Eternal Existence

Chapter 1176 Rescuing Dark Qilin

But soon these people recognized Chen Feng.

"It's Young Master Changtian, it's Changtian." Someone exclaimed.

"Now that you know me, you still dare to take action." Chen Feng sneered. The small team just now was an attack method in the immortal world. Of course, Chen Feng knew clearly whether it was the structural principles or weaknesses and strengths. In addition, Chen Feng Feng has a noble bloodline and has practiced the entire Changsheng Sutra. He can take advantage of most of the monks of the Changsheng clan.


The faces of these monks only hesitated for a moment before revealing murderous intent. They quickly integrated their formations and attacked Chen Feng again.

However, Chen Feng was faster and rushed into the opponent's formation before they even closed up. The Eternal Life Wing rolled violently, the light blade flickered, and all twelve monks were killed.

Chen Feng has no mercy. No matter what the reason is, as long as he dares to take action against himself, Chen Feng does not care whether the other party is from the Immortal Realm. Even if he is an outstanding disciple of the royal family, it will be the same in Chen Feng's eyes.

These twelve immortals could only end up being killed instantly in front of Chen Feng.

"We were attacked as soon as we came in. It seems that Dark Qilin's situation is not good." Chen Feng speeded up and then killed several small teams. Although most of them were soldiers randomly recruited from the Immortal Heaven Realm, But Chen Feng still saw the figure of the Tower Legion.

"These guys really can't see the situation clearly. Don't they know the consequences of doing this? Or are they really sure?" Chen Feng has killed more than a hundred immortals, and he sneered in his heart. If this power is placed in the Six Paths The Sword Sect had already changed the situation of the battle, but they stayed here just to trap Dark Qilin.

"It seems that the other party has a master, and he values ​​Dark Qilin so much." Chen Feng finally saw Dark Qilin.

A huge longevity furnace stands in the barrier. Four monks are urging the green flames around to burn the longevity furnace. Dark Qilin is sitting in the longevity furnace motionless. Chen Feng can clean and see all kinds of things. Energy continues to enter the longevity furnace, trying every means to attack the dark unicorn.

"The Immortality Furnace is good, but it still has big flaws." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Changtian, I've been waiting for you for a long time." Seeing Chen Feng's appearance, these people were not surprised at all. They seemed to have been waiting for Chen Feng for a long time.

"Why are you here?" An Qilin's voice came out, and Chen Feng smiled. From the voice, it could be heard that An Qilin was fine.

"These people are really stupid. They even trapped you for refining. Why don't they just kill you to save trouble." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's not that simple to kill me. You don't want to get my Dark Scripture." Dark Qilin sneered.

"Dark Scripture, it seems that these guys are very ambitious and want to rule the dark world."

"Okay, enough nonsense, you can come in." One of the monks said, four immortal chains extended at the same time, twisting and sweeping, trying to tie up Chen Feng.

Chen Feng didn't even dodge, he waved the long sword in his hand, and the four chains were cut into pieces at the same time. Then Chen Feng's body swayed, and he came in front of one of them, and slashed straight at him with his long sword without any tricks.

"Intermediate artifact."

Although they knew that it was not easy for Chen Feng to get here, when they arrived, they realized that they still underestimated Chen Feng's strength, so the half-step golden immortal stopped exercising the immortal furnace, and instead stood up with a long sword in his hand. Fighting with Chen Feng.

"I wonder what the combat effectiveness of the deputy commander of the Tower Army is like?" Chen Feng sneered. He knew the origin of the other party from the moment he entered this barrier.

The fighting power of this half-step golden immortal is very strong, almost comparable to that mutated dragon. He is extremely skilled in the longevity swordsmanship. He has his own great law in it, and there are waves of world power that are constantly blessing his body. If it were normal, Under the circumstances, it would take a lot of effort to deal with the opponent, but Chen Feng has been practicing for many years and has obtained the inheritance of four golden immortals. He has gathered powerful power in his body, and the Immortal Heavenly Sword in his hand is one level higher than the Eternal Life Sword in the opponent's hand. level, so after two rounds of fighting, the Immortal Sword cut off the opponent's Immortal Sword.

"Boy, stop dawdling there, this barrier is starting to move." Dark Qilin's voice sounded in the longevity furnace.

"Don't worry, everything is under control." The Immortality Wings behind Chen Feng spread out overwhelmingly, expanding tenfold in an instant. The flaming energy continued to melt the void, and the noble Immortality bloodline was displayed, fighting against Chen Feng. The half-step Golden Immortal's heart stopped beating under Chen Feng's breath, and he couldn't help but take a few steps back. Then with a stroke of the Immortal Heavenly Sword in Chen Feng's hand, a deep crack appeared in the Eternal Life Furnace.

"It's now." An Qilin, who had been sitting quietly in the longevity furnace, suddenly jumped up. Zhan Tu stabbed the dragon spear in his hand, and stabbed a big hole in the longevity furnace. After coming out, the dragon spear came out and nailed one of them. on the ground.

"What's wrong with you?"

