Eternal Existence

Chapter 1139: The clone goes out

When Chen Feng goes out, Tie Zhen's six people will follow him closely. Chen Feng will practice in seclusion in the cave, and the six will also guard outside the cave. As guards, these people are fully qualified.

Although Tie Zhen could feel the power of time and space constantly transmitted from the cave and could guess what Chen Feng was going to do. Although Tie Zhen hesitated, he still did not stop him. With Chen Feng's true immortal realm, it was undoubtedly a bit difficult to break free from the shackles of the fairy world. Hard work, rather than believing in Chen Feng, it is more about believing in the Tower of Eternal Life.

The space teleportation array was quickly built. All Chen Feng needed was a simple platform. If he wanted to travel through the fairy world and enter the starry sky, or directly reach other big worlds, his own strength was the most important.

The space teleportation array was activated easily, and a drop of blood dripped from Chen Feng's fingertips. Before it hit the ground, it turned into a tall monk, exactly like Chen Feng.

This is an external incarnation technique performed by Chen Feng. It is composed of essence, energy, and spirit, derived from flesh and blood. It contains Chen Feng's memory. It is no different from Chen Feng himself. The only difference is the difference in strength.

However, Chen Feng also put a lot of effort into this external incarnation. It not only contains the power of the Law of Truth and the Law of Heaven, but also incorporates a little aura of the Law of Gold, plus the blessing of the power of the Eternal Life Tower. This clone can exert 30% of Chen Feng's power, and the short-term burst will be even stronger.

The teleportation array incorporated the power of the Eternal Life Tower and easily broke through the shackles of the fairy world. A stream of light wrapped Chen Feng's clone and began to shuttle through the layers of space.

This is the first time Chen Feng has left after entering the fairy world. Although it is just a clone, the stability of the fairy world in all aspects is more than tens of millions of times that of the eternal world. It is one thing to ascend to the fairy world, but to leave from the fairy world. It's another thing, this requires stronger strength.

In the past, immortal monks came to the eternal world, and many of them sent their own clones. This also required strong power to open the channel.

Because of the use of the Heaven-Stealing Technique, Chen Feng did not encounter much strong obstruction in the process of traveling through time and space to leave the Immortal Realm. However, after breaking out of the originally stable space of the Immortal Realm, he felt his whole body relax, and his shuttle speed began to increase significantly. Lift up.

"Huh! I didn't expect to return to the Eternal World so soon." Chen Feng looked at the Eternal World from a distance with some emotion.

Although he did not specifically use the pupil technique, Chen Feng could still see that the eternal world was different from before. In Chen Feng's eyes, the eternal world was like a burning furnace that continuously emitted blazing heat. After using the pupil technique, Chen Feng knew that the chaotic source energy inside the eternal world was dissipating rapidly, at least a hundred times faster than when he left. That's not all, and the speed is still increasing.

To put it figuratively, it is like a green fruit being ripened by some means.

But Chen Feng knew that the Eternal World was overdrawing its vitality at this time, and the source of chaos was being consumed rapidly, and the replenishment speed could not keep up. In this way, the cycle would be disconnected, and eventually the original power of the Eternal World would be completely consumed, and then the Eternal World The operation of the world comes to an end, and ultimately it is destroyed.

An ancient world like the Eternal World has existed for countless billions of years. At least in Chen Feng's opinion, there is no sign of decline, but it is different now. The activation of the source of chaos will accelerate the destruction of this world.

"No wonder there are so many monks ascending. These monks are devouring the origin of the world every day. Their cultivation is simply a thousand miles. One year is equivalent to hundreds of years of effort. The most important thing is that these are the most essential origins of the universe. , the quality is far inferior to that of immortals. The essence of these people's lives has been changed. After ascending to the immortal world, they have a bright future. It seems that if you want to find a way to take these guys under your disciples, these are all geniuses. What a genius."

After staring at the eternal world for a long time, Chen Feng's immortal wings spread out behind his back, and a golden avenue seemed to appear under his feet. After a few flashes, Chen Feng disappeared into the bright starry sky.

It didn't take long for Chen Feng to arrive at the Zhoutian World. After leaving the Zhoutian World, there were some big worlds such as the Xuanhuang World, the Central World, and the Primitive World. In the end, Chen Feng found that half of the big worlds were related to the Eternal World. The same situation in the world is rapidly overdrawing the origin of the world. As a result, all the creatures living in these worlds have exploded, and the frequency of ascension has increased by more than a hundred times compared to before.

"It seems to be the same situation. No wonder so many people have ascended. Over time, a large number of monks from the lower world will enter the fairy world, and of course some will go to other higher worlds. As a result, the situation in the fairy world may change."

