Eternal Existence

Chapter 1142: Fierce Charge

After the second clone left, Chen Feng's main body began to rest. When his spirit was fully restored, he left the cave to play. Sometimes he would leave the Six Paths Sword Sect, but he would stay within the range of the Hunyuan Mountains.

With six celestial beings as guards, Chen Feng was quite cool. Some people who wanted to cause trouble would be deterred. The high-level celestial beings from the Changsheng Heavenly Realm could only be suppressed by the Six Paths Sword Sect if they were placed in the Six Paths Sword Sect.

The senior leaders of the Six Paths Sword Sect had not communicated with Chen Feng. For a period of time, Chen Feng did not practice, but just kept a normal mind. Instead, his spiritual realm was sublimated a little, which Chen Feng did not expect.

"The treasure of the Six Paths Sword Sect is the Six Paths Sword Classic. This is a good immortal art, but it was compiled by masters later. In terms of grade and antiquity, it is far from being comparable to the Six Paths Hunyuan Sutra. However, the Six Paths Hunyuan Sutra, the first technique of the Six Paths Sword Sect, has disappeared. Tsk tsk, this is the purpose of my coming here." Chen Feng has been walking around the Hunyuan Mountains these days, just to find some clues.

But the millions of cultivators of the Six Paths Sword Sect have not found it, let alone Chen Feng.

After leaving the fairyland, Chen Feng's second clone went straight to the Blood Evil World. The original power here is more suitable for the evolution of Chen Feng's clone and the blood-gathering beads, and the brilliant starry sky map turned into a belt wrapped around Chen Feng, constantly devouring the energy in the starry sky.

These two artifacts have been sacrificed by Chen Feng for a long time, and they contain Chen Feng's strong thoughts, especially the addition of devouring, which makes the advancement speed much faster than other magic weapons.

After a few years, not only the Eternal World, but also some other worlds such as the Zhoutian World and the Flame World have also intervened and opened up mysterious passages with the help of the world's power.

Chen Feng secretly observed that 80% of these passages were intervened by the forces of the immortal world, and the rest were divided up by some powerful worlds such as the Demon World, the Underworld, and the Ghost World.

In Chen Feng's view, no matter which party opened these passages, others could enter as long as they had the strength.

These big moves seemed to alarm the entire immortal domain. In a short period of time, more than 10 million cultivators gathered, and more cultivators came from afar. The lowest cultivation was the True Immortal. If the upper immortal came, any aftermath would be fatal.

True Immortals and Heavenly Immortals can only enter with the help of magic weapons. There are also golden streamers flashing constantly, but these golden streamers are all half-step golden immortals. The real golden immortals are still waiting, waiting for the appearance of larger passages.

As more and more cultivators enter, these passages seem to have become somewhat stable. Some artifact-level flying magic weapons can easily and smoothly enter without any casualties.

"Daoyou Chen Feng, do you want to go in and explore together?" At this time, someone came to invite Chen Feng. Most of these people were celestial immortals. Logically, they would not pay attention to Chen Feng, a small true immortal. However, a previous conflict changed their views on Chen Feng. Chen Feng killed several celestial immortals, two of whom were mid-level cultivators, while Chen Feng was unscathed, which shocked these people.

In the eyes of these people, Chen Feng should have hidden his realm strength.

The most important point is that Chen Feng has the breath of a divine weapon. If you want to enter, you must rely on the power of a divine weapon.

In addition to the direct invitation in front of him, there are many cultivators who are eyeing him. Chen Feng knows that conflicts will continue.

Sure enough, after Chen Feng refused, the faces of these cultivators changed.

"Since Daoyou is unwilling to go in, can you lend us the divine weapon?" One of them showed murderous intent.

"Lend it to you, no problem." Chen Feng said, and the blood-gathering bead in his hand flew out.

At first, everyone was a little surprised, but with the suppression of the Blood Gathering Pearl, these people knew that something was wrong. A ball of blood rushed out, killing at least more than ten celestial immortals and twenty true immortals in one fell swoop, all of whom turned into nutrients for the Blood Gathering Pearl.

"You are really looking for death." Chen Feng sighed, and the Blood Gathering Pearl flew back and landed in his hand. Chen Feng clearly felt the strong desire conveyed by the Blood Gathering Pearl. Chen Feng himself knew that if all the cultivators under this starry sky were killed, the Blood Gathering Pearl would be advanced to an unknown level.

However, more cultivators surrounded him, and when the number exceeded one thousand, Chen Feng's face changed.

In order to get the artifact, these people went crazy, not just Chen Feng. From a distance, there were battles and killings from time to time.

"Crazy guy." Chen Feng said as the blood-red wings behind him spread out. Of course, Chen Feng was secretly using the Longevity Wings, but on the surface it was covered by the Blood Avenue. There were too many cultivators here, and who knew if there were any cultivators from the Longevity Clan.

The huge blood-red wings spread out, and the blood-gathering beads in his hand continued to emit waves of blood light, splashing blood flowers wherever they passed, and then these blood flowers quickly disappeared.


