Eternal Existence

Chapter 1136 Another Fragment

"It seems that the purpose of these people is this portal. The many true immortals before were just cover and bait. However, this kind of thing can be avoided. Hundreds of true immortals were almost killed and injured. This shows that the things in the portal It's no small matter." Chen Feng hid in the dark and watched all this with a faint look.

The runes exploded faster and faster, and the purple-gold palms became thicker. Finally, the door calmed down with a bang, and the purple-gold palms turned into fists and pounded heavily against the portal.

One punch!

Two punches!

The power became even more fierce, and Liufeng Sword Master and others also retreated to the side.

After a total of eighteen punches, the huge portal finally opened, revealing a deeper passage, and at the same time, the purple-gold palm disappeared again.


The four Liufeng Sword Saints had expressions of surprise in their eyes and flew into the passage.

After the other party disappeared, Chen Feng also appeared, but as soon as he approached the passage, he was blocked by an invisible and tenacious force.

"Hey! It turns out that only heavenly immortals can enter. I think even immortals who are too powerful will be blocked. No wonder the Six Paths Sword Sect sent these immortals and hid the masters behind."

"Since this is the case, there is no problem." Chen Feng said that the laws of heaven in his body began to fluctuate. At this moment, the aura on Chen Feng's body turned into a genuine majesty of heaven.

Chen Feng has condensed one hundred and eight true laws and sixty-four heavenly laws. As time goes by and his cultivation improves, these one hundred and eight true laws will gradually transform into heavenly laws. .

This time, the power of the passage did not stop Chen Feng. Chen Feng got in the moment the passage was about to disappear.

It was somewhat different from what Chen Feng had imagined before. After entering, Chen Feng met the four Liufeng Sword Saints.

A strange small mountain peak stood on the ground. It was unknown what it was made of. It gave people a heavy feeling. There was also a golden stream of light flowing in it. Chen Feng saw the four Liufeng Sword Saints at the first sight. Stand in front of this hill.

Seeing Chen Feng suddenly appear, the four Liufeng Sword Masters were all startled.

"Chen Qing, why did you come in?" Liufeng Sword Master stepped forward and shouted, with a wary look in his eyes.

"I came in accidentally, what is this?" Chen Feng stepped forward and saw a palm-sized ball on the top of the mountain that was slowly rotating and seemed to be made of energy.

"Wait a minute." Liufeng Sword Master's expression changed, and he stepped forward to stop Chen Feng.

"This is something other than the mission. Senior Brother Chen, please come back." Liufeng Sword Master stared at Chen Feng closely, and the other three people also gathered around.

"I'm afraid it's impossible to go back now. You guys should get out of the way. I just want to see what's inside." Chen Feng strode forward, sixty-four laws of heaven surged with powerful power. Roll on the body surface.

The two sides collided, and the four Liufeng Sword Masters were immediately knocked away. Chen Feng, on the other hand, remained unshakable as he strode to the small mountain peak.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a small mountain peak. It is only about ten feet in height, but Chen Feng can feel the powerful energy contained in it. If he wants to collect the energy ball at the top, he will definitely touch this small mountain peak, and what consequences will it cause? , which can be sensed from the super energy contained in the mountain peaks.

"Chen Qing, this is not something you can interfere with." At this time, Liufeng Sword Master had already climbed up. When he saw Chen Feng coming to the mountain peak, he was worried and his face was distorted.

"This is something the seniors of the sect want to get. I think you should know the consequences of rashly intervening."

"I only want this small mountain peak." Chen Feng suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed it out.


The four Liufeng Sword Saints were a little dumbfounded.

"Yes, your goal should be the energy ball above. I only want this thing, a mountain-like platform, which is made of rare metals at best. How about it? We are all monks of the Six Paths Sword Sect. It would not be good to do anything about it. " Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You know what this is." Liufeng Sword Master gradually calmed down when he saw that Chen Feng was not after the energy ball.

"I don't know. Okay, don't talk so much nonsense. That's it. Now tell me what this is."

It wasn't until Chen Feng came to the small mountain peak that he was sure that this was exactly what he was looking for.

"This is the fourth fragment of the Great Wild Cauldron. However, this fragment has been refined by Jinxian before and changed its shape. There is also the power law of Jinxian in it. This time it is a double harvest, but if you want to condense it, It takes some trouble to forge the strength of the fragments.”

The high-grade artifact Great Wilderness Cauldron exploded into 108 pieces. Chen Feng had already obtained three pieces. The piece in front of him looked quite large, which made Chen Feng secretly lament his good luck.

Of course, it is not that simple to collect it. Even so, Chen Feng still wants to know what the energy ball at the top of the mountain is.

No need to ask, something that is more precious than the fragments of a high-grade artifact must have some origins. If Chen Feng himself said that he would not rob it, even Liufeng Sword Master and the others would not believe it.

