Eternal Existence

Chapter 1132 The Pursuers Arrive

The moment the pursuers from the Changsheng Heaven Realm entered the Dead Soul City, Chen Feng had already noticed something was wrong.

"This feeling seems like someone is targeting me." Chen Feng just came out of the flying warship and landed on a thousand-meter-high building. He felt a tremor in his heart, and then began to calculate.

A drop of blood of a mid-level immortal exploded in front of Chen Feng. Using the secret technique of the Changsheng Sutra and the power of the Great Dao of Heaven, Chen Feng quickly calculated a clue.

"It's really the pursuers. I was able to escape before. I don't know what will happen if I meet them again at this time." Chen Feng showed a mocking look at the corner of his mouth.

The Sun God Needle flew out and pierced Chen Feng's palm. A drop of blood flew out and exploded with a bang, turning into the appearance of Chen Feng, full of flesh and blood, lifelike, holding the Changsheng Sword and performing the Changsheng Step and quickly disappeared.

The second drop of blood turned into the second Chen Feng.

The third drop.

The fourth drop.

The gate of six harmonies in Chen Feng's body, the six major acupoints of essence, spirit, blood and energy were agitated, and a total of six drops of blood transformed into six incarnations.

Each incarnation is more than just a drop of essence and blood. It contains Chen Feng's essence, spirit, and the power of the law of heaven. After condensing these six incarnations, Chen Feng's face turned pale, and his strength was instantly consumed by 30%. In order to deal with the next trouble, Chen Feng also spent a lot of money.

A longevity fruit entered his stomach, and the powerful force exploded. Chen Feng began to recover his strength. At the same time, his figure shook and hid in the space.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

A total of six cultivators cut through the space and stopped where Chen Feng had been sitting before.

"Strange! The breath disappeared."

"The breath did not disappear, but turned into six strands. It seems that this young master discovered our existence."

"What if he discovered us? It's just a clone technique. The five of you should chase him separately."


After the five people left, the leading monk took out the spear and stabbed it fiercely at the ground. At first, there was silence, and then the earth began to shake with the spear as the center. The layers of soil pushed around. The strength of the high-level celestial being was really powerful. After this attack, the land within a radius of 100 miles was completely destroyed, and all the dead souls in this range were killed.

After waiting for a while, the monk showed disappointment in his eyes, and then he flew into the air and disappeared quickly.

After an incense stick, a dead soul that had already died suddenly struggled, and finally exploded with a bang, turning into a cloud of smoke. The smoke disappeared, and Chen Feng reappeared.

"It's actually a high-level celestial being, and the best among them. The murderous aura is strong, but it is condensed and not dispersed. I think it must be a master in the Wuji Army. I almost couldn't bear it just now." Chen Feng sneered.

For Chen Feng, high-level celestial beings are too challenging, especially masters from the Changsheng Heaven Realm.

"Go and deal with the other soldiers first, and then deal with this powerful one."

At first, he was chased and had no way to escape, but now Chen Feng wants to hunt the other party in return.

Chen Feng's figure disappeared again, and not long after, the high-level celestial being appeared again, his eyes like a torch, constantly sweeping.

"Sure enough, I was deceived." The high-level celestial being showed a look of surprise in his eyes, but soon regained his composure, and immediately chased in the direction where Chen Feng disappeared after a little calculation.

"Young Master Changtian, you should go back with us. Since you disappeared, the entire Changsheng clan has been worried day and night. Now that we have finally found you, I think the entire Changsheng Heaven will be happy." At this time, one of Chen Feng's incarnations had been caught up. The cultivator was secretly preparing while persuading Chen Feng on the surface.

"Changtian." A complex look flashed in Chen Feng's eyes.

Before Chen Feng was born, he was determined to have the supreme physique of the Chaos Body. After he was born, he was given a name by the long-lost Lord of the Changsheng Heaven, named Changtian. Changtian in the Changsheng Heaven is also the most honorable name in the Changsheng Heaven. However, something happened later, and he wandered with the Changsheng Tower. His memory was closed and he was adopted in the Eternal World. That's why he was named Chen Feng until now.

"Someone in the Changsheng Heaven will be happy, but you are not included." Chen Feng said lightly, the Changsheng Sword in his hand vibrated, and a sword light quickly stabbed at the cultivator.

This cultivator is a mid-level immortal, born in the Wuji Corps of the Changsheng Heaven Realm, and is a leader among masters. Facing Chen Feng's attack, he smiled lightly, stretched out his finger and flicked it, and it was also a sword energy.

"I heard that Master Changtian has a chaotic body and unparalleled talent. I would like to ask for your advice." The young cultivator showed a playful smile on his face.

The first goal of the crowd is the Changsheng Tower, but it would be a great achievement if Chen Feng could be captured alive.

After several rounds of fighting, Chen Feng was cut in half by a sword energy.


Only then did the cultivator feel something was wrong.

"Of course it's wrong. Don't you see that this is just an incarnation?" Chen Feng's voice suddenly sounded, and then his huge fist hit the man hard and flew out.

