Eternal Existence

Chapter 115: Beheading


The Haoran Zhengang Sword turned into a bright light and flew out fiercely. After penetrating the smoke of Qiansha's rotten bones, it directly attacked the master of Qiansha Cave. Chen Feng was actually using a strategy that would hurt both sides. After all, the power of the treasure was not Ordinary secret realm monks can resist it, not to mention that this is the most powerful type of magic weapon: flying swords.

Seeing Chen Feng flying towards him with his sword, Qiansha Cave Master actually smiled strangely. He did not dodge the attack from Chen Feng, but let the sword pass through his chest.

"It's so simple, something is wrong." Chen Feng was surprised at first, and then quickly realized that something was wrong.

Sure enough, after the Haoran Zhengang Sword passed through, the Qiansha Cave Master quickly turned into pieces, just a broken face, without even a trace of flesh and blood, just like a torn puppet.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng had never encountered such a situation before, and he felt a little surprised and didn't know what to do next.

"Be careful, this is a substitute technique." At this time, Ye Ziming suddenly shouted.


The Master of Qiansha Cave suddenly appeared behind Chen Feng, then stretched out his five fingers and grabbed Chen Feng with a big grab.

Chen Feng is now surrounded by the smoke of rotting bones of Qiansha and the attack of the Cave Master of Qiansha behind him. Ye Ziming and Luta want to go forward for help but are blocked by the colorful ribbons of the Cave Master. Chen Feng is in a precarious situation.

At this time, the flying sword sent by Chen Feng had not returned yet, so he shouted in desperation: "The Sword of Immortality."

Two cyan lights and shadows separated from the body, flew out one after another, and then exploded violently.

Bang! Bang!

The two longevity knives exploded at the same time, and the airflow generated by the powerful explosion pushed Chen Feng in the middle, making Chen Feng feel suffocated.

The attack of Qiansha Rotten Bone Smoke did not stop, and the Qiansha Cave Master directly grabbed it. The powerful baptism blocked the explosive power of the longevity knife, and the Qiansha Rotten Bone Smoke formed a sharp arrow and finally hit the door in front of Chen Feng.

"Brother Chen."

Ye Ziming and Luta screamed at the same time, looking anxious, but they could not escape the siege of the colorful ribbons around them. Seeing Chen Feng being drowned in the smoke of thousands of rotting bones, the two of them immediately closed their eyes, unable to bear to watch any more. In the minds of the two of them, Chen Feng was concentrated in the rotting bones and smoke of Qiansha, and his whole head was probably going to turn into a skeleton.

"Hahahaha, thank you for the great tonic." At this time, Chen Feng suddenly laughed, sounding extremely proud.

After listening to Chen Feng's words, Ye Ziming and Lu Ta immediately opened their eyes and saw Chen Feng standing there safe and sound. As for the smoke of the Thousand Evil Rotten Bones, it had disappeared.

"What's going on?" Ye Ziming looked at each other, confused at first, but soon his eyes brightened.

"It's the function of the pagoda." The two of them almost shouted.


At this time, Chen Feng also breathed a sigh of relief. At that moment, Chen Feng was also frightened and broke out in a cold sweat. At the critical moment, Chen Feng used the ability of the Eternal Life Tower. A powerful suction force radiated through the center of his eyebrows, and the Thousand Evils were expelled. The rotten bone smoke was absorbed into the tower.

"Fortunately, I can still use some of the functions of the Eternal Life Tower, otherwise I would have turned into a skeleton if I was hit by the poisonous smoke."

Thinking of this, Chen Feng's heart burned with anger, and the blood in his body boiled even more fiercely. Waves of powerful red blood elixirs continued to impact the magnetic pole points on the soles of his feet, just like a strong stream that kept rushing out waves. , wanting to break away the two barriers in front of him.

"As expected, these two acupoints are several times stronger than the Tianyuan acupoint, but fortunately, my current strength is not comparable to that before." Chen Feng secretly became angry.

"What's going on? Where's my Qiansha Rotten Bone Smoke?" After smashing the longevity knife in front of him, Qiansha Cave Master originally wanted to attack Chen Feng again, but he saw the poisonous smoke he emitted suddenly disappearing, and he He also lost his sense of poisonous smoke. You must know that this Qiansha rotten bone smoke has been refined by the master of Qiansha Cave for many years. It is equivalent to his own magic weapon. Now it suddenly disappears, as if a piece has been cut on his body. Meat.

Just when Qiansha Cave Master was angry, Haoran Zhengang Sword came and killed him again. Qiansha Cave Master was also unlucky. In Chen Feng's current state, even if he had a treasure, he might not be the opponent of Qiansha Cave Master. , but after Qiansha Cave Master Duyan was lost, his mind was traumatized, and he even paused for a while, so the sword light flashed, an arm was cut off, and then transformed into a human under the sword energy of Haoran Zhengang Sword. Crush.

"Ah! My arm." Qiansha Cave Master turned pale and screamed loudly, like a wounded wild wolf.

"Boy, I'll fight you."

The poisonous gas of his life disappeared without a trace, and one of his arms was chopped off. Qiansha Cave Master finally became a little crazy, and the fiery red gourds on his body flew up quickly. Qiansha Cave Master did not know what secret technique he had used, and this fire The red gourd exploded immediately.

There was no earth-shattering sound, no crazy airflow, only extremely rich poisonous smoke spreading in all directions.

