Eternal Existence

Chapter 1141 The Second Clone

More flying warships appeared, but there were few artifact-level ones, most of them were pseudo-artifacts, and there were even some top-grade immortal artifacts.

"Aren't these people afraid of death?" Chen Feng showed a mocking smile on his face.

"Under the trend of huge benefits, anyone will go crazy." A heavy voice suddenly came from the side, which scared Chen Feng. An old man with white hair and beard holding a dragon-headed cane appeared beside Chen Feng at some point.

Silently, without any signs, regardless of Chen Feng's invisibility technique, Chen Feng felt a strong sense of vigilance in his heart.

"Don't be nervous, I have no ill intentions. Besides, you are just a clone. Even if you lose it, it won't hurt your roots." The old man's eyes were deep and clear. Chen Feng felt that he had nothing to hide, so he smiled and said, "I spent a lot of effort on this clone, and I don't want to lose it like this."

"The young man is good. Although his cultivation is not high, this clone is really good. The most important thing is that there is a hint of immortality in it. I think there is a master among the elders of the sect." The old man said with a smile.

While the two were talking, dozens of warships had been torn to pieces. Only some pseudo-artifacts could go deeper, and it was still unknown whether they could pass through.

"These people are so crazy before they see the benefits. Without artifacts, they are just sending themselves to death." Chen Feng couldn't help but say.

"There is a reason for the madness. You didn't see it, right? Some of these people are about to end their lifespans. If they fight hard, they may be able to break through and extend their lifespans." The old man said with a smile.

"There is no rush for that. At least we have to wait until the situation stabilizes before we set off." Chen Feng shook his head, somewhat disagreeing.

"I can't wait. This is a competition in itself. If you slow down, someone will be faster. You have great potential, my friend from the Immortal Clan. I hope we will have a chance to meet again in the future." As soon as the old man finished speaking, he turned into a ball of light golden light and was sent into the passage in the blink of an eye. The chaotic space force around him was melted by the golden light before it approached, and then there was a flash, and the golden light disappeared.

"It turns out to be a half-step golden immortal!" Chen Feng's eyes flashed with a gleam of light. When the old man talked to him before, although he did not reveal a trace of aura, Chen Feng instinctively did not check the other party's strength. At this time, the other party suddenly showed the cultivation of a half-step golden immortal, and Chen Feng was not surprised.

"Half-step golden immortals should be able to break in. This is just a passage opened up by a large world. If this can't get in, then when all the large worlds join forces to open up a passage, won't even the golden immortals be unable to pass through."

"I just don't know who that old man is? Is he also dying?"

Chen Feng showed his figure and saw a cultivator in the distance looking at him curiously, so he moved his heart and moved his feet to the other party.

"Hello, fellow Taoist!"

Before Chen Feng opened his mouth, the other party respectfully greeted him first, which made Chen Feng a little funny.

"You know the old man just now." Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Old man, don't you know him?" The other party showed a surprised expression in his eyes, but after seeing Chen Feng's cultivation, everyone's expression became relaxed.

"The old man just now is the Red Moon Patriarch, an old senior. It is said that he has practiced for more than 50 million years. Because of the injuries he suffered, his life span has been greatly consumed. He has no choice but to venture into the unknown world at this time."

"So that's what happened." Chen Feng nodded.

"The Red Moon Patriarch is also a good old man. He is kind. Although he is a half-step golden immortal, he is not overbearing. By the way, fellow Taoist, what did the Red Moon Patriarch say to you before?"

"Haha, he chatted casually and asked if I was willing to go in with him." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Then why didn't you agree? Alas! It's a pity. It's a great fortune to have a half-step golden immortal as a guard."

"I don't care. My cultivation is shallow. If I go in rashly, I will die. Let's wait and see. Maybe this space channel will become stable."

"It's impossible for the channel to be stable. Forget it. None of us have enough cultivation. Let's find other ways. Find familiar friends. Maybe we can get into the artifact."

The crowd talked a lot and gradually dispersed. Chen Feng changed a place and continued to look at the dark channel from a distance.

This space channel has been in this state since it was opened. At this time, the energy transmitted by the Eternal World is very little. It is all supported by the power of the channel itself.

It is because this channel may disappear at any time, which attracts more cultivators to come and throw moths into the fire.

Swish, swish, swish!

Four golden streams drilled into the channel in succession and disappeared quickly. The speed seems to be a few points faster than that of the Red Moon Patriarch.

"I didn't expect that Tianxiao Palace would actually send out four Half-step Golden Immortals. This is simply risking their lives. It seems that Tianxiao Palace has great ambitions." Chen Feng sneered secretly.

