Eternal Existence

Chapter 1169: Pacification


The Sword of Life and Death was shattered under the Six Paths Wheel, and a little spiritual light also entered Chen Feng's body, but the sharp arrow shot by Chen Feng turned a corner and stabbed at the Six Paths God.

At this time, Chen Feng had completely understood that these four people said that they left the inheritance to find the destined person, but they had no good intentions at all. Just looking at the situation in front of him, this was the case. His chaotic physique was exposed, and these four people would only become more crazy.

So the opponent in front of Chen Feng was four golden immortals. The strength of both sides was completely unequal. What Chen Feng had to do was to consume the opponent's power to the maximum extent, and to find opportunities for himself in the contradictions of the opponent.

However, Chen Feng knew that this was difficult. The last sharp arrow only seriously injured the Six Paths God, and did not shatter the body of the lonely Taoist like before.

The Six Paths God stared at Chen Feng with the Six Paths Wheel in his hand, his eyes flickering constantly. At this time, the other three had already entered Chen Feng's body and were fighting at the edge of Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, fighting and restraining each other, so that no one could enter Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Chen Feng, you are in a bad situation now. Relax your mind and I will help you. You can escape this disaster." The Six Paths God stared at Chen Feng and said, the Six Paths Dharma Wheel in his hand was spinning faster and faster, the power of the Six Paths was integrated, and various illusions flashed in it.

"Don't laugh, your purpose is the same, you all want to occupy my body." Chen Feng showed a mocking smile on his face, shook the Soul Sorrow Bow in his hand and felt a little powerless. After shooting three arrows, he could only rely on his own strength to activate the Soul Sorrow Bow again.

However, Chen Feng still used all his strength to open the Soul Sorrow Bow. The power of the sharp arrow formed this time was only one-tenth of the previous one, and was easily shattered by the Six Paths God.

"Why bother, you will die at any time now, and there is still a glimmer of hope if you join hands with me." The Six Paths God said slowly.

"Joining forces with you is a dead end. Stop talking nonsense. Just use all your abilities." Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness has completely turned into a huge vortex, spinning wildly, like a black hole in the universe, constantly devouring and tearing everything apart. In the center is the burning soul fire, and a trace of energy is pulled into the black hole, crushed, melted, and then absorbed.

"This kid wants to devour our energy, which is simply overestimating his own abilities." The Evil Demon Lord sneered.

Speaking of which, after the collision just now, except for the Evil Demon Lord, the other three have suffered more or less damage.

The body of the Taoist with Dry Bones was defeated by Chen Feng, consuming part of the original energy, and the body of the Sword of Life and Death was also defeated by the Six Paths God Lord, who was also hit by an arrow shot by the Soul Sorrow Bow.

Speaking of which, only the Evil Demon Lord was not injured, but he was the weakest among the four. The Taoist with Dry Bones had two artifacts, while the Six Paths God Lord was unfathomable.

Chen Feng quickly analyzed everything in front of him, and finally came to a conclusion, that is, he was in danger this time.

If there was only one Golden Immortal, he could still fight him. After all, these people were not complete, but wanted to take over part of other people's true spirits after their physical bodies collapsed. In Chen Feng's opinion, if he used all the secret techniques, he could deal with one person.

But at this time, three people were wandering on the edge of the sea of ​​consciousness, and there was another person staring at him outside. The situation was so serious that Chen Feng could die at any time.

The Soul-Sorrow Bow was a mid-level artifact, but it was a pity that it could not exert its full power. The quality of the fragments of the Great Desolate Cauldron was enough, but the energy was not enough, and the three Golden Immortals were in Chen Feng's body. Once the power generated by the battle was slightly released, his physical body would be broken.

As soon as Chen Feng thought of this, a trace of energy leaked out from the area where the three people fought, but at this time the huge vortex in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness played a role, directly pulling this trace of energy in and swallowing it.

However, when a stronger force was released next, Chen Feng was a little overwhelmed. Finally, he groaned, and his seven orifices began to bleed, and cracks began to appear in his physical body. This was a sign of collapse.

"Are you crazy?" The Six Paths God Lord naturally couldn't watch Chen Feng's body collapse. The Six Paths Wheel in his hand shot out streams of light, which kept interweaving around Chen Feng and finally drilled into Chen Feng's body.

The collapsed body returned to normal, and the cracks disappeared, as if time had gone back, adjusting Chen Feng's body to its strongest state before.

"It's the power of the Six Paths Reincarnation Boundary." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Boy, why don't you cooperate with me until now?" The Six Paths God Lord shouted.

Chi Chi Chi!

At this moment, three streams of light suddenly flew out from Chen Feng, directly piercing through the body of the Six Paths God Lord, and a group of Yuan Ling merged into the Six Paths Wheel and drilled into Chen Feng's body.

"You three actually joined forces to attack me." The angry voice of the Six Paths God Lord continued to be transmitted from the Six Paths Wheel.

