Eternal Existence

Chapter 1170: Suppressing the Flood Dragon

Over the years, through a series of challenges, Chen Feng fought his way from the first palace to the final destination, which made Chen Feng's overall strength undergo earth-shaking changes, and his combat power increased by at least ten times. Different half-step golden immortals are not Chen Feng's opponents at all. If he uses magic weapons, even the clones of the golden immortals can compete. Of course, Chen Feng's heavenly tribulation is about to come. After he survives the heavenly tribulation and advances to a new level, Chen Feng has already begun to calculate where to challenge the golden immortals.

Although the four golden immortals who are in charge of this place have died, Chen Feng cannot leave. Once he leaves this space, the heavenly tribulation will come immediately. Chen Feng's strength is too strong, and the art of stealing the sky cannot be hidden from the induction of the way of heaven.

And there is still some time for Chen Feng to deal with it. Although the true spirits of the four golden immortals were broken, it is nothing to Chen Feng, and he can completely absorb the essence of them. In other words, Chen Feng finally got the inheritance of the four golden immortals, but it will take a long time to swallow and absorb them.

After all this journey, Chen Feng was too tired, so Chen Feng returned to the 99th palace, practicing while waiting silently. Sure enough, not long after, the few remaining challengers walked into the palace and looked at Chen Feng in surprise.

Qingshan, Duan Shuiliu, the mutant dragon, and a chaotic beast, only four people survived.

"Long time no see." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Brother Chen, what happened just now?" Qingshan asked with a smile. Qingshan and his friends were breaking through the barriers in their respective palaces, but they didn't expect that all the obstacles suddenly disappeared, and they finally came to the last level without any obstacles.

"It's very simple, because I broke through the last level." Chen Feng said lightly, sweeping his eyes and easily seeing through the true and false of these people.

"Congratulations to everyone for coming here alive, but you have to thank me. If it weren't for me, you guys would die if you couldn't break through a few levels." Chen Feng said lightly.

"You said you broke through the last level?" The face of the mutant dragon suddenly became gloomy.

"Then you got the last treasure too."

Qingshan and Duan Shuiliu looked at each other, their eyes full of shock. They both knew how difficult it was to pass the level. Qingshan ranked first besides Chen Feng, but he only made it to the 76th palace, and Qingshan had reached his limit. He might die in the next palace. In Qingshan's view, the other three were still behind him and definitely couldn't compare to him, but Chen Feng actually made it to the last level. What kind of concept was this?

While they were shocked, the mutant dragon and the chaos beast had already attacked Chen Feng.

"Hand over the treasure you got." The mutant dragon took a step forward, and the vigorous blood rushed out, causing Qingshan and Duan Shuiliu to retreat involuntarily,

but Chen Feng did not move at all.

"If it weren't for me, you would all die." Chen Feng said lightly.

"No matter how you got to the end, but now, hand over the things." The chaos beast also shouted, and the phantom of its original body emerged, and the time and space around Chen Feng immediately changed.

"One is a mutant dragon, the other is a space-time beast. Both have good bloodline talents. They can advance to the level of Golden Immortal in the future. It would be a pity if they die like this." Chen Feng shook his head, not caring about the threats of the two, but stretched out his hand to take out the Six Paths Wheel.

"Do you want this thing?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Intermediate artifact."

"Six Paths Wheel!"

All four of them exclaimed, greed flashed in their eyes, and the mutant dragon and the space-time beast even stretched out their hands to grab the Six Paths Wheel.


Chen Feng stood up suddenly, and powerful power burst out from his body. Before Duan Shuiliu and Qingshan on the side could see what was going on, the mutant dragon and the chaos beast were knocked out.



The mutant dragon was originally at the level of a half-step Golden Immortal. After so many years of training, its strength has greatly increased. After going out, it is likely that it will pass the tribulation and advance to the Golden Immortal. At that time, it will not be so easy to subdue it. Relatively speaking, the strength of the chaos beast is slightly weaker, but it is also infinitely close to the level of a half-step Golden Immortal.

After being knocked away by Chen Feng, the mutant dragon and the space-time beast turned into their original bodies at the same time, and their combat power increased rapidly. Two beams of light condensed from energy rushed towards Chen Feng.


Chen Feng disappeared on the spot.

Bang! Bang!

The mutant dragon and the space-time beast were knocked away again. The slightly weaker space-time beast was pierced through the body by the Sun God Needle before it could get up. Then the chain transformed by the One Yuan True Spirit Diagram tightly tied up the opponent. At first, the space-time beast was still struggling violently, but then the soul-locking talisman that Chen Feng injected into the sea of ​​consciousness made the space-time beast completely quiet down.