"You are asking me why I am still so strong. You still don't believe me when you say that you are idiots. With the strength of a few of you, you still want to refine me. I have been practicing in there for a while, and my body has become stronger. , Speaking of which, I would like to thank you all a lot." An Qilin said, reaching out and grabbing the dragon gun to block the other two.

Chen Feng knew that this was what Dark Qilin had deliberately left for him, so he quickly exploded with all his strength and beat back his opponent with three sword strikes. Finally, the Heavenly Sword of Immortality turned into a stream of light and inserted into the opponent's body.

The cultivator who was nailed to the ground by the Dark Kirin felt a flash before he could get up, and then the power in his body began to burst out crazily.

"Heaven-Swallowing Absorption Technique!"

The man screamed in fear, but the longevity chains that suddenly appeared made it impossible for him to break free, and he could only scream in fear.

Chen Feng's Heaven-Swallowing Absorption Technique reached a higher level, and in a short time, he swallowed up the power and laws in the opponent's body completely. Because there was no time to refine them, they were all stored in the body. Then he came to another person and did the same thing, and there was another dried corpse in the screams.

The two half-step golden immortals who fought against the Dark Kirin were already extremely frightened and wanted to escape from here, but they were severely injured by Chen Feng and the Dark Kirin.

Seeing that the four people had become Chen Feng's nourishment, Dark Kirin couldn't help but say, "Your technique is too overbearing. It's not right to plunder on a large scale."

"This is the reason why I practice slowly. If I swallowed everything without caring about the consequences, I would have advanced to the Celestial Immortal long ago."

"I think you've gone astray." Dark Kirin shook his head and said no more. Everyone has their own path of practice. If it were other immortals, they wouldn't dare to swallow so crazily, but for Chen Feng, who has a chaotic body, these risks can be reduced to the lowest point.

At this moment, a wave of waves suddenly swept over, and Chen Feng immediately felt his hair stand up.

"It's the Golden Immortal."

"Go quickly."

Dark Kirin waved the dragon spear to penetrate the barrier, and the two rushed out quickly. In the directionless turbulence of the void, a golden hand was constantly shuttling back and forth, and had locked Chen Feng and Dark Kirin from a distance.

"Let's go!"

The two of them used the magic of walking to quickly boil in the void. Almost every breath could shuttle through billions of miles and countless spaces, but they still couldn't get rid of the pursuit of the Golden Immortal. The golden hand was getting closer and closer to the two of them.

"Just an immortal golden immortal." Chen Feng sneered.

"Do it!" The dragon spear in the hand of the dark unicorn began to roar.

"Naturally." The immortal sky sword in Chen Feng's hand was also shaking.

Then the two turned around at the same time, bursting out with powerful force and colliding with the golden palm. The golden light bloomed and turned into countless starlight. The annihilation force rolled and scattered. Finally, the golden hand, Chen Feng and the dark unicorn all disappeared.

"Improvement is so fast." Only this thought echoed in the depths of the distant void.

As for Chen Feng and the dark unicorn, they had left long ago and quickly returned to the Six Paths Sword Sect. The two were not injured in the collision just now, and the result made both of them very satisfied.

During this period of training, Chen Feng's strength increased to a degree that even he was shocked, but after fighting side by side with Dark Kirin, Chen Feng found that Dark Kirin's speed was not slow either, giving people a sense of unfathomable depth.

"This is different. After integrating the Dark Sutra, I still have the entire Dark Realm behind me. Of course, my training speed will be very fast, but you are the one that surprised me. I feel that the energy in your body has surpassed mine." As if seeing Chen Feng's thoughts, Dark Kirin said lightly.

"Things have been a bit chaotic recently. I hope you can take care of it. I need to go through the tribulation." After the battle just now, Chen Feng's strength could no longer be suppressed. The heavenly tribulation in the depths of the dark had locked Chen Feng.

"No problem, I will transfer another batch of Dark Realm cultivators next. In recent years, our Dark Realm has also had its own territory in the Immortal Realm." Dark Kirin nodded and said.

However, before Chen Feng, the mutant dragons and the space-time beasts successfully passed the tribulation. The mutant dragon advanced to the Golden Immortal, the immortal light swept across, and the immortal law condensed, almost alarming the entire East Great Land.

After successfully advancing to the Golden Immortal stage, the mutant dragon immediately wanted to erase the soul shackles left by Chen Feng in the sea of ​​consciousness, get rid of Chen Feng's control, and even kill Chen Feng, but after the attempt failed, it could only go into seclusion to practice and comprehend the immortal path in a dejected manner.

The Space-Time Beast has reached the realm of a half-step Golden Immortal, and has surpassed it by a large margin on the basis of the stable realm. It can be regarded as a master among the half-step Golden Immortals, and can be regarded as an example of accumulation and development. The Space-Time Beast saw that the mutant dragon did not break free from the shackles, and it would not try it.

"There is a Golden Immortal among the followers, so it will be very face-saving to go out like this, but this follower seems a little unwilling and has many small thoughts. I need to use more powerful power to deter him." Chen Feng said that the power of the heavenly tribulation in the tribulation cloud had already poured down on Chen Feng.

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