Eternal Existence

Chapter 1171 Difficulty

Chen Feng urged the Soul-Sorrow Bow to shoot 108 arrows in a row, leaving 108 wounds on the dragon's body, and then stopped. At this time, the dragon's power was greatly damaged and it was tied up by Chen Feng with chains.

After resting for a while, Chen Feng recovered all his strength and pulled the Soul-Sorrow Bow again.

"Wait." The mutant dragon finally spoke, his voice mixed with fear and trembling.

Chen Feng ignored the other party, but suddenly opened the Soul-Sorrow Bow. This time, the sharp arrows condensed were one point stronger than before, which showed that Chen Feng had a deeper control over the Soul-Sorrow Bow. There was another blood hole on the dragon's body, which was covered with wounds.

"Spare my life."

The dragon had begun to beg for mercy, but Chen Feng was a little unhappy, because it was not easy to find such a meat target.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Three more streams of light flew out, and the mutant dragon almost fainted.

"Is this guy a pervert?" Duan Shuiliu and Qingshan felt a little cold. The space-time beast on one side gathered some power and began to burn, hoping to escape from this terrifying place.

"You are begging for mercy." Chen Feng shot an arrow when he said this, almost blowing off the dragon's tail.

"Yes, I beg for mercy." The dragon said hurriedly.

"So you are willing to be my follower, or do you want to be a slave." Chen Feng laughed.

"I am willing to be the follower of the young master." The dragon agreed after just a moment of hesitation.

Chen Feng nodded, waved his hand to put away the Soul-Sorrow Bow, but the Six Paths Dharma Wheel appeared in his hand. The space-time beast that was struggling to break free from the chain saw the Six Paths Dharma Wheel falling towards him. Before he could scream, blood splattered, and half of the space-time beast disappeared. Half of his life was gone in an instant.

"Don't kill me, I am willing to be the follower of the young master." The space-time beast immediately shouted.

"Before, four golden immortals wanted to become my followers, but I didn't agree. It's your good fortune that you two beasts can follow me." Chen Feng said lightly, and then cast the soul shackles to bind the life marks of the two. The lives of the mutant dragon and the space-time beast were completely controlled by Chen Feng's thoughts.

"Do a good job for me. I am very generous to my subordinates." After Chen Feng finished speaking, he walked to the side and began to close his eyes and rest. The chains tied to the two beasts automatically fell off and disappeared. The dragon and the space-time beast were seriously injured. At this time, they immediately hid aside to recuperate. Although there was still a fierce light flashing in their eyes, they did not dare to look at Chen Feng.

Qingshan and Duan Shuiliu have gradually recovered from the shock. The two did not know what to do. Since the level was over, they should leave here, but it should not be so easy to get out.

"Brother Chen." Qingshan stepped forward with courage.

"I don't know how to leave here either. Maybe I'll know after I practice for a while." Chen Feng was telling the truth. Before absorbing the true spirit fragments of these Golden Immortals, Chen Feng really didn't know how to leave.

Qingshan and Duan Shuiliu shook their heads and went to find ways to leave respectively. They were almost suffocated by the pressure of being with Chen Feng.

Chen Feng ignored the two people. There were many things Chen Feng had to do next, but he didn't have so much time to waste.

The Six Paths Sword Sect and Tian Dao Daojun gathered together again. What was different from the past was that in addition to these six people, there were two more Half-Step Golden Immortals.

These were the two newly promoted Half-Step Golden Immortals. This was a great event that the entire Six Paths Sword Sect hadn't seen for many years. Of course, these two Half-Step Golden Immortals were also advanced to the level of Half-Step Golden Immortals in advance because of the treasures they obtained in the Dragon Cemetery.

According to the calculations of Tian Dao Daojun and others, the Six Paths Sword Sect may have one or two more Half-Step Golden Immortals in the next few hundred years.

Of course, these people gathered together not to celebrate the new partners, but to discuss a very serious matter, so the atmosphere on the scene was a bit solemn.

"That's the thing, everyone please express your opinions." Tiandao Daojun looked at everyone present.

Of course, the ones who really have the right to speak are the human Daojuns, and the two newly joined half-step golden immortals are still very reserved and restrained.

"In fact, no matter how many casualties the other side has, what I am considering is what will happen to our Six Paths Sword Sect if we get involved." Human Daojun said lightly.

"Our Six Paths Sword Sect has been involved since Chen Feng disappeared, and it is the kind that cannot withdraw." Hell Daojun said immediately.

"I agree with this statement. As I said, if Chen Feng can come back, it's fine. If he can't come back, our Six Paths Sword Sect will be destroyed." Hungry Ghost Daojun said.

"Now we are discussing whether to send troops, because Tunri and the others can't hold on any longer." Human Daojun emphasized.

"In fact, our Six Paths Sword Sect itself is in trouble. What we need most is time." Animal Daojun said.