"With this little ability, the level of the Wuji Corps seems to have dropped." Chen Feng sneered.

"Chen Feng!"

The young cultivator exclaimed.

"Why don't you call me Master Changtian anymore." Chen Feng said lightly.

"I can kill you like this." The man said as he gritted his teeth and stepped forward. The injuries on his body had completely healed. The cultivators in the Longevity Heaven were quite domineering in this regard, and that was that they cultivated the Longevity Qi, and any injury could be healed in the fastest time.

"Kill me and then snatch the Longevity Tower, right?" Chen Feng raised his hand and the Longevity Tower appeared in his hand.

"Not bad!" Seeing the Longevity Tower, the monk's eyes turned bloodshot.

"Good idea, but I didn't estimate the power comparison between the two sides." Chen Feng said that the Longevity Tower in his hand had already flown out, and he simply suppressed the monk.

"Divine weapon!"

Feeling the pressure of the Longevity Tower, the monk's face changed drastically, and then he remembered that if he wanted to seize the Longevity Tower, he needed to gather the power of everyone, and he couldn't do it alone.


The monk roared, like a dragon roaring, and the spear in his hand fiercely stabbed the Longevity Tower. Being locked by the Longevity Tower, it was impossible to escape.


The spear stabbed on the Longevity Tower, but it only made a crisp sound, and a stream of energy mixed with a breath was transmitted to this person.

Under the pressure of the Longevity Tower's breath, the 100% strength immediately decreased by 30%, and the spear in his hand loosened and fell into Chen Feng's hands.

An overwhelming force enveloped his body.


The cultivator only had time to scream before he was taken into the Longevity Tower. For cultivators from the Longevity Clan, entering the Longevity Tower would make them lose the power to resist, let alone want to get out.

After dealing with one person, Chen Feng waved his hand and took out a teleportation array, entered it, and the power of space fluctuated, and soon disappeared.

When the high-level immortal arrived, the teleportation array had been completely broken, and the chaotic energy covered up the breath of Chen Feng's departure.

"Good trick, if I let you return to the Longevity Clan, this is unacceptable." The cultivator's eyes were filled with strong murderous intent.

The second cultivator was also killed by Chen Feng.

After Chen Feng killed the third cultivator, he was finally caught up by the high-level immortal. The spear in his hand stabbed out, and the space fluctuated. It was impossible for Chen Feng to escape.

The spear then drew a circle and enveloped Chen Feng from a distance. Chen Feng immediately felt the binding force wrapped around him.

"Space Avenue!" Chen Feng's heart moved, and the wings of immortality spread out with a bang. His body disappeared from the spot, avoiding the opponent's attack. The tower of immortality suppressed the cultivator from top to bottom.

Facing the suppression of the tower of immortality, the high-level immortal raised his hand, and a golden light flew out, which turned into a talisman and stuck on the tower of immortality. Sure enough, the downward trend of the tower of immortality immediately stabilized, and even the power began to disappear. What shocked Chen Feng was that the connection between himself and the tower of immortality was gradually disconnected.

"The Immortal Law is a talisman refined by the Golden Immortal, not a water demon. Wuji will not take action. I think it must be someone else." Although Chen Feng was shocked, he did not panic. The wings of immortality vibrated, and the blood beads turned into a blood-colored long sword and slashed at the high-level immortal.

"A small immortal, without the protection of the Immortal Tower, is nothing but a small reptile." The high-level immortal sneered, swung the spear in his hand, and the power exploded, Chen Feng flew backwards, and the blood sword in his hand also changed into a blood-gathering bead. At the same time, the yin and yang energies emerged on the Immortal Wings, making Chen Feng's figure even more elusive.

"Immortal Scripture!"

Although he was surprised that a true immortal could block his attack, his heart became even more heated, because Chen Feng got the Immortal Tower, so he must have got the Immortal Scripture.

Although he was already a high-level immortal and had a certain status in the Immortal Heaven, he had only practiced a few of the secret techniques in the Immortal Scripture. If he could capture Chen Feng and get the Immortal Scripture, then his cultivation would advance by leaps and bounds.

"I don't know when the Longevity Tower can break free from its restraints." The blood-gathering beads in Chen Feng's hand kept turning, and the blood light flowed in waves. A galaxy surrounded his body. With a light shout, the galaxy condensed into a huge starlight handprint, which bombarded the high-level celestial being like a universe.

"Longevity Handprint!" This person showed a trace of joy on his face. With a thrust of the spear in his hand, the starlight handprint exploded immediately. However, at this time, the blood-gathering beads in Chen Feng's hand suddenly grew larger and rushed over like a planet.

When Chen Feng and the celestial being fought, in the Longevity Tower, the tower smiled at the situation outside. It did not dissolve the talisman refined by the golden fairy as Chen Feng imagined.

"Hey! Without the help of the Longevity Tower, let's see what kind of combat power this kid can exert."

After several fights, Chen Feng had some confidence in his own strength. The other party did not exert his full strength at all, perhaps to capture him alive, or perhaps for other reasons.

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