Eternal Existence

Chapter 1178: Shock

"Under this situation, there are still independent cultivators who are more desperate than the assassins of the Immortal Killing Pavilion. These independent cultivators should cherish their lives more after practicing to this situation." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"The other party's target is only you, just kill you."

"It seems that the deterrent I brought to the other party at that time was not enough, but I am extremely in need of time now, and the other party is also looking at this point and not giving us the opportunity to develop." Chen Feng nodded.

"With our means, it is not difficult to assassinate a few half-step golden immortals." Dark Qilin suddenly said.

"It is not polite to come without reciprocity. Let's set off now. There will be no problem with Hengri in the Hunyuan Mountains." Chen Feng said and set off immediately with Dark Qilin.

Hengri is the name of the mutant dragon. He came from the Sun Star Region and practiced the power of the anode. After advancing to the Golden Immortal, he has been practicing in seclusion.

Of course, Chen Feng also made some precautions. After all, the birth of a Golden Immortal may attract some people's prying, and some people may even plunder the immortal law of the newly promoted Golden Immortal.

"I hope no one comes." Chen Feng could only think so. Although Chen Feng could defeat the incarnations of the four golden immortals in the palace at that time, it did not mean that he was the opponent of the complete golden immortal.

The first battle was Xingyuan Sect.

Before approaching Xingyuan Sect, Chen Feng felt the atmosphere of the other party as if facing a great enemy. There was a powerful force hidden in the layers of magic arrays, and there was a shaking breath. Chen Feng knew that Xingyuan Sect would not have a good time during this period.

So Chen Feng gave up the plan to assassinate the other party's master, and directly showed his figure. The powerful momentum hit the magic array in front of him heavily, causing a commotion in Xingyuan Sect.


Dark Qilin took the lead, and the dragon spear stabbed out fiercely, directly hitting a deep long hole in the opponent's ban.

"Tsk tsk, the opponent actually has a mid-level artifact blessing. I didn't expect that mid-level artifacts are so worthless in the fairy world." Dark Qilin said with a smile.

"It is a sect that has been passed down for hundreds of millions of years. The Six Paths Sword Sect also has a treasure like the Six Paths Wheel, but it was taken away by the Six Paths God." Chen Feng also took out the piece of dry bone and stabbed it casually. A big hole first appeared in the restriction, and then the big hole expanded rapidly, and the energy and vitality in it were constantly disappearing.

"Who is it? Dare to come to our Xingyuan Sect to make trouble."

A half-step golden immortal sitting here has recognized Chen Feng and Dark Qilin, but did not show up. He just roared in the formation and activated the formation to attack Chen Feng and Dark Qilin.

Chen Feng and Dark Qilin smiled at each other and launched an attack at the same time. The combat power of the half-step golden immortal plus two mid-level artifacts shook the entire Xingyuan Sect a little, especially the half-step golden immortal sitting in the formation soon vomited blood and was seriously injured. Some cultivators of other levels who ran slowly or tried to launch attacks suffered heavy casualties.

After a few breaths, Chen Feng and Dark Kirin left Xingyuan Sect. Soon, several half-step golden immortals came and looked at the almost completely destroyed magic array and the messy scene, and their eyes couldn't help but burst into flames.

"This is simply too much."

"I suggest that you attack the Six Paths Sword Sect in the same way."

"I think you are looking for death. Don't forget that the Six Paths Sword Sect now has a golden immortal sitting in it."

"Humph, it's just a new golden immortal, someone will take action."

"It's not that easy to annex the Hunyuan Mountains. Chen Feng represents the Changsheng Heaven Realm, and Dark Kirin is the master of the dark world. Our Xingyuan Sect is in trouble."

Next, Chen Feng and Dark Kirin went to the Immortal Sword Sect and the Immortal Killing Pavilion, bombarded the other side's door with the same violent means, and then left. At that time, several half-step golden immortals had arrived at the Immortal Sword Sect, but they never dared to fight.

In this way, Chen Feng knew that the three sects would be quiet for a while in the next period of time, which was also what Chen Feng wanted to see.

"Sir, someone is here to see you." A few days after returning to the Six Paths Sword Sect, Da Feng came to the cave where Chen Feng was.

"Oh, who is it?"

"A female cultivator from the Iron Blood Alliance." Da Feng's eyes flashed with an ambiguous look.

"Iron Blood Alliance, could it be Blood Rakshasa?" Chen Feng was a little surprised, and the figure of Blood Rakshasa appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Come on, take me to see."

In a reception hall of the Six Paths Sword Sect, Blood Rakshasa, wearing a fiery red battle armor, was waiting for Chen Feng's reception with a complicated expression. There were also several celestial beings who came with him, but these people had one thing in common, that is, they were all more or less injured.

"I didn't expect this guy to have such a big background, and he stirred up such a big commotion in the fairy world. I don't know what attitude he will have when he sees me." Blood Rakshasa was a little nervous.

"I'll keep you waiting." Just as Blood Rakshasa was thinking about it, Chen Feng walked in.