"You are outside, and we are inside. This is a bit unfair." The Evil Demon Lord smiled evilly.

"Really? The bodies of the three of us have been shattered, but you were the only one who rushed into Chen Feng's body first. Isn't this unfair?" The Six Paths Divine Lord said as the Six Paths Dharma Wheel rushed directly towards the Evil Demon Lord.

The Life and Death Sword Immortal and the Skeleton Taoist also activated their magic weapons to join the attack on the Evil Demon Lord.

"You want to kill me together." The Evil Demon Lord's face twisted.

"At worst, none of us can get it." The Evil Demon Lord gritted his teeth, and half of his body suddenly exploded. One of the forces turned into a mighty force and rushed towards Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, while the other force turned into a barrier to block the three Six Paths Divine Lords.

"No, he's going to destroy this body."

"Stop him quickly."

The three of the Six Paths God Lord shouted and used all their means to stop the Evil Demon Lord. As a result, a large amount of energy leaked out, and Chen Feng's body began to collapse again. The flesh and blood began to fall off in large chunks, revealing the bones covered by the energy.


Although the three tried their best to stop him, they were still a step too late. The mighty force rushed into Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, and the rapidly rotating huge vortex completely collapsed.

"It's over!" "It's over!" "It's over!"

This thought flashed through the minds of the three people. They had been very cautious in the previous fight, fearing that they would damage Chen Feng's body, but they didn't expect that the Evil Demon Lord would be desperate and actually use this trick.

"Damn it." The Six Paths God Lord gritted his teeth and cursed.

"Hey! Something's wrong."

The withered bone Taoist suddenly flashed his expression. At this time, the Six Paths God and the Life and Death Sword Immortal also saw the abnormality of Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. The vortex that had collapsed began to rotate again. Although the speed was not fast, the strong force made the three people go from being frightened to being terrified.

"Something's wrong, it's dangerous."

"Get out of here quickly."

"Why can't I move?"

Just when the three of the Six Paths God felt something was wrong and wanted to leave, they found that they could not move. All the laws and powers seemed to be frozen. As for the magic weapons of several people, they turned into a pile of ordinary iron with a whine.

A tall middle-aged man walked out from the depths of the vortex step by step. Just a glance at the Six Paths God, the three people felt that their consciousness had collapsed.

"Who is this person? Even a mid-level golden immortal would not bring me such pressure. Could it be a high-level golden immortal?" The Six Paths God began to churn in his heart.

"Yes, this kid is a chaotic body and comes from the immortal family. How could there be no master guarding him? We are blinded by greed." The Life and Death Sword Immortal smiled bitterly.

With the appearance of Wu Ya, another ball of light twisted in the sea of ​​consciousness and turned into the appearance of Chen Feng.

"I was really scared just now." Chen Feng was still in shock, but now that his father appeared, everything would be fine. However, Chen Feng was not happy, because Chen Feng knew that after his father's attack this time, he began to disappear after his energy was exhausted, and he didn't know when he would meet him again in the future.

"Senior, please spare my life. I am willing to be a follower for you." The Taoist with Dry Bones begged for mercy.

"And us, please spare us this time because it is not easy for us to practice." The Six Paths God and the Sword of Life and Death also begged for mercy.

"It's just a broken and incomplete mark of the true spirit. What qualifications do you have to be a follower of my son?" Wu Ya said, stretching out his finger and pointing it. A golden light shot out, easily piercing through the body of the Six Paths, and at the same time erasing all the marks in the Six Paths Dharma Wheel.

"Spare my life, spare my life, spare my life." The Sword of Life and Death and the Taoist with Dry Bones were terrified when they saw this scene.


The second golden light, the Sword of Life and Death, was also dealt with.


The third golden light pierced through the Taoist with Dry Bones.

"You are the Taiyi Golden Immortal, I regret it so much." Before dying, the Taoist with Dry Bones said this sentence with some fear and some relief.

"The matter is resolved." Chen Feng walked over, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the magic weapons and broken true spirits of several people. As for the evil demon king, he died before the three people.

"Son, I see that you seem a little unhappy. You have gained too much this time. You have caught up with your opponents back then. No, those little guys are not qualified to be my son's opponents." Wu Ya smiled and looked at Chen Feng, his eyes full of relief, but his majestic body began to fade.

"Are you going to disappear?" Chen Feng said this sentence feeling a little depressed.

"Hahaha." Wu Ya laughed.

"This is just a thought of mine, not even a clone. My original body is practicing. When you return to the immortal heaven, we will meet naturally." Wu Ya said with a smile.

At this time, Wuya's body began to collapse, and bits of light evaporated from his body, and his body gradually became smaller.

"Son, I hope you will become stronger when we meet again."

Chen Feng didn't say anything until everything calmed down, then he clenched his fist and whispered: "I will."

Then Chen Feng showed a bright smile on his face: "This time the harvest is really huge."

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