Eternal Existence

Chapter 117: Absorbing Earth Qi

"There is the power of the earth and the blood energy in it. It seems that my body has become much stronger after absorbing the red blood pill. If I refine and absorb all the remaining red blood pills, I wonder how strong my body can be."

"Also, after opening up the magnetic pole acupoint, you can feel the power of the earth and absorb the earth's energy. The earth contains all things. Absorbing the power of the earth and integrating it into yourself can infinitely strengthen the body, which is more advanced than the best physical exercises." Chen Feng recalled the records in the Changsheng Zhenjing.

The earth belongs to the earth, and its own defense is the strongest among the five elements. Moreover, the earth itself is thick and majestic, connecting the entire eternal world. Some cultivators specialize in earth-related exercises and have reached a high level. With the help of the endless power of the earth, they are inherently invincible.

So after Chen Feng opened up the magnetic pole acupoint, with the help of the vast and majestic power of the earth, his own mana will increase significantly, and his body will not only become stronger.

"What's going on? What happened?" At this time, Ye Ziming and Ruta rushed over from other places at the same time.

Originally, the two thought that other cultivators came to make trouble, but after seeing Chen Feng, they were stunned for a moment, and then they were relieved.

"Brother Chen, how are your injuries?" Ye Ziming asked.

"It has recovered." Chen Feng smiled.

"What, recovered, so fast." Ye Ziming and Ruta exclaimed.

Chen Feng was the most seriously injured among the three. After this period of healing, Ye Ziming and Ruta's injuries only recovered about three levels, but now Chen Feng has completely recovered, which can't help but surprise Ye Ziming and the others.

"Huh!" After being surprised, Ye Ziming saw Chen Feng's current situation clearly.

"Stepping on the two yin and yang, absorbing the confidence, you actually opened up the magnetic pole acupoint." Ye Ziming was even more surprised. You know, opening up the acupoints in the body seems simple, but it is not. If there is no special method, even if you know the existence of this acupoint, you can't open it. Generally speaking, only large immortal sects, or ancient families and some powerful demon sects have such special methods for cultivating acupoints, but now Chen Feng has opened up the magnetic pole acupoint by taking two red blood pills, which makes Ye Ziming believe that Chen Feng has received some powerful inheritance.

"Tsk tsk, after opening up the magnetic pole acupoint, you can fly in the air with your physical body, and after getting rid of the gravity of the earth, the speed of repair will be faster in the future." Ye Ziming smiled, but he didn't envy much. In fact, Ye Ziming himself also has a method for cultivating acupoints, but he has never opened it.

"Brother Chen, it seems that you want to open up the second level of the sea of ​​consciousness in one go?" Ye Ziming asked with a smile.

"Yes, I feel that my power is full now, and it has come to a point where it is natural. This time I want to advance to the second level of the secret realm in one fell swoop." Chen Feng nodded.

"In that case, we won't bother you anymore. Besides, it will take some time for our injuries to fully recover." Ye Ziming said with a smile.

"Hahaha, Brother Chen, this time thanks to your Red Blood Pill, after my injuries recover, my body will become stronger again, and I can also open up a secret acupoint." Ruta laughed.

Chen Feng couldn't help but smile as he watched Ye Ziming and Ruta leave. These two friends of his were not simple. Ye Ziming was knowledgeable and had knowledge of many immortal sects. Moreover, he was from the Central Plains, so he was definitely not an ordinary cultivator.

Ruta seemed rough, but he was also rough and meticulous, extremely smart, and his cultivation method was also of a certain level. Although the Hun Tian Wu Ji stick in his hand was not a treasure, it was also a high-level magic weapon, much stronger than the average casual cultivator.

Chen Feng could see at a glance that these two people had their own secrets, but so did he. He also had some secrets. The three of them had experienced life and death and had been in the same boat. They were already loyal to each other and helped each other in life and death.

Chen Feng smiled, and immersed himself in his mind again, and began to sense and comprehend the power of the earth.

As time passed, Chen Feng felt that his sense of touch was getting stronger and stronger. His feet seemed to have really taken root in the ground. His ten toes seemed to be growing longer and transformed into tree roots. As for those tiny pores, they would occasionally emit streams of air, which would constantly blend into the earth and merge with the power of the earth.

With every breath Chen Feng took, streams of earth energy would flow into the magnetic pole acupoint, which would be absorbed and refined by Chen Feng to strengthen his body.

As more and more earth energy was absorbed, Chen Feng was gradually covered by a layer of yellow light, and finally only a pale yellow light ball was left, and Chen Feng's figure could no longer be seen.

When Chen Feng was practicing for the tenth day, his mind suddenly moved, and the whole person woke up from the state of practice. The yellow light balls around him slowly dissipated and all merged into Chen Feng's body.

Just now, Chen Feng merged with the surrounding earth, and his spiritual sense continued to expand. He could sense any movement within a radius of thousands of meters.

