Eternal Existence

Chapter 1140 Mysterious Passage

The power of the world's origin gathered in Chen Feng's body like a spiritual snake and a giant dragon. After Chen Feng's body was saturated, the hidden acupoints in his body began to open in series. Each acupoint was a small world. , In this way, the energy from the outside world cannot keep up with Chen Feng's devouring speed.

So Chen Feng used the Heaven Swallowing Absorption Technique, and a vortex appeared in every acupoint. The speed of plundering immediately increased dozens of times, and the surrounding space suddenly turned into a vacuum, and then more source energy came from the earth veins. The depths were pulled over.

Chen Feng's clone did not have any magic weapon, so he could only rely on himself. However, Chen Feng had a strange feeling. It seemed that this was the truest version of himself, and he was too dependent on himself on the path of cultivation. He has a magic weapon, but he has not fully developed his own potential. Although there is only a clone in front of him, it is also transformed by Chen Feng's spiritual energy. At this time, it is just used to change the way of cultivation and squeeze out more powerful potential.

As more and more of the original power enters the body, the strength of Chen Feng's incarnation increases steadily. From 30% of the original body's strength at the beginning, it gradually increased to 40%, and it is still improving steadily.

In the cave of the Six Paths Sword Sect, Chen Feng himself had a smile on his face, and the energy and energy he had consumed in refining the clones had been completely replenished.

"I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. I don't know if the mastermind behind the scenes is someone from the fairy world. In this way, these big worlds will be destroyed in advance. However, my clone has gained a huge harvest this time. It is a pity that I cannot condense it with my current state. This is the second clone of this level. It is limited by the laws of the Great Dao. It seems that I need to use some other secret techniques.

In fact, with Chen Feng's ability, it is not impossible to incarnate into thousands of things, but it is not that easy to condense a clone with various abilities. If it were not for physical reasons, the consequences of condensing a clone before would have required Chen Feng. Maple spent a lot of time recovering.

"It's a pity that my current strength is not enough. If I refine that Golden Immortal-level chaotic beast into my clone, wouldn't it be like walking sideways in the fairy world in the future? However, although I can't do this step, I can take a step back and just refine it. A drop of the opponent's essence and blood should be able to reduce the difficulty a lot." Thinking of this method, Chen Feng's consciousness entered the Eternal Life Tower, and with the help of the tower, he obtained a drop of the essence and blood of the chaotic beast, and then used the secret technique to start refining. Control it.

"Hey! I originally planned to refine this chaotic beast into a powerful clone, but now it is constantly absorbing essence and blood from the body, and the opponent's power is losing a lot." Ta said with some dissatisfaction.

Chen Feng ignored the tower. Although he had some experience in refining a clone before, using his own essence and blood was completely different from the essence and blood of the Golden Immortal Beast. The consciousness that entered the essence and blood of the chaotic beast was dispelled by the opponent's powerful power. Although he had long expected such a result, Chen Feng still felt a little frustrated.

The fire of soul entered this drop of blood essence again. The process Chen Feng had to do was to use the fire of soul to refine this drop of blood essence, and then inject his own essence and spirit into it, and borrow the power of the outside world to use his own spirit. Consciousness to control.

It sounds simple, but Chen Feng knows that it is not that easy to truly refine a clone, and there is a high probability of failure.

A month later, it really failed and a drop of Jinxian's essence and blood was wasted. Chen Feng felt a little distressed, but he still decisively took the second drop. However, at this time, Chen Feng received the news from Tie Zhen.

"You said that other teams are contacting you. Do they know that you have found me?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"We didn't leak any information." Tie Zhen said seriously.

"I understand, let's find the other party." Chen Feng just thought for a moment and made up his mind.

Tie Zhen nodded, retreated, and contacted the others in person. Chen Feng was still safe practicing in the Six Paths Sword Sect.

"I hope the person who came here has no other thoughts." Chen Feng said lightly, and then started to refine the clone.

During the process of refining the clone of Chen Feng, Chen Feng's clone has been practicing in the world of chaos, and the cultivation process is going smoothly. The cultivation level is constantly improving, and it already has 50% of the power of the original body.

After waiting until all the acupuncture points in his body were filled with the original power, Chen Feng ended his training, left the chaotic world, and came to the outer starry sky.

"It's a pity that the power is not enough, otherwise I can completely communicate with the main body and transmit energy." This is what Chen Feng regrets most. Sometimes when I think about it, I wish I could leave and come to practice.

"Forget it, it's better not to involve the main body. This is a good opportunity to develop the hidden potential in my body. Besides, I have a vague hunch that once my main body is involved, there will be danger."

"But I feel that there is a familiar fragment in this handwriting."

While Chen Feng's body was confused, his clone also returned to the eternal world.