After the space channel was opened, the most people who entered it were the cultivators of Tianxiao Palace. Not only four Half-step Golden Immortals entered, but also several artifact-level flying warships entered one after another. This kind of courage made Chen Feng admire it. This is a gamble at the cost of life. If it fails, it will lose everything. If it succeeds, it will gain huge benefits. Maybe Tianxiao Palace will soar to the sky, or it may completely decline.

What Chen Feng is a little confused about is that this passage has lasted for several years. More than tens of thousands of monks have entered it, and there have been even more casualties. The passage has always existed, and the masters behind the scenes have never intervened. Chen Feng Very curious.

But no matter what, Chen Feng had no intention of entering. His purpose of leaving the fairy world this time had been achieved. Chen Feng did not return immediately. Instead, he devoured the power of the source in various major worlds and practiced. Seeing more and more power of the source Chen Feng was also helpless as the power passed. If he wanted to build a power transmission channel with his body, he not only needed stable laws, but also needed to improve his own realm. This could not be achieved in a short time.

Under this pressure, Chen Feng's clone finally unleashed some of its potential, and the result was a series of breakthroughs in cultivation.

"I think after the clone comes back and merges into the main body, I should start to overcome the tribulation." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You really don't need my help. Wouldn't it be a pity to waste those original energies." Ta said with a smile.

"Forget it, if you do it, I'm afraid it will cause unnecessary trouble. If I really need the energy, I will find a way to get out."

"However, the passages opened by the eternal world are only small patterns. After reaching a certain level, the formation of these large worlds will open up who knows what kind of passages. Maybe they can attract me there by then."

"But the most important thing right now is to refine the second clone."

Chen Feng has failed several times, wasting more than a dozen drops of the blood essence of the chaotic beasts, and consuming a lot of energy. Chen Feng feels tired, and every time he consumes a drop of the blood essence of the chaotic beasts, the tower will burst into flames. Feeling distressed.

Not only Ta, but Chen Feng also gritted his teeth in distress. Fortunately, after failing for more than a dozen times, Chen Feng finally succeeded.

A drop of essence and blood slowly grew up, filled with rich vitality. It was supported by a shining law of the avenue, which penetrated the entire body and derived countless laws and powers. At the same time, Chen Feng's mind exploded in it and began to construct continuously. stand up.

Because this clone borrowed the essence and blood of the chaotic beast, it is very different from the first clone. The most direct reason is that the quality is much higher. This is also the reason why Chen Feng has been unable to control it and failed repeatedly. .

The Golden Immortal Law of Chaos Beasts acted as the backbone, and Chen Feng began to fill it with his own strength. In order to stabilize the situation, Ta also invested a lot of fun and participated in it.

Because of the essence and blood of both parties, this newly created avatar has extraordinary talents on the road of blood. For this reason, Chen Feng mobilized the power of the blood gathering beads.

Finally, when conditions allowed, Chen Feng used almost all his resources and power, and finally successfully created the second clone. Looking at himself in front of him, feeling the powerful power in his body, Chen Feng suddenly felt the perfect idea in his heart. These two words.

"Phew! The first clone that was refined only had 30% of the power of my main body. The clone in front of me is almost as good as my original body. It is all caused by the essence and blood of the chaotic beast. In terms of pure strength, it is even stronger than the main body. "

"With this second clone, it seems I won't have to go out in a short time." Chen Feng said with a smile.

After Chen Feng's second clone was successfully refined, he left the fairy world without much pause through the previous special teleportation circle. This time, this clone was somewhat different from the first clone, that is, it carried blood-gathering beads and With these two artifacts, the Brilliant Starry Sky Map, you can unleash your strongest combat power. Chen Feng also had his own ideas in doing this. The mysterious passage was opened and the situation was extremely chaotic. Carrying two divine weapons could be considered a trump card. Besides, he didn’t know how many monks would be killed or injured by then. The usefulness of the blood-gathering beads would be revealed. Maybe when the clone comes back At this time, the changes in the blood gathering beads can bring some surprises to Chen Feng.

Only in the vast and bright starry sky can the Brilliant Starry Sky Map fully demonstrate its strengths.

After the second clone completely entered the starry sky, Chen Feng collapsed. This time, Chen Feng did not deliberately use the immortal energy to restore his body. He deliberately felt the little bits of strength injected into his tired body. It was like it had become a bottomless pit, and my energy and spirit were in a trance.

"It seems that practicing blindly is not a good thing. You should relax appropriately. It is important to move forward bravely, but you also need to be relaxed." Chen Feng said with a smile.

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