Eternal Existence

Chapter 1131: Adventure

Twenty celestial beings, still from the Heavenly Tribulation Pavilion, are the most powerful force in the castle.

The cold eyes of these black-armored celestial beings swept across the castle, and their naked eyes swept over every cultivator.

Although everyone was full of fear, they could do nothing but curse secretly.

"You dare to harbor resentment." One of the black-armored celestial beings suddenly attacked, thrusting out the spear in his hand fiercely, a stream of light flashed, and a cultivator at the level of a half-step celestial being turned into a blood mist.

It was this person who cursed the other party in his heart, but he did not expect to be seen by these celestial beings. Although everyone in the castle was even more angry, they also restrained their minds, fearing that they would be killed.

However, when the celestial beings of the Heavenly Tribulation Pavilion noticed Chen Feng, they felt a force blocking their sight.


The celestial being was a little surprised. He did not expect that someone could block his prying, and it was a true immortal. He wanted to increase his strength, but he was in a trance. A vortex seemed to appear in front of him, and his consciousness was fading away.

"Not good!"

Although he knew it was not good, the heavenly soldier could not resist.

"Let me see what these soldiers from the Heavenly Tribulation Pavilion are doing." On the surface, Chen Feng looked normal, but secretly he had entered the other party's sea of ​​consciousness and searched for the other party's memory.

However, before Chen Feng found anything useful, a powerful force burst out from the sea of ​​consciousness of the heavenly soldier, directly defeating Chen Feng's consciousness.

"What!" At this time, the heavenly soldier had regained consciousness, with fear and anger flashing in his eyes, and the spear in his hand stabbed at Chen Feng.

"Quickly capture this person."

Twenty heavenly soldiers moved in unison, and their reaction speed was extremely fast. As soon as the voice fell, the attack surrounded Chen Feng in the middle.

"There are actually restrictions set by masters in the sea of ​​consciousness. It seems that these people's tasks are not simple, or the heavenly soldiers of the Heavenly Tribulation Pavilion have all been set with restrictions." Although he failed, Chen Feng was not worried. He waved the long sword in his hand, and the sword energy of life and death gushed out, forming a circle of halos, blocking the attack of twenty spears.

The halo continued to explode, and Chen Feng's figure flashed and he arrived outside the castle. The two energies of life and death flowed around him, and he used a magical walking technique to travel through the Dead Soul City. The speed was so fast that he disappeared in the blink of an eye.


A black warship appeared, and twenty heavenly soldiers entered it. Wherever the warship passed, a long wave was left in the space, chasing Chen Feng.

It was not until the two sides disappeared completely that the castle began to make an uproar. No one dared to attack the heavenly soldiers of the Heavenly Tribulation Pavilion.

"The Six Paths Sword Sect is really brave."

"Yeah, they even want to explore the memories of the Heavenly Soldiers, amazing."

"The other party is too domineering, and they don't take us casual cultivators seriously. I wonder if the fellow from the Six Paths Sword Sect can escape this disaster."

"Not good, there will be no masters to take charge next. If the Dead Soul Tide comes again, how can we resist it?"

"Asshole, damn it, this is going to kill us."

The faces of the hundreds of cultivators from the Six Paths Sword Sect were different, especially the several Heavenly Immortals, who were a little worried. Although the Six Paths Sword Sect had some status in the East Great, it had offended the Immortal Court, and the end was worrying.

"Not good, the Dead Soul Tide is coming again!" At this time, a cry of surprise made the castle panic again.

At this time, Chen Feng had already left this castle and kept walking in the Dead Soul City. After 100,000 miles, Chen Feng entered a dilapidated building complex that stretched for an unknown distance.

The building this time was different from the previous castle. If there were no dead souls shuttling through it, this place would be no different from the city outside. Of course, there were also a lot of foreign cultivators.

"Hey! These guys are really chasing us." Chen Feng sneered. The other party was driving the warship at a very fast speed. If he didn't use the Wings of Immortality, he would be caught up by the other party soon.

"Well, these guys participated in my tribulation back then. Now they are catching up with you. It's your bad luck." Chen Feng's figure flashed, leaving the building complex and entering a dark mountain.

Chen Feng took a fancy to a valley. As soon as he entered, a large number of dead souls rushed up. Chen Feng stretched out his finger and flicked it. A ball of fire suddenly exploded and turned into a raging fire. A large number of dead souls were burned. Even the dead souls could not stop Chen Feng's soul fire.

The black warship rushed over. Wherever it passed, the mountains exploded one after another. Twenty heavenly soldiers in black armor formed a battle formation and rushed towards Chen Feng with spears in hand.

These heavenly soldiers were extremely powerful and arrogant, but they fought with all their strength without any carelessness. From the previous fights and escapes, these people knew that Chen Feng was not simple, especially Chen Feng took the initiative to stop here, clearly waiting for everyone, and these heavenly soldiers even had a bad idea in their hearts.


The power of the twenty people was concentrated on the current one person, and all the power was condensed on the war spear. The front end of this war spear contained an indestructible power, which seemed to be able to pierce the fairy world.

