Eternal Existence

Chapter 1177 Cleaning up the situation

This was the heavenly tribulation that Chen Feng experienced when he was promoted to a high-level True Immortal. No combat creatures appeared, but only a series of destructive forces that continuously washed over Chen Feng's body.

Facing this level of heavenly tribulation, Chen Feng felt no pressure at all. He just stood there motionless, letting all kinds of energy fall from the sky. Chen Feng was too lazy to absorb these energies because he had too much power stored in his body that had not yet been digested.

He easily passed through the heavenly tribulation, and the laws of heaven descended upon him. Chen Feng had rarely felt so relaxed since he passed through the tribulation.

The tribulation cloud disappeared, and Chen Feng comprehended it for three days. After three days, a stronger aura clashed out of his body again, and before he reached the peak, the tribulation cloud appeared again.

Chen Feng chose to pass through the tribulation again and impact the realm of a half-step celestial immortal.

The tribulation cloud looked the same, but it was rolling rapidly, and it did not launch an attack for a long time. Chen Feng's face was calm. From the power fluctuations emitted by the tribulation cloud as soon as it appeared, Chen Feng had already calculated the power of this heavenly tribulation.

"It's a very easy heavenly tribulation." Chen Feng didn't feel any pressure, nor did he feel any sense of crisis. After calculating it over and over again, he quietly waited for the heavenly tribulation to come.

Finally, the tribulation clouds gathered together, and a huge finger seemed to fly out of the depths of the universe and pressed down on Chen Feng.

"Finger to the sky."

As soon as Chen Feng's heavenly tribulation came out, the cultivators thousands of miles away saw it clearly, and most of the cultivators exclaimed and took action. Speaking of it, the finger to the sky is already a very powerful heavenly tribulation. The difference from other waves of heavenly tribulations is that the finger to the sky has only this one attack, and relatively speaking, the attack power is all compressed on this finger.

"Last time it was the hand of heaven, and this time it is the finger to the sky. It's quite interesting, but it's still not powerful enough for me." Chen Feng didn't even look up, and even clearly sensed the strength of this finger, the law structure, and the attack route.

"This finger can easily crush a high-level celestial being, but it's nothing compared to the obstacles I encountered in the palace." Chen Feng said, and he also stretched out a finger and pointed.

The huge finger phantom was activated and collided with the finger of heaven that was suppressing it.

"It's the finger of immortality." All the cultivators of the immortal heaven in the Six Paths Sword Sect recognized Chen Feng's attack method.

The two fingers disappeared at the same time, and then the law of heaven descended on Chen Feng, condensing into a law of heaven and melting into Chen Feng's body.

This is different from the law of heaven that was refined before. This is cultivated by sensing the way of heaven. It belongs to oneself completely. It can exert the most powerful power and the most appropriate effect without deliberate refining.

"The realm of half-step celestial being is really fast. I'm afraid I can catch up with my friends back then. The next time I advance to the celestial being, the heavenly tribulation will definitely be very powerful. This time, the heavenly way did not accurately sense my strength." Chen Feng was also a little confused. He was ready for a big battle, but he didn't expect to encounter only an ordinary heavenly tribulation.

According to Chen Feng's strength, he could rush to the realm of celestial being in one fell swoop, but after considering it, he gave up. Following the steps and moving forward steadily can make the foundation more solid.

Besides, there are many things that Chen Feng needs to deal with.

Settle followers, rebuild the damaged Six Paths Sword Sect, and guard against attacks from other forces. In Chen Feng's view, the enemies of the Six Paths Sword Sect such as Xingyuan Sect are not enough. Chen Feng is worried about the troubles from the various heavens. These people are one level stronger than the immortal cultivators.

In the process of Chen Feng's breakthrough, nearly two hundred soldiers from the Wu Ya Corps died here. They were all powerful elite immortals. Even if they were placed in the entire Wu Ya Corps, it was a considerable loss.

And there was no news from the Shaxian and others who came to rescue, and it was unknown whether it was good or bad.

Although Chen Feng was calm on the surface, his heart was constantly rolling, and the murderous intent was brewing all the time. Looking at the situation of the Six Paths Sword Sect, Chen Feng was even more speechless.

One half-step golden immortal died, and the rest were all seriously injured. Hundreds of celestial immortals died or were injured, and more than 10,000 true immortals died or were injured. 90% of the territory was occupied, leaving only the Hunyuan Mountains and some hidden strongholds. In this war, the Six Paths Sword Sect was really seriously injured, and even if it had a deep foundation, it would not be able to recover in a short time.

It can be said that the Six Paths Sword Sect has dropped several levels this time. I wonder how many eyes are staring at the Hunyuan Mountains.

In normal times, Chen Feng felt that some disciples of the Six Paths Sword Sect had some hostility and dissatisfaction with him. In everyone's mind, these troubles were caused by Chen Feng. Chen Feng knew what he needed to do.

"What is the current situation of the Wuya Legion?" Chen Feng asked a soldier of the Wuya Legion who had recently arrived in the fairy world.