"We don't know what the specific thing is. We are just following orders." At this time, Liufeng Sword Master had completely restored his calm and did not comment on anything Chen Feng said.

"As for what you said before, we can't decide anything, because it's not us who want to take action." Liufeng Sword Master said, and the talisman in his hand once again burst into dazzling light.

The purple-gold palm reappeared, grabbing the energy ball with a domineering attitude, but in the process, the surrounding space was turbulent, and countless golden threads emerged from the void and gathered into streams, rushing towards the purple-gold palm.

The purple-gold palm was dissipated by the impact before it got close to the energy ball.

"So that's why the masters didn't come. The restrictions here are so powerful. It's worthy of being set up by the Golden Immortal." Chen Feng was secretly surprised when he saw this scene.

"In this case, it will be difficult to collect this fragment." Chen Feng was thinking about taking action, but seeing this scene, he temporarily gave up the idea.

Liufeng Sword Saint and his men were not disappointed, as if they had known that this situation would happen. Chen Feng was surprised to find that Liufeng Sword Saint's temperament had undergone earth-shaking changes. His body was a little taller, and golden light flashed around his body. His eyes changed and swept across. Chen Feng was like being hit by a sledgehammer. His mind trembled and he retreated again and again. At this moment, his soul showed signs of collapse.

"Half-step Golden Immortal, I wonder if you can see my true and false." Chen Feng was secretly shocked.

Fortunately, the other party quickly retracted his gaze and focused on the energy ball again.


The big hand stretched out and grabbed the energy ball. The surrounding space shook again, and the cracks extended to the surroundings. The other three monks were unable to dodge and were immediately torn into pieces by these space cracks.

"It's cruel, this guy is not a good person." Chen Feng's body swayed, and the two cracks extending towards Chen Feng missed.

This half-step golden immortal possessed by the wind sword saint didn't care about the lives of others at all. This person's ultimate goal was to get this energy ball.

The space was shattered, and a large number of cracks appeared. Chen Feng had already started the longevity step and kept dodging. Moreover, because of the pressure of the half-step golden immortal, Chen Feng kept retreating. Finally, there was no way to retreat. A space crack appeared, blood flowers bloomed, and Chen Feng had an extra wound on his body.


Two more cracks crossed and attacked Chen Feng. Chen Feng waved his hand, and the palm thunder exploded. Not only did it not eliminate the two cracks, but it caused more space cracks.

Chen Feng's body had several more scars.

With Chen Feng's body, he could travel through the universe and starry sky, shuttle through the void storm, and not be damaged by the bombardment of thunder, but the space in front of him was blessed by the Golden Immortal. Chen Feng could hold on until now because of the strangeness of the Longevity Step.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Space cracks continued to appear, and the top-grade immortal weapon Chen Feng took out could not resist it at all, and was easily torn into pieces.

"I didn't expect to encounter such danger." Chen Feng was extremely depressed. He punched out, and two space cracks were broken, but Chen Feng's fist became bloody.


The Longevity Wings finally unfolded. At this moment, Chen Feng seemed to transcend time and space. His body skills suddenly increased tenfold. Countless cracks submerged Chen Feng in them, but Chen Feng's figure shook and reappeared. The indestructible space cracks seemed to have lost their effect on Chen Feng.

"I didn't expect that the Changsheng Wing would have a breakthrough at this time." Various runes flashed on the Changsheng Wing, and the warm light kept flowing, becoming much more gorgeous. The power of the law was even more filled in it, full of the power to tear everything apart. Chen Feng just had a thought and felt a sense of transcendence and freedom.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Chen Feng began to shuttle through the chaotic space. At this time, the space was like a layered spider web, which was broken badly. However, after a few turns, Chen Feng rushed over and saw that Liufeng Sword Saint had already taken the energy ball in his hand. Waves of terrifying energy rushed around. The space had completely collapsed. Chen Feng was like a butterfly in a tsunami, and he could be submerged at any time.

Under this absolute power, the Changsheng Wing was also affected.

Chen Feng looked at the hill submerged in the void and his eyes suddenly lit up. A dark armor appeared and wrapped his body. This was the fragments of the Great Wilderness Cauldron. Although the chaotic energy rushing towards him was domineering and destroyed time and space, it was offset and dissolved by the faint divine light emitted from the armor as soon as it approached Chen Feng.


The fragment of the Great Desolate Cauldron in the shape of a small mountain felt the pull of the armor on Chen Feng's body and flew through space. Before Chen Feng could react, the other party melted into the armor. This time, the armor burst out with powerful energy, shocking Chen Feng to spit blood repeatedly. The fragment of the Great Desolate Cauldron was gradually out of Chen Feng's control.

"Not good, it's the will of the Golden Immortal in the fragment that's causing trouble." Chen Feng was shocked, and the fire of his soul began to burn crazily, barely urging the armor to maintain its shape and resist the external space turbulence.

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