At this time, in the Eternal World, a monk ascends almost every few days. This speed and frequency make the lives in the Eternal World only surprise and not think too much about anything.

They all thought that great luck had arrived, but they didn't know that the world they lived in was aging rapidly.

Compared with the appearance of an ascended person in the past ten thousand years, the speed in front of us is really too fast.

At this time, the thirteen photoelectrics in the Eternal World have changed. The thirteen spirit gathering arrays continue to absorb the energy of the Eternal World. Finally, it has reached a certain level, or the other party has decided to take action.

Thirteen light points ejected powerful beams of light, and Chen Feng could see various strange patterns changing in the distance.

"So that's how it is!" Chen Feng's mind flashed with light, and he finally understood what the other party was going to do.

In fact, it's very simple to say.

With the help of the energy of these big worlds, a mysterious passage was opened.

But it's much more complicated to do. The real masters mobilized the world and planets, while the slightly inferior masters could only sit on some big worlds. This is why Tianxiao Palace has always wanted to occupy the eternal world.

At this moment, Chen Feng felt that everything was figured out.

As for where the passage leads to, you can only know it after taking risks. Maybe it's other fairyland, maybe it's a more mysterious unknown place in the universe.

But one thing is certain, that is, opening up an unknown place can get huge benefits.

"The Tianxiao Palace will have such a big spirit." Chen Feng was a little surprised. Isn't it afraid of touching the masters behind the scenes when taking action at this time? This is simply a suicidal behavior.

In Chen Feng's thinking, the thirteen light pillars kept changing, and waves of shock power came from the depths of the universe. Time and space began to become disordered. Chen Feng deeply felt that the speed of the origin power of the eternal world had increased tenfold.


With a loud bang, a dark passage was opened. It was deep and far away, emitting energy that swallowed everything. It was unknown what kind of power it led to.

The energy in the passage was very chaotic. Several nearby stars were sucked into it and were crushed into pieces. It was simply a huge black hole.

"The space-time passage is unstable. The true immortals may not be able to withstand a breath. The celestial immortals will also die if they enter. I don't know what the other party will do next, whether to reinforce the passage or take risks." Chen Feng's figure was erratic, perfectly hidden in the starry sky. Chen Feng wanted to see what would happen next.

Finally, some adventurous cultivators broke into the unstable passage. Several people were torn apart by violent energy as soon as they entered, but some people disappeared in the depths of the passage. No one knew whether they were dead or alive.

However, Chen Feng's cave god eyes saw it clearly. Although two mid-level celestial immortals disappeared in the depths of the passage, they were torn apart not long after they advanced.

"The laws of heaven cannot withstand the chaotic power of space and time. It seems that the other end of this passage must not be a simple place." Chen Feng had no intention of going in, even Chen Feng's body could not get through. Unless the passage is completely stabilized, without the immortal law and super energy of the Golden Immortal, it is impossible to do this.

After hundreds of people were killed and injured, others began to hesitate. Although the unknown world is very tempting, it is another matter to die.

"It is indeed the Tianxiao Palace behind the scenes." At this time, Chen Feng had seen some powerful cultivators emerging from the Eternal World. The aura on their bodies made Chen Feng sure that the other party was indeed from the Tianxiao Palace in the fairy world.

"It's not easy to open the passage. I think the Tianxiao Palace will definitely not wait."

As Chen Feng guessed, the Tianxiao Palace still took action. A huge black warship flew out. This warship turned out to be a low-grade artifact. There were hundreds of cultivators driving it. Most of these hundred cultivators were celestial immortals, and only a few were true immortals.

Amid the roar, the black warship rushed into the passage. In the chaotic energy, the black warship burst out with strong energy, just like a black sun compressed into an elliptical shape traveling through space. ,

And Chen Feng has been observing the other party. The eyes of the Cave Heaven God Eye can penetrate this artifact-level warship.

Clearly see the situation inside.

The hundreds of cultivators inside all burst out with powerful forces to drive the warship to resist the impact of chaotic energy from the outside world.

But soon, the true immortals died completely. Even with the protection of the lower-grade artifacts, they were still severely injured, but they went deeper than others.

The black warship quickly rushed into the depths of the passage, and in the end Chen Feng's eyes could not detect it.

"More than half of the hundreds of cultivators were killed or injured, but the structure of the warship is still stable. I don't know if it can rush through." At this time, even Chen Feng couldn't guess the result.

"But the lower-grade artifact can withstand the chaotic energy in it. In this way, there will be more adventurous cultivators." Chen Feng said in a low voice.

Sure enough, after the flying warships of Tianxiao Palace disappeared, more warships appeared. It seems that everyone has just opened their minds. If the flesh can't cross, can they use tools?

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