"I'll give you a chance to make a move." The immortal wings behind Chen Feng flashed and kept changing positions. Although the mutant dragon on the opposite side was still roaring wildly, its eyes were extremely firm. Through the previous fight, the mutant dragon had truly seen Chen Feng's strength. Although he was only a true immortal, the pressure he brought to himself was greater than the obstacles he encountered along the way.

Looking at the captured space-time beast, the mutant dragon had a bad idea in his mind.

"You two, what are you still doing? Are you waiting for this guy to defeat us one by one?" The mutant dragon suddenly said to Duan Shuiliu and Qingshan on the side.

At first, Qingshan and Duan Shuiliu thought that it was still the same as before, and that attacking Chen Feng would be attacked by the laws here, but after fighting, they found that things were not the case at all. Looking at Chen Feng, whose aura was oppressive, Qingshan and Duan Shuiliu looked at each other and took a few steps back again.

Even the space-time beast was killed by Chen Feng in seconds, and the two of them were just like an egg hitting a rock.


The huge body of the mutant dragon rushed towards Chen Feng, and the huge blood and energy spread out, covering the surrounding space. The sharp dragon claws lifted up a scorching sun, and the strong light of destruction radiated in waves.

The mutant dragon was not stupid, and knew to use its huge physical strength to suppress the opponent.

"This guy used all his strength right from the start." Duan Shuiliu's body was constantly covered with ice, but it still couldn't stop the rolling heat wave.

In front of Qingshan was also a thick barrier of flowing light. Like Duan Shuiliu, the protective armor on his body became hot under the power emitted by the mutant dragon.

"I don't think this guy is good." Qingshan stared at the situation ahead.

"What did you say? Do you think Chen Feng will defeat this perverted dragon?" Duan Shuiliu asked with a frown.

"Of course."


"It feels like Chen Feng is too confident. Can't a genius who can get to the 99th level deal with this dragon?" Qingshan said with a smile.

At this time, Chen Feng was already fighting with the mutant dragon. Chen Feng's speed was very fast. Changshengyi completely ignored the existence of time and space. It seemed that a few simple flashes had actually shuttled through the overlapping space several times. The power of the mutant dragon was indeed strong, and it also had perverted innate magical powers, but it was a waste of power to lock Chen Feng.

"I also think that Chen Feng can win, and it is an overwhelming victory." Duan Shuiliu suddenly said.

"Why?" This time it was Qingshan's turn to feel strange.

"It feels like this space-time beast is not simple. Its combat power is not much worse than that of the mutant dragon. And look at the opponent's longevity wings. I have some understanding of the longevity clan. There are not many immortals who can cultivate to this level. In addition, the opponent's vitality has reached the level of half-step golden immortals. And this guy's physique seems to be a bit strange." Duan Shuiliu analyzed slowly.

"I also felt it. It seems to be the legendary physique, but it is a bit unbelievable." Qingshan nodded.

"When I return to the fairyland, I can check some information to confirm it." When Duan Shuiliu said this, his eyes never left Chen Feng, and he completely ignored the mutant dragon. At this time, Duan Shuiliu's eyes turned into two pupils, constantly analyzing Chen Feng's strength.


Chen Feng, who had been changing positions, suddenly stopped and fought hard with the mutant dragon. Then a series of explosions came out of Chen Feng's body, but his body quickly turned to dissolve the opponent's power.

Although the mutant dragon looked much better, it also stopped attacking and looked at Chen Feng in horror. He was a half-step golden immortal, and a different kind of dragon. His blood and qi were extremely powerful, but he was beaten by a real immortal boy. Was he dreaming?

However, the huge body of the mutant dragon rushed towards Chen Feng again soon. The dragon had only one thought in his mind, which was to destroy the annoying boy in front of him.


Chen Feng, who was spinning rapidly, turned into an arc and came in front of the dragon. The shock wave that had been prepared long ago entered the sea of ​​consciousness of the mutant dragon.

The huge body of the dragon slowed down a bit immediately. Chen Feng quickly took out the Soul-Sorrow Bow. He just pulled and released it, and the light flashed, and a ball of blood bloomed on the dragon's body.

The Soul-Sorrow Bow, which had little effect on the golden immortal, could cause serious damage to the dragon in front of him.


The dragon was furious, but the longevity wings behind Chen Feng vibrated quickly, and two tornadoes came forward from the left and right to entangle the dragon.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Three streams of light appeared in succession, and three blood flowers bloomed on the mutant dragon's body.

The huge body of this dragon contained surging energy. Although these few hits were painful, they were not fatal, and they were not even a big threat. However, with a large number of them, under Chen Feng's unparalleled speed, this dragon simply became a moving target.

Soon, the body of this dragon was completely covered with blood, blood and flesh were blurred, blood holes were dense, and scales kept falling off. The powerful blood energy had no time to repair the continuous emergence.

"Too miserable." Qingshan couldn't help but say, and the space-time beast tied to the side also had eyelids twitching, and began to be glad that he was subdued at the beginning.

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