Eternal Existence

Chapter 116: Stepping on the Two Principles

"Hehe, I told you last time that I am from Changzhen Cave Heaven, but now I am practicing in Taiyi Sect." Bai Ziyan looked at Chen Feng with a smile, obviously understanding what Chen Feng meant.

"Taiyi Sect." Chen Feng's eyes lit up after hearing this.

"Miss Bai, this is what happened. I originally planned to enter Taiyi Sect to practice, but I had no way." Chen Feng then said a little embarrassedly.

"Okay, okay, I understand what you mean." Bai Ziyan smiled and nodded.

"Half a year later, Taiyi Sect will recruit a large number of disciples. It is no problem for you to enter Taiyi Sect with your strength, but in order to reduce some resistance, I will still write you a recommendation." Bai Ziyan stretched out her fingers and wrote in the void. As Bai Ziyan's fingers moved, the handwriting was imprinted in the air, shining brightly. Finally, Bai Ziyan waved her hand, and the handwriting in the air turned into a stream of light and fell into Bai Ziyan's hand.

Bai Ziyan stretched out her finger and flicked it, and a talisman fell into Chen Feng's hand.

"This is the recommendation letter I wrote with my magic power. When I get to Taiyi Sect, I'll take it out and it will naturally reduce some trouble. Well, the cultivation world has been a bit chaotic recently, so you guys should take care of yourself." Bai Ziyan said as she flashed to a height of 100 meters, then turned into a stream of light and disappeared in the distance.

"Tsk tsk, Brother Chen, where did you get to know this beautiful cultivator? I think she should be a master of the Heaven Realm, right?" Ye Ziming looked at Chen Feng and laughed.

"I met her by chance before." Chen Feng nodded, then put away the talisman in his hand.

"Brother Chen, I wonder if you have some other ideas?" Ye Ziming still asked reluctantly.

"What ideas can I have? Well, let's find a place to heal quickly. I can't hold on any longer." Chen Feng blushed and hurriedly changed the subject.

In fact, Chen Feng, who was watching Bai Ziyan disappearing, sighed in his heart: "I don't know when I can cultivate to the heavenly realm, but if I wait until I cultivate to the heavenly realm, she will probably be promoted to a higher level, right?"

"But I will never give up. One day I will cultivate the supreme way, achieve the immortal position, and live forever." Chen Feng clenched his fists, with a firm look in his eyes.

Ever since Chen Feng was struck by lightning in the storm, he activated the Longevity Tower and practiced the Longevity Sutra, and got rid of the title of "waste" in the past. Chen Feng also secretly swore in his heart that he must become stronger and never be bullied again. This was Chen Feng's initial idea, but after communicating with the "Tower", Chen Feng's goal changed again, that is, to pursue his own life experience. Of course, the premise is to become stronger, and to cultivate to an extremely powerful realm.

The three of them were very lucky. Although they met some cultivators, they found a secluded valley smoothly along the way. Although this valley is not big, the environment is not good, and the spiritual energy is not sufficient, it is quiet.

After the three of them arrived at the place, they first set up layers of restrictions around them, and then they collapsed to the ground one by one to make sure that no one came.

"It's a big loss to watch the excitement this time. When my injuries recover, I must show the six great caves." Ye Ziming screamed.

"Yes, no matter what, I can't swallow this breath. I haven't been so embarrassed." Ruta also gritted his teeth and said. Although he took some pills, the huge wound on Ruta's shoulder still hasn't recovered. He grimaced in pain when he spoke.

"It's useless to say these now. Let's recover our strength first. Come, ten red blood pills each." Chen Feng said and waved his hand. Ye Ziming and Ruta each had ten more blood-red pills in their hands, which were human-level pills, red blood pills.

"When we are strong enough, we will rob the six great caves." Chen Feng said viciously, which scared Ye Ziming and Ruta.

"This guy." The two looked at each other.

"It's even more ruthless than us, but I like this suggestion."

"I didn't expect that a human-level pill would have such a powerful medicinal power. These two pills should be enough for me to break through the second level of the secret realm. My cheap master, whose name I don't know, is really generous." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Waves of powerful medicinal power continued to boil and collide in Chen Feng's body. Through internal vision, Chen Feng knew that the medicinal power of the Red Blood Pill was blood red, just like the magma erupted from a volcano, full of strong power.

The Red Blood Pill, which strengthens blood, condenses the body, stimulates the acupoints, and strengthens the bones and condenses the marrow, is exactly the pill Chen Feng needs now. Chen Feng has condensed the soul fire, and the soul power is getting stronger and stronger, but the strength of the body has not kept up. Originally, Chen Feng thought that after getting the soul-protecting flower, he would absorb the blood of the demon god to strengthen his body. Unexpectedly, he got the Red Blood Pill this time. Although the Red Blood Pill is not as good as the two strands of the demon god blood, it is the pill Chen Feng needs most now.