"Chen Feng." Xue Luosha was a little surprised, looking at Chen Feng with a confused look. This time, Chen Feng gave him a different feeling from before. Although he was only at the level of a half-step celestial being, the invisible pressure and the domineering aura he exuded unintentionally made Xue Luosha a little breathless. In addition to these two points, there was also the ancient noble temperament that came naturally.

"Long time no see." Chen Feng smiled, and then after looking at the other party's situation, he continued: "It seems that you have encountered some troubles."

"The Iron Blood Alliance is gone, we are here to join you." Xue Luosha gritted his teeth and said.

"What happened?" Chen Feng waved his hand, and several long-lived qi drilled into the bodies of Xue Luosha and other cultivators.

Pah pah pah pah!

After a series of explosions, the pale faces of several people turned a little ruddy.

"Thank you, young master."

There were five celestial beings who followed Blood Rakshasa. They were seriously injured, but after Chen Feng took action, they felt better.

"It's okay to join me, but I think you also know that the situation here is also a mess. If you don't mind, I will sincerely welcome you." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Hello, young master."

Then Blood Rakshasa and the five celestial beings bowed to Chen Feng with serious expressions.

"Okay, let's talk about what happened next?"

"The matter is very simple and strange. Simply put, our Iron Blood Alliance was swept by other forces. This is a very normal thing in the fairy world." Blood Rakshasa paused when he said this.

"Yes, the merger of forces and the war between sects are too normal in the fairy world. Every day, a large number of forces disappear, and new forces rise." Chen Feng nodded.

"It's a bit strange that we don't know where the other party came from, but we know that they are very powerful and easily wiped out our Iron Blood Alliance. Like our Iron Blood Alliance, the other eight alliances, including the Mountain River Alliance, the Sun and Moon Alliance, and the Iron Sword Alliance, were also wiped out." Xue Luosha couldn't help but sighed when he said this.

"The other party has such a powerful force that they don't need to do this at all. As long as they scare us, we will surrender." A celestial being behind Xue Luosha couldn't help but interrupt and said.

"Eight alliances, so the territory is not small. Could it be that some hidden families suddenly rose up?" Chen Feng was also a little confused.

"What is the specific strength of the other party?" Chen Feng thought about it and asked.

"They are all celestial beings, with more than a hundred people." Xue Luosha answered without hesitation.

"No wonder, in this case, you are lucky to escape."

"The other party didn't massacre us, but just broke us up, and it seems that they just want to occupy our territory. By the way, I have a feeling that these people don't seem to be native cultivators of the fairy world. Some of them seem to have come from the heaven." Xue Luosha said hesitantly.

"Heaven, I know. I will find out about this matter." Chen Feng nodded and ordered his subordinates to arrange for Xue Luosha and others.

"Not just a few of us, there are other cultivators." Seeing Chen Feng was about to leave, Xue Luosha hurriedly said

In fact, before coming in, Chen Feng already knew how many people Xue Luosha brought this time. The number exceeded 10,000, composed of the Iron Blood Alliance and other alliances, but most of them were immortals and true immortals, and there were very few heavenly immortals.

Although it was unwise to collect this batch of cultivators in the chaotic situation, Chen Feng thought that he needed more cultivators. Even if these people were humble at the moment, they were also the foundation of a strong force.

After mixing with various cultivators, the Six Paths Sword Sect was renamed the Six Paths Alliance, and Chen Feng also changed from a sect master to a leader. Perhaps Chen Feng and Dark Kirin's actions shocked the other party. For a period of time, no one came up to cause trouble. The Six Paths Sword Sect also became orderly from chaos. The Six Paths Sword Sect took out some of its foundation, and Chen Feng and Dark Kirin took out a large amount of cultivation materials respectively. The strength of the Six Paths Alliance will grow every day.

During the development of the Six Paths Alliance, they have been on guard against the surrounding forces. Chen Feng and others have also made various preparations. In Chen Feng's view, Xingyuan Sect and other sects will not watch the Six Paths Alliance develop again. At this time, Silent seemed to be shocked by Chen Feng and Dark Kirin, but Chen Feng knew that these forces must be planning something in secret.

However, before these forces launched an attack, the mutant dragon that had been practicing in seclusion was attacked.

Through the soul shackles, Chen Feng was alarmed at the first time, and then quickly notified Dark Kirin and rushed to the place of battle.

After arriving at the place, Chen Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "Hengri still has time to arrange the space battlefield, which means that the opponent is not too strong."

"This mutant dragon is not simple, and its bloodline is very strong. Although it has just entered the realm of Golden Immortal, it is enough to resist some ordinary Golden Immortals." Dark Kirin said, and the dragon spear in his hand slashed, and the two followed the crack into an independent space secret realm.

Opening up a secret space at will, this is what the cultivator who condensed the inner world can do.

In the space, two huge balls of golden light were constantly colliding. Every collision would generate a powerful destructive force. These destructive forces would not disappear immediately, but would continue to roll and sweep around, gathering in this independent space.

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