However, someone still blocked Chen Feng. The attack of seven intermediate-level true immortals blocked Chen Feng's way, and at the same time, there were hundreds of primary-level heavenly immortals blocking the surroundings.

"Interesting! If you are not afraid of death, just come up." Chen Feng sneered. Although it was just a clone, he held two artifacts, which were made of the essence and blood of the Golden Immortal. Unless it was a high-level true immortal, it would not be able to stop Chen Feng's front steps.


A big battle began, and Chen Feng challenged thousands of people alone.

From the beginning, it was simply a massacre. The faint starlight flashed on the waist, resisting the impact of the surroundings. The blood-gathering bead released a large amount of blood spears to kill the opponent, while releasing the power of the roll to devour blood.

Chen Feng kept flying, and wherever he passed, his wide wings directly cut the opponents blocking the front into pieces.


Occasionally, someone wanted to fight Chen Feng head-on, but was also blasted into slag by Chen Feng's punch.

"Young man, you are killing so wantonly, which is against the harmony of heaven." A middle-aged monk stood in front of Chen Feng, and his momentum was as mighty as a long river, blocking Chen Feng's way forward.

It turned out to be a high-level celestial being.

"This senior, are you going to snatch the artifact too?" Chen Feng laughed.

"I just can't stand your killing behavior." The middle-aged monk was full of righteousness.

"So that's the case. Senior is really morally noble, let me admire you." Chen Feng said and punched out, and the two celestial beings who rushed up were blasted to death by Chen Feng.

"If you don't stop immediately, or hand over the artifact, I can spare you this time."

Chen Feng shook his head and sneered. The brilliant starry sky map that had been wrapped around his waist was like a long whip, whipping the monk in front of him. Without waiting for the result, Chen Feng held the blood-gathering bead and hit him hard again.

"Infinite calamity!"

The middle-aged monk put his hands together, and colorful streamers bloomed from his palms, layer upon layer, unpredictable, filled with the cutting power of the laws of heaven. The brilliant starry sky map whipped on it, but it only made the monk shake for a while, but the fierce arrogance surged, but at this time Chen Feng, holding the blood-gathering bead, had already smashed down heavily.


This time the middle-aged monk could no longer resist and was knocked away directly, making way for Chen Feng.

Chen Feng rushed over quickly and killed several monks along the way.

"This man also has a magic weapon." The monks who were besieging Chen Feng suddenly set their sights on the middle-aged monk. This man was injured by Chen Feng, and his fighting power was obviously not as good as Chen Feng. Isn't he a better target?

So a big melee continued with the roar of the middle-aged monk.

"What a joke." Chen Feng was very fast and had left the Blood Evil World and arrived at the Curse World. The curse source of this world was also what Chen Feng needed. Unfortunately, he did not bring the Curse Scepter. He could only collect the curse power and compress it and store it in his body.

Chen Feng's first clone came to the Haoran World, absorbing the Haoran Qi in it, and at the same time he could feel the existence of the second clone.

"I am a little biased. I am equipped with a magic weapon." The first clone said with a smile, and a huge vortex appeared in his palm, and the Haoran power was absorbed crazily.

Every time the two clones practiced for a period of time, they would get in touch with Chen Feng's original body through secret techniques, and their consciousness would travel through time and space, carefully transmitting some practice experience. It would take some time to reach the level of transmitting power.

While the clones were cultivating, Chen Feng's original body finally had something to do.

The reason was simple. A war broke out between the Six Paths Sword Sect and the surrounding forces such as the Xingyuan Sect. It was a large-scale battlefield that Chen Feng and other casual cultivators could not avoid.

At first, they thought it was a minor friction, but the shock of the war made the Six Paths Sword Sect constantly draw cultivators and replenish troops.

Chen Feng made excuses for each wave of troops to be drawn, and he pushed it several times in a row. This time, Chen Feng finally couldn't retreat.

All the Six Paths Swords returned to the sect with serious injuries. Just this point made Chen Feng see that the war was tight, and then some celestial beings who had been in seclusion for many years were summoned to go to the battlefield for support.

The three high-level celestial beings came directly to the cave where Chen Feng was, and did not enter rashly. Tie Zhen and other celestial beings sat on the top of the mountain, which made the three high-level celestial beings maintain a respectful attitude.

Although Chen Feng has been practicing in seclusion for these years, he is also a top figure in the Six Paths Sword Sect. He has the protection of high-level immortals. This alone is not to be underestimated. In recent years, he has more than 100 followers. Some of them do not belong to the Six Paths Sword Sect, but are foreign casual cultivators. Especially in recent years, he has been walking around the Hunyuan Mountains and has made several moves. He has also collected some immortals with special intentions, but their ranks are very low.

In any case, under the severe situation of the war, Chen Feng's forces are worth fighting for and winning over, so he sent three high-level immortals to show respect and recognition.

Facing the invitation and orders of the three people, Chen Feng did not refuse, but also made some requests. After some communication, Chen Feng obtained a considerable amount of cultivation resources.

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