Eternal Existence

Chapter 1137: Recruiting followers

When Chen Feng was about to exit the soul cave, Liufeng Sword Saint suddenly launched an attack on Chen Feng.

The purple-gold hand penetrated the fragmented space, and the matter split and grabbed Chen Feng. Chen Feng had already exerted his full strength. When the situation was not good, he was attacked by the half-step golden immortal. His whole body immediately tightened, and the space around him was tightly bound by five fingers. Chen Feng smiled bitterly in his heart. His premonition was still somewhat correct. The other party still attacked him.

After all, in the eyes of the half-step golden immortal, he, a small true immortal, was really nothing. He could be captured with just one move.

"Damn it." Chen Feng gritted his teeth, and all the laws in his body were agitated. The power accumulated in the acupoints for many years also erupted like a volcano. In Chen Feng's opinion, although the other party was a half-step golden immortal, he was just using the body of Liufeng Saint Sword to exert his power. In Chen Feng's calculation, the other party could only exert a few points of power. He had fragments of top-grade artifacts around him, so he could resist it.

What you think in your mind is one thing, but being there is another. When the huge purple-gold palm hits him, Chen Feng knows that things are not what he imagined. Even if the half-step golden immortal exerts one point of strength, he cannot resist it. This is not the accumulation of strength, but the application of the law of the great way.

At this moment, Chen Feng feels that every cell and every piece of flesh in his body are torn apart, and his heart beats vigorously. This is the prelude to the explosion. In the opponent's golden law, Chen Feng feels that the fire of his soul is about to go out. This is still the result of the fragments of the top-grade artifact resisting. If there is no such barrier, Chen Feng will be squeezed into fragments as soon as he touches it.

However, Chen Feng's situation at this time is only better than the fragments. The continuous eruption of the immortal qi still cannot repair the injury in the first time.

"Top-grade immortal weapon!"

Liufeng Sword Saint showed a surprised look in his eyes. The half-step golden immortal did not kill a true immortal in one blow. No one would believe this kind of thing. Even the half-step golden immortal himself did not believe what he saw.

So Liufeng Sword Saint launched a second attack on Chen Feng.

"Come again! You're doomed." Chen Feng was horrified, but at this time a beam of blood shot out from the Longevity Tower and pierced the opponent's palm.

Liufeng Sword Saint exclaimed, and his body began to collapse.

"Boy, do you want help?" The voice of the tower reached Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, and the sea of ​​consciousness that was about to collapse became even more shattered because of the tower's voice.

"Tower! You." Chen Feng was furious, but he didn't have time to say more.

"No need for your help, I can do it myself."

At this time, the longevity true qi that had been cultivated for many years was like the roaring of the Yangtze River. Although the soul fire was shaking violently, it kept a little bit of the true spirit.

"Immovable True Self Mantra!"

"Soul Condensation Mantra!"

"Circulation Secret Technique!"

"Blood Qi Derivation Technique!"

In the state of full body collapse, Chen Feng performed several secret techniques recorded in the Longevity Sutra in succession, and finally gradually controlled the trend of collapse.

After leaving the Soul Cave, Chen Feng found a place in the Soul Valley at random, and then put all his mind on himself. Although he controlled the momentum of collapse, the injury this time was too serious, which hurt the source of life and consumed a lot of immortality. If he wanted to recover from the injury in the shortest time, he needed a lot of energy.

So the two immortal fruits containing hundreds of thousands of years melted, and streams of energy flowed regularly in Chen Feng's body like water. Coupled with Chen Feng's special physique, Chen Feng's body recovered faster than ever before.

After Chen Feng finished practicing, he found that he was surrounded by circles of dead souls. Tie Zhen and the other six guarded around him to prevent a dead soul from rushing in. However, although Tie Zhen and the other six had high cultivation and had killed thousands of dead souls in the process of protecting Chen Feng, there were still tens of thousands of dead souls surrounding him afterwards, and more spirits appeared in the distance.

"Young Master, you're fine." Seeing that Chen Feng had finished his training, Tie Zhen showed a look of surprise on his face. Chen Feng's appearance when he just came out of the soul cave scared them. They didn't expect that he would recover in such a short time. This recovery speed shocked them secretly.

"It's fine, let's go." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the black warship flew out, and everyone entered it one after another.

Boom! Boom!

The strong air waves swept around, and it was unknown how many dead souls were swept into it. Although in the warship, Chen Feng and his friends could still attack. After a collision, they finally rushed out of the soul valley openly.

"Young Master, where are you going now? Are you going back to the Changsheng Heavenly Realm?"

"No, go to the Six Paths Sword Sect."

After some thought, Chen Feng decided to go to the Six Paths Sword Sect. The reason for taking this risk was that Chen Feng felt that the half-step golden immortal would not put down his status to find trouble with him. Besides, the other party suffered a loss in the hands of the tower and would not show up easily. The most important point is that under the protection of the Changsheng Tower, the half-step golden immortal may not be able to do anything to him.

When leaving the Dead Soul City, Chen Feng met the last ten cultivators of the Six Paths Sword Sect. Chen Feng felt emotional. A hundred people came out this time, but nine out of ten died. However, the remaining people all got benefits. This time, they fought hard and gained something.

"Come on." The flying warship stopped, and Chen Feng's voice came out.

However, in the end, only eight people chose to return to the Six Paths Sword Sect, and the other two chose to leave.

"These two are still a little too impulsive. In fact, isn't this the case in our world of practitioners? The Six Paths Sword Sect has a good reputation. It may be worse if they go to other places."

"After carrying out this kind of mission this time, I can practice quietly for a while when I return to the sect, and there are also a lot of rewards. Although there is some danger, it is nothing. There will be no danger on the road of practice."

"You make sarcastic remarks because you came back alive."

"Aren't you the same?"

Everyone was talking about it. Chen Feng had been calm all the time. The six Tie Zhens were even more silent and stood guard. The responsibility of these six people was to protect Chen Feng's safety.

Someone finally plucked up the courage to speak: "Senior Brother Chen, where are the seniors who entered the Soul Cave?"

In fact, although everyone was resentful of the sect's suicide squad this time, they were still extremely curious when they saw that Chen Feng was the only one coming out.

"Dead." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Then for this mission, hey! The last two people are still not found. In this case, the mission is not completed, and then you will not receive the reward."

"Yeah, I said before that the last two people were in Soul Valley, but we didn't see them until the end, and they were almost killed."

"I think you don't have to worry, the credit must go to us." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I hope so."

"Senior Brother Chen, I don't know if you will accept followers. I am willing to become your follower." At this time, a monk suddenly said.

"Senior Brother Chen, I also want to be your follower."

What surprised Chen Feng was that five of the eight monks were willing to become his followers. Chen Feng's spiritual consciousness was strong, so he could naturally feel that the other monks were sincere.

Chen Feng did not ask why. This kind of situation is common no matter where it is. There is no shame in being a follower of the strong. On the contrary, sometimes it is an honor.

"Okay." Chen Feng nodded and agreed.

Seeing Chen Feng agree, the eyes of the five people showed surprise. Three of the five people were casual cultivators who later joined the Six Paths Sword Sect. Two of them did not get along well in the Six Paths Sword Sect. These people all got the fragments of the artifact. If Without a strong backer, if he returns to the sect and is oppressed by others, he may not be able to save the fragments of the artifact. What's more, Chen Feng is powerful and the guards around him are all at the level of immortals. It is an honor to be with such a person. When he spoke Everyone felt a little uneasy, fearing that Chen Feng would refuse.

"As my followers, as long as you are loyal, I will not treat you badly." Chen Feng said and waved his hand, and five long swords flew out and landed in front of the five people.

"The best fairy sword!" There was surprise in the eyes of these people.

"It's a small matter, a long sword of this level is suitable for you to show your strength." Chen Feng said lightly.

In fact, Chen Feng also had his own ideas about accepting these people. First of all, he had some things in the Six Paths Sword Sect that needed someone to take care of. Although these people didn't get along well, they still had the strength of high-level true immortals, especially this time. With the harvest and his own help, he will soon be able to advance to the level of a half-step immortal.

Another thought is that Chen Feng wants to cultivate his own power and start from small steps. Sometimes even the most junior True Immortal can play his role.

You must know that in most of the living worlds in the universe, true immortals are considered to be the ultimate masters. A world as old as the Eternal World will ascend to the realm of immortals.

Seeing Chen Feng's generous move, the other three people showed a look of envy and regret in their eyes. However, even if they were pulled to follow Chen Feng, Chen Feng might not accept it.

After a peaceful journey, they returned to the Six Paths Sword Sect. Tie Zhen and the other six went to Chen Feng's cave. Chen Feng took a few people to hand in tasks and redeem credit points.

The process was unexpectedly smooth. Although there were still two traitors that had not been killed, the sect still readily distributed the credit points. It is worth mentioning that the points were twice as high as the regulations. Chen Feng knew that this was considered a reward for the sect. I compensated myself and others.

When leaving the Hall of Merit, he met an unexpected monk.

"Liu Feng Sword Master!" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"I've met Senior Brother Chen!" Liufeng Sword Master saluted Chen Feng. This man was personable, with a smile on his face, and the look in his eyes was sincere. He was flesh and blood. Chen Feng was sure that this was the Liufeng Sword Master who had entered the Dead Soul City with him before. Saint, but at this time Liufeng Sword Saint has advanced to the intermediate level of Heavenly Immortal.

However, Chen Feng quickly came up with a guess. Although the Liufeng Sword Master's body collapsed under the attack of the tower, he was not completely dead under the protection of the Half-step Golden Immortal. As long as the life mark is not destroyed, as long as he can escape It is easy to resurrect a junior heavenly immortal with a trace of soul and half-step golden immortal method.

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