Eternal Existence

Chapter 1172 The Decision of the Six Paths Sword Sect

As Tunri attacked, a huge black shadow appeared in everyone's sight. The night owl looked like an owl. It flashed to the top of Tunri's head and grabbed Tunri's head with its sharp claws.


A sword light slashed at the night owl, and it immediately turned into a blood mist, but the vague figure of the night owl was still in the blood mist, making a harsh sound, and it began to dissipate after a long time.

"Be careful, there are still night owls." Tunri stabbed the spear in his hand fiercely, and a night owl thousands of feet away was immediately killed.

Harsh sounds began to sound from all directions. Sonic attack is a means of night owls, which can interfere with the opponent's soul to the greatest extent and reduce the opponent's combat effectiveness.

"Night owls usually don't appear alone. I'm curious why there are so many night owls coming in. Could it be that the ban has been broken?" Dafeng was a little confused.

"If that's the case, we're dead." Then he sent out three black swords in a row, killing three night owls.

"These ghosts are not very powerful, but they are very annoying." Tunri became a little irritable. Everyone present was seriously injured and their strength declined. They were actually affected by the sound waves of the night owl and began to be restless and mentally unstable.

"Don't be careless. I'm afraid there will be powerful night owls next." As soon as Dafeng finished speaking, he heard a scream from a distance. A mid-level celestial being had been killed by the night owl.

The passage was opened, and Tiezhen returned to the valley with dozens of people. Before the passage disappeared, they were attacked by the night owl.

"Sword net attack." Tiezhen shouted, and the spear in his hand had already stabbed a night owl to death.

Chi Chi Chi! Chi Chi Chi! Chi Chi Chi!

The sword energy emitted by dozens of cultivators intertwined to form a silk net, which continued to shrink and expand, and immediately several night owls were strangled.

"Night owl, why is it this kind of ghost thing." Tiezhen shouted.

Pa Pa Pa Pa!

At this time, a huge and powerful night owl suddenly appeared, and its thick claws pulled violently and tore the sword energy silk net into a big hole.

Tie Zhen quickly stepped forward, holding a war spear and fighting with the night owl for several rounds. Although he succeeded in killing the opponent, Chen Feng also had two deep scars, and immediately felt the strange toxin destroying his body.

"It's poisonous, the combat power of a high-level celestial being." Tie Zhen was a little worried. If it was normal, even if a group of night owls came, everyone could deal with it, but it was different now. Tunri and others were already injured, and it was good enough to be able to exert 20% to 30% of their strength.

"The situation is not good." Tie Zhen led a team of several people to move all the way over, killing several night owls along the way.

Then several teams returned to the valley one after another, and everyone gathered together to form a formation to fight against the night owls that kept appearing.

In addition to the night owls, there were also some human killers hiding in the dark who kept appearing, causing great trouble to Tunri and others.

"It seems that the person behind the scenes is not going to take action, but relying on these desperate people to pile us to death, it's really unwilling." The pale-faced Xuanfeng has been very pessimistic.

"Although the situation is critical, it is not a fatal one. Mingyue, Xuanfeng, you two take the lead and communicate with the Changsheng Heaven." Dafeng said.

"That's the only way." Mingyue nodded.

With Mingyue and Xuanfeng as the center, hundreds of cultivators spread out in circles, and at the same time, a wonderful wave emanated from the depths of their spiritual consciousness. These waves emanated at a speed beyond time and space.


An invisible passage opened, and the breath and power of the Changsheng Heaven poured down. All the night owls in this range were squeezed out, but a large number of killers and native cultivators of the fairy world who entered the valley were easily strangled into pieces.

With the power of the Changsheng Heaven, the injured cultivators began to recover their strength quickly, and the uninjured ones continued to improve their combat effectiveness.

In just half a breath, Tunri felt that the combat effectiveness he could exert increased by 10%.


As long as this situation can last for a while, it will not be a problem for all the injured people present to recover, but what is strange is that the passage was closed in advance without any signs.

"Someone interfered with all this. It was a master. It's hard for an ordinary half-step golden immortal to do this. If it was a golden immortal who plotted against us, I would feel honored until I die." Dafeng sneered.

A sharp whistle sounded, and the whole valley shook. Tunri and others felt that countless blades had drilled into the sea of ​​consciousness, constantly cutting and destroying the power of the soul. Several weaker cultivators died of bleeding from all seven orifices on the spot.

"Not good, it's the half-step golden immortal level Night Owl." Tunri's face changed, and the last scorching sun appeared in his hand. Dafeng, Mingyue and others launched attacks at the same time, but a sharp claw appeared and swept across to smash everyone's attacks.

"Tunri, long time no see." A familiar voice echoed in the valley.

