Eternal Existence

Chapter 1135: Adventure in the Cave

The one who came out was a high-level True Immortal-level casual cultivator. Only half of his body was left. There was still black energy in the wound that was corroding his vitality, but the cultivator who seemed to be dying showed a happy smile on his face.

"How is it?" Liufeng Sword Saint asked, and at the same time shook his hand, a pill exploded, turning into a mist-like energy attached to the opponent's wound. Under the power of the medicine, the black energy gradually disappeared. Although the injuries on the cultivator's body did not recover, they were also under control.

Chen Feng also saw that this was a good quality healing elixir. Chen Feng was also a little surprised that Liufeng Sword Saint was willing to take out such a pill.

Seeing Liufeng Sword Saint appear in front of him, the cultivator showed a wary look on his face and even wanted to retreat.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything bad to you." Liufeng Sword Saint said calmly.

The cultivator still said nothing.

"It's really troublesome. You wait here. I'll settle accounts with you when your injuries are healed." Liufeng Sword Saint shook his head and didn't ask any more questions.

Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and a stream of light flew out of his eyes and fell on the cultivator. The cultivator trembled all over and wanted to open Chen Feng's eyes. Chen Feng smiled and retracted his eyes. Just now, Chen Feng found a piece of artifact fragment on the other party.

For most true immortals, it is good to get a top-grade immortal weapon. As for the fragment of the artifact, it is really a treasure. No wonder this cultivator is worried about being robbed.

The second cultivator also came out. This person is a direct disciple of the Six Paths Sword Sect. After coming out, he still took out something under the pressure of Liufeng Sword Saint and others.

A green tripod furnace with a missing corner, although it doesn't look good and is a bit shabby, but Chen Feng can still see at a glance that this is a low-grade artifact, but the divinity in it is lost. In Chen Feng's opinion, he can break it with one punch.

However, it is a good treasure for this cultivator. He can comprehend some of the great ways in it when practicing on weekdays.

"Heal your wounds well." Liufeng Sword Saint just nodded, gave the other party an order, and then continued to wait.

A month later, ten cultivators came out. Almost all of them had gains. The cultivator with the biggest gain actually got a fragment of a mid-grade artifact. Even Chen Feng was a little surprised. Although the four immortals were red-eyed, they still did not snatch it.

"These guys still have some principles." Chen Feng laughed.

"Maybe there are more important things waiting for these people."

"It's time to go in." The four people of Liufeng Sword Saint discussed it and stopped waiting. In their opinion, these people coming out has exceeded the previous plan.

"Brother Chen." The four immortals came to Chen Feng, wanting to say something but stopping.

"Why, do you have something to say." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Brother Chen is a genius that the sect's top leaders pay attention to. I hope he doesn't enter the soul cave because it is too dangerous inside. Immortals will die if they go in." Liufeng Sword Saint thought about it and said.

"If that's the case, why did you choose me when you first carried out this mission?" Chen Feng retorted directly.


"There is a reason for this. We received an order from the top at the beginning that Brother Chen would not take risks."

"Really? In that case, I won't go in. You guys can do whatever you want." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Although they didn't really believe Chen Feng's guarantee, the four people of Liufeng Sword Saint still entered the cave. What's interesting is that after the four people entered, the cave disappeared.

A sneer flashed across Chen Feng's face, and his consciousness fluctuated, invading the sea of ​​consciousness of the cultivators present, and soon understood clearly what these people encountered when they entered the cave.

Then Chen Feng's eyes lit up, like two condensed little suns, and his strong eyes kept piercing through the space in front of him.

Chen Feng activated the Cave Heaven Divine Eye.

Others looked at Chen Feng curiously.

After a long time.

"Here!" Chen Feng's eyes were like a blade, cutting through the space.

"You wait outside, I'll go in and take a look." After giving Tie Zhen an order, Chen Feng's figure flashed into the space crack and disappeared.

"Captain, what should we do? This soul cave is very dangerous."

"Wait here, we can't disobey orders."

Chen Feng felt an invisible energy sweeping through his body while entering the cave. This force was very strong, which made Chen Feng feel trembling from the bottom of his heart. Chen Feng had a feeling that if this force attacked him, he would not be able to resist it at all.

"Is this the power of time and space, or the power of the soul involved? It is the power of the soul of the Golden Immortal." Chen Feng understood in his heart.

After entering the cave, Chen Feng landed on the solid ground, and his consciousness spread out like flowing water, observing the situation around him. Before, Chen Feng searched the memories of ten cultivators and found that the situations encountered by these ten cultivators after entering the cave were completely different. The same thing was the same danger and the treasures they obtained.

