortal of Dongji Immortal Palace became nervous. A beam of immortal light and a ray of radiant sword energy strangled Chen Feng.

There were actually two golden immortals attacking Chen Feng.


Chen Feng's face was solemn, and his figure appeared and disappeared, but he still couldn't escape the lock of these two attacks.

Just when Chen Feng was thinking about whether to fight hard, a huge palm came out of the void. The palm swung, and the immortal light and sword energy actually changed directions, and they all bombarded the ground without missing a beat. Above the black hole, tiny cracks appeared on the black hole.


The sudden appearance of the palm alarmed the monks on both sides. Although they still didn't know who was behind the scenes, the actions just now showed that the other party was not an ordinary golden immortal.

Chen Feng secretly let out a breath, quickly dodged, and threw three streams of light at the black hole with a wave of his hand.

boom! boom! boom!

Three streams of light exploded at the same time, and their power was not much less than that of the Golden Immortal just now.

"Self-destructed artifact."

"I've spent a lot of money now. I'm almost running out of artifacts, but I still have one good thing." Chen Feng said, taking out a black bead and taking a quick look at the blazing sun refined by Swallowing the Sun. It's almost the same, but there are dense runes carved on it.

"No, it's Zhou Tian Shen Lei, stop him quickly." A golden immortal screamed in horror when he saw what was in Chen Feng's hand, and rushed towards Chen Feng regardless of the black-robed Taoist's entanglement.

"It is indeed Zhoutian Divine Thunder, but I modified it a little." Chen Feng smiled and threw the black beads at the black hole, then swayed and rushed away quickly.

At the same time, the Jinxian who attacked Chen Feng turned around and rushed in another direction. Then all the monks who heard the word Zhou Tian Divine Thunder stopped fighting and left the place.

The Zhoutian Divine Thunder did not explode like other divine thunders, and there was no earth-shattering sound. It was like a ball of black fuel falling into the clear water, and the ink-like color spread around. Wherever the black energy passed, The space was corroded, the chaotic energy melted away, and finally even the black hole was missing a corner.

"The power is not bad, but it's a pity. The value of this divine thunder is almost equal to that of a mid-level artifact." Chen Feng shook his head, satisfied with the immediate effect.

"Boy, I will risk my life to keep you here today." Before Chen Feng could be happy, a golden immortal came to kill Chen Feng.

Not one person, not two people, but five Golden Immortals gave up their opponents at the same time and came specifically to kill Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was so frightened that his hair stood up, and he ran away quickly, shouting at the same time: "You should go and close the loopholes now, otherwise the murderers inside will come out."

"It's not too late to kill you first." Who knew that these people didn't hesitate at all.

"Everyone, don't take action yet." Chen Feng had no choice but to shout. Facing the attack of the five golden immortals, Chen Feng might not be able to stop him even if he advanced again.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Cracks appeared in the black hole that was missing a corner, and the energy became even more chaotic. Two thick hands protruded from it, constantly tearing at the binding energy contained in the black hole.

"Hahaha, the Black Fang Prison has been breached. Fellow Taoists, please rush out together."

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