"Ta Luotian, it's you." At this time, everyone saw a middle-aged cultivator standing on the night owl. It was Ta Luotian who had escaped from the shattered body before.

"You didn't expect me to come back so soon, did you? You attacked me last time, this time I'm going to make you live a life worse than death." Tarottian said cruelly, then he pointed his finger, and a torrent of hundreds of night owls rushed towards Tunri and others.


The last scorching sun in Tunri's hand finally flew out. As long as it exploded, it would bring a fatal blow to these night owls. However, at this time, a talisman flashed by, the space shook, and the scorching sun full of powerful destructive power disappeared without a trace.

"It's the Great Relocation Talisman refined by the Golden Immortal." Tunri gritted his teeth and shouted.

"Do you think I will be as careless as last time? I also spent a lot of money to guard against your trick." Tarotian laughed.

The second torrent appeared, which was composed entirely of human monks.

Another torrent appeared in the dark, which was composed of killers and was more lethal.

"Fight." Tunri took a deep breath, turned into his original body, and at the same time burned the original energy, rushing towards a torrent.

But Dafeng was faster, and turned into a divine bird and rushed directly in front of Tunri.

"Tunri, this is mine, you should follow me."

"Bullshit, I think you are looking for death." Tunri's face changed, knowing that Dafeng was really desperate, but his speed was not as fast as Dafeng, so he was so angry that he screamed.

Tianwu and Tiezhen rushed towards another torrent, and only heard chaotic collisions. The torrent exploded and completely wrapped Tunri and others.

Then there were constant lives falling.

"Hahahaha, don't worry, don't worry, none of you can escape today." Tarotian said with a big laugh.

In the narrow range, both sides no longer maintained their formations, but fought in chaos, with flashing lights, rolling energy, flying magic weapons, and sword energy everywhere. There were casualties every moment.

Tunri and others were completely at a disadvantage, and it was only a matter of time before they were wiped out.

"Changtian, why haven't you come out yet? All your companions are going to die." Tarotian roared loudly, and the sound waves were transmitted layer by layer, reaching billions of miles away.

Even if the sound spread throughout the fairy world, Chen Feng could not hear it, because Chen Feng was in deep cultivation.

However, it attracted reinforcements from the Six Paths Sword Sect. This time, the Six Paths Sword Sect dispatched four half-step golden immortals, the Human Daojun, the Shura Daojun, the Hell Daojun, and the Fire Li Daojun, and brought hundreds of celestial immortals to kill them. This force also represents the determination of the Six Paths Sword Sect. In the current situation, it is the maximum limit to be able to draw out these forces.

Tiandao Daojun and others were in charge of the sect and did not dare to go out at will. After these forces were withdrawn, the defense of the Six Paths Sword Sect had reached its weakest state.

Shura Daojun liked fighting and killing the most. After arriving, he rushed towards Taro Tian with a long sword like a thread. The sword energy erupted wherever he passed, killing several monks.

"You Six Paths Sword Sect really chose to take action. It's a pity that you are so stupid that you have been dragging it on until now to make up your mind. Don't you think it's too late?" The Six Paths Sword Sect was not surprised to enter Taro Tian, ​​as if they had known that this situation would happen.

Facing Shura Daojun's attack, the Night Owl under Taro Tian's feet just emitted a strange sound wave, and then quickly dodged. It must have no intention of confronting Shura Daojun head-on.

"It's not too late, it's not too late to kill you now." Shura Sword Master slashed the long sword in his hand from top to bottom. The effect of the simple sword move was not simple. The sound wave of the Night Owl was directly split in half, and the sword energy was also split into two, turning into a soft ribbon and chasing Taro Tian.

"It's too late. If you had chosen to join them at the beginning, you might have had some chance to struggle, but now you will be destroyed along with these guys." A ball of light suddenly exploded in Tarot's hand. Under the light, all the forbidden energy was melted, even the space was melted, and turned into a big black hole, and then a silver-white warship flew out of it.

The powerful artifact pressure radiated waves of impact and sweeping, and a red light column extended from it. The power of destruction made Shura Daojun and others' eyelids jump, and then they saw the red light column sweeping towards them. Several monks who couldn't dodge were immediately melted and disappeared by the light column.

"Get out of the way, it's a high-grade energy cannon." Shura Daojun shouted while taking out an inconspicuous piece of soil. The soil was only the size of a fist at first, but as it flew out of Shura Daojun's hand, it began to expand rapidly. The thick and sticky properties blocked the sweep of the light column.

The destructive light column that could burn almost everything and treat the monks present as worthless was actually blocked by the ever-growing mud.

Although the red destructive light wave could continuously melt the mud, the mud continued to expand, and in the end it completely enveloped the light column, while also continuously separating out drops. Each drop that fell on the monks immediately turned into a piece of armor, giving the monks a blessing in terms of defense.

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