"Step on the two yin and yang, absorb the confidence, break through the magnetic pole point, and I can really fly in the air with my own strength. This time I must succeed." Chen Feng secretly made up his mind, gritted his teeth, gathered all the medicinal power in his body and rushed to the magnetic pole point on his right foot. Chen Feng wanted to concentrate his strength to break through an acupoint first.


Under the powerful impact, the meridians in Chen Feng's right foot could not withstand such a great pressure and burst one after another. Chen Feng gritted his teeth in pain and almost went crazy.

However, what surprised Chen Feng was that cracks appeared on the magnetic pole point on the sole of his foot, which was a sign of success.

"Okay, it really works." Chen Feng said in surprise. Then the medicinal power in his body quickly condensed and condensed into the shape of a knife. It was the Changsheng Knife, but it was blood red.

"Longevity, breaking the shackles, unstoppable." Chen Feng shouted in his heart. The Changsheng Knife was indestructible and rushed towards the magnetic pole acupoint.


In just one move, the magnetic pole acupoint was blasted open, and a large amount of blood and qi mixed with medicinal power rushed into the acupoint. Suddenly, the magnetic pole acupoint began to turn upside down, and a stream of mysterious power began to grow.

"Okay, finally opened an acupoint." Chen Feng was happy, and he felt that his whole body suddenly lightened, and he seemed to have broken free from an invisible bondage. Chen Feng knew that this was caused by the gravity of the eternal world on itself. This kind of bondage has a natural oppression on all living things in the world. Now once Chen Feng opened it, he felt free all over, as if a shackle had been removed from his body.

"There is another acupoint." Chen Feng's heart moved, and the blood and qi in his body rushed to the magnetic pole acupoint on the other foot again.

This time, Chen Feng had experience. In the blink of an eye, he opened another magnetic pole point. The rolling blood rushed into the magnetic pole point, generating mysterious rules and magical power. This time, Chen Feng's whole body shook, and all the shackles on his body disappeared. He felt really free, no longer constrained, and really had the idea of ​​letting birds fly high in the sky and fish leap in the sea.

Happy, accessible, and free.

Originally, Chen Feng swallowed two red blood pills, and the strong medicinal power had nowhere to digest. This time, he opened two magnetic pole points in one fell swoop. These medicinal powers were like streams flowing into the sea, and most of them were melted into the magnetic pole points.


Chen Feng's mind moved, and a mysterious feeling surged into his heart. Then a force gushed out from the magnetic pole point on the bottom of his feet, just like the undercurrent deep in the sea, powerful and powerful.

The next moment, Chen Feng flew up directly, without the help of magic weapons. This was a real aerial flight, completely relying on his own strength.

There is a saying in the cultivation world that flying with your own power can be considered a real flight. Generally, if a cultivator who relies on magic weapons to fly is fighting in mid-air and the magic weapons are broken, then without the support of the magic weapons, he will definitely fall to death.

Now Chen Feng does not have this limitation. Even if the flying magic weapon is broken during the fight, he can still fly with the power of his body.

For the next whole day, Chen Feng kept flying in the sky, familiarizing himself with the power of the newly opened magnetic pole point.

At the end of the day, Chen Feng felt that he had a general grasp of the new power. As time went by, Chen Feng would become more and more proficient. Although the speed of flying with his body was not as fast as flying with a sword, it was more flexible, and the flying speed would also increase with the growth of his own strength.


Chen Feng fell heavily to the ground, and the shoes on his feet were immediately shattered, and his two bare feet stepped on the wet soil.

"Step on the two yin and yang and absorb the earth's energy." Chen Feng shouted in a low voice, and the surrounding earth shook violently. Then Chen Feng felt as if he had turned into a towering tree. His two feet were thick roots, deeply rooted in the soil, constantly absorbing nutrients from the earth.


Chen Feng felt that there were countless tiny energies in the soil from all directions, gathering towards his feet, all attracted by the magnetic pole points on the soles of his feet, and merged into his body.

Vigorous, heavy, solid, atmospheric, nourishing all things, and embracing everything, the heavy breath all poured into Chen Feng's mind, making Chen Feng's realm constantly sublimate, and experiencing the mysteries of the power of the earth.

"This is the breath and power of the earth." Chen Feng trembled all over, and felt that he and the earth seemed to have merged into one, constantly absorbing the power of the earth.

"Not good, too much power."

At this time, Chen Feng suddenly felt his body swell up, and then he realized that he had absorbed a lot of earth energy unconsciously, and then he shouted loudly, like a thunder, Chen Feng punched hard.

A khaki light burst out from Chen Feng's fist and blasted directly at the hilltop hundreds of meters away.

Boom! Boom!

A dull sound came, and the hilltop in the distance suddenly exploded, with earth and rocks flying everywhere, and smoke and dust filled the air. After everything dissipated, Chen Feng was shocked to find that the small hilltop hundreds of meters away had been flattened.

"This, the power is so great, several times stronger than my previous power." Chen Feng widened his eyes.

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