"Someone is coming, and it seems that they are coming for us. Could it be someone from the six caves?" Chen Feng thought to himself, and then the magnetic pole point on the bottom of his feet began to boil. Waves of mysterious power continued to merge into the ground. Chen Feng's spiritual sense expanded again. This was a new kind of induction, just like the spreading of divine consciousness. Waves of invisible waves traveled underground. Wherever they passed, every move of the ground was reflected in Chen Feng's mind without any error.

A total of ten monks were slowly breaking the restrictions set by the three people. Chen Feng's spiritual sense spread again, slowly covering the entire valley. Finally, Chen Feng found sixteen monks around the valley again. These monks surrounded the entire valley in a certain direction. It seems that they are afraid that Chen Feng and the other two will run away.

"It turns out that they are people from the six caves. These people are really haunting and deserve to die." Chen Feng said in his heart.

At this time, two people were arguing outside the valley.

"Last time, we surrounded and killed these three people, but you didn't do it. This time, we asked you to take the lead, but you didn't do it. Don't forget that we, the six great caves, usually advance and retreat together. What exactly do you mean by doing this, Changzhen Cave?"

"Although we are called the six great caves on the surface, the phrase "advance and retreat together" is somewhat untrue. You, Ziyun Cave, Yinyang Cave, and Jinguang Cave are affiliated with Jiuxiao Palace, and we, Changzhen Cave, are affiliated with Taiyi Sect. As for Shuiyue Cave and Yuding Cave, they are affiliated with Danding Sect. As for you saying that we didn't take action last time, then may I ask why we took action? Whether we should take action or not is up to us, and you don't need to intervene." Changzhen Cave is a short middle-aged man, but his words are as cold as a knife, and he doesn't take the cultivators of Ziyun Cave into consideration at all.

"Humph, what do you mean by this? Are you trying to go against the other five great caves?" The person from Ziyun Cave is a middle-aged man who looks to be in his thirties, with a hooked nose, fierce light flashing in his eyes, and looks a bit sinister.

"Haha, you are such a joker. I just said that whether we fight or not has nothing to do with your Ziyun Cave Heaven. As for going against the other five cave heavens, humph, your Ziyun Cave Heaven cannot represent the five cave heavens." The short cultivator from Changzhen Cave Heaven sneered.

"Bai Mulin, you are deliberately disrupting the situation. Isn't it that your Changzhen Cave Heaven relies on someone to cultivate to the Heavenly Man Realm and enter the Taiyi Sect to practice? What's so great about that? Do you really think you are superior?" At this time, a cultivator from Yinyang Cave Heaven stepped forward to help.

Originally, Chen Feng wanted to inform Ye Ziming and the others after discovering the enemy, but now he suddenly heard the quarrel of these people, and immediately quieted down and continued to listen.

Although some of the people in the six cave heavens were higher in realm than Chen Feng, no one expected that after Chen Feng opened the magnetic pole acupoint, he was now integrated with the surrounding earth and was monitoring their every move.

"Someone from our Changzhen Cave Heaven has broken through to the Heavenly Man Realm. That's because our Changshen Cave Heaven taught us well. Why, you Yinyang Cave Heaven are jealous? Hehe, I remember that some cultivators from Ziyun Cave Heaven entered Jiuxiao Palace to practice this year, but no one from your Yinyang Cave Heaven. It seems that your faction is not doing well?" Baimulin laughed.

"Baimulin, you are going too far. Do you want to fight with us?" The cultivator from Yinyang Cave Heaven was a little angry.

"Fighting, haha, I'm not afraid of you. I just want to see the Yinyang Qi Blade of your Yinyang Cave Heaven."

"Okay, okay, don't quarrel, don't alarm the other party. After this matter is over, you can fight however you want, but don't affect the overall situation now." At this time, the cultivators from other cave heavens began to persuade.

"Humph, you gathered the power of the six major cave heavens and dispatched so many people, but only surrounded and killed three small secret realm cultivators. You are not afraid of being embarrassed if it gets out. We from Changzhen Cave Heaven will not take action unless we have no choice." Baimulin still said.

After hearing Bai Mulin's words, although the other cultivators had some opinions, they did not say much. After all, a while ago, a cultivator in Changzhen Cave Heaven cultivated to the Heavenly Man Realm, which still had a certain deterrent effect on other cave heavens. If the Heavenly Man Realm cultivator was really angered, he could destroy a cave heaven alone.

"It seems that the person in Changzhen Cave Heaven they are talking about should be Bai Ziyan. I didn't expect that the six cave heavens were not harmonious with each other. If so, it will be easy to deal with." Chen Feng said in his heart.

Then he flicked his fingers, and two finger winds passed through hundreds of meters and exploded in the place where Ye Ziming and Luta were practicing in seclusion.


In just half a breath, Ye Ziming and Luta arrived in front of Chen Feng.

"What's going on?" Ye Ziming knew that Chen Feng must have something wrong when he called them.

"We are surrounded." Chen Feng quickly told what he had sensed.

"There is something wrong with the six cave heavens. They are really haunting. I haven't looked for them yet. I didn't expect them to come to my door. I must make sure they never come back." Ye Ziming said murderously.

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