This is all the Qiansha Purple Hair Smoke refined by the Master of Qiansha Cave. At this moment, it was all released under the violent emotions, which was completely a desperate fighting method.

"No, this guy isn't crazy, is he?" Seeing this scene, the Misting Cave Master stopped attacking Ye Ziming and the two of them. His charming body suddenly spun around, ribbons flying everywhere, and his whole body rose rapidly. Soon we reached an altitude of 10,000 meters.

"Get out of the way."

Ye Ziming and Ruta struggled to hide away quickly. Now that this poisonous guy is trying his best, who knows what other poisonous smoke will explode by himself.

Chen Feng was surrounded by poison, but he was not panicked. Instead, he sneered in his heart. Since he had just absorbed the opponent's Thousand Evils Rotten Bone Smoke, why would he be afraid of the Thousand Evils Purple Hair Smoke now?

Chen Feng activated the Longevity Tower again, and a strong suction force emanated from his eyebrows. The surrounding poisonous smoke was like a stream flowing into the sea, and gathered towards Chen Feng's eyebrows. In just two breaths, the thick poisonous smoke around was completely absorbed.

Then a golden light came out from Chen Feng's eyebrows and quickly hit the Thousand Evils Cave Master. With a dull sound of "bang", the Thousand Evils Cave Master was knocked away dozens of meters.

This golden light was the four-eared spirit monkey, which was summoned by Chen Feng from the Longevity Tower at a critical moment. As soon as it came out, it gave the opponent a swift blow.

At this time, Chen Feng also found that there was almost no achievement within a hundred meters around him, all of which were destroyed by the poisonous smoke just now.

"Wow! Such poisonous smoke. If I hadn't used the Longevity Tower, I'm afraid today would not have ended peacefully." Chen Feng was also surprised.

"Ah! What's going on? You can actually absorb my poisonous smoke. Is there another powerful magic weapon in your body? Impossible, this is impossible." The Thousand Evil Cave Lord was still roaring after being knocked away, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.


The four-eared spirit monkey turned into a golden light, and this time it came directly above the Thousand Evil Cave Lord, and then punched down heavily. A roar came, and a deep hole appeared on the ground. As for the Thousand Evil Cave Lord, he had disappeared long ago.

"Good, good fight." Ye Ziming and Luta ran over shouting. The four-eared spirit monkey is a kind of alien monster with an extremely powerful body. After these two punches, the Thousand Evil Cave Lord is probably not far away even if he doesn't die.

"Not dead yet, I'll give it another shot." After Chen Feng carefully sensed it, the soul fire turned into a stream of light and drilled into the hole on the ground. Wherever it passed, the soil and rocks were scorched. Then, from an unknown depth underground, the screams of the Lord of the Insha Cave came, but the screams lasted only half a breath and then stopped.

"Huh, I finally killed this guy." Chen Feng took a deep breath, and then the fire of life quickly flew out from the ground and drilled into Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

"There is another one." Ye Ziming shouted.

At this time, the Lord of the Love Potion Cave knew that it was not good. Even the Lord of the Thousand Evils Cave was killed. If he stayed, he would not get any advantage, so he turned around and wanted to escape.

The Lord of the Love Potion Cave had just flown out less than ten meters, and a three-foot-long sword appeared out of thin air and appeared directly in front of the Lord of the Love Potion Cave. Then, with a quick flash, a wave of sword light came out, and the Lord of the Love Potion Cave was like a piece of paper encountering a raging fire, instantly turning into flying ash, and only a space bracelet fell down.

Then a woman in white suddenly appeared, and then waved her hand and took the space bracelet in her hand.

"Who is this woman? What a cruel method." Ye Ziming and Ruta thought at the same time.

"It's her." Chen Feng's heart moved, and there was a strange emotion in his heart.

This woman in white who suddenly appeared was Bai Ziyan, who had some connections with Chen Feng. She was still wearing a white dress like a light gauze, her hair was like a waterfall, and she was shrouded in a faint smoke, giving people a feeling of illusion.

"Why, are you a little surprised?" Bai Ziyan moved and floated in front of Chen Feng.

"I didn't expect to meet so soon." Chen Feng smiled. Last time in the cave, Bai Ziyan told Chen Feng a lot about the cultivation world. She can be regarded as Chen Feng's guide. Chen Feng was only grateful to this woman. You know, ordinary masters would not pay attention to a small shrimp like him.

"You are cultivating very fast. I didn't expect that you could fuse the treasure. What surprised me most is that you actually condensed the soul fire. It seems that you must have had some adventures since we last parted." Bai Ziyan looked at Chen Feng, with a gleam in her eyes.

"Just luck." Chen Feng smiled.

"But it seems that the three of you are not in a good condition. You should find a place to recover. I have something to do. I will leave first." Bai Ziyan said and turned to leave.

"Miss Bai, please go slowly." Seeing that Bai Ziyan was about to leave, Chen Feng hurriedly called.

"What's the matter?" Bai Ziyan stopped.

"Excuse me, where is Miss Bai cultivating now?" Chen Feng thought for a while and asked. Last time, Bai Ziyan told Chen Feng that she was from Changzhen Cave Heaven, but Chen Feng had been in the cultivation world for a while recently, and found that the heads of the six cave heavens had not cultivated to the heavenly realm, while Bai Ziyan was a genuine master of the heavenly realm. This matter made Chen Feng a little suspicious and speculative.

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