The power of the twenty heavenly immortals condensed into one point, and the target was Chen Feng.

Facing this attack, Chen Feng did not retreat, nor did he use magic weapons, but took a step forward and punched out.

At this moment, Chen Feng was like a volcano that had been silent for ten thousand years. His fist and the tip of the spear collided together, and then the powerful force collided with Chen Feng.

The tip of the spear was completely broken.

"This is impossible!"

All the twenty heavenly soldiers exclaimed. Chen Feng's fist was as powerful as a bamboo, which could break everything, and the spear he stabbed out had been completely broken.

"Nothing is impossible." Chen Feng shouted, and another force burst out from his body. The current cultivators were immediately torn into pieces. That was not all. His fists were as heavy as a mountain and continued to bombard.


The remaining heavenly soldiers were like broken sacks, all thrown out.

"No matter what mission you come here for, it's your bad luck to meet me." Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed a war spear. He kept swinging it and killed several people in an instant.

"You are challenging the majesty of the Immortal Court. If you kill us, your soul mark will be imprinted in the Immortal Court. Even if you hide in the deepest part of the universe, you can't escape the pursuit of the Immortal Court."

"What a joke." Chen Feng sneered, and the spear in his hand swept across, and the remaining few people were also killed.

"Just kill a few small fish, maybe one day I will break into the Immortal Court." Chen Feng sneered.

At this time, an invisible breath emanated from his body, forming a strange symbol, and fled into the distance.

This is the method of the Immortal Court. Once someone kills the heavenly soldiers of the Immortal Court, the aura on his body will be imprinted in the Immortal Court, and he will be wanted by the Heavenly Court.

"How can it be that easy!"

Chen Feng stretched out his hand and used the art of stealing the sky. The rune immediately turned into pieces. No one knew that it was Chen Feng who killed these people, and Chen Feng didn't care.

"The warship is good, it belongs to me." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the black warship quickly shrank and fell into his palm. After some refining, it suddenly became larger, and Chen Feng flashed into it.

For Chen Feng, a pseudo-artifact-level warship is nothing. The important thing is that this warship represents the Immortal Court.

Without returning to the castle, Chen Feng began to wander in the Dead Soul City, beheading some soul-related things such as dead souls, collecting soul power, and snatching rare ores. Chen Feng even fell into the dead soul tide several times, and then there was a violent fight.

A year passed quickly. During this year, Chen Feng killed more than 100,000 dead souls and collected thousands of rare ores. More importantly, Chen Feng got ten dead soul beads.

Dead soul beads, born from death energy and soul power, contain strong death energy and pure soul power, which are extremely precious.

Chen Feng got ten. After absorbing them, he clearly felt the growth of his soul and the expansion of the death cave, and the two swords of life and death also advanced to the level of pseudo-artifacts.

In addition, two monks on the mission were killed by Chen Feng. These two people were once disciples of the Six Paths Sword Sect. Because they innocently assassinated their fellow disciples, they fled after the incident and disappeared. That's why they have been wanted by the Six Paths Sword Sect.

"These two people have reached the realm of celestial beings. They are also talents. If the Six Paths Sword Sect hadn't sent six celestial beings to follow them secretly, hehe, these true immortals would have suffered heavy casualties." Chen Feng sneered.

Until now, Chen Feng still doesn't know the specific intentions of the six celestial beings.

"I should have searched the other party's memory at that time." Chen Feng shook his head and didn't think about it. The mission this time was to capture the traitor and find the dead soul bead. He had already done both of these. As for whether the others were dead or alive, Chen Feng didn't care. Next, Chen Feng would have a good time in the Dead Soul City.

So far, Chen Feng has not gone deep into the depths of the Dead Soul City and has not encountered any real danger. This is a bit unsatisfying for Chen Feng.

He took the robbed warship and began to rush to the depths of the Dead Soul City.

When Chen Feng was wandering in the Dead Soul City, several monks with extraordinary momentum also came to the Dead Soul City.

"This is the Dead Soul City." One of them was tall and straight, with a face like a knife and an axe, cold and serious, wearing the armor of the army, holding a war spear, his eyes were like stars, and his momentum was overwhelming.

This person turned out to be a high-level celestial being.

"It should be correct. The commander captured the breath of the Longevity Tower before. After calculation, the other party will appear in the Dead Soul City." The monk who spoke was dressed as a scholar, with a Confucian robe fluttering and a folding fan in his hand, but his eyes flashed with cunning from time to time.

"Let's go!"

These people quickly disappeared in the Dead Soul City.

After an incense stick, several more people appeared. These people's temperaments were somewhat similar to the monks who appeared before, but their armor was slightly different.

"Captain, this is the Dead Soul City. I have been here before."

"Do you need to tell me? Can't I see it?" The leader's eyes were bright, and the divine light in his eyes kept sweeping across. Suddenly, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the void, and a group of air condensed in his palm.

"The breath of the Longevity Heaven, someone got ahead of us."

"Not good, the young master is in danger."

"Hurry up!"

These people entered the Dead Soul City at a faster speed.

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