"Time is what we need most, and that means we don't have it. Xingyuan Sect won't watch us develop, so I agree to take a gamble and put all my hopes on Chen Feng." Daojun Shura waved his hand and said viciously.

"I thought so too, taking a gamble and putting all my hopes on Chen Feng." Daojun Hell also waved his hand.

"What do the others think?" Daojun Tiandao looked at the others again.

"And you two, give your opinions." Then Daojun Tiandao pointed at Daojun Tianhe and Daojun Huoli.

Tianhe Daojun is also an old man in the Six Paths Sword Sect, but compared with some geniuses, his own talent is not too outstanding. If it weren't for the great opportunity he got in the Dragon Cemetery this time, he would probably have no hope of entering the realm of Half-Step Golden Immortal in this life. So when he heard the question, Tianhe Daojun thought carefully and said: "Since the discovery of the Dragon Cemetery, the territory of our Six Paths Sword Sect has shrunk to less than one-third of the original. It may take tens of thousands of years to replenish the dead and injured disciples, but other forces will definitely not give us this time. The Changsheng Heaven Realm is an existence beyond the Immortal Realm. If we can establish a relationship, it will be very beneficial to the future development of our Six Paths Sword Sect."

"I think so too. Instead of gradually perishing, it's better to fight." Huoli Daojun also nodded.

"I haven't done it for a long time, and my whole body is a little itchy." Hungry Ghost Daojun said with a smile.

"In that case, leave half of you to sit in the sect, and the rest of you lead the disciples to set off." Tiandao Daojun patted the table in front of him and said.

"Tunri, do you still have Lie Ri?" Dafeng asked with blood all over his body.

"There is one more. I will save it for the last kill of a half-step golden immortal. What about you? Can you still use your natal feather?"

"No, I have used up all the energy I have accumulated for many years. The situation is not good this time. The killer fairy was intercepted by the other party as soon as he appeared. I didn't expect that the other party gathered so many people this time. It is clear that they want to defeat us in one fell swoop." Dafeng smiled bitterly.

"Tianwu has not responded yet, and I don't know what happened. I just got the news that the two teams that came to support suddenly disappeared." Mingyue came over, with energy gushing out of her body, repairing her broken arm.

The crowd has been besieged and compressed in a valley. If there were no layers of restrictions and killing arrays around, I am afraid that someone would have rushed in to wipe out Tunri and others. Even so, people kept breaking in, and the people present didn't know how long the restrictions around them could last.

Basically, those who stayed here were seriously injured, and some of those who were strong in combat left spontaneously to fight and keep the enemy out.

"What a pity, you think I won't wait for the young master to come back, right?" A young man with an extremely pale face said with a smile.

"Xuanfeng, don't talk nonsense. The young master will be fine, and we will be fine too." Dafeng said immediately.

"But too many people have died." Xuanfeng, who was pale, smiled bitterly.

"Only a few people died. In the past, when our Wuya Corps participated in the war, tens of thousands of people died that time." Tunri shouted.

"That's different. The people who came out to look for the young master this time are all elites. Our corps was already in a tight situation, and I'm afraid there will be chaos."

"As long as the young master comes back safely, it's worth it no matter how many people die."


The space fluctuated, and a passage opened. Tianwu grabbed a cultivator and fell to the ground.

"Tianwu, are you okay? What happened to Heifeng?" Dafeng rushed up immediately.

"Dead." Tianwu said expressionlessly. The cultivator caught by Tianwu was no longer alive. There was no injury on his body, but his body turned black.

"Someone invited the Ten Thousand Poison Demon Lord, and even I almost couldn't come back." He opened his mouth and spit out a stream of black gas. It seemed that there were countless creatures biting in this black gas. It condensed into the shape of a spirit snake in the air and wanted to escape, but it was burned clean by the flames emitted by the strong wind.

Tianwu itself is a strange beast and is naturally poisonous, which is how it can resist and dissolve the toxins entering the body.

"Morotian, the Ten Thousand Poison Demon Lord of the Moyan tribe, a half-step golden immortal, it seems that someone has spent a lot of money, Tianwu, it's really not easy for you to come back alive." Tunri said in surprise.

"Call everyone back, the Ten Thousand Poison Demon Lord's Ten Thousand Poison Magic Skills will give even Golden Immortals a headache." Dafeng said sternly.

"I am the only one who survived." Tianwu counted.

"I will go to gather others to retreat here." Mingyue left quickly.

"Hehehehehe! I didn't expect that a cultivator from the Immortal Clan would hide in this small place. Are they afraid to show up?" A sinister ghost cry came over, and the evil sound waves gave people goose bumps.

"It's a night owl!"

"More than one, the other party has the breath of the Immortal Heaven. I wonder which one of the Immortal Clan raised it." Dafeng said with a change of color.

"Nine out of ten are from the royal family. Everyone be careful. These ghosts are not easy to deal with." Tunri said with a roar, and sent a sound wave attack in the direction where the sound came from.

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