Although these worlds are too low-level compared to the fairy world, even if they are completely integrated into the fairy world, it will not matter, but Chen Feng knows that things are not like that. You may not be able to see anything in the early stage, but as time goes by, the power of these big worlds If it grows vigorously, it will definitely cause a turmoil in the fairy world.

"I wonder why this happened?" This is what Chen Feng is most concerned about.

While running back and forth in these big worlds, Chen Feng also met many other monks who came to spy. These people included starry sky wanderers, and some who came down from the fairy world like himself to explore, and there were even more powerful beings who directly projected their thoughts. Come down.

Of course, there are still some people who fish in troubled waters. This is the best opportunity to obtain the power of the world. A large number of monks choose to practice around these big worlds.

During this process, Chen Feng also communicated with some monks, but others could not explain the reason.

One thing, ten thousand people will have ten thousand guesses. The one that Chen Feng is most interested in is that there is a dark hand secretly controlling all this.

Chen Feng is also inclined to this guess. For no reason, these big worlds suddenly exploded. Chen Feng does not believe that these are all coincidences. As for some people saying that this is caused by the operation of the universe, Chen Feng thinks this is nonsense.

"All this must be controlled by someone behind the scenes. It's a big deal. The one who can do this is at least a golden immortal. I just don't know what the other party's ultimate purpose is. This kind of thing is not something that we, a small cultivator, can intervene in."

"Yeah, just watch this kind of thing, it's better to stay away from it, so as not to get into trouble."

"I think this is a good opportunity. The origin of the world exploded. Tsk, tsk, it's a good time to practice."

After communicating with other cultivators, Chen Feng returned to the Eternal World again. Chen Feng decided to go deep into it to take a look.

After entering the Eternal World, a long-lost sense of familiarity surrounded Chen Feng. Of course, there was also the rejection and oppression of the way of heaven. However, Chen Feng secretly performed the art of stealing the sky, and everything returned to normal.

After entering the Eternal World, Chen Feng spread his consciousness while walking, and in a very short time he had a clear understanding of the entire world.

"Sure enough, there is a problem!" Chen Feng's body swayed, and he first came to the North Plain, then went to the Arctic Ice Field, and all the way to the northern end of the Eternal World. Chen Feng changed his position again, went to the Western Regions, Dongzhou, and the South China Sea, and walked through all the regions in the Eternal World. Finally, Chen Feng soared into the air, passed through the Gangfeng barrier, and directly overran the Eternal World.

Floating in the starry sky, the Eternal World was shrouded by a thick layer of light cover, giving Chen Feng a mysterious feeling.

However, Chen Feng's cave god eye still clearly saw the situation through this layer of light cover. The five major regions of southeast, northwest, and central, plus some strange places, each of which had a little bit of Chen Feng's pupil technique.

Each of these thirteen points contains an extremely powerful force, which is concentrated by extracting the original power of the Eternal World. Chen Feng also felt obvious human traces from it.

Chen Feng began to speculate and analyze. Chen Feng had a feeling that this should not be the work of the big man behind the scenes. The power was not enough, the rules were wrong, the means were similar, and the pattern was wrong.

"Is there someone who wants to fish in troubled waters under the nose of the big man? This is too bold. This is not fishing in troubled waters, this is simply pulling teeth from a tiger's mouth."

At this time, Chen Feng suddenly remembered the invasion of the Eternal World in the past.

"Could it be that the Tianxiao Palace is intervening? If so, the Tianxiao Palace really doesn't know whether to live or die." Chen Feng said lightly.

Having stayed in the fairy world for some time, Chen Feng still knows something about the pattern and power division of the fairy world. In Chen Feng's understanding, the Tianxiao Palace is at best a hegemon, and in terms of strength, it may not be as good as the Six Paths Sword Sect. If the Tianxiao Palace is really calculating something in it, then if it angers the real big man, an order or a thought can destroy the Tianxiao Palace.

In order to verify this guess in his heart, Chen Feng launched the magic of walking, and rushed to other worlds again, and even went deep into them to explore. Sure enough, other worlds were not like the eternal world. Although they also attracted a large number of cultivators to capture the source energy for cultivation, nothing special happened outside.

Even though Chen Feng used the wings of immortality, he was a little exhausted from running around, so he entered the chaos world and began to devour the source power it exuded.

Among the many worlds, the chaos world can be regarded as the oldest one, but Chen Feng did not fancy this, but because the source power here is closer to the source of chaos. For Chen Feng, who has a chaotic body, nothing is more attractive than the source power here.

So as the state of cultivation deepened, Chen Feng had completely sunk into the interior of the earth, frantically devouring and plundering the source energy at the core.

At first, Chen Feng was worried that doing so would lead to something unexpected, but until his body was full of energy and his training came to an end, nothing happened except that the original power became increasingly strong. Only then did Chen Feng feel at ease to stay here and practice.

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