"The situation is not very good. The Wuya Army is fighting in many places and cannot mobilize more people. Otherwise, we would not be so embarrassed." This soldier has some high-level immortal realm, but his attitude in front of Chen Feng is extremely respectful, because the oppression that Chen Feng inadvertently exudes is too strong. Even when facing the deputy commander, he does not have this feeling. Thinking about the fact that Chen Feng easily killed several half-step golden immortals before, everyone is sure that Chen Feng will return to the Changsheng clan strongly and inject new vitality into the Wuya Army.

Chen Feng nodded and stopped asking. Since the Wuya Army cannot mobilize people, then there is only other ways.

"I hope Dark Night can bring me some surprises." Chen Feng thought so.

Sure enough, not long after, a considerable number of dark world cultivators came to the Six Paths Sword Sect. Some of these forces came from the dark world, and some came from other places in the fairy world. To be honest, human cultivators only accounted for a small part of this group of dark world cultivators, and most of them were various dark creatures.

One hundred celestial immortals, two thousand true immortals, and some upper immortals. This is the power that Dark Qilin has gathered recently. Although the number is small, it has also solved Chen Feng's urgent needs.

The addition of dark creatures has played a certain effect on the chaotic situation in front of him. Many cultivators who sneaked in with bad intentions were found out and killed one by one. Among them, the killers of the Immortal Killing Pavilion suffered the most serious losses.

Chen Feng knew that the time in front of him was extremely important. Although the Xingyuan Sect was beaten back at that time, in order to prevent the Six Paths Sword Sect from recovering and getting rewarded, these three families would definitely find a way to deal with the Six Paths Sword Sect.

However, Chen Feng and Dark Kirin have been stationed in the Hunyuan Mountains, and they are not afraid of the opponent's counterattack. Generally, a half-step golden immortal will die if they come, unless it is a golden immortal. Of course, there is also a golden immortal in the Hunyuan Mountains at this time, that is, the mutant dragon subdued by Chen Feng.

Of course, after transcending the tribulation and becoming a half-step heavenly immortal, Chen Feng's strength has doubled again. Even if a golden immortal comes, Chen Feng can go forward and fight.

However, something unexpected happened next, that is, the Eternal Alliance led the crowd to join Chen Feng.

In recent years, the fairy world has been popular for a large number of cultivators from the lower world to ascend to the fairy world, resulting in the emergence of some alliances like mushrooms after rain. Although there are not many high-end combat forces, they have a great influence. After all, since the emergence of these worlds, I don’t know how many cultivators have ascended to the fairy world in billions of years.

Most of the Eternal Alliance are cultivators who ascended from the Eternal World. In addition, there are some local cultivators in the fairy world who gather together for the benefit of everyone.

The number of people is okay, but the overall strength is a bit weak. Most of the alliance members have ascended from the upper immortal realm. Even if they have talent and opportunities, it is already against the will of heaven to cultivate to the level of true immortals.

Therefore, among the more than 10,000 people, the number of celestial immortals is extremely rare, with the majority being upper immortals, and a small number of true immortals.

Some of these celestial immortals and true immortals are Chen Feng's direct descendants in the Eternal World. When they ascended, they were already at the level of true immortals. After arriving in the fairy world, they cultivated very quickly and their cultivation progressed by leaps and bounds.

For example, Tianjian Laozu, Daluo Tianzun and others, of course, some of them ascended to other places in the fairy world. With the boundless scale of the fairy world, it is simply impossible to gather them all together.

Although there is no outstanding high-level combat power in this group of forces, Chen Feng is already very satisfied. All those who can ascend are geniuses picked from thousands of miles away. As long as these people are given a world, it is not a problem to surpass the native cultivators in the fairy world.

It was just a pity for Chen Feng that many of the cultivators who ascended from the lower realm chose to join other forces. After all, it was much safer to find a backer than to venture into the fairy world by themselves.

Sure enough, before the chaotic situation had completely calmed down, Chen Feng's troubles came again.

At that time, Chen Feng appeared in the Liudao Sword Sect, and Tunri and others were besieged and assassinated by a large number of cultivators. The root of all this was Chen Feng. At this time, Chen Feng appeared openly. If no one took action, it would be unreasonable.

After inquiring about a series of things after Chen Feng appeared, they made various responses to Chen Feng's strength, so the masters who came to trouble again were getting more and more powerful.

During Chen Feng's cultivation, he encountered the first wave of assassinations. At first, Chen Feng thought it was someone from the Changsheng Heaven, but after seriously injuring and capturing the other party, he knew that this assassin at the half-step golden fairy level came from the Xiansha Pavilion.

Of course, Chen Feng would not be polite and killed the other party directly.

The second wave of attacks occurred when Chen Feng was patrolling in the Hunyuan Mountains. Three half-step golden immortals were in the open, and two half-step golden immortals were in the dark. A total of five people made a perfect sniper attack on Chen Feng.

However, this time Chen Feng was well prepared. The dark unicorn and the time and space beast hid on the side and killed the opponent in the way of a yellow bird catching a cicada. Chen Feng only had time to deal with one person, and the remaining four were all divided up by the dark unicorn and the time and space beast.

"The three sects of Xingyuan Sect suffered heavy losses in these two waves of assassinations. They should be honest for a while." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"No, to be precise, two of the people killed were hired as casual cultivators with a large sum of money." The dark unicorn reminded Chen Feng on the side.

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