Chen Feng was not in a hurry, and walked step by step. Soon, a ball of blood light exploded, and a blood demon roared out, and the blood-colored long sword in his hand slashed at Chen Feng.

"Blood demon of the Celestial Immortal level." Chen Feng punched out, the roar stopped, and the blood-colored long sword and the blood demon were shattered at the same time.


A black light wrapped around Chen Feng, and Chen Feng slashed with the long sword in his hand, killing a dead soul.

"Another Celestial Immortal level, those True Immortals who got out alive are really lucky to the extreme." Chen Feng laughed.

Then dead souls, blood demons, and resentful spirits continued to appear. The most powerful one was when six celestial-level evil spirits appeared together and besieged Chen Feng. However, after a fierce fight, Chen Feng killed them one by one.

"Until now, I haven't found even one useful thing. It's really depressing." Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed a dead soul. Flames spurted out from his palm, and he refined the dead soul into a pure spiritual power.

"Hmph! If there is no benefit, I will create it myself." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the long sword in his hand sent out waves of sword energy, rushing forward domineeringly. Chen Feng's eyes were bright, and the cave god's eyes continued to expand.

"I don't know where those guys went." Chen Feng kept moving forward. The road in the cave was tortuous, and there was also the power of time and space mixed in it. Chen Feng didn't know how far he had moved forward.

"Hey! There's a broken sword." Chen Feng came to a stalactite-like pillar and smashed it with a slap. A rusty long sword stuck in it fell into Chen Feng's hand.

"It's a low-grade artifact. The power in it is almost lost. It's not very useful to take it. It's a pity to throw it away. Let's put it away." Chen Feng shook his head.

"A broken spear, a low-grade artifact."

"This is a worn-out jar, but it is also a low-grade artifact."

"This iron whip is good, but it is a pity that even an artifact cannot withstand the passage of time and space."

"This small copper bell is good, it should be a magic weapon like a soul, but it is a pity that the power in it is almost exhausted."

"It's really strange, could this place be an armory billions of years ago? There are quite a few magic weapons, but unfortunately they are all broken, like a garbage station."

Chen Feng encountered a certain number of broken artifacts along the way. For other true immortals, they are good things and treasures, but for Chen Feng, they are really not worth looking at. The reason why Chen Feng collected all these things is that on the one hand, he wanted to study the divinity that may be contained in these magic weapons, and on the other hand, it is to utilize waste and it is possible to refine some materials from them. After all, they are artifacts. Although they are broken, some materials can still be purified.

"It's really disappointing. There's nothing good to look at. Let's go find those guys." Chen Feng secretly performed the tracking secret technique and began to search for the traces of Liufeng Sword Saint and others.

Before coming in again, Chen Feng also left some means. That is, he left some marks on the four people on the other side. Of course, with Chen Feng's means, the other party still can't detect it.

"Not enough power." Chen Feng shook his head and secretly communicated with the Blood Gathering Pearl. The power of the artifact poured into Chen Feng's body. Chen Feng's power began to rise, and he really caught some clues.

"Found it!"

Chen Feng changed direction and sped up. At the same time, he also performed the secret technique to hide the breath and power fluctuations of his whole body.

"Danger, strange, I actually felt a strong danger. Which source is it from?" Chen Feng felt the warning from the depths of his soul while moving forward, but he couldn't find the source.

"I think it was brought to me by Liufeng Sword Saint and others." Chen Feng finally found Liufeng Sword Saint and four people.

The four people stood in front of a portal, discussing something quickly. Chen Feng secretly observed that the portal was not big, but it was made of unknown materials. It was engraved with strange runes, and each rune was a powerful restriction.

"We can't break these restrictions."

"Of course we can't break them. These are the restriction runes left by masters. We are far from enough and can only rely on external forces."

Liufeng Sword Saint took out a milky white jade and his mind invaded it. The jade burst out with dazzling light, and a big hand stretched out from the light and slapped the portal in front of him.

This big hand was purple and gold, and each upright finger was full of power, and there was even more power in the heavy palm.

"It's the palm of a half-step golden immortal. I don't know if it can break this portal." Chen Feng narrowed his eyes, and at the same time, the magical power wrapped himself up layer by layer.

Now is not the time to show off. Safety is the most important thing.


Wherever the palm passed, the light on the doorway flickered, and every flash of light meant that a rune was erased.

The thunderous sound made Chen Feng retreat again, fearing that he would be exposed, but the four people of Liufeng Sword Saint were safe and sound, apparently protected by the power